function xchange796_query($appid, $apikey, $secretkey, $url) { // from $timestamp = time(); $params = array('appid' => $appid, 'apikey' => $apikey, 'secretkey' => $secretkey, 'timestamp' => $timestamp); ksort($params); // "be careful that the sequence is quite important" $param_uri = http_build_query($params, '', '&'); $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $param_uri, $secretkey)); $token_url = url_add("", array('appid' => $appid, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'apikey' => $apikey, 'secretkey' => $secretkey, 'sig' => $sig)); // our curl handle (initialize if required) $ch = crypto_curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; 796 PHP client; ' . php_uname('s') . '; PHP/' . phpversion() . ')'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, crypto_wrap_url($token_url)); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // run the query $res = curl_exec($ch); if ($res === false) { throw new ExternalAPIException('Could not get reply: ' . curl_error($ch)); } $dec = crypto_json_decode($res, "in authentication"); if (isset($dec['errno']) && $dec['errno']) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Could not get OAuth Token: " . htmlspecialchars($dec['msg'])); } if (!isset($dec['data']['access_token'])) { throw new ExternalAPIException("No access token provided"); } $token = $dec['data']['access_token']; crypto_log("Obtained OAuth token"); // now, call the given URL // 796 has a bug where the token can't be urlencoded again, so we can't use url_add() (though we should) $destination_url = $url . "?access_token=" . $token; // our curl handle (initialize if required) $ch = crypto_curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; 796 PHP client; ' . php_uname('s') . '; PHP/' . phpversion() . ')'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, crypto_wrap_url($destination_url)); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // run the query $res = curl_exec($ch); if ($res === false) { throw new ExternalAPIException('Could not get reply: ' . curl_error($ch)); } $dec = crypto_json_decode($res, "in request"); if (isset($dec['errno']) && $dec['errno']) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Error in reply: " . htmlspecialchars($dec['msg'])); } if (!isset($dec['data'])) { throw new ExternalAPIException("No data in reply"); } return $dec['data']; }
function callback($data) { $table = $this->table; $query = array(); $args = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $query[] = $key . " = :" . $key; $args[$key] = $value; } $args["id"] = $this->account['id']; crypto_log("Self-updating table '{$table}'"); $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE {$table} SET " . implode(", ", $query) . " WHERE id=:id"); $q->execute($args); }
function delete_user($id) { $user = get_user($id); if (!$user) { throw new Exception("No such user {$id}"); } crypto_log("Deleting user " . ($user ? htmlspecialchars(print_r($user, true)) : "<i>(phantom)</i>")); // go through all accounts $already_done = array(); foreach (account_data_grouped() as $label => $accounts) { foreach ($accounts as $key => $account) { if ($account['table'] != 'graphs' && !isset($already_done[$account['table']])) { delete_from($account['table']); $already_done[$account['table']] = 1; } } } delete_from('balances'); delete_from('address_balances'); delete_from('hashrates'); delete_from('securities'); delete_from('offsets'); delete_from('summary_instances'); delete_from('summaries'); delete_from('graph_data_summary'); delete_from('graph_data_balances'); delete_from('pending_subscriptions'); // delete graphs crypto_log("Deleting graphs..."); $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM graph_pages WHERE user_id=?"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); $pages = $q->fetchAll(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $q = db()->prepare("DELETE FROM graphs WHERE page_id=?"); $q->execute(array($page['id'])); crypto_log("(" . number_format($q->rowCount()) . " rows deleted)"); } delete_from('graph_pages'); delete_from('managed_graphs'); crypto_log("Deleting user_properties..."); $q = db()->prepare("DELETE FROM user_properties WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); crypto_log("(" . number_format($q->rowCount()) . " rows deleted)"); // finally delete the user object crypto_log("Deleting user..."); $user = Users\User::findUser(db(), $user['id']); $user->delete(db()); }
<?php /** * An existing free user has not logged in within X days and we * now need to disable their account. */ // get the relevant user info $user = get_user($job['arg_id']); if (!$user) { throw new JobException("Cannot find user ID " . $job['arg_id']); } // check that they're not a premium user etc - this should never happen if ($user['is_premium']) { throw new JobException("Premium user was requested to be disabled - this should not happen"); } // update user (before sending email) $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_disabled=1,disabled_at=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); // construct email if ($user['email']) { $disables_at = strtotime(($user['last_login'] ? $user['last_login'] : $user['created_at']) . " +" . get_site_config('user_expiry_days') . " day"); send_user_email($user, "disable", array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "days" => number_format(get_site_config('user_expiry_days')), "disables" => iso_date($disables_at), "disables_text" => recent_format($disables_at, false, ""), "url" => absolute_url(url_for("user#user_premium")), "login" => absolute_url(url_for("login")), "profile" => absolute_url(url_for("profile")))); crypto_log("Sent disabled account e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . "."); } else { crypto_log("User had no valid e-mail address."); }
<?php /** * Generic API job. */ $exchange = "generic"; // get the relevant address $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM accounts_generic WHERE user_id=? AND id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'], $job['arg_id'])); $account = $q->fetch(); if (!$account) { throw new JobException("Cannot find a {$exchange} account " . $job['arg_id'] . " for user " . $job['user_id']); } $balance = crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url($account['api_url'])); if (!is_numeric($balance)) { crypto_log("{$exchange} balance for " . htmlspecialchars($account['api_url']) . " is non-numeric: " . htmlspecialchars($balance)); throw new ExternalAPIException("Generic API returned non-numeric balance: " . htmlspecialchars(substr($balance, 0, 100))); } else { // issue #11: add editable multiplier crypto_log("{$exchange} balance: {$balance} * " . $account['multiplier']); $balance = $balance * $account['multiplier']; crypto_log("{$exchange} balance for " . htmlspecialchars($account['api_url']) . ": " . $balance); } insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange, $account['currency'], $balance);
} require __DIR__ . "/_havelock.php"; $content = havelock_query("", array('key' => $account['api_key'])); // balance, balanceavailable, balanceescrow $wallet = $content['balance']['balance']; $balance = 0; crypto_log("{$exchange} wallet balance for " . $job['user_id'] . ": " . $wallet); // set is_recent=0 for all old security instances for this user $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE securities SET is_recent=0 WHERE user_id=? AND exchange=? AND account_id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'], $exchange, $account['id'])); // assume we don't need to delay $content = havelock_query("", array('key' => $account['api_key'])); if ($content['portfolio'] && is_array($content['portfolio'])) { foreach ($content['portfolio'] as $entry) { // the API returns the marketvalue, so we can just use that rather than calculate it from previous jobs (like btct) crypto_log("{$exchange} security balance for " . htmlspecialchars($entry['symbol']) . ": " . $entry['quantity'] . '*' . $entry['lastprice'] . "=" . $entry['marketvalue']); $balance += $entry['marketvalue']; // find the security ID, if there is one $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_havelock WHERE name=?"); $q->execute(array($entry['symbol'])); $security_def = $q->fetch(); if ($security_def) { // insert security instance $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities SET user_id=:user_id, exchange=:exchange, security_id=:security_id, quantity=:quantity, account_id=:account_id, is_recent=1"); $q->execute(array('user_id' => $job['user_id'], 'exchange' => $exchange, 'security_id' => $security_def['id'], 'quantity' => $entry['quantity'], 'account_id' => $account['id'])); } } } // we've now calculated both the wallet balance + the value of all securities insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange . "_wallet", $currency, $wallet); insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange . "_securities", $currency, $balance);
* so we will have historical data even if no user has the security yet. */ $exchange = "securities_litecoininvest"; $currency = 'ltc'; // get the API data $json = crypto_json_decode(crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url(''))); foreach ($json as $security => $data) { crypto_log("Parsing security '" . htmlspecialchars($security) . "'"); // we now have a new value $balance = $data['bid']; // also available: ask, latest, outstanding, 24h_vol, etc // if this security has a balance of 0, then it's worthless and it's not really // worth saving into the database if ($balance == 0) { crypto_log("Security '" . htmlspecialchars($security) . "' had a bid of 0: ignoring"); continue; } $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_litecoininvest WHERE name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = $q->fetch(); if (!$security_def) { // need to insert a new security definition, so we can later get its value // we can't calculate the value of this security yet crypto_log("No securities_litecoininvest definition existed for '" . htmlspecialchars($security) . "': adding in new definition"); $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities_litecoininvest SET name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = array('name' => $security, 'id' => db()->lastInsertId()); } // since we already have bid data here, we might as well save it for free insert_new_balance($job, $security_def, $exchange, $currency, $balance); }
$wizard = get_wizard_account_type($account['wizard']); if (!$wizard['transaction_creation']) { continue; } $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $account['table'] . " WHERE user_id=?" . (isset($account['query']) ? $account['query'] : false)); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'])); while ($a = $q->fetch()) { $a['exchange'] = $exchange; $current_accounts[$exchange . " " . $a['id']] = $a; } } } crypto_log("User " . $job['user_id'] . " has " . count($current_accounts) . " accounts to parse."); // are there any creators that need to be deleted for this user? $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction_creators WHERE user_id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'])); $to_delete = array(); while ($a = $q->fetch()) { if (!isset($current_accounts[$a['exchange'] . " " . $a['account_id']])) { $to_delete[] = $a['id']; } else { unset($current_accounts[$a['exchange'] . " " . $a['account_id']]); } } if ($to_delete) { crypto_log("Need to delete " . count($to_delete) . " old transaction creators"); $q = db()->prepare("DELETE FROM transaction_creators WHERE user_id=? AND id IN (" . implode(",", $to_delete) . ")"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'])); } crypto_log("Complete.");
$args += array("label" => "total " . get_currency_abbr($currency)); } else { if (substr($account['summary_type'], 0, strlen('all2')) == 'all2') { $summary_type = substr($account['summary_type'], strlen('all2')); $summary_types = get_total_conversion_summary_types(); $args += array("label" => "converted " . $summary_types[$summary_type]['short_title']); } else { throw new JobException("Unknown summary_instance summary_type '" . htmlspecialchars($account['summary_type']) . "'"); } } } $args['label_uc'] = capitalize($args['label']); break; default: throw new JobException("Unknown notification type for email '" . $notification['notification_type'] . "'"); } send_user_email($user, $email_template, $args); crypto_log("Sent notification e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . "."); // update user stats $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET notifications_sent=notifications_sent+1 WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); } // update the notification $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE notifications SET is_notified=1,last_notification=NOW(),last_value=?,notifications_sent=notifications_sent+1 WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($current_value, $notification['id'])); } else { crypto_log("Trigger not successful."); // update the notification $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE notifications SET is_notified=0,last_value=? WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($current_value, $notification['id'])); }
/** * @param $block may be {@code null} * @throws {@link BalanceException} if something happened and the balance could not be obtained. */ function getBalanceAtBlock($address, $block = null, Logger $logger, $is_received = false) { $code = $this->currency->getCode(); if ($is_received) { $logger->info("We are looking for received balance."); } // do we have a block count? if ($this->currency instanceof BlockCurrency && !$block) { // TODO this needs to be cacheable between requests, otherwise we're going to end // up spamming services for block counts! $logger->info("Finding most recent block count..."); $block = $this->currency->getBlockCount($logger) - $this->confirmations; } $logger->info("Ignoring blocks after block " . number_format($block)); // we can now request the HTML page $url = sprintf($this->url, $address); $logger->info($url); try { $html = Fetch::get($url); } catch (\Apis\FetchHttpException $e) { // don't return raw HTML if we can find a valid error message if (strpos($e->getContent(), "Not a valid address")) { throw new BalanceException("Not a valid address", $e); } if (strpos($e->getContent(), "Address not seen on the network")) { throw new BalanceException("Address not seen on the network", $e); } // otherwise, throw HTML as normal throw new BalanceException($e->getContent(), $e); } $html = $this->stripHTML($html); // assumes that the page format will not change if (!$is_received && preg_match('#(<p>|<tr><th>|<tr><td>)Balance:?( |</th><td>|</td><td>)([0-9,\\.]+) ' . $this->currency->getAbbr() . '#im', $html, $matches)) { $balance = str_replace(",", "", $matches[3]); $logger->info("Address balance before removing unconfirmed: " . $balance); // transaction, block, date, amount, [balance,] currency if (preg_match_all('#<tr><td>.+</td><td><a href=[^>]+>([0-9]+)</a></td><td>.+?</td><td>(- |\\+ |)([0-9,\\.\\(\\)]+)</td>(|<td>([0-9\\.]+)</td>)<td>' . $this->currency->getAbbr() . '</td></tr>#im', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($match[1] >= $block) { // too recent $amount = str_replace(",", "", $match[3]); if (substr($amount, 0, 1) == "(" && substr($amount, -1) == ")") { // convert (1.23) into -1.23 $amount = -substr($amount, 1, strlen($amount) - 2); } if ($match[2] == "+ ") { $amount = +$amount; } else { if ($match[2] == "- ") { $amount = -$amount; } } $logger->info("Removing " . $amount . " from balance: unconfirmed (block " . $match[1] . " >= " . $block . ")"); $balance -= $amount; } } $logger->info("Confirmed balance after " . $this->confirmations . " confirmations: " . $balance); } else { $this->foundNoTransactions($logger); } } else { if ($is_received && preg_match('#(|<tr><th>|<tr><td>)Received:?( |</th><td>|</td><td>)([0-9,\\.]+) ' . $this->currency->getAbbr() . '#i', $html, $matches)) { $balance = str_replace(",", "", $matches[3]); $logger->info("Address received before removing unconfirmed: " . $balance); // transaction, block, date, amount, [balance,] currency if (preg_match_all('#<tr><td>.+</td><td><a href=[^>]+>([0-9]+)</a></td><td>.+?</td><td>(- |\\+ |)([0-9,\\.\\(\\)]+)</td>(|<td>([0-9\\.]+)</td>)<td>' . $this->currency->getAbbr() . '</td></tr>#im', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { if ($match[1] >= $block) { // too recent $amount = str_replace(",", "", $match[3]); if (substr($amount, 0, 1) == "(" && substr($amount, -1) == ")") { // convert (1.23) into -1.23 $amount = -substr($amount, 1, strlen($amount) - 2); } if ($match[2] == "+ ") { $amount = +$amount; } else { if ($match[2] == "- ") { $amount = -$amount; } } // only consider received if ($amount > 0) { $logger->info("Removing " . $amount . " from received: unconfirmed (block " . $match[1] . " >= " . $block . ")"); $balance -= $amount; } } } $logger->info("Confirmed received after " . $this->confirmations . " confirmations: " . $balance); } else { $this->foundNoTransactions($logger); } } else { if (strpos($html, "Address not seen on the network.") !== false) { // the address is valid, it just doesn't have a balance $balance = 0; $logger->info("Address is valid, but not yet seen on network"); } else { if (strpos($html, "Not a valid address.") !== false || strpos($html, "Please enter search terms") !== false) { // the address is NOT valid throw new BalanceException("Not a valid address"); } else { if (strpos($html, "this address has too many records to display") !== false) { // this address is valid, and it has a balance, but it has too many records for this Abe instance crypto_log("Address is valid, but has too many records to display"); throw new BalanceException("Address has too many transactions"); } else { if (strpos(strtolower($html), "500 internal server error") !== false) { crypto_log("Server returned 500 Internal Server Error"); throw new BalanceException("Server returned 500 Internal Server Error"); } else { throw new BalanceException("Could not find balance on page"); } } } } } } return $balance; }
// update as necessary $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['min'] = min($balance['balance'], $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['min']); $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['max'] = max($balance['balance'], $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['max']); $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['close'] = $balance['balance']; $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['samples']++; $stored[$date][$user_id][$exchange][$account_id][$currency]['values'][] = $balance['balance']; } crypto_log("Processed " . number_format($count) . " balances entries"); // we now have lots of data; insert it // danger! danger! five nested loops! $insert_count = 0; foreach ($stored as $date => $a) { foreach ($a as $user_id => $b) { foreach ($b as $exchange => $c) { foreach ($c as $account_id => $d) { foreach ($d as $currency => $summary) { $q = db_master()->prepare("INSERT INTO graph_data_balances SET\n user_id=:user_id, exchange=:exchange, account_id=:account_id, currency=:currency, data_date=:data_date, samples=:samples,\n balance_min=:min, balance_opening=:open, balance_closing=:close, balance_max=:max, balance_stdev=:stdev"); $q->execute(array('user_id' => $user_id, 'exchange' => $exchange, 'account_id' => $account_id, 'currency' => $currency, 'data_date' => $date, 'samples' => $summary['samples'], 'min' => $summary['min'], 'open' => $summary['open'], 'close' => $summary['close'], 'max' => $summary['max'], 'stdev' => stdev($summary['values']))); $insert_count++; } } } } } crypto_log("Inserted " . number_format($insert_count) . " balances entries into graph_data_balances"); // finally, delete all the old data // we've exhausted over everything so this should be safe $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM balances WHERE created_at <= :date ORDER BY created_at ASC"); $q->execute(array("date" => $cutoff_date)); crypto_log("Deleted " . number_format($count) . " summary entries"); batch_footer();
add_summary_instance($job, 'crypto2' . $currency, $total); } } crypto_log("</ul>"); } // update last_sum_job $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET last_sum_job=NOW() WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'])); // and now that we have added summary instances, check for first_report // (this is so that first_report jobs don't block up the job queue) /** * Send an e-mail to new users once their first non-zero summary reports have been compiled. */ // reload user in case multiple summary jobs for the same user are all blocked at once $user = get_user($job['user_id']); if (!$user['is_first_report_sent']) { // is there a non-zero summary instance? $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM summary_instances WHERE user_id=? AND is_recent=1 AND balance > 0 LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); if ($instance = $q->fetch()) { crypto_log("User has a non-zero summary instance."); // update that we've reported now $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_first_report_sent=1,first_report_sent=NOW() WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); // send email if ($user['email']) { send_user_email($user, "first_report", array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "url" => absolute_url(url_for("profile")), "login" => absolute_url(url_for("login")), "wizard_currencies" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_currencies")), "wizard_addresses" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_accounts_addresses")), "wizard_accounts" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_accounts")), "wizard_notifications" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_notifications")), "reports" => absolute_url(url_for("profile")), "premium" => absolute_url(url_for("premium")))); crypto_log("Sent first report e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . "."); } } }
<?php /** * A batch script to clean up old jobs. * This always executes (no job framework) so it should be used sparingly or as necessary. * * Arguments (in command line, use "-" for no argument): * $key/1 required the automated key */ define('USE_MASTER_DB', true); // always use the master database for selects! require __DIR__ . "/../inc/global.php"; require __DIR__ . "/_batch.php"; require_batch_key(); batch_header("Batch cleanup jobs", "batch_cleanup_jobs"); crypto_log("Current time: " . date('r')); // simply delete all jobs that haven't executed and are over three months old $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM jobs WHERE is_executed=1 AND executed_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)"); $q->execute(array()); crypto_log("Deleted old jobs."); batch_footer();
<?php /** * Openclerk version check job. */ $exchange = "version_check"; crypto_log("Local version: " . get_site_config('openclerk_version')); // call to find the latest version $version = crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url(url_add('', array('absolute_url' => get_site_config('absolute_url'), 'openclerk_version' => get_site_config('openclerk_version'))))); crypto_log("Remote version: " . $version); if (!$version) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Could not retrieve remote Openclerk version"); } // compare if (version_compare($version, get_site_config('openclerk_version')) > 0) { // delete any unread messages $q = db()->prepare("DELETE FROM admin_messages WHERE message_type=? AND is_read=0"); $q->execute(array('version_check')); // and insert a new one $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO admin_messages SET message_type=?, message=?"); $q->execute(array('version_check', '<a href="">A new version</a> of Openclerk is available: ' . $version)); crypto_log("Inserted new admin_message."); }
<?php /** * Restore market average data for a particular day (#457). */ crypto_log("Restoring market average data for day " . $job['arg_id']); $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM ticker WHERE created_at_day=? AND is_daily_data=1 AND exchange <> 'average'"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $recents = $q->fetchAll(); crypto_log("Found " . number_format(count($recents)) . " ticker instances to recreate average data"); $exchange = array('name' => 'average'); require __DIR__ . "/_average.php"; // we can now create ticker values as necessary foreach ($pairs as $pair) { if ($pair['total_volume'] > 0) { // delete any old average data $q = db()->prepare("DELETE FROM ticker WHERE exchange=:exchange AND currency1=:currency1 AND currency2=:currency2 AND created_at_day=TO_DAYS(:date)"); $q->execute(array("date" => $recents[0]['created_at'], "exchange" => $exchange['name'], "currency1" => $pair['currency1'], "currency2" => $pair['currency2'])); crypto_log("Deleted any old average data"); // insert in new ticker value $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO ticker SET exchange=:exchange, currency1=:currency1, currency2=:currency2, last_trade=:last_trade, bid=:bid, ask=:ask, volume=:volume, job_id=:job_id, is_daily_data=1, created_at=:date, created_at_day=TO_DAYS(:date)"); $q->execute(array("date" => $recents[0]['created_at'], "exchange" => $exchange['name'], "currency1" => $pair['currency1'], "currency2" => $pair['currency2'], "last_trade" => $pair['total_last_trade'] / $pair['total_volume'], "bid" => $pair['total_volume_bid'] > 0 ? $pair['total_bid'] / $pair['total_volume_bid'] : 0, "ask" => $pair['total_volume_ask'] > 0 ? $pair['total_ask'] / $pair['total_volume_ask'] : 0, "volume" => $pair['total_volume'], "job_id" => $job['id'])); crypto_log("Inserted in new ticker ID " . db()->lastInsertId()); } // no need to track average market count: this isn't used in historical data }
foreach ($data as $row) { $security = $row['ticker']; $bid = $row['bid']; // also available: avg_buy_price // make sure that a security definition exists $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_litecoininvest WHERE name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = $q->fetch(); if (!$security_def) { // need to insert a new security definition, so we can later get its value // we can't calculate the value of this security yet crypto_log("No securities_litecoininvest definition existed for '" . htmlspecialchars($security) . "': adding in new definition"); $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities_litecoininvest SET name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = array('id' => db()->lastInsertId()); } // insert in a new balance $job2 = $job; $job2['user_id'] = get_site_config('system_user_id'); /* need to insert security values as system user, or else they won't be displayed in a graph! */ insert_new_balance($job2, $security_def, "securities_" . $exchange, $currency, $bid); $calculated = $bid * $row['quantity']; crypto_log(htmlspecialchars($security) . " @ " . htmlspecialchars($bid) . " x " . number_format($row['quantity']) . " = " . htmlspecialchars($calculated)); $balance += $calculated; // insert security instance $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities SET user_id=:user_id, exchange=:exchange, security_id=:security_id, quantity=:quantity, account_id=:account_id, is_recent=1"); $q->execute(array('user_id' => $job['user_id'], 'exchange' => $exchange, 'security_id' => $security_def['id'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'account_id' => $account['id'])); } // we've now calculated both the wallet balance + the value of all securities insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange . '_wallet', $currency, $wallet); insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange . '_securities', $currency, $balance);
<?php /** * 796 security value job. * Retrieves the current 'bid' value for a particular security. */ $exchange = "securities_796"; $currency = 'btc'; // get the relevant address $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_796 WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $account = $q->fetch(); if (!$account) { throw new JobException("Cannot find a {$exchange} account " . $job['arg_id']); } $content = crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url('' . urlencode($account['api_name']))); if (!$content) { throw new ExternalAPIException("API returned empty data"); } $data = crypto_json_decode($content); // also available: last, high, low, vol, buy, sell if (!isset($data['ticker']['last'])) { throw new ExternalAPIException("External API returned no last price"); } $balance = $data['ticker']['last']; crypto_log("Last price for " . htmlspecialchars($account['name']) . ": " . $balance); insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange, $currency, $balance);
function handle(array $record) { $message = $record['message']; if (is_valid_url($message)) { return crypto_wrap_url($message); } if ($record['level'] >= Logger::WARNING) { if ($record['level'] >= Logger::ERROR) { $message = "[ERROR] " . $message; } else { $message = "[Warning] " . $message; } } crypto_log($message); }
crypto_log("Summary instance type: " . $account['summary_type'] . " for user " . $notification['user_id']); // get the most recent value $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM summary_instances WHERE user_id=:user_id AND summary_type=:summary_type AND is_recent=1 LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array("user_id" => $notification['user_id'], "summary_type" => $account['summary_type'])); $summary_instance = $q->fetch(); if (!$summary_instance) { // TODO maybe support failing for notifications, to disable notifications for e.g. accounts that no longer exist? // probably better to make sure that we can never *have* a referenced account that never exists throw new JobException("Could not find any recent summary instance values for " . $account['summary_type'] . " for user " . $notification['user_id']); } $current_value = $summary_instance['balance']; // what was the last value? // may need to generate this if no value exists, but hopefully this only occurs very rarely, // since this may be a very heavy query if ($notification['last_value'] === null) { crypto_log("No last value found: retrieving"); // get the query string for this interval $periods = get_permitted_notification_periods(); if (!isset($periods[$notification['period']]['interval'])) { throw new JobException("Unknown job period '" . $notification['period'] . "'"); } $period = $periods[$notification['period']]['interval']; $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM summary_instances WHERE user_id=:user_id AND summary_type=:summary_type AND created_at <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), {$period}) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array("user_id" => $notification['user_id'], "summary_type" => $account['summary_type'])); $last = $q->fetch(); if (!$last) { throw new JobException("Could not find any last values for " . $account['summary_type'] . " for user " . $notification['user_id']); } $notification['last_value'] = $last['balance']; } // other parameters
$security_def = array('id' => db()->lastInsertId()); } else { if (!isset($balances[$security_def['currency']])) { // this allows us to safely ignore securities in other currencies crypto_log("Security {$security} is not a currently recognised currency: " . $security_def['currency']); } else { // the 'balance' for this security is the 'bid' $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM balances WHERE exchange=:exchange AND account_id=:account_id AND is_recent=1 LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array("exchange" => "securities_cryptostocks", "account_id" => $security_def['id'])); $security_value = $q->fetch(); if (!$security_value) { // we can't calculate the value of this security yet crypto_log("Security " . htmlspecialchars($security) . " does not yet have a calculated value"); } else { $calculated = $security_value['balance'] * $shares; crypto_log(htmlspecialchars($security) . " @ " . htmlspecialchars($security_value['balance']) . " x " . number_format($shares) . " = " . htmlspecialchars($calculated) . " " . strtoupper($security_def['currency'])); $balances[$security_def['currency']] += $calculated; } } } // insert security instance // but only if we actually have a quantity if ($shares != 0) { $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities SET user_id=:user_id, exchange=:exchange, security_id=:security_id, quantity=:quantity, account_id=:account_id, is_recent=1"); $q->execute(array('user_id' => $job['user_id'], 'exchange' => $exchange, 'security_id' => $security_def['id'], 'quantity' => $shares, 'account_id' => $account['id'])); } } // we've now calculated both the wallet balance + the value of all securities foreach ($wallets as $currency => $balance) { insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange . '_wallet', $currency, $balance); }
// "How long does it take for a page to be generated?" // "What pages have the most database queries?" // "What pages spend the most time in PHP as opposed to the database?" // "How many jobs are running per hour?" // "What jobs have the most database queries?" // "Which jobs time out the most?" // "How many blockchain requests fail?" // "What jobs take the longest requesting URLs?" // "How many jobs are being queued at once?" // "Which queue types take the longest?" // "What are the most common graph types?" // "How many ticker graphs are being requested?" // we've processed all the data we want; delete old metrics data $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_slow_queries"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_slow_urls"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_repeated_queries"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_repeated_urls"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_pages"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_graphs"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_jobs"); $q->execute(); $q = db_master()->prepare("DELETE FROM performance_metrics_queues"); $q->execute(); crypto_log("Deleted old metric data."); batch_footer();
$data[$key] = 0; } } // calculate MySQL statistics // must request the master database manually! $q = db_master()->prepare("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS"); $q->execute(); $mysql_mapping = array('mysql_uptime' => 'Uptime', 'mysql_threads' => 'Threads_running', 'mysql_questions' => 'Questions', 'mysql_slow_queries' => 'Slow_queries', 'mysql_opens' => 'Opened_tables', 'mysql_flush_tables' => 'Flush_commands', 'mysql_open_tables' => 'Open_tables', 'mysql_locks_immediate' => 'Table_locks_immediate', 'mysql_locks_blocked' => 'Table_locks_waited'); while ($s = $q->fetch()) { if (($pos = array_search($s['Variable_name'], $mysql_mapping)) !== false) { $data[$pos] = $s['Value']; } } $data['disk_free_space'] = disk_free_space('/'); // get system statistics if defined (i.e. not Windows) $query_extra = ""; if (function_exists('sys_getloadavg')) { $top = sys_getloadavg(); $data['system_load_1min'] = $top[0]; $data['system_load_5min'] = $top[1]; $data['system_load_15min'] = $top[2]; $query_extra = "\n system_load_1min = :system_load_1min,\n system_load_5min = :system_load_5min,\n system_load_15min = :system_load_15min,\n "; } crypto_log(print_r($data, true)); $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE site_statistics SET is_recent=0 WHERE is_recent=1"); $q->execute(); $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO site_statistics SET\n total_users = :total_users,\n disabled_users = :disabled_users,\n premium_users = :premium_users,\n total_emails_sent = :total_emails_sent,\n\n free_delay_minutes = :free_delay_minutes,\n premium_delay_minutes = :premium_delay_minutes,\n outstanding_jobs = :outstanding_jobs,\n external_status_job_count = :external_status_job_count,\n external_status_job_errors = :external_status_job_errors,\n\n mysql_uptime = :mysql_uptime,\n mysql_threads = :mysql_threads,\n mysql_questions = :mysql_questions,\n mysql_slow_queries = :mysql_slow_queries,\n mysql_opens = :mysql_opens,\n mysql_flush_tables = :mysql_flush_tables,\n mysql_open_tables = :mysql_open_tables,\n mysql_locks_immediate = :mysql_locks_immediate,\n mysql_locks_blocked = :mysql_locks_blocked,\n\n users_graphs_managed_none = :users_graphs_managed_none,\n users_graphs_managed_managed = :users_graphs_managed_managed,\n users_graphs_managed_auto = :users_graphs_managed_auto,\n users_graphs_need_update = :users_graphs_need_update,\n users_subscribe_announcements = :users_subscribe_announcements,\n pending_subscriptions = :pending_subscriptions,\n pending_unsubscriptions = :pending_unsubscriptions,\n\n user_logins_after_warned = :user_logins_after_warned,\n users_login_after_warned = :users_login_after_warned,\n user_logins_after_disabled = :user_logins_after_disabled,\n users_login_after_disabled = :users_login_after_disabled,\n\n notifications_sent = :notifications_sent,\n max_notifications_sent = :max_notifications_sent,\n\n jobs_tests = :jobs_tests,\n jobs_timeout = :jobs_timeout,\n\n disk_free_space = :disk_free_space,\n\n {$query_extra}\n\n is_recent=1\n "); $q->execute($data); $insert_id = db()->lastInsertId(); crypto_log("Inserted new site statistics ID {$insert_id}"); batch_footer();
<?php /** * Individual Crypto-Trade securities job. */ $exchange = "individual_crypto-trade"; // get the relevant address $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM accounts_individual_cryptotrade WHERE user_id=? AND id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['user_id'], $job['arg_id'])); $account = $q->fetch(); if (!$account) { throw new JobException("Cannot find a {$exchange} account " . $job['arg_id'] . " for user " . $job['user_id']); } // get the most recent ticker balance for this security $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM balances WHERE exchange=? AND account_id=? AND is_recent=1 LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array('securities_crypto-trade', $account['security_id'])); $ticker = $q->fetch(); if (!$ticker) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Could not find any recent ticker balance for securities_crypto-trade ID=" . htmlspecialchars($account['security_id'])); } else { $calculated = $ticker['balance'] * $account['quantity']; crypto_log('security ' . htmlspecialchars($account['security_id']) . " @ " . htmlspecialchars($ticker['balance']) . " x " . number_format($account['quantity']) . " = " . htmlspecialchars($calculated)); insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange, $ticker['currency'], $calculated); }
<?php /** * Crypto-Trade securities ticker job. */ $exchange = "securities_crypto-trade"; // get the relevant security $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_cryptotrade WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $security = $q->fetch(); if (!$security) { throw new JobException("Cannot find a {$exchange} security " . $job['arg_id'] . " for user " . $job['user_id']); } $cur1 = $security['currency']; $cur2 = strtolower($security['name']); $rates = crypto_json_decode(crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url("" . $cur2 . "_" . $cur1))); if (!isset($rates['data']['max_bid'])) { if (isset($rates['error'])) { throw new ExternalAPIException("Could not find {$cur1}/{$cur2} rate for {$exchange}: " . htmlspecialchars($rates['error'])); } throw new ExternalAPIException("No {$cur1}/{$cur2} rate for {$exchange}"); } crypto_log("Security {$cur1}/{$cur2} balance: " . $rates['data']['max_bid']); // insert new balance insert_new_balance($job, $security, 'securities_crypto-trade', $security['currency'], $rates['data']['max_bid']);
/** * @param $currency * @param $value a number */ function insert_new_difficulty($job, $currency, $value) { $block_table = "difficulty_" . $currency; // disable old instances $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE {$block_table} SET is_recent=0 WHERE is_recent=1"); $q->execute(); // we have a balance; update the database $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO {$block_table} SET difficulty=:value,is_recent=1"); $q->execute(array("value" => $value)); crypto_log("Inserted new {$block_table} id=" . db()->lastInsertId()); }
<?php /** * Havelock Investments security value job. * Retrieves the current 'bid' value for a particular security. */ $exchange = "securities_havelock"; $currency = 'btc'; // get the relevant address $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_havelock WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $account = $q->fetch(); if (!$account) { throw new JobException("Cannot find a {$exchange} account " . $job['arg_id']); } require __DIR__ . "/_havelock.php"; $content = havelock_query("", array('symbol' => $account['name'])); crypto_log("Last price for " . htmlspecialchars($account['name']) . ": " . $content[$account['name']]['last']); $balance = $content[$account['name']]['last']; insert_new_balance($job, $account, $exchange, $currency, $balance);
* is disabled. */ // get the relevant user info $user = get_user($job['arg_id']); if (!$user) { throw new JobException("Cannot find user ID " . $job['arg_id']); } // check that they're not a premium user etc - this should never happen if ($user['is_premium']) { throw new JobException("Premium user was requested to be warned of disabled - this should not happen"); } else { if ($user['is_disabled']) { throw new JobException("Disabled user was requested to be warned of disabled - this should not happen"); } } $disables_at = strtotime(($user['last_login'] ? $user['last_login'] : $user['created_at']) . " +" . get_site_config('user_expiry_days') . " day"); // update user (before sending email) $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_disable_warned=1,disable_warned_at=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array($user['id'])); if ($disables_at > time()) { // there's no point in sending an email if it's going to be disabled in the past; it will be disabled on our very next run anyway // construct email if ($user['email']) { send_user_email($user, "disable_warning", array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "days" => number_format(get_site_config('user_expiry_days')), "disables" => iso_date($disables_at), "disables_text" => recent_format($disables_at, false, ""), "url" => absolute_url(url_for("user#user_premium")), "login" => absolute_url(url_for("login")))); crypto_log("Sent disable warning soon e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . "."); } else { crypto_log("User had no valid e-mail address."); } } else { crypto_log("Did not send any disable warning: disable time is set into the past (" . iso_date($disables_at) . ")"); }
<?php /** * Securities count job - count how many securities a user currently has. This value is * displayed on the Profile tabs as Your Securities (X). */ // construct a query using $accounts = account_data_grouped(); $unions = array(); $args = array('user_id' => $job['user_id']); $count = 0; foreach ($accounts['Individual Securities'] as $key => $data) { $unique = "u" . $count++; $unions[] = "(SELECT :" . $unique . "_name AS exchange, security_id FROM " . $data['table'] . " WHERE user_id=:user_id)\n"; // doesn't directly required an alias $args[$unique . '_name'] = $data['exchange']; } $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM\n\t(SELECT exchange, security_id FROM (\n\t\t(SELECT exchange, security_id FROM securities WHERE user_id=:user_id AND is_recent=1)\n\t\tUNION " . implode(" UNION ", $unions) . "\n\t) u GROUP BY exchange, security_id) t"; crypto_log("<pre>" . $query . "</pre>"); crypto_log(print_r($args, true)); // execute $q = db()->prepare($query); $q->execute($args); $security_count = $q->fetch(); crypto_log("Securities found for user " . $job['user_id'] . ": " . number_format($security_count['c'])); $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET securities_count=? WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($security_count['c'], $job['user_id']));
/** * Implements failing tables; if an account type fails multiple times, * then send the user an email and disable the account. * @see OpenclerkJobQueuer#getStandardJobs() */ function failed(\Exception $runtime_exception, Connection $db, Logger $logger) { // is this a standard job? $standard = $this->findStandardJob(); if ($standard) { $logger->info("Using standard job " . print_r($standard, true)); if (!$standard['failure']) { $logger->info("Not a failure standard job"); return; } } else { return; } $failing_table = $standard['table']; $job = $this->job; // find the relevant account_data for this standard job $account_data = false; foreach (account_data_grouped() as $label => $group) { foreach ($group as $exchange => $data) { if (isset($data['job_type']) && $job['job_type'] == $data['job_type']) { $account_data = $data; $account_data['exchange'] = $exchange; break; } } } if (!$account_data) { $logger->warn("Could not find any account data for job type '" . $job['job_type'] . "'"); } $logger->info("Using account data " . print_r($account_data, true)); // don't count CloudFlare as a failure if ($runtime_exception instanceof CloudFlareException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Openclerk\Apis\CloudFlareException) { $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a CloudFlareException"); } else { if ($runtime_exception instanceof IncapsulaException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Openclerk\Apis\IncapsulaException) { $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a IncapsulaException"); } else { if ($runtime_exception instanceof BlockchainException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Core\BlockchainException) { $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a BlockchainException"); } else { $q = $db->prepare("UPDATE {$failing_table} SET failures=failures+1,first_failure=IF(ISNULL(first_failure), NOW(), first_failure) WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $logger->info("Increasing account failure count"); } } } $user = get_user($job['user_id']); if (!$user) { $logger->info("Warning: No user " . $job['user_id'] . " found"); } else { // failed too many times? $q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$failing_table} WHERE id=? LIMIT 1"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); $account = $q->fetch(); $logger->info("Current account failure count: " . number_format($account['failures'])); if ($account['failures'] >= get_premium_value($user, 'max_failures')) { // disable it and send an email $q = $db->prepare("UPDATE {$failing_table} SET is_disabled=1 WHERE id=?"); $q->execute(array($job['arg_id'])); crypto_log(print_r($account_data, true)); if ($user['email'] && !$account['is_disabled']) { $email_type = $job['job_type'] == "notification" ? "failure_notification" : "failure"; send_user_email($user, $email_type, array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "exchange" => get_exchange_name($account_data['exchange']), "label" => $account_data['label'], "labels" => $account_data['labels'], "failures" => number_format($account['failures']), "message" => $runtime_exception->getMessage(), "length" => recent_format(strtotime($account['first_failure']), "", ""), "title" => isset($account['title']) && $account['title'] ? "\"" . $account['title'] . "\"" : "untitled", "url" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_accounts")))); $logger->info("Sent failure e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . "."); } } } }
* A batch script to get all current Havelock securities and queue them up for ticker values, * so we will have historical data even if no user has the security yet. */ $exchange = "securities_havelock"; $currency = 'btc'; // get the API data $content = crypto_get_contents(crypto_wrap_url('')); if (!$content) { throw new ExternalAPIException("API returned empty data"); } $json = json_decode($content, true); if (!$json) { throw new ExternalAPIException("JSON was invalid"); } foreach ($json as $security => $data) { // $data only has last price, so we'll let securities_havelock job deal with the bid/ask $q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM securities_havelock WHERE name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = $q->fetch(); if (!$security_def) { // need to insert a new security definition, so we can later get its value // we can't calculate the value of this security yet crypto_log("No securities_havelock definition existed for '" . htmlspecialchars($security) . "': adding in new definition"); $q = db()->prepare("INSERT INTO securities_havelock SET name=?"); $q->execute(array($security)); $security_def = array('name' => $security, 'id' => db()->lastInsertId()); } $balance = $data['last']; // since we already have last price here, we might as well save it for free insert_new_balance($job, $security_def, $exchange, $currency, $balance); }