Beispiel #1
} else {
    echo '<body>';
// Determine type of web browser.
$browser_type = detect_browser_type();
if ($browser_type == 'mobile' || $browser_type == 'tablet') {
    $_SESSION['touch'] = 'yes';
if ($vars['touch'] == "yes") {
    $_SESSION['touch'] = 'yes';
if ($vars['touch'] == "no") {
    unset($_SESSION['touch'], $vars['touch']);
if ($_SESSION['authenticated']) {
    $allow_mobile = in_array(detect_browser_type(), array('mobile', 'tablet')) ? $config['web_mouseover_mobile'] : TRUE;
    if ($config['web_mouseover'] && $allow_mobile) {
        // Enable qTip tooltips
        register_html_resource('js', 'jquery.qtip.min.js');
    // Do various queries which we use in multiple places
    include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/";
    // Include navbar
    if ($vars['bare'] != "yes") {
        include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/";

  <div class="container">
Beispiel #2
function overlib_link($url, $text, $contents, $class = NULL, $escape = FALSE)
    global $config, $link_iter;
    $href = strlen($url) ? 'href="' . $url . '"' : '';
    if ($escape) {
        $text = escape_html($text);
    // Allow the Grinch to disable popups and destroy Christmas.
    $allow_mobile = in_array(detect_browser_type(), array('mobile', 'tablet')) ? $config['web_mouseover_mobile'] : TRUE;
    if ($config['web_mouseover'] && strlen($contents) && $allow_mobile) {
        $output = '<a ' . $href . ' class="tooltip-from-data ' . $class . '" style="cursor: pointer;" data-tooltip="' . escape_html($contents) . '">' . $text . '</a>';
    } else {
        $output = '<a ' . $href . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $text . '</a>';
    return $output;
Beispiel #3
$(function() {
  $(\'form#searchform\').each(function() {
    $(this).find(\'input\').keypress(function(e) {
      if (e.which==10 || e.which==13) {
        //console.log($(\'div#suggestions > li > a\').first().prop(\'href\'));
        $(\'form#searchform\').prop(\'action\', $(\'div#suggestions > li > a\').first().prop(\'href\'));
        // Only submit if we actually have a suggestion to link to
        if ($(\'div#suggestions > li > a\').length > 0) {
$ua = array('browser' => detect_browser_type());
if ($_SESSION['touch'] == "yes") {
    $ua['url'] = generate_url($vars, array('touch' => 'no'));
} else {
    $ua['url'] = generate_url($vars, array('touch' => 'yes'));
if ($vars['touch'] == 'yes') {
    $ua['icon'] = 'glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up';
} elseif ($ua['browser'] == 'mobile') {
    $ua['icon'] = 'glyphicon glyphicon-phone';
} elseif ($ua['browser'] == 'tablet') {
    $ua['icon'] = 'icon-tablet';
} else {
    $ua['icon'] = 'icon-laptop';
$ua['content'] = 'Your current IP:&nbsp;' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '<br />';