function ModuleMenu($head, $module_id, $arr_menu, $arr_images = "") { $ui = $GLOBALS['ui']; $wb = $GLOBALS['wb']; $c = "<table class='plain'>\n"; $c .= "<tr>\n"; $c .= "<td colspan='2' class='bold'>" . $head . "</td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; /* LOOP ALL THE ITEMS IN THE MENU ARRAY */ for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_menu); $i++) { /* CHECK THE ACL FOR THIS MODULE */ //echo $GLOBALS['wui']->RoleID()."<br>"; //echo $module."<br>"; //echo $arr_menu[$i]."<br>"; if (CheckAccess($GLOBALS['wui']->RoleID(), $module_id, $arr_menu[$i])) { $friendly = InitCap($arr_menu[$i]); if (defined('_VALID_MVH_MOBILE_')) { $c .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>+<a href='index.php?module=" . EscapeData($_GET['module']) . "&task=" . $arr_menu[$i] . "'>" . $friendly . "</a></td></tr>"; } else { $c .= "<tr>\n"; $c .= "<td width='16'><img src='" . $wb . "images/" . $arr_images[$i] . "'></td>\n"; $c .= "<td><a href='index.php?module=" . EscapeData($_GET['module']) . "&task=" . $arr_menu[$i] . "'>" . $friendly . "</a></td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; } } } $c .= "</table>\n"; return $c; }
function DrawTopMenu() { $c = "<table class='plain_border'>\n"; $c .= "<tr>\n"; $width = 100 / count($this->arr); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arr); $i++) { $c .= "<td class='bold' width='" . $width . "%' align='center'><a href='#stayhere' id='Head_" . $this->arr[$i] . "' onClick=\"Display" . $this->arr[$i] . "()\">" . InitCap($this->arr[$i]) . "</a></td>\n"; } $c .= "</tr>\n"; $c .= "</table>\n"; return $c; }
function ModuleMenuDynamic($module_id, $module_name, $items) { $ui = $GLOBALS['ui']; $dr = $GLOBALS['dr']; $wb = $GLOBALS['wb']; $module_id = $GLOBALS['module_id']; $c = "<table class='plain' width='150'>\n"; $c .= "<tr>\n"; $c .= "<td colspan='3' class='bold'>" . InitCap($module_name) . " Menu</td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; /* LOOP ALL THE ITEMS IN THE MENU ARRAY */ for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) { /* CHECK THE ACL FOR THIS MODULE */ //echo $GLOBALS['wui']->RoleID()."<br>"; //echo $module."<br>"; //echo $arr_menu[$i]."<br>"; $task_img_desc = STRTOLOWER($items[$i]); $task_img_desc = STR_REPLACE(" ", "_", $task_img_desc); //echo $task_img_desc."<br>"; if (CheckAccess($GLOBALS['wui']->RoleID(), $module_id, $task_img_desc)) { $friendly = InitCap($items[$i]); if (defined('_VALID_MVH_MOBILE_')) { $c .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>+<a href='index.php?module=" . $module_name . "&task=" . $task_img_desc . "'>" . $friendly . "</a></td></tr>"; } else { $icon_file = $dr . "modules/" . $module_name . "/images/default/" . $task_img_desc . ".png"; $icon_http = "modules/" . $module_name . "/images/default/" . $task_img_desc . ".png"; //echo $icon."<br>"; if (file_exists($icon_file)) { $icon_file = $icon_http; } else { $icon_file = $wb . "images/nuvola/16x16/actions/view_remove.png"; } if ($_GET['task'] == $task_img_desc) { $arrow = "<img src='images/nuvola/16x16/actions/player_play.png'>"; $bgcolor = "#dedede"; } else { $arrow = ""; $bgcolor = "#ffffff"; } $c .= "<tr>\n"; $c .= "<td width='16'>" . $arrow . "</td>\n"; $c .= "<td width='16'><img src='" . $icon_file . "'></td>\n"; $c .= "<td bgcolor='" . $bgcolor . "' width='134'><a href='index.php?module=" . $module_name . "&task=" . $task_img_desc . "'>" . $friendly . "</a></td>\n"; $c .= "</tr>\n"; } } } $c .= "</table>\n"; return $c; }
function HomeTaskInfo() { $s = "<table class='plain' width='100%' height='400' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n"; $s .= "<tr>\n"; $s .= "<td colspan='3' height='2' background='images/home/bg_faded_line.gif'><img src='images/spacer.gif'></td>\n"; $s .= "</tr>\n"; $s .= "<tr>\n"; $s .= "<td width='200' align='center' background='images/home/bg_faded_line_left.gif' class='homehead'><img src='modules/" . $_GET['module'] . "/images/default/icon_module.png'><br>" . InitCap($_GET['module']) . "</td>"; $s .= "<td width='2' bgcolor='#336699'></td>"; //$s.="<td width='500' align='center' valign='top' background='images/home/bg_faded_line_right.gif' class='homebody'><br><br></h3>Welcome to the module</h3></td>"; $s .= "<td width='500' align='center' valign='top' background='images/home/bg_faded_line_right.gif' class='homebody'>" . ContentPanel() . "</td>"; $s .= "</tr>\n"; $s .= "<tr>\n"; $s .= "<td colspan='3' height='2' background='images/home/bg_faded_line.gif'><img src='images/spacer.gif'></td>\n"; $s .= "</tr>\n"; $s .= "</table>\n"; return $s; }