public function testFindByTaskUuid() { $task1 = new Task(\stdClass::class, 'Test 1', '123-123-123'); $task2 = new Task(\stdClass::class, 'Test 1'); $executions = [new TaskExecution($task1, \stdClass::class, new \DateTime('+1 day'), 'Test 1'), new TaskExecution($task2, \stdClass::class, new \DateTime('1 day ago'), 'Test 1'), new TaskExecution($task1, \stdClass::class, new \DateTime('1 hour ago'), 'Test 1')]; $repository = new ArrayTaskExecutionRepository(new ArrayCollection($executions)); $this->assertEquals([$executions[0], $executions[2]], $repository->findByTaskUuid($task1->getUuid())); $this->assertEquals([$executions[1]], $repository->findByTask($task2)); }
public function fire() { $options = $this->option(); $debug = is_true($options['debug']); if ($options['job'] == 'expired_tasks') { $this->info("Looking for expired tasks..."); $tasks = Task::unClaimed()->get()->filter(function ($task) { if ($task->notifications()->forEvent(Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_EXPIRED)->get()->count() == 0 && $task->isExpired()) { return $task; } }); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $ago = $task->date->diffForHumans(); $this->info("({$task->id}) {$task->title} Expired - {$ago}"); $n = $task->notifications()->forEvent(Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_EXPIRED)->get()->count(); if ($n == 0) { Notification::fire($task, Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_EXPIRED); $this->info("\tNotification Created " . $task->id); } else { $this->info("*** Notification not sent"); } } if ($tasks->count() == 0) { $this->info("*** No expired tasks found ***"); } return; } if ($options['job'] == 'notifications') { // first get all users that want to receive notifications $users = User::where('notifications', '=', 1)->get(); // get all notifications that have not been sent out $notifications = Notification::whereNull('sent_at')->get(); if ($notifications->count() == 0) { $this->info("*** No New Notification ***"); return; } $results = []; foreach ($notifications as $notice) { $this->info("Notification: " . $notice->getTitle() . " : " . $notice->event); $status = $notice->send($debug); $this->info("\t status: " . strbool($status)); } return $results; } }
$user = User::mostHelpfulForProject()->first(); return [$user, Project::find($user->most_helped_project)]; // with('claimedTasks') // ->join('tasks', '', '=', 'tasks.claimed_id') // select([ // 'users.*', // DB::raw($sql) // ]); // ->sortByDesc(function($item) { // return $item->claimedTasks->count(); // })->each(function($item) { // return $item->totalClaimedTasks = $item->claimedTasks->count(); // })->values()->first(); // return $leader->toSql(); return $leader->first(); $q = Task::query(); $q->notExpired()->withIsExpired(); // $q->whereRaw("IFNULL(`task_date`, `created_at`) > '$today'"); // $q->whereRaw(DB::raw(" // IFNULL(`task_date`, `created_at`) > // (CASE WHEN `task_date` IS NULL THEN DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL $n_days DAY) ELSE CURRENT_DATE END)")); //$q->select('tasks.*', DB::raw("IFNULL(`task_date`, `created_at`) > (CASE WHEN `task_date` IS NULL THEN DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL $n_days DAY) ELSE CURRENT_DATE END) AS is_expired")); $q->withTrashed(); // return $q->toSql(); return $q->get(); return $r; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Route::get('php', function () { phpinfo(); });
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setInterval(CronExpression $interval, \DateTime $firstExecution = null, \DateTime $lastExecution = null) { parent::setInterval($interval, $firstExecution, $lastExecution); $this->intervalExpression = $interval->getExpression(); }
$seeder = new LOFaker(); $n = 4; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $seeder->createFakeUser(); } } if (Project\Project::all()->count() < 2) { $project_names = ["Bravo", "Tinker", "Pando", "Denso", "Rabbit"]; foreach ($project_names as $name) { $prj = new Project\Project(['title' => $name, 'user_id' => User::getRandomID()]); $prj->save(); } } $task_titles = ["Draw me a picture", "Proof-read a email", "Using the espresso machine", "Render a building", "Take a picture", "Use the 3D printer", "Setup a wordpress site", "Make a ios prototype", "Finding a place to eat", "Move a couch", "Chop veggies", "Talk about life..."]; $n = 10; $tasks = []; $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); $durs = ['a min', 'couple of hours', 'a day', 'few mins', "10 minutes"]; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $data = ['title' => array_random_item($task_titles), 'creator_id' => User::getRandomID(), 'claimed_id' => rand() % 10 > 5 ? User::getRandomID() : null, 'project_id' => Project\Project::getRandomID(), 'duration' => $durs[array_rand($durs)]]; $task = new Task($data); $task->save(); array_push($tasks, $task); } return $tasks; }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Route::get('seeder/users', function () { $seeder = new LOFaker(); return $seeder->createFakeUser(); });
public function delete($id) { if (is_object($id)) { $id = $id->id; } $task = Task::withTrashed()->whereId($id)->first(); if ($task) { if ($task->isClaimed) { // fire a new notification to the system Event::fire(Notification::NOTIFICATION_NEW_TASK, array(['object' => $task, 'name' => Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_DELETED])); } $task->delete(); } return $this->listener->statusResponse(['task' => $task]); }
public function seedTasks() { foreach (Task::all() as $task) { $task->delete(); } Task::truncate(); Notification::truncate(); $options = $this->option(); $task_repo = App::make('TasksRepository'); $task_titles = ["Draw me a picture", "Proof-read a email", "Using the espresso machine", "Render a building", "Take a picture", "Make a latte", "Sing a song", "Giving a hug", "Use the 3D printer", "Setup a wordpress site", "Make a ios prototype", "Finding a place to eat", "Move a couch", "Chop veggies", "Talk about life..."]; $durs = ['a min', 'couple of hours', 'a day', 'few mins', "2 minutes", "an hour", "1/2 hour", "5 minutes", "20 minutes", "10 minutes"]; $n = isset($options['count']) ? min($options['count'], 1500) : 250; $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $created_at = $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 days', '3 days'); if ($faker->boolean(80)) { $created_at = $faker->dateTimeBetween('-3 months', '3 months'); } $data = ['title' => array_random_item($task_titles), 'project' => Project::getRandom()->title, 'creator_id' => User::getRandomID(), 'duration' => array_random_item($durs), 'created_at' => $created_at]; // dd($data); if ($faker->boolean(80)) { $data['details'] = implode("\n", $faker->sentences(4)); } if ($faker->boolean(10)) { $data['does_not_expire'] = true; $data['task_date'] = NULL; } $task = $task_repo->store($data); $this->info("{$task->id} Creating Task:{$task->title}"); } $this->comment("----- Seed Claiming -----"); // Get a bunch for a few users for ($i = 0; $i <= User::count() / 2; $i++) { $user_id = User::getRandomID(); for ($j = 0; $j <= $faker->numberBetween(5, 120); $j++) { $task = Task::orderByRaw("RAND()")->where('creator_id', '<>', $user_id)->take(1)->first(); $task->claimed_id = $user_id; $task->claimed_at = $task->date->subDays($faker->randomDigit); $task->save(); $this->info("{$task->title} Claimed at: " . $task->claimed_at->diffForHumans($task->created_at)); Notification::fire($task, Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_CLAIMED); } } // now claime some randomly foreach (Task::orderByRaw("RAND()")->take(Task::count() / 2)->get() as $task) { $task->claimed_id = User::getRandomID([$task->creator_id]); $task->claimed_at = $task->date->subDays($faker->randomDigit); $task->save(); $this->info("{$task->title} Claimed at: " . $task->claimed_at->diffForHumans($task->created_at)); Notification::fire($task, Notification::NOTIFICATION_TASK_CLAIMED); } $this->call('halp:awards', array('--full' => 'true')); }