public function Delete($id, $redirect_to) { //$bind = array(":id" =>$id); //HDB::hus()->Hdelete("patients","id=:id",$bind); $sql = " active =:active WHERE id = :id "; $data = array(':active' => 0, ':id' => $id); HDB::hus()->Hupdate('patients', $sql, $data); send_to($redirect_to); }
function reply(string $text) { $myNick = core(Client::class)->user()->nickname(); $senderNick = core(InboundMessage::class)->nickname(); $targets = core(InboundMessage::class)->targets(); $targets = array_map(function ($target) use($myNick, $senderNick) { return $target === $myNick ? $senderNick : $target; }, $targets); send_to($targets, $text); }
/** * a function to take an array of IDs and delete them */ function event_delete($ids) { global $dbcon; if (is_array($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $q = "delete from moduserdata where id={$id}"; #die($q); $dbcon->execute($q) or die($dbcon->errorMsg()); } $qs = array('msg' => urlencode('Selected items deleted.')); } send_to($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $qs); }
public function welcome(JoinSystemMessage $message) { send_to($message->targets(), "welcome {$message->nickname()}"); }
public function log_out_access($url) { if ($this->logged_in_user() === true) { unset($_SESSION[H_USER_SESSION]); session_destroy(); send_to($url); exit; } }
<?php session_start(); // define variables and set to empty values $user_email = ""; $output = ""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $user_email = test_input($_POST["email"]); if (!filter_var($user_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $output = "Invalid email format"; } else { $sent = send_to($user_email); if ($sent) { $output = "A password was sent to " . $user_email; } else { $output = $user_email . " was not found in our system"; } } } function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } function send_to($email) { include 'db-credentials.php'; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname) or die("Unable to connect"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Account WHERE email = '{$email}'";
header("Content-type: application/msexcel"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename2}"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); print $excel; } elseif ($etype == 'printer') { print '<title>' . H_TITLE . '</title> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function () { window.print(); } </script> '; print $excel; } elseif ($etype == 'EMAIL') { //PHPMailer Object require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/printrxcard/vendor/autoload.php"; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $email = urldecode($_REQUEST['email']); $full_name = ""; $mail->From = "*****@*****.**"; $mail->FromName = "Global Reach Health"; $mail->addAddress($email, $full_name); $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = H_TITLE; $mail->Body = $excel; $mail->send(); send_to('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=emaillist'); } elseif ($etype == 'PDF') { HezecomPDF($excel, $pdf_output); }
} elseif (get('do') == 'updatepwd') { if (post('button')) { if (post('password') == '') { $errors[] = 'Your password cannot be empty'; } elseif ($haccess->current_password(post('oldpassword'), H_SYSTEM_ACCESS, 'userid', $haccess->UserID()) === false) { $errors[] = 'Your old password is not correct!'; } elseif (post('password') != '' and strlen(post('password')) < 5) { $errors[] = 'Your password must be atleast 5 characters'; } elseif (strlen(post('password')) > 30) { $errors[] = 'Your password cannot be more than 30 characters long'; } elseif (post('password') != post('password2')) { $errors[] = 'Your passwords are not the same.'; } elseif (empty($errors) === true) { $password = hezecom_crypt(post('password')); $haccess->UpdatePassword($password, date('Y-m-d'), post('userid')); send_to('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=hsys_users2&do=details&msg=update'); } } include 'libraries/views/admin/ChangePwd2.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'details') { $rows = $haccess->SelectOne($haccess->UserID()); include 'libraries/views/admin/Details2.php'; } } elseif (get('do') == 'autosearch') { $qstring = post('qstring'); if (strlen($qstring) > 0) { $autosearch = $haccess->AutoSearch(trim($qstring), 10, 'name'); echo ' <div class="widget"><ul class="list-group">'; foreach ($autosearch as $srow) { echo '<span class="searchheading"> <a href="' . H_ADMIN . '&view=hsys_users&userid=' . $srow->userid . '&do=details"><li class="list-group-item">' . $srow->name . '</li></a>
public function invoke_patients() { $active = isset($_GET['active']) ? $_GET['active'] : "1"; //SELECT ALL ////////////////////////////////// if (get('do') == 'viewall') { if (PAGINATION_TYPE == 'Normal') { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(RECORD_PER_PAGE, $active); //Accept get url e.g (index.php?id=1&cat=2...) $paging = pagination($this->patients_model->CountRow(), RECORD_PER_PAGE, '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&active=' . $active); } else { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(NULL, $active); } include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/View.php'; } //EXPORT //////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (get('do') == 'export') { $result = $this->patients_model->SelectAll(NULL, $active); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Export.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'export2') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Export2.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'autosearch') { $qstring = post('qstring'); if (strlen($qstring) > 0) { $autosearch = $this->patients_model->AutoSearch(trim($qstring), 10, 'first_name'); echo ' <div class=widget><ul class="list-group">'; foreach ($autosearch as $srow) { echo '<span class="searchheading"><a href="' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . $srow->id . '&do=details"><li class="list-group-item">' . $srow->first_name . ' ' . $srow->last_name . '</li></a> </span>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } } elseif (get('do') == 'add') { include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Add.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'addpro') { if ($_POST) { //form validation if (post('first_name') == '') { json_error('Pleas enter First Name!'); } elseif (post('last_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter Last Name!'); } elseif (post('phone') == '') { json_error('Please enter Phone!'); } elseif (post('email') == '') { json_error('Please enter Email!'); } elseif (post('source') == '') { json_error('Please select Source!'); } else { $this->patients_model->Insert(post('first_name'), post('last_name'), post('phone'), post('email'), post('source'), post('notes')); json_send('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=add'); json_success('Process Completed'); } } } elseif (get('do') == 'update') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); //check if patient have card $have_card = patient_have_card(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Update.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'updatepro') { if ($_POST) { //form validation if (post('id') == '') { json_error('The field id cannot be empty!'); } elseif (post('first_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter First Name!'); } elseif (post('last_name') == '') { json_error('Please enter Last Name!'); } elseif (post('phone') == '') { json_error('Please enter Phone!'); } elseif (post('email') == '') { json_error('Please enter Email!'); } elseif (post('source') == '') { json_error('Please select Source!'); } else { $this->patients_model->Update(post('first_name'), post('last_name'), post('phone'), post('email'), post('source'), post('notes'), post('active'), post('id')); json_send('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . post('id') . '&do=details&msg=update'); json_success('Process Completed'); } } } elseif (get('do') == 'details') { $rows = $this->patients_model->SelectOne(get('id')); //check if patient have card $have_card = patient_have_card(get('id')); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/Details.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'truncate') { $this->patients_model->TruncateTable('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=truncate'); include APP_FOLDER . '/views/admin/patients/View.php'; } elseif (get('do') == 'delete') { $dfile = get('dfile'); if (get('id') and $dfile == '') { $del = $this->patients_model->Delete(get('id'), '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=delete'); } elseif (get('id') and $dfile != '' and get('fdel') == '') { delete_files(UPLOAD_PATH . get('dfile')); delete_files(THUMB_PATH . get('dfile')); $del = $this->patients_model->Delete(get('id'), '' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&do=viewall&msg=delete'); } elseif (get('id') and $dfile != '' and get('fdel') != '') { delete_files(UPLOAD_PATH . get('dfile')); delete_files(THUMB_PATH . get('dfile')); send_to('' . H_ADMIN . '&view=patients&id=' . get('id') . '&do=update&msg=delete'); } } }
public function setupAuthorizedSession(User $user) { //session_name( $user->username ); session_start(); if (isset($this->message)) { $_SESSION['flash'] = $this->message; } $_SESSION['username'] = $user->username; $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = 1 == $user->isAuthenticated ? true : false; //session_write_close(); if ($_REQUEST['redirect']) { send_to($_REQUEST['redirect']); } }
public function Delete($id, $redirect_to) { $bind = array(":id" => $id); HDB::hus()->Hdelete("cards", "id=:id", $bind); send_to($redirect_to); }
echo H_ADMIN; ?> " ><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> Dashboard</a></li> <li><a href="#">Tables</a></li>--> </ol> </section> <!-- Main content --> <section class="content"> <?php $haccess->logged_in_protect(H_LOGIN); if (get('view')) { include APP_FOLDER . '/controllers/admin/main.php'; include 'libraries/controllers/system_users.php'; } else { send_to('index.php?pg=admin&view=patients&do=viewall&active=1'); ?> <?php } ?> <!-- /DESIGN AREA --> </section><!-- /.content --> </div><!-- /.content-wrapper --> <!-- <footer class="main-footer"> <div class="pull-right hidden-xs"> Pro Edition <b>v</b> 3.0 </div> <strong>© <?php echo date('Y');