Beispiel #1
function HTML_UTF16_UnEscape($HTML_text, $MSB_first)
    $utf8_text = HTML_UTF8_UnEscape($HTML_text);
    return unicode_array_to_UTF16(UTF8_to_unicode_array($utf8_text), $MSB_first);
Beispiel #2
function HTML_UTF8_Escape($UTF8_text)
    // Ensure that the Unicode UTF8 encoding is valid.
    $UTF8_text = UTF8_fix($UTF8_text);
    // Change: changed to use smart_htmlspecialchars, so that characters which were already escaped would remain intact, as of revision 1.10
    // Escape any special HTML characters present
    $UTF8_text = smart_htmlspecialchars($UTF8_text, ENT_QUOTES);
    // Convert the UTF-8 string to an array of unicode character numbers
    $unicode_array = UTF8_to_unicode_array($UTF8_text);
    // Create a string to receive the escaped HTML
    $htmloutput = "";
    // Cycle through the unicode character numbers
    foreach ($unicode_array as $unichar) {
        // Check if the character needs to be escaped
        if ($unichar >= 0x0 && $unichar <= 0x7f) {
            // Character is less than 0x7F - add it to the html as is
            $htmloutput .= chr($unichar);
        } else {
            // Character is greater than 0x7F - escape it and add it to the html
            $htmloutput .= "&#x" . dechex($unichar) . ";";
    // Return the resulting escaped HTML
    return $htmloutput;