function printhtmlpageheader() { global $useenvironmentpolicy; $serveruri = getserveruri(); $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; print "\n <p align=\"left\">\n <font color='#494949'>\n <a href = '' target=\"_blank\">foltia</a> | \n <a href = './index.php'>放映予定</a> | \n <a href = './index.php?mode=new'>新番組</a> | \n <a href = './listreserve.php'>予約一覧</a> | \n <a href = './titlelist.php'>番組一覧</a> | \n <a href = './viewepg.php'>番組表</a>(<a href = './searchepg.php'>検索</a>) | \n 録画一覧(<a href = './showplaylist.php'>録画順</a>・\n <a hreF = './showplaylist.php?list=title'>番組順</a>・\n <a href = './showplaylist.php?list=raw'>全</a>・\n <a href = './showplaylist.php?list=mp4&head=300'>全(mp4)</a>・\n <a href=\"./searchplaylist.php\">検索</a>) | \n <a href = './showlib.php'>録画ライブラリ</a> | \n <a href = './folcast.php'>Folcast</a>[<a href=\"itpc://{$serveruri}/folcast.php\">iTunesに登録</a>]\n"; if ($useenvironmentpolicy == 1) { print "【 {$username} 】"; } print " </font>\n </p>\n\n"; }
$pid = getgetnumform(pid); if ($pid == "") { exit; } $query = "\nSELECT \nfoltia_program.tid,\nstationname,\nfoltia_program.title,\nfoltia_subtitle.countno,\nfoltia_subtitle.subtitle,\nfoltia_subtitle.startdatetime ,\nfoltia_subtitle.lengthmin , \ ,\nfoltia_subtitle.m2pfilename , \nfoltia_subtitle.pspfilename \nFROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_program ,foltia_station \nWHERE foltia_program.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid AND foltia_station.stationid = foltia_subtitle.stationid \n AND = ? "; // $rs = m_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました"); $rs = sql_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました", array($pid)); $rowdata = $rs->fetch(); if (!$rowdata) { print ""; exit; } else { $title = $rowdata[2]; $episode = $rowdata[3]; $subtitle = $rowdata[4]; $m2pfilename = $rowdata[8]; $serveruri = getserveruri(); } print "\n"; print "\n"; print "{$title}"; print " 第" . "{$episode}" . "話 "; print "{$subtitle}"; print "|0|0|"; print "http://{$serveruri}{$httpmediamappath}/{$m2pfilename}"; print "|"; ?>