Beispiel #1
 * Output Javascript for tags autocompletion.
 * @todo dh> a more facebook like widget would be:
 *           "ListBuilder" is being planned for jQuery UI:
function echo_autocomplete_tags()
	<script type="text/javascript">
	function init_autocomplete_tags( selector )
		var tags = jQuery( selector ).val();
		var tags_json = new Array();
		if( tags.length > 0 )
		{ // Get tags from <input>
			tags = tags.split( ',' );
			for( var t in tags )
				tags_json.push( { id: tags[t], title: tags[t] } );

		jQuery( selector ).tokenInput( '<?php 
    echo get_samedomain_htsrv_url() . 'anon_async.php?action=get_tags';
			theme: 'facebook',
			queryParam: 'term',
			propertyToSearch: 'title',
			tokenValue: 'title',
			preventDuplicates: true,
			prePopulate: tags_json,
			hintText: '<?php 
    echo TS_('Type in a tag');
			noResultsText: '<?php 
    echo TS_('No results');
			searchingText: '<?php 
    echo TS_('Searching...');
		} );

	jQuery( document ).ready( function()
		if( jQuery( '#suggest_item_tags' ).is( ':checked' ) )
			init_autocomplete_tags( '#item_tags' );

		jQuery( '#suggest_item_tags' ).click( function()
			if( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
			{ // Use plugin to suggest tags
				jQuery( '#item_tags' ).hide();
				init_autocomplete_tags( '#item_tags' );
			{ // Remove autocomplete tags plugin
				jQuery( '#item_tags' ).show();
				jQuery( '#item_tags' ).parent().find( 'ul.token-input-list-facebook' ).remove();
		} );
    // Don't submit a form by Enter when user is editing the tags
    echo get_prevent_key_enter_js('#token-input-item_tags');
	} );
 * Registers headlines required to autocomplete the user logins
 * @param string alias, url or filename (relative to rsc/css, rsc/js) for JS/CSS files
 * @param string Library: 'hintbox', 'typeahead'
function init_autocomplete_login_js($relative_to = 'rsc_url', $library = 'hintbox')
    global $blog;
    require_js('#jquery#', $relative_to);
    // dependency
    switch ($library) {
        case 'typeahead':
            // Use typeahead library of bootstrap
            add_js_headline('jQuery( document ).ready( function()
				jQuery( "input.autocomplete_login" ).typeahead( null,
					displayKey: "login",
					source: function ( query, cb )
							url: "' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=get_login_list",
							type: "post",
							data: { q: query, data_type: "json" },
							dataType: "JSON",
							success: function( logins )
								var json = new Array();
								for( var l in logins )
									json.push( { login: logins[ l ] } );
								cb( json );
						} );
				} );
				' . get_prevent_key_enter_js('input.autocomplete_login') . '
			} );');
        case 'hintbox':
            // Use hintbox plugin of jQuery
            // Add jQuery hintbox (autocompletion).
            // Form 'username' field requires the following JS and CSS.
            // fp> TODO: think about a way to bundle this with other JS on the page -- maybe always load hintbox in the backoffice
            //     dh> Handle it via ?
            // dh> TODO: should probably also get ported to use jquery.ui.autocomplete (or its successor)
            require_css('jquery/jquery.hintbox.css', $relative_to);
            require_js('jquery/jquery.hintbox.min.js', $relative_to);
            add_js_headline('jQuery( document ).on( "focus", "input.autocomplete_login", function()
				var ajax_params = "";
				if( jQuery( this ).hasClass( "only_assignees" ) )
					ajax_params = "&user_type=assignees&blog=' . $blog . '";
				jQuery( this ).hintbox(
					url: "' . get_secure_htsrv_url() . 'async.php?action=get_login_list" + ajax_params,
					matchHint: true,
					autoDimentions: true
				} );
				' . get_prevent_key_enter_js('input.autocomplete_login') . '
			} );');