<?php include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $ds1 = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'dataset1', '')); $ds2 = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'dataset2', '')); if ($ds1 == "" && $ds2 == "") { $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM godm NATURAL JOIN goinfo"); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array()); } else { $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM godm NATURAL JOIN goinfo WHERE dataset1=\$1 AND dataset2=\$2 ORDER BY pvalue"); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array($ds1, $ds2)); } echo '"dataset1","dataset2","goid","goname","pvalue","tscore"' . "\n"; while ($line = pg_fetch_array($rs, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '"' . $line["dataset1"] . '","' . $line["dataset2"] . '","' . $line["goid"] . '","' . $line["goname"] . '","' . $line["pvalue"] . '","' . $line["tscore"] . "\"\n"; } pg_free_result($rs); ### Return result #header('Content-Type: application/json; '); #header('filename="godm.json"; '); include "end.php";
/** * Download Files * * Forces the download of file types * Allows downloads of any file in uploads and backups/zip * * @package GetSimple * @subpackage Download */ // Setup inclusions $load['plugin'] = true; // Include common.php include 'inc/common.php'; login_cookie_check(); // disable this entirely if not enabled if (getdef('GSALLOWDOWNLOADS', true) === false) { die(i18n('NOT_ALLOWED')); } # check if all variables are set if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $file = removerelativepath($_GET['file']); // check that this file is safe to access $archivesafe = filepath_is_safe($file, GSBACKUPSPATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'zip'); // check for archives if ($archivesafe) { check_for_csrf("archive", "download.php"); } // check archive nonce $filesafe = filepath_is_safe($file, GSDATAUPLOADPATH); // check for uploads if (!($filesafe || $archivesafe)) {
<?php include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $ds1 = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'dataset', '')); if ($ds1 == "") { $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM genedm"); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array()); } else { $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM genedm WHERE dataset=\$1"); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array($ds1)); } echo '"dataset","geneid","genedm"' . "\n"; while ($line = pg_fetch_array($rs, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { echo '"' . $line["dataset"] . '","' . $line["geneid"] . '","' . $line["genedm"] . "\"\n"; } pg_free_result($rs); ### Return result #header('Content-Type: application/json; '); #header('filename="godm.json"; '); include "end.php";
<?php include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $geneid = getdef($query, 'geneset', array("ENSMUSG00000000126", "ENSMUSG00000000028")); $datasets = getdef($query, 'datasets', array("ola_a2i")); $graphw = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'graphw', 500)); $cmd = "echo 'genes <- c();"; foreach ($geneid as $s) { $cmd = $cmd . "genes <- c(genes,\"" . filteralpha($s) . "\");"; } $cmd = $cmd . "datasets <- c();"; foreach ($datasets as $s) { $cmd = $cmd . "datasets <- c(datasets,\"" . filteralpha($s) . "\");"; } $cmd = $cmd . "graphw<-" . $graphw . ";"; $cmd = $cmd . "source(\"corrgenecell.R\")' | /usr/bin/R --vanilla --slave"; $handle = popen($cmd, "r"); $ret = ""; do { $data = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } $ret .= $data; } while (true); pclose($handle); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); if (strlen($ret) < 100) { #for any errors? echo "error running " . $cmd;
?> '; var maxFileSize = '<?php echo toBytesShorthand(getMaxUploadSize(), 'M'); ?> '; <?php if (isset($_COOKIE['gs_editor_theme'])) { // $editor_theme = var_out($_COOKIE['gs_editor_theme']); $editor_theme = var_out($_COOKIE['gs_editor_theme']); echo "// codemirror editortheme\n"; echo ' var editorTheme = "' . $editor_theme . "\";\n"; } if (getDef('GSAUTOSAVE', true)) { $autosaveintvl = getdef('GSAUTOSAVEINTERVAL'); echo "\t\t// edit autosave\n"; echo ' var GSAUTOSAVEPERIOD = ' . (!is_int($autosaveintvl) ? 10 : $autosaveintvl) . ";\n"; } else { echo " var GSAUTOSAVEPERIOD = false;\n"; } ?> // ckeditor config obj shim for config if(typeof CKEDITOR == 'undefined'){ CKEDITOR = {}; CKEDITOR.SHIM = true; CKEDITOR.ENTER_P = 1; CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR = 2; CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV = 3; }
<?php include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $geneid = getdef($query, 'geneset', array("ENSMUSG00000000126", "ENSMUSG00000000028")); $graphw = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'graphw', 500)); $dataset = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'dataset', 'es_lif')); $cmd = "echo 'genes <- c();"; foreach ($geneid as $s) { $cmd = $cmd . "genes <- c(genes,\"" . filteralpha($s) . "\");"; } $cmd = $cmd . "graphw<-" . $graphw . ";"; $cmd = $cmd . "dataset<-\"" . $dataset . "\";"; $cmd = $cmd . "source(\"corrgenegene.R\")' | /usr/bin/R --vanilla --slave"; #echo $cmd; $handle = popen($cmd, "r"); $ret = ""; do { $data = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } $ret .= $data; } while (true); pclose($handle); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); if (strlen($ret) == 0) { echo "error running " . $cmd; } else { header("Content-type:image/png"); echo $ret;
<?php include "common.php"; ### Query database #$q = getdef($_GET,'q',''); #$gene = $q['gene']; $gene = getdef($_GET, 'gene', ''); #echo $gene; if ($gene != '') { # $ps=pg_prepare($db, 'getgene','SELECT * FROM geneinfo WHERE to_tsvector(genesym || \' \' || geneid) @@ to_tsquery($1) LIMIT 15'); $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, similarity(genesym,$1) as sim FROM geneinfo WHERE similarity(genesym,$1)>0.3 OR $1=geneid) as foo ORDER BY sim DESC LIMIT 20'); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array($gene)); } else { $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', 'SELECT *, -1 as sim FROM geneinfo LIMIT 10'); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array()); } ### Fetch result, make JSON $results = array(); while ($line = pg_fetch_array($rs, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { $results[] = array('geneid' => $line['geneid'], 'genesym' => $line['genesym'], 'sim' => $line['sim']); } pg_free_result($rs); ### Return result header('filename="data.json"; '); header('Content-Type: application/json; '); echo json_encode($results); include "end.php";
<?php include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $geneid = getdef($query, 'geneset', array("ENSMUSG00000000126", "ENSMUSG00000000028")); $cmd = "echo 'genes <- c();"; foreach ($geneid as $s) { $cmd = $cmd . "genes <- c(genes,\"" . filteralpha($s) . "\");"; } $cmd = $cmd . "source(\"geneset.R\")' | /usr/bin/R --vanilla --slave"; $handle = popen($cmd, "r"); $ret = ""; do { $data = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($data) == 0) { break; } $ret .= $data; } while (true); pclose($handle); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); if (strlen($ret) == 0) { echo "error running " . $cmd; } else { header('Content-Type: application/json; '); echo $ret; }
</tr>'; $count++; } } ?> </tbody> </table> <p><em><b><span id="pg_counter"><?php echo $count; ?> </span></b> <?php i18n('TOTAL_ARCHIVES'); ?> </em></p> <?php if (!getdef('GSALLOWDOWNLOADS', true)) { echo '<p><em class="hint">' . i18n_r('ARCHIVE_DL_DISABLED') . '</em></p>'; } ?> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar" > <?php include 'template/sidebar-backups.php'; ?> </div> </div> <?php get_template('footer');
<?php ini_set('memory_limit', '512M'); ## http://localhost/geneinfo.php?q={%22gene%22:%22ENSMUSG00000000049%22} include "common.php"; $query = json_decode(getdef($_GET, 'q', '{}'), TRUE); $geneid = filteralpha(getdef($query, 'gene', '')); ### Query database for expression counts, for all datasets $time_getgene = microtime(); $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgene', 'SELECT * FROM geneexp WHERE fromgene=$1'); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgene', array($geneid)); $resultsexp = array(); while ($line = pg_fetch_array($rs, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { $resultsexp[$line['dataset']] = array('fromcell' => splitcomma($line['fromcell']), 'exp' => splitcomma($line['exp'])); } pg_free_result($rs); $time_getgene = microtime() - $time_getgene; $results = array(); $results['dataset'] = $resultsexp; $results['geneid'] = $geneid; ### Query database for gene info --- this particular gene $time_getgenei = microtime(); $ps = pg_prepare($db, 'getgenei', 'SELECT * FROM geneinfo WHERE geneid=$1 LIMIT 1'); $rs = pg_execute($db, 'getgenei', array($geneid)); while ($line = pg_fetch_array($rs, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) { $results['genesym'] = $line['genesym']; } pg_free_result($rs); $time_getgenei = microtime() - $time_getgenei; ### Query database for DM $time_getgenedm = microtime();