function trans($key) { $code = getLangKey(); $skey = mysql_escape_string(stripslashes(trim($key))); $query = "SELECT lang_text FROM amsn_langs WHERE lang_code='{$code}' AND lang_key='{$skey}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); /* If no translation found, look up english */ if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $query = "SELECT lang_text FROM amsn_langs WHERE lang_code='en' AND lang_key='{$skey}'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); } /* If no translation found in english, return key */ if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $text = $key; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $text = $row['lang_text']; } /* Get rid of $x$ by replacing with arguments */ for ($x = 1; $x < func_num_args(); $x++) { $arg = func_get_arg($x); $text = str_replace("\${$x}\$", $arg, $text); } return utf2html($text); }
<?php $langlist = $lang_dir . '/langlist.dat'; $fp = @fopen($langlist, "r"); if (!$fp) { echo "Error: Unable to open langlist file"; return; } $line = fgets($fp); echo '<table class="langlist">'; echo '<tr><th>Language</th><th>Missing keys</th></tr>'; while (!feof($fp) && $line != "\n") { $line = rtrim($line); list($file, $encoding, $missing, $langname) = split(' ', $line, 4); echo '<tr><td><a href="view_lang.php?lang=' . basename($file) . '">' . utf2html($langname) . '</a></td><td>' . $missing . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; $line = fgets($fp); } fclose($fp); ?> </table> <?php /* switch($func) { default: AddonSample($page); break; }*/
function exec_cmd($cmd, $file, $isRELAT, $rmHeader = 1, $finalUTF8 = true) { global $io_options; global $dayFilter; file_put_contents('php://stderr', "\n -- ({$cmd}) {$file}\n"); if ($isRELAT) { print "\n=== {$cmd} {$file} ==="; } $dayFilter = isset($io_options['day']) ? $io_options['day'] : ''; $doc = new domParser(); $doc->getHtmlBody($file, isset($io_options['utf8']) && $io_options['utf8']); $out = $doc->output($cmd, $finalUTF8, $dayFilter); if (!$isRELAT) { if ($rmHeader) { $out = str_replace(XML_HEADER1, '', $out); } $out = trim($out); } if (!isset($io_options['breaklines'])) { // na verdade no-breaklines $out = str_replace(array('<p', '<div', '<article', '<sec', '<keys', '<days'), array("\n<p", "\n<div", "\n<article", "\n<sec", "\n<keys", "\n<days"), $out); } if (isset($io_options['normaliza'])) { // normaliza texto do autor! $out = preg_replace('/(\\d)\\s+±\\s+(\\d)/us', '$1 ± $2', $out); $out = preg_replace('/([\\dp])\\s*(<|>|=)\\s*([\\dp])/ius', '$1 $2 $3', $out); } if (isset($io_options['entnum'])) { $out = utf2html($out); } return "{$out}\n"; }
function exec_cmd($cmd, $file, $isRELAT, $isMultiSec = FALSE, $rmHeader = 1, $finalUTF8 = TRUE) { global $io_options; global $dayFilter; file_put_contents('php://stderr', "\n -- ({$cmd}) {$file}\n"); if ($isRELAT) { print "\n=== {$cmd} {$file} ==="; } $dayFilter = isset($io_options['day']) ? $io_options['day'] : ''; $doc = new domParser(); // FALTA usar a $io_options['normaliza'] pro XML na lib.php $doc->getHtmlBody($file, isset($io_options['utf8']) && $io_options['utf8']); $out = $doc->output($cmd, $finalUTF8, $dayFilter, $isMultiSec); if (!$isRELAT) { if ($rmHeader) { $out = str_replace(XML_HEADER1, '', $out); } $out = trim($out); } if (!isset($io_options['breaklines'])) { // na verdade no-breaklines $out = str_replace(['<p', '<div', '<article', '<sec', '<keys', '<days'], ["\n\n\n<p", "\n\n<div", "\n\n<article", "\n\n<sec", "\n<keys", "\n<days"], $out); $out = preg_replace("/[ \\t]*\n[ \\t]*/s", "\n", $out); // trim nas quebras de linha } $out = rmClosedFormatters($out); // repete limpeza já realizada no raw if (isset($io_options['entnum'])) { $out = utf2html($out); } return "{$out}\n"; }