Beispiel #1
  * Check if group is granted for the given permission but with read-only access.
  * @param string $permission Name of the permission to check.
  * @return boolean 'true' if group is granted else 'false'.
  * @throw \InvalidArgumentException Thrown when permission is null or empty.
 public function isReadOnly($permission)
     $isReadOnly = false;
     // Check if permission is valid (not null or empty)
     if (StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces(strval($permission))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid permission (null or empty) !");
     // Get group permission
     $permission = $this->has_many_through('\\BenGee\\Slim\\Auth\\Permission', '\\BenGee\\Slim\\Auth\\GroupPermission')->where('label', $permission)->find_one();
     if (boolval($permission)) {
         $groupPermission = $this->has_many('\\BenGee\\Slim\\Auth\\GroupPermission')->where('permission_id', $permission->id)->find_one();
         if (boolval($groupPermission)) {
             $isReadOnly = boolval($groupPermission->read_only);
     return $isReadOnly;
Beispiel #2
  * Get a fully qualified path to a given template.
  * @param string $file Filename of the template to find in referenced templates directories.
  * @param string $namespace Namespace of a specific set of templates directories.
  * @return string The full pathname to the template or 'false' if not found.
 public function getTemplatePathname($file, $namespace = false)
     $pathname = false;
     if ($this->_loader->exists($file)) {
         $paths = StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($namespace) ? $this->_loader->getPaths() : $this->_loader->getPaths(trim($namespace));
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             $tmp_pathname = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ltrim($file, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
             if (file_exists($tmp_pathname)) {
                 $pathname = $tmp_pathname;
     return $pathname;
  * Connect a user identified by its username and password.
  * When connected, user can be retrieved using the user() method.
  * If there are no password encryption algo configured then given password
  * is used as real password (without encryption).
  * @param string $username Username.
  * @param string $password Password.
  * @return bool true if connected else false.
  * @throw \RuntimeException Thrown if database adapter is not valid (null) or is not based on SlimORM.
  * @throw \RuntimeException Thrown if user model classname doesn't exist or is not based on \BenGee\Slim\Auth\User class.
  * @throw \ErrorException Thrown if session cannot be opened.
 public function connect($username, $password)
     $connected = false;
     // Get reference to the parent Slim app and ORM
     $app = $this->app();
     $db = $app->db;
     if (!$db || !$db instanceof \BenGee\Slim\Db\SlimORM) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("Database adapter referenced in parent Slim app must be valid (not null) and based on SlimORM !");
     // Get the configured named SlimORM connection
     $cnxName = $app->config(self::KEY_CONFIG_CNX_NAME);
     $cnxName = StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($cnxName) ? SlimORM::DEFAULT_CNX : $cnxName;
     // Get an instance of the user model class
     $modelClassname = $this->getUserModel();
     if (StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($modelClassname)) {
         $modelClassname = '\\BenGee\\Slim\\Auth\\User';
     } else {
         if (!class_exists($modelClassname)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException("The user defined user model class doesn't exist !");
     $model = $db->model($modelClassname, $cnxName);
     // Load the user
     $username = strval($username);
     $user = $model->where('username', $username)->find_one();
     // Check user validity
     if ($user) {
         $connected = $user->username == $username && (StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($this->getPwdCypher()) && $password == $user->password || !StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($this->getPwdCypher()) && password_verify($password, $user->password));
         if ($connected) {
             if (session_start()) {
                 $_SESSION[self::KEY_SESSION_USER] = $user;
             } else {
                 throw new \ErrorException("Cannot open the session !");
     // Return connection status
     return $connected;
Beispiel #4
  * Add a new connection to existing ones in Idiorm & Paris.
  * Every connection is identified by a name given in parameters to the
  * method. If no name is given then it configures the default connection
  * without deleting those already existing.
  * @param string $dsn Connection string to the data source.
  * @param string $usr Username to use to connect to the data source or false (default) if there is no identification needed.
  * @param string $pwd Password to use to connect to the data source or false (default) if there is no identification needed.
  * @param string $opt Additional connection options or null (default) if none.
  * @param string $name Name of the connection or false (default) to configure the default one.
  * @throw \ErrorException If DSN is empty or not a string.
 public function addConnection($dsn, $usr = false, $pwd = false, $opt = null, $name = false)
     $dsn = is_string($dsn) ? trim($dsn) : false;
     $name = is_string($name) && !ctype_space($name) ? trim($name) : self::DEFAULT_CNX;
     if (!StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($dsn)) {
         self::configure(self::DSN, $dsn, $name);
         $usr = !StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($usr) ? trim($usr) : false;
         if ($usr !== false) {
             self::configure(self::USR, $usr, $name);
         $pwd = !StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($pwd) ? $pwd : false;
         if ($pwd !== false) {
             self::configure(self::PWD, $pwd, $name);
         $opt = !StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($opt) ? trim($opt) : false;
         if (!empty($opt)) {
             self::configure(self::OPT, $opt, $name);
     } else {
         throw new ErrorException("Connection string cannot be empty and must be a string !");
Beispiel #5
  * Override this method to register routes handled by the module.
  * By default, handled routes follow the given pattern : 
  * 'GET /module_name[/module_ctrl[/action[/param1/param2/...]]]'
  * If module is set as the default one, it also manages '/' request and its
  * route is named 'home' otherwise it is named with module's name.
 protected function registerRoutes()
     $app = $this->app();
     $module = $this;
     $route = $this->_name . '(/:ctrl(/:action(/:params+)))';
     $route = '/' . ($this->isDefault() ? '(' . $route . ')' : $route);
     $app->get($route, function ($ctrl = 'index', $action = 'index', $params = null) use($app, $module) {
         // Set templates directory to the module's one if current view renderer is not Twig.
         if (!$app->view instanceof \BenGee\Slim\Twig\TwigView) {
             $app->view->setTemplatesDirectory($this->getDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'views', $this->name());
         // Load controller class file.
         $ctrl_name = (!empty($ctrl) && trim($ctrl) != '' ? \BenGee\Slim\Utils\StringUtils::camelize($ctrl, true) : 'Index') . 'Controller';
         require_once $this->getDirectory() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ctrl_name . '.php';
         // Create an instance of the controller.
         $ctrl_instance = new $ctrl_name($module);
         // Call required action.
         $action_name = ($action != null && trim($action) != '' ? \BenGee\Slim\Utils\StringUtils::camelize($action) : 'index') . 'Action';
         echo $params != null ? $ctrl_instance->{$action_name}($params) : $ctrl_instance->{$action_name}();
     })->name($this->isDefault() ? 'home' : $this->name());
Beispiel #6
$result = StringUtils::endsWith('test string\\r\\n', 'string');
echo $result ? 'true (FAILED)' : 'false (SUCCESS)';
				<pre>StringUtils::endsWith('test string\r\n', 'string\r\n')</pre>
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::endsWith('test string\\r\\n', 'string\\r\\n');
echo $result ? 'true (SUCCESS)' : 'false (FAILED)';
				<pre>StringUtils::endsWith('test string\r\n', '\n')</pre>
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::endsWith('test string\\r\\n', '\\n');
echo $result ? 'true (SUCCESS)' : 'false (FAILED)';
				<pre>StringUtils::endsWith('test string\r\n', '\r')</pre>
				Result : <?php 
$result = StringUtils::endsWith('test string\\r\\n', '\\r');
echo $result ? 'true (FAILED)' : 'false (SUCCESS)';
Beispiel #7
  * Constructor.
  * First, get application root directory.
  * Second, get user defined modules storage directory or use a default
  * 'modules' one inside application root directory.
  * Third, get user defined default templates directory or use a default
  * 'templates' one inside application root directory.
  * Fourth, get array of modules fully qualified classnames to load.
  * @param array $userSettings Associative array of application settings.
  * @throw \ErrorException If module class cannot be loaded or an instance is already loaded.
 public function __construct(array $userSettings = array())
     // Get application root directory path
     $slimRootDir = $this->config('slim.dir.root');
     if (!StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($slimRootDir) && !StringUtils::endsWith($slimRootDir, '/') && !StringUtils::endsWith($slimRootDir, '\\')) {
         $slimRootDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Get application modules directory path
     $slimModulesDir = $this->config('slim.dir.modules');
     if (!StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($slimModulesDir)) {
         if (!StringUtils::endsWith($slimModulesDir, '/') && !StringUtils::endsWith($slimModulesDir, '\\')) {
             $slimModulesDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     } else {
         $slimModulesDir = $slimRootDir . 'modules' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     // Set application default templates directory where to look first
     $slimTemplatesDir = $this->config('slim.dir.templates');
     if (!StringUtils::emptyOrSpaces($slimTemplatesDir)) {
         if (!StringUtils::endsWith($slimTemplatesDir, '/') && !StringUtils::endsWith($slimTemplatesDir, '\\')) {
             $slimTemplatesDir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     } else {
         $slimTemplatesDir = $slimRootDir . 'templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     if ($this->view instanceof \BenGee\Slim\TwigView) {
     } else {
     // Load list of modules composing main application.
     $slimModules = $this->config('slim.modules');
     // Create a default modules list if not defined.
     if (!is_array($slimModules)) {
         $slimModules = array();
     // Add the default module to the list if not already present.
     if (array_search('default', $slimModules) === false) {
         $slimModules['default'] = 'DefaultModule';
     // Update the modules list in the application settings
     $this->config('slim.modules', $slimModules);
     // Inject a single instance of each defined module into the main application under $app->modules->module_name
     $this->modules = new \Slim\Helper\Set();
     foreach ($slimModules as $moduleName => $moduleClass) {
         // If the class is not already loaded because not available as a package downloaded via Composer ...
         if (!class_exists($moduleClass)) {
             // ... then try loading from the local modules folder
             $moduleFile = $slimModulesDir . $moduleName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $moduleClass . '.php';
             if (file_exists($moduleFile)) {
                 require_once $moduleFile;
             } else {
                 throw new \ErrorException("Cannot load module definition file : " . $moduleFile);
         // Reference module inside the application in the 'modules' named array under the module's name as key.
         $module = new $moduleClass($this, $moduleName, trim($moduleName) == 'default' ? true : false);
         $oldModule = $this->modules[$moduleName];
         if (!empty($oldModule) || $oldModule instanceof $moduleClass) {
             throw new \ErrorException("An instance of the module is already loaded !");
         $this->modules->singleton($moduleName, function () use($module) {
             return $module;