Beispiel #1
function fmTimestamp($date, $time)
    return date("n/j/Y H:i:s A", mktime(fmHour($time), fmMinute($time), fmSeconds($time), fmMonth($date), fmDay($date), fmYear($date)));
echo '<p>&bull; fmProper ( \'this is a test.\' ) = ' . fmProper('this is a test.') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmRandom ( 1, 100 ) = ' . fmRandom(1, 100) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmRight ( \'Xframe\', 3 ) = ' . fmRight('Xframe', 3) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmRightWords ( \'This is a test.\', 2 ) = ' . fmRightWords('This is a test.', 2) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmRound ( 123.456, 2 ) = ' . fmRound(123.456, 2) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmRound ( 123.456, -2 ) = ' . fmRound(123.456, -2) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSeconds ( \'3:51:22 PM\' ) = ' . fmSeconds('3:51:22 PM') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSerialIncrement ( \'abc12\', 1 ) = ' . fmSerialIncrement('abc12', 1) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSerialIncrement ( \'abc12\', 7 ) = ' . fmSerialIncrement('abc12', 7) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSerialIncrement ( \'abc12\', -1 ) = ' . fmSerialIncrement('abc12', -1) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSerialIncrement ( \'abc12\', 1.2 ) = ' . fmSerialIncrement('abc12', 1.2) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmStripTags ( \'This is &lt;bold&gt;bold text&lt;/bold&gt;. Or not.\' ) = ' . fmStripTags('This is <bold>bold text</bold>. Or not.') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmStripTags ( \'This is a &lt;a href=""&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;. Or not.\' ) = ' . fmStripTags('This is <a href="">link</a>. Or not.') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmSubstitute ( \'Xframe\', "ram", "stu" ) = ' . fmSubstitute('Xframe', "ram", "stu") . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTime ( 10, 51, 22 ) = ' . fmTime(10, 51, 22) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTimestamp ( fmGetAsDate ( \'5/1/2007\' ), fmGetAsTime ( \'10:51:22\' ) ) = ' . fmTimestamp(fmGetAsDate('5/1/2007'), fmGetAsTime('10:51:22')) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTrim ( \' This is a test. \' ) = ' . fmTrim(' This is a test. ') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTruncate ( -14.6, 0 ) = ' . fmTruncate(-14.6, 0) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTruncate ( 123.456, 2 ) = ' . fmTruncate(123.456, 2) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTruncate ( 123.456, 4 ) = ' . fmTruncate(123.456, 4) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmTruncate ( 29343.98, -3 ) = ' . fmTruncate(29343.98, -3) . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmUpper ( \'This is a test.\' ) = ' . fmUpper('This is a test.') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmWeekOfYear ( \'11/27/1968\' ) = ' . fmWeekOfYear('11/27/1968') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmWordCount ( \'This is a test.\' ) = ' . fmWordCount('This is a test.') . '</p>';
echo '<p>&bull; fmYear ( \'11/27/1968\' ) = ' . fmYear('11/27/1968') . '</p>';
// Grab the contents of the output buffer.
$ui_body_content = ob_get_contents();
// End output buffering, and erase the contents.
// Display the page, using the template.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ui-template.php';