Beispiel #1
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Building')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Building', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Batiment mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Building', $_POST);
        $message = 'Le Batiment a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Building')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Building', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Batiment ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
include 'find_time2.php';
include 'db.php';
//특정 url 내용 얻어오는 함수
function file_get_contents_curl($url)
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    //Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    $contents = curl_exec($ch);
    return $contents;
//지역별 인터파크 공연리스트 가져오기
$url_array = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");
foreach ($url_array as $url) {
    //지역별 공연의 코드번호 가져오기
    // url 받아오기
    $play_list = file_get_contents_curl($url);
    $play_list = mb_convert_encoding($play_list, 'utf-8', 'euc-kr');
    $index = strpos($play_list, 'top_line');
    $play_list = substr($play_list, $index);
    $index = strpos($play_list, 'btn_genre_exhibit');
    //공연목록중 전시는 제외
    $play_list = substr($play_list, 0, $index);
    $index = strpos($play_list, '');
    $play_list = substr($play_list, $index);
    $play_array = explode("Line", $play_list);
Beispiel #3

// l'utilisateur peut ajouter un titre pour chaque module different de Caranille -Accueil
$title = "Historique";
$baseline = "vos actes passés";
load_css('corps.css', 'corps');
if (request_confirm('edit-role-play')) {
    if (verifier_token(600, get_link('diary', 'game'), "editor-role-play-" . request_post('Diary_ID'))) {
        update_db('Caranille_Diaries', array('Diary_Description' => request_post('roleplay'), 'Diary_ID' => request_post('Diary_ID')));
if (request_confirm('remove-role-play')) {
    if (verifier_token(600, get_link('diary', 'game'), "remover-role-play-" . request_post('Diary_ID'))) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Diaries', array('Diary_ID' => request_post('Diary_ID')));
Beispiel #4
        move_db('Caranille_Pages', $Page_ID, 'up');
        header('location:' . get_link('pages', 'admin', array('Edit' => 'ok')));
        $message = 'Chapitre remonté';
    if (request_confirm('down_rank')) {
        $Page_ID = request_data('Page_ID');
        move_db('Caranille_Pages', $Page_ID, 'down');
        header('location:' . get_link('pages', 'admin', array('Edit' => 'ok')));
        $message = 'Chapitre descendu';
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Pages')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Pages', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Chapitre mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        $message = 'Le page a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Pages')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Pages', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'page ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #5

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$mobile_model_chk = select_db('mobilemodel', "where mobileModelId = '" . $id . "'");
$model_name = $mobile_model_chk[0]['mobileModelName'];
$mobile_model_chk2 = select_db('mobile', "where mobileModelId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_used = count($mobile_model_chk2);
if ($find_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'mobilemodel';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('mobileModelId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบรุ่นมือถือ "' . $model_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบรุ่นมือถือ "' . $model_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลมือถือรุ่นนี้ในระบบ';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #6

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$find_used = 0;
$time_chk = select_db('timeschedule', "where timeScheduleId = '" . $id . "'");
$time_name = $time_chk[0]['scheduleName'];
//$time_chk2 = select_db('transportsection',"where timeScheduleId = '".$id."'");
//$find_used = count($time_chk2);
if ($find_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'timeschedule';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('timeScheduleId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบช่วงเวลา "' . $time_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบช่วงเวลา "' . $time_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลใช้งานอยู่ี้ในระบบ';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #7

if (verif_access("Admin")) {
    if (request_confirm('style')) {
        $p = $_POST['style'];
        // On décale les tableaux d'un rang
        foreach ($p as $id => $s) {
            if ($id != 0 && request_confirm('modifier')) {
                update_db('Caranille_Styles', array('Style_Code' => $Style_Code, 'Style_Commentaire' => $Style_Commentaire, 'Style_ID' => $id));
            } elseif ($id != 0 && request_confirm('supr')) {
                delete_db('Caranille_Styles', array('Style_ID' => $id));
            } elseif ($id == 0 && request_confirm('rajout')) {
                insert_db('Caranille_Styles', array('Style_Code' => $Style_Code, 'Style_Commentaire' => $Style_Commentaire));
        // -------------------------------------------
        // On écrit dans le fichier
        // -------------------------------------------
        $retour = list_db("list_t", array('table' => "Caranille_Styles"));
        $fichier = fopen("{$_path}/Design/{$MMORPG_Template}/style.css", "w");
        // On l'ouvre en mode « w »
        $message = '';
        if (!empty($retour)) {
            foreach ($retour as $donnees) {
                $message .= "\n\r";
                // Retour à la ligne
                $message .= "/** " . $donnees['Style_Commentaire'] . " **/";
                // Retour à la ligne
                $message .= "\n\r";
                // Retour à la ligne
Beispiel #8

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$promotion_chk = select_db('newspromotion', "where promotionId = '" . $id . "'");
$promotionTopic = $promotion_chk[0]['promotionTopic'];
$TableName = 'newspromotion';
$sql = delete_db($TableName, array('promotionId=' => $id));
//echo $sql;
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
if ($rs) {
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบโปรโมชั่น "' . $promotionTopic . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ผิดพลาดในการลบโปรโมชั่น กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #9

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$time_data = select_db('transportsection', "where transportSectionId = '" . $id . "'");
$driverId = $time_data[0]['driverId'];
$driver_data = select_db('drivertaxi', "where driverId = '" . $driverId . "'");
$name = $driver_data[0]['firstName'] . ' ' . $driver_data[0]['lastName'];
$TableName = 'transportsection';
$sql = delete_db($TableName, array('transportSectionId=' => $id));
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
$TableName = 'car';
$data = array('carStatus' => 1, 'dateUpdate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$sql = update_db($TableName, array('carId=' => $carId), $data);
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
if ($rs) {
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ยกเลิกคุณ "' . $name . '" จากการลงเวลางานเรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ผิดพลาดในการยกเลิก กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #10
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
//GET Banner
$car_banner_chk = select_db('carbanner', "where carBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$banner_name = $car_banner_chk[0]['carBannerNameEng'];
//Table Car
$car_banner_chk2 = select_db('car', "where carBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_car_used = count($car_banner_chk2);
//Table CarModel
$car_banner_chk3 = select_db('carmodel', "where carBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_model_used = count($car_banner_chk3);
if ($find_car_used == 0 && $find_model_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'carbanner';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('carBannerId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อรถยนต์ "' . $banner_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    if ($find_car_used != 0) {
        $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อรถยนต์ "' . $banner_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรถยี่ห้อนี้ในระบบ';
    if ($find_model_used != 0) {
        $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อรถยนต์ "' . $banner_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรุ่นรถอยู่';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #11

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$news_chk = select_db('news', "where newsId = '" . $id . "'");
$newsTopic = $news_chk[0]['newsTopic'];
$TableName = 'news';
$sql = delete_db($TableName, array('newsId=' => $id));
//echo $sql;
$rs = mysql_query($sql);
if ($rs) {
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบข่าว "' . $newsTopic . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ผิดพลาดในการลบข่าวสาร กรุณาลองอีกครั้ง';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #12
            if (!is_uploaded_file($dataFichier)) {
                return 10;
            $ft = fopen($dataFichier, "r");
            $imgbinary = fread($ft, filesize($dataFichier));
            $data = base64_encode($imgbinary);
            insert_db('Caranille_Images', array('Image_Base64' => $data, 'Image_Name' => $nomUtilisateur, 'Image_Type' => $typeFichier));
            //, 'Image_ID'=>$DocID));
        return 0;
if (verif_access("Admin")) {
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        $Image_ID = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['Image_ID']));
        delete_db('Caranille_Images', array('Image_ID' => $Image_ID));
        $message = 'Le Batiment a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            $c = count_db("edit_admin", array('table' => 'Caranille_Configuration', 'ID' => 'Configuration_Name', 'value' => $key));
            //"select * from  where  ='$' limit 1");
            if ($c == 1) {
                update_db('Caranille_Configuration', addslashes_r(array('Configuration_Name' => $key, 'Configuration_Value' => $value)));
            } else {
                insert_db('Caranille_Configuration', addslashes_r(array('Configuration_Name' => $key, 'Configuration_Value' => $value)));
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Images')) {
Beispiel #13
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Chapters')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Chapters', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Chapitre mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Chapters', addslashes_r($_POST));
        $message = 'Le chapitre a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Chapters')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Chapters', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'chapitre ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #14
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Fragments')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Fragments', addslashes_r($_POST));
            echo 'Fragment mis à jour';
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Fragments', $_POST);
        echo 'Le Fragment a bien été supprimé';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Fragments')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Fragments', addslashes_r($_POST));
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #15
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Topics')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Topics', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Chapitre mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Topics', addslashes_r($_POST));
        $message = 'Le page a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Topics')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Topics', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'page ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #16

//$title ="";	// l'utilisateur peut ajouter un titre pour chaque module different de Caranille -Accueil
//$baseline= ""
if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
    if (verifier_token(600, get_link('Delete_Account', 'User'), 'Delete_Account-step-2')) {
        $Delete_List = get_db('request_account', $_POST);
        if (!empty($Delete_List)) {
            if ($Password === password_decode($prefixe_salt . $Delete_List['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $Delete_List['Account_Password'])) {
                delete_db('Caranille_Accounts', $Delete_List);
                echo 'Votre compte ainsi que toute vos données personnelles ont été définitivement supprimée';
            } else {
                echo 'Mauvaise combinaison Pseudo/Mot de Passe';
        } else {
            echo 'compte inconnu';
Beispiel #17
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
        if (isset($r["Item_ID"])) {
            $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Craftings', 'ID' => 'Crafting_Item_ID', 'value' => $r["Item_ID"]));
            list_html($loots, "Caranille_Craftings", "Crafts", array('Crafting_Fragment_ID'), true, false);
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Items')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Items', addslashes_r($_POST));
            echo 'Equipement mis à jour';
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Items', addslashes_r($_POST));
        echo 'L\'équipement a bien été supprimé';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Items')) {
            $_POST['Item_Type'] = 'Parchment';
            insert_db('Caranille_Items', addslashes_r($_POST));
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #18
function use_item($Item_ID, $inventory_ID)
    $Item = get_db('request_item', array('Item_ID' => $Item_ID));
    if (!empty($Item)) {
        $Item_Query = get_db('item_inventaire', array('Item_ID' => $Item_ID, 'Inventory_ID' => $Inventory_ID, 'Account_ID' => user_data('Account_ID')));
        if (!empty($Item_Query)) {
            if ($Inventory_Item_Quantity >= 2) {
                update_db('Caranille_Inventory', array('Inventory_ID' => $Inventory_ID, 'Inventory_Account_ID' => user_data('Account_ID'), 'Inventory_Item_Quantity' => $Inventory_Item_Quantity));
            } else {
                delete_db('Caranille_Inventory', array('Inventory_ID' => $Inventory_ID, 'Inventory_Account_ID' => user_data('Account_ID'), 'Inventory_Item_Quantity' => $Inventory_Item_Quantity));
            return $Item;
Beispiel #19
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
        if (isset($r["Item_ID"])) {
            $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Craftings', 'ID' => 'Crafting_Item_ID', 'value' => $r["Item_ID"]));
            list_html($loots, "Caranille_Craftings", "Crafts", array('Crafting_Fragment_ID'), true, false);
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Items')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Items', addslashes_r($_POST));
            echo 'Equipement mis à jour';
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Items', $_POST);
        echo 'L\'équipement a bien été supprimé';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Items')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Items', addslashes_r($_POST));
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #20
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Races')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Races', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Race mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Races', addslashes_r($_POST));
        $message = 'Le page a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Races')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Races', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'page ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #21

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$car_fuel_chk = select_db('carfuel', "where carFuelId = '" . $id . "'");
$fuel_name = $car_fuel_chk[0]['carFuelName'];
$car_fuel_chk2 = select_db('car', "where carFuelId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_used = count($car_fuel_chk2);
if ($find_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'carfuel';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('carFuelId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบประเภทเชื้อเพลิง "' . $fuel_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบประเภทเชื้อเพลิง "' . $fuel_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรถยนต์ประเภทเชื้อเพลิงนี้ในระบบ';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #22
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
//GET Banner
$mobile_banner_chk = select_db('mobilebanner', "where mobileBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$banner_name = $mobile_banner_chk[0]['mobileBannerNameEng'];
//Table mobile
$mobile_banner_chk2 = select_db('mobile', "where mobileBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_mobile_used = count($mobile_banner_chk2);
//Table mobileModel
$mobile_banner_chk3 = select_db('mobilemodel', "where mobileBannerId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_model_used = count($mobile_banner_chk3);
if ($find_mobile_used == 0 && $find_model_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'mobilebanner';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('mobileBannerId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อมือถือ "' . $banner_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    if ($find_mobile_used != 0) {
        $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อมือถือ "' . $banner_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรถยี่ห้อนี้ในระบบ';
    if ($find_model_used != 0) {
        $data['message'] = 'ลบยี่ห้อมือถือ "' . $banner_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรุ่นรถอยู่';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
        move_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques', $Caracteristique_ID, 'up');
        header('location:' . get_link('caracteristiques', 'admin', array('Edit' => 'ok')));
        $message = 'Chapitre remonté';
    if (request_confirm('down_rank')) {
        $Caracteristique_ID = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($_POST['Caracteristique_ID']));
        move_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques', $Caracteristique_ID, 'down');
        header('location:' . get_link('caracteristiques', 'admin', array('Edit' => 'ok')));
        $message = 'Chapitre descendu';
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Caracteristique mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques', addslashes_r($_POST));
        $message = 'Le Caracteristique a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Caracteristiques', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Caracteristique ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #24
 $IP = getRealIpAddr();
 $Pseudo = logged_data('Account_Pseudo');
 // => trop brutal...
 debug_log('Account_ID::' . logged_data('Account_ID'));
 debug_log('Account_Pseudo::' . logged_data('Account_Pseudo'));
  * Vérification des sanctions pour l'utilisateur
 $Warning_List = get_db("get_sanction_user", array('Account_ID' => logged_data('Account_ID')));
 if (!empty($Warning_List)) {
     $message = "Vous avez recu un(e) {$Sanction_Type} de la part de {$Sanction_Transmitter}\\n\\n{$Sanction_Message}";
     delete_db('Caranille_Sanctions', array('Sanction_ID' => $Sanction_ID));
 Mise à jour du compte en temps réel
 if (verif_auth()) {
     $Next_Level = get_new_level();
 } else {
     $Reason = user_data('Account_Reason');
     $message = "IMPOSSIBLE DE SE CONNECTER\\nVotre compte est banni pour la raison suivante :\\n : {$Reason}";
Beispiel #25
        $Agility = 10;
        $Defense = 10;
        do {
            update_db('Caranille_Levels', array('Level_ID' => $Level, 'Level_Number' => $Level, 'Level_Experience_Required' => $Experience, 'Level_HP' => $HP, 'Level_MP' => $MP, 'Level_Strength' => $Strength, 'Level_Magic' => $Magic, 'Level_Agility' => $Agility, 'Level_Defense' => $Defense));
            $HP += $_POST['HP_Level'];
            $MP += $_POST['MP_Level'];
            $Strength += $_POST['Strength_Level'];
            $Magic += $_POST['Magic_Level'];
            $Agility += $_POST['Agility_Level'];
            $Defense += $_POST['Defense_Level'];
            $Experience += $_POST['Experience_Level'];
        } while ($Level <= $max['Level_Number']);
        update_db('Caranille_Configuration', array('Configuration_Name' => 'curve-Experience', 'Configuration_Value' => $_POST['Experience_Level']));
        foreach ($array_character_type as $type) {
            update_db('Caranille_Configuration', array('Configuration_Name' => 'curve-' . $type, 'Configuration_Value' => $_POST[$type . '_Level']));
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Levels', $_POST);
        $message = 'Le niveau a bien été supprimée';
    if (request_confirm('End_Add')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Levels')) {
            insert_db('Caranille_Levels', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'niveau ajouté';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
Beispiel #26

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$minor_type_chk = select_db('minortype', "where minorTypeId = '" . $id . "'");
$type_name = $minor_type_chk[0]['minorType'];
$minor_chk = select_db('minoradmin', "where minorTypeId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_used = count($minor_chk);
if ($find_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'minortype';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('minorTypeId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบประเภทพนักงาน "' . $type_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบประเภทพนักงาน "' . $type_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลพนักงานประเภทนี้ในระบบ';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #27
 if (isset($_POST['update']) && $_POST['update'] == 'updated') {
     $updated_user = $_POST;
     $update_query = "UPDATE users\n                                    SET `f_name` = \"{$updated_user['f_name']}\",\n                                    `l_name` = \"{$updated_user['l_name']}\",\n                                    `u_name` = \"{$updated_user['u_name']}\",\n                                    `email` = \"{$updated_user['email']}\",\n                                    `pass` = \"{$updated_user['pass']}\"\n                                    WHERE `id` = {$updated_user['id']}\n                                    ";
 if (isset($_POST['create']) && $_POST['create'] == 'created') {
     $new_user = $_POST;
     $create_query = "INSERT INTO `users`(\n                                    `f_name`, `l_name`, `u_name`, `email`, `pass`)\n                                    VALUES (\"{$new_user['f_name']}\",\n                                    \"{$new_user['l_name']}\",\n                                    \"{$new_user['u_name']}\",\n                                    \"{$new_user['email']}\",\n                                    \"{$new_user['pass']}\"\n                                    )";
 if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
     $delete_query = "DELETE FROM `users`\n                                    WHERE `id` = {$_GET['delete']}";
     <div class="content content-all-users">
                             <th>First Name</th>
                             <th>Last Name</th>
                             <th>User Name</th>
 $query = "Select * from users";
 foreach (get_data($query) as $key => $value) {
Beispiel #28
            $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"]));
            if (!empty($loots)) {
                list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Item_ID', 'Inventory_Item_Quantity', 'Inventory_Item_Equipped'), false, false);
            $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory_Invocations', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Invocation_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"]));
            if (!empty($loots)) {
                list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory_Invocations", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Invocation_Invocation_ID'), false, false);
            $loots = list_db('foreign_list', array('table' => 'Caranille_Inventory_Magics', 'ID' => 'Inventory_Magic_Account_ID', 'value' => $Account["Account_ID"]));
            if (!empty($loots)) {
                list_html($loots, "Caranille_Inventory_Magics", "Accounts", array('Inventory_Magic_Magic_ID'), false, false);
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Accounts')) {
            // reencodage du mot de passe avec une nouvelle clé
            $_POST['Account_Salt'] = uniqid();
            $_POST['Account_Password'] = password_encode($prefixe_salt . $_POST['Account_Salt'] . $suffixe_salt, $_POST['Account_Password']);
            update_db('Caranille_Accounts', addslashes_r($_POST));
            echo 'Le compte a bien été modifié';
        } else {
            echo 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Accounts', $_POST);
        echo 'Le compte a bien été supprimé';
Beispiel #29

require_once '../../../include/Zend/JSON.php';
$json = new Services_JSON();
include "../../../include/class.mysqldb.php";
include "../../../include/";
include "../../../include/class.function.php";
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = $value;
    #echo $key ."=". $value."<br>";
$car_color_chk = select_db('carcolor', "where carColorId = '" . $id . "'");
$color_name = $car_color_chk[0]['carColorName'];
$car_color_chk2 = select_db('car', "where carColorId = '" . $id . "'");
$find_used = count($car_color_chk2);
if ($find_used == 0) {
    $TableName = 'carcolor';
    $sql = delete_db($TableName, array('carColorId=' => $id));
    //echo $sql;
    $data['success'] = true;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบสีรถ "' . $color_name . '" เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
} else {
    $data['success'] = false;
    $data['message'] = 'ลบสีรถ "' . $color_name . '" ไม่ได้เนื่องจากมีข้อมูลรถยนต์สีนี้ในระบบ';
echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $json->encode($data) . ')';
Beispiel #30
        echo forumulaire_db('Caranille_Posts', $Post);
    				<input type="submit" name="Back" value="Annuler" />
    		    	<input type="submit" name="End_<?php 
        echo request_confirm('Add') ? 'Add' : 'Edit';
" value="Terminer"/>
        if (request_confirm('Second_Edit')) {
<input type="submit" name="Second_Delete" value="Supprimer"><?php 
    if (request_confirm('End_Edit')) {
        if (valid_post_db('Caranille_Posts')) {
            update_db('Caranille_Posts', addslashes_r($_POST));
            $message = 'Chapitre mis à jour';
        } else {
            $message = 'Tous les champs n\'ont pas été remplis';
    if (request_confirm('Delete')) {
        delete_db('Caranille_Posts', addslashes_r($_POST));
        $message = 'Le page a bien été supprimée';