function VerificarUsuario() { global $arrHttp, $valortag, $Path, $xWxis, $session_id, $Permiso, $msgstr, $db_path, $nombre, $Per, $adm_login, $adm_password; $llave = LeerRegistro(); if ($llave != "") { $res = explode('|', $llave); $userid = $res[0]; $_SESSION["mfn_admin"] = $res[1]; $mfn = $res[1]; $nombre = $res[2]; $arrHttp["Mfn"] = $mfn; $Permiso = "|"; $Per = ""; // The first right coded in field 40 is the default right $value = $valortag[40]; $fecha = $valortag[60]; $today = date("Ymd"); if (!empty($fecha)) { if ($today > $fecha) { header("Location: ../../index.php?login=N"); die; } } $value = substr($value, 2); $ix = strpos($value, '^'); $Perfil = substr($value, 0, $ix); $profile = file($db_path . "par/profiles/" . $Perfil); unset($_SESSION["profile"]); unset($_SESSION["permiso"]); $_SESSION["profile"] = $Perfil; foreach ($profile as $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value != "") { $key = explode("=", $value); $_SESSION["permiso"][$key[0]] = $key[1]; } } } else { if ($arrHttp["login"] == $adm_login and $arrHttp["password"] == $adm_password) { $Perfil = "adm"; unset($_SESSION["profile"]); unset($_SESSION["permiso"]); $profile = file($db_path . "par/profiles/" . $Perfil); $_SESSION["profile"] = $Perfil; foreach ($profile as $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value != "") { $key = explode("=", $value); $_SESSION["permiso"][$key[0]] = $key[1]; } } } else { echo "<script>\r\n \t\t\tself.location.href=\"../../index.php?login=N\";\r\n \t\t\t</script>"; die; } } }
function VerificarUsuario() { global $arrHttp, $valortag, $Path, $xWxis, $session_id, $Permiso, $msgstr, $db_path, $nombre, $userid, $lang; $llave = LeerRegistro(); if ($llave != "") { $res = explode("\\|", $llave); $userid = $res[0]; $_SESSION["mfn_admin"] = $res[1]; $mfn = $res[1]; $nombre = $res[2]; $arrHttp["Mfn"] = $mfn; $Permiso = "|"; $P = explode("\n", $valortag[40]); foreach ($P as $value) { $value = substr($value, 2); $ix = strpos($value, '^'); $Permiso .= substr($value, 0, $ix) . "|"; } } else { echo "<script>\r\n \t\tself.location.href=\"../indexmysite.php?login=N&lang=" . $lang . "\";\r\n \t\t</script>"; die; } }
echo "Missing user rights"; session_destroy(); die; } foreach ($Permiso as $key => $value) { if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "db_") { $bases = substr($key, 3); break; } } $arrHttp["base"] = $bases; $arrHttp["cipar"] = $arrHttp["base"] . ".par"; $NombreBase = ""; $arrHttp["Opcion"] = "STATUS"; $arrHttp["IsisScript"] = "control.xis"; $llave = LeerRegistro(); $stat = explode("\\|", $llave); $llave = substr($stat[2], 7); echo "<HTML><title>ABCD</title>\r\n\t\t\t\t<head>\r\n\t\t\t\t<script language=javascript src=js/lr_trim.js></script>\r\n\t\t\t\t<script languaje=javascript>\r\n\t\t\t\tself.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight)\r\n\t\t\t\tself.moveTo(0,0)\r\n\t\t\t\tself.focus();\n"; if (isset($_SESSION["newindow"])) { // for detecting if is a new window or the same window echo "var neww=\"&newindow=y\"\n"; } else { echo "var neww=\"\"\n"; } echo "\r\n\t\t\t\tvar listabases=Array()\r\n\t\t\t\tvar lock_db=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar browseby=\"mfn\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Expresion=\"\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Expre_b=\"\"\r\n var typeofrecord=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar mfn=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar maxmfn=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Mfn_Search=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Max_Search=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Search_pos=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar db_permiso=\"{$bdright}\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar db_copies=\"{$db_copies}\" // to check if the database uses the copies database\r\n\t\t\t\tvar NombreBase='{$bddesc}'\r\n\t\t\t\tvar ix_basesel=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar ix_langsel=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Marc=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar base=\"{$bd}\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar cipar=\"{$bd}.par\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar Formato='ALL'\r\n\t\t\t\tvar tl=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar nr=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar xeliminar=0\r\n\t\t\t\tvar xeditar=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar ModuloActivo=\"catalog\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar CG_actual=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar CG_nuevo=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar prefijo_indice=\"\"\r\n\t\t\t\tvar formato_indice=\"\"\r\n\t\t\t\tValorCapturado=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar NombreBaseCopiarde=''\r\n\t\t\t\tvar wks=\"\"\r\n\t\t\t\tbuscar=''\r\n\t\t\t\tlang='" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "'\r\n\t\t\t\tep=''\r\n\t\t\t\tConFormato=true\r\n\t\t\t\tCapturando=''\r\n\t\t\t\ttoolbarEnabled='' //enable/disable the toolbar\r\n\t\t\t\tfunction AbrirVentanaAyuda(){\r\n\t\t\t\t\tinsWindow ='../documentacion/ayuda.php?help='+lang+'/dataentry_toolbar.html', 'Ayuda', 'location=no,width=700,height=550,scrollbars=yes,top=10,left=100,resizable');\r\n\t\t\t\t\tinsWindow.focus()\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t"; ?> function ApagarEdicion(){ return }
<?php if (isset($arrHttp["see_all"])) { echo "<input type=hidden name=see_all value=\"S\"> "; } $fmt_test = "S"; $arrHttp["wks"] = "decision.fmt"; if (!isset($arrHttp["cipar"])) { $arrHttp["cipar"] = $arrHttp["base"] . ".par"; } include "../dataentry/plantilladeingreso.php"; ConstruyeWorksheetFmt(); //Se lee el registro que va a ser editado $arrHttp["lock"] = "S"; $maxmfn = $arrHttp["Mfn"]; $res = LeerRegistro($arrHttp["base"], $arrHttp["base"] . ".par", $arrHttp["Mfn"], $maxmfn, $arrHttp["Opcion"], $_SESSION["login"], "", ""); echo "<a href=../dataentry/show.php?Mfn=" . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . "&base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . " target=_blank><img src=../images/zoom.png></a> <strong>" . $valortag[18] . "</strong><br>"; echo "<br>"; if ($res == "LOCKREJECTED") { echo "<script>\r\n\talert('" . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . ": " . $msgstr["reclocked"] . "')\r\n\t</script>"; die; } echo "<b>Mfn: " . $arrHttp["Mfn"] . "</b><br>"; include "../dataentry/dibujarhojaentrada.php"; PrepararFormato(); ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php include "../common/footer.php";
break; case "listar": case "unlock": $contenido = VerStatus(); $arrHttp["IsisScript"] = "administrar.xis"; echo "<p><span class=td>"; MostrarPft(); break; case "listadecampos": include "adm_listadecampos.php"; break; echo "<html>\n"; echo "<body>\n"; echo "<script languaje=javascript>\n"; echo "function Buscar(Clave){\n"; echo 'Clave=Clave.substr(0,30)' . "\n"; echo 'Clave="\\""+escape(Clave)+"\\""' . "\n"; echo ' url="/wxis/wxis.exe?IsisScript=auditoria.xis&Opcion=buscar&Expresion="+Clave+"&Path=' . $arrHttp["Path"] . '&base=' . $arrHttp["base"] . "&cipar=" . $arrHttp["base"] . ".par\"\n"; echo ',"Window2","status=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,menu=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=400,top=50,left=50")' . "\n"; echo ' msgwin.focus()' . "\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "</script>\n"; $arrHttp["IsisScript"] = "auditoria.xis"; LeerRegistro(); break; } if (!isset($arrHttp["encabezado"])) { if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] != "fullinv") { echo "<p><center><a href=index.php?base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . " class=boton> Menu </a>"; } }
echo "{$value}<br>"; } } } include "../common/header.php"; echo "\t\t<div class=\"middle form\">\r\n\t\t\t<div class=\"formContent\">\n"; $object_db = $arrHttp["base"]; echo "<h5><font color=darkred>" . $msgstr["pft_uskey"] . "</font></H5>"; $Pft = stripslashes($arrHttp["pft_uskey"]); $Pft = urlencode($Pft); LeerRegistro($Pft, $object_db); echo "<h5><font color=darkred>" . $msgstr["pft_ustype"] . "</font></H5>"; $Pft = stripslashes($arrHttp["pft_ustype"]); $Pft = urlencode($Pft); LeerRegistro($Pft, $object_db); echo "<h5><font color=darkred>" . $msgstr["pft_usvig"] . "</font></H5>"; $Pft = stripslashes($arrHttp["pft_usvig"]); $Pft = urlencode($Pft); LeerRegistro($Pft, $object_db); echo "<h5><font color=darkred>" . $msgstr["pft_usdisp"] . "</font></H5>"; $Pft = stripslashes($arrHttp["pft_usdisp"]); $Pft = urlencode($Pft); LeerRegistro($Pft, $object_db); ?> </div></div> <?php include "../common/footer.php"; ?> ; </body> </html>
if (isset($valortag[$Rnr])) { $xnr = trim($valortag[$Rnr]); } $nuevo = ""; if ($arrHttp["Mfn"] == "New") { $nuevo = "s"; } $regSal = ActualizarRegistro(); if ($nuevo == "s") { $arrHttp["Maxmfn"] = $arrHttp["Mfn"]; } $arrHttp["Opcion"] = "ver"; $ver = "S"; reset($valortag); if (!isset($arrHttp["Formato"]) or $arrHttp["Formato"] == "") { $regSal = LeerRegistro($base, $cipar, $arrHttp["Mfn"], $maxmfn, $arrHttp["Opcion"], $login, $password, $arrHttp["Formato"]); $arrHttp["Notificacion"] = "N"; require_once 'ingresoadministrador.php'; } else { $regSal = LeerRegistroFormateado($arrHttp["Formato"]); } include "scripts_dataentry.php"; if ($record_deleted == "N") { include "toolbar_record.php"; } echo $regSal; echo "</div></div></div>"; include "../common/footer.php"; } else { //se lee la fdt de la base de datos if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] == "crear" or $arrHttp["Opcion"] == "capturar") {
function ConstruyeWorksheetFMT() { global $arrHttp, $vars, $db_path, $lang_db, $base_fdt, $wks_avail, $msgstr; $base = $arrHttp["base"]; $fpDb_fdt = $db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . "{$base}.fdt"; if (!file_exists($fpDb_fdt)) { $fpDb_fdt = $db_path . $base . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/" . "{$base}.fdt"; if (!file_exists($fpDb_fdt)) { echo $msgstr["notfound"] . ": " . $db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/{$base}.fdt"; die; } } $fpDb = file($fpDb_fdt); // se lee la estructura de la base de datos (dbn.fdt) foreach ($fpDb as $linea) { if (trim($linea) != "") { $base_fdt[] = $linea; } } unset($fp); if (isset($arrHttp["wks"])) { if (strpos($arrHttp["wks"], ".fmt") === false and strpos($arrHttp["wks"], ".fdt") === false) { $arrHttp["wks"] .= ".fmt"; } $cod = $arrHttp["wks"]; $ixpos = strpos($cod, "."); $cod = substr($cod, 0, $ixpos); if (isset($_SESSION["permiso"]["CENTRAL_ALL"]) or isset($_SESSION["permiso"][$arrHttp["base"] . "_fmt_ALL"]) or isset($_SESSION["permiso"][$arrHttp["base"] . "_fmt_{$cod}"]) or isset($_SESSION["permiso"]["ACQ_ACQALL"]) or isset($_SESSION["permiso"]["ACQ_NEWSUGGESTIONS"])) { if (file_exists($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . $arrHttp["wks"])) { $fp = file($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . $arrHttp["wks"]); } else { if (file_exists($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/" . $arrHttp["wks"])) { $fp = file($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/" . $arrHttp["wks"]); } } } else { echo "\t<div class=\"middle form\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"formContent\">\n"; echo "<h4>" . $msgstr["fmt"] . ":" . $arrHttp["wks"] . "---- " . $msgstr["recnoallow"] . "</h4>"; echo "<script>top.xeditar=\"\"</script>"; $arrHttp["unlock"] = "S"; $maxmfn = 0; $res = LeerRegistro($arrHttp["base"], $arrHttp["base"] . ".par", $arrHttp["Mfn"], $maxmfn, $arrHttp["Opcion"], $arrHttp["login"], $password, ""); die; } } if (!isset($fp)) { if (isset($arrHttp["wks"])) { echo "<h4>" . $msgstr["notfound"] . ": " . $db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/" . $arrHttp["wks"] . "</h4>"; } $vars = $base_fdt; return; } $ix = -1; reset($fp); foreach ($fp as $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value != "") { unset($tx); $tx = explode('|', $value); if (count($tx) > 1) { if ($tx[0] == "LDR") { $Leader = "S"; $Marc = "S"; if (file_exists($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/leader.fdt")) { $fixed = file($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $_SESSION["lang"] . "/leader.fdt"); } else { $fixed = file($db_path . $base . "/def/" . $lang_db . "/leader.fdt"); } foreach ($fixed as $fx) { if (trim($fx) != "") { $ix = $ix + 1; $vars[$ix] = $fx; } } } else { $ix = $ix + 1; $vars[$ix] = $value; } } else { $primeravez = "S"; reset($base_fdt); foreach ($base_fdt as $lin) { unset($vx); $vx = explode('|', $lin); if ($vx[1] == $tx[0] or $primeravez == "N") { if ($primeravez == "S") { $ix = $ix + 1; $vars[$ix] = $lin; $primeravez = "N"; } else { if (trim($vx[1]) != "" or $vx[0] == "H") { //Si la columna de tag no tiene un blanco se termina la lista de los subcampos break; } else { $ix = $ix + 1; $vars[$ix] = $lin; } } } } } } } }