function syncLog() { AjaxHead(); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $duoshuoPlugin = Duoshuo_Dedecms::getInstance(); $response = $duoshuoPlugin->syncLog(); echo json_encode($response); exit; }
<?php @ob_start(); @set_time_limit(3600); require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); CheckPurview('sys_description'); $tjnum = 0; if($action=='getfields') { AjaxHead(); $dsql = new DedeSql(false); if(!$dsql->linkID){ echo "<font color='red'>连接数据源的数据库失败!</font><br>"; echo $qbutton; exit(); } $channel = $dsql->getone("select addtable from #@__channeltype where ID=$channel"); $channel = str_replace('#@__',$cfg_dbprefix,$channel['addtable']); $dsql->GetTableFields($channel); echo "<div style='border:1px solid #ababab;background-color:#FEFFF0;margin-top:6px;padding:3px;line-height:160%'>"; echo "表(".$channel.")含有的字段:<br>"; while($row = $dsql->GetFieldObject()){ echo "<a href=\"javascript:pf('{$row->name}')\"><u>".$row->name."</u></a>\r\n"; } echo "<input type='hidden' name='addtable' value='$channel' />"; echo "</div>"; $dsql->Close(); exit(); }elseif($action == 'fetch') { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset={$cfg_ver_lang}");
function ac_rate() { $type = request('type', ''); $rate = request('rate', ''); $askaid = request('askaid', ''); $askaid = is_numeric($askaid) ? $askaid : 0; $type = strip_tags($type); $rate = strip_tags($rate); if ($type == 'bad') { $rate = 'badrate'; } else { $rate = 'goodrate'; } $cookiename = 'rated' . $askaid; if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) { $_COOKIE[$cookiename] = 0; } if (!$_COOKIE[$cookiename] == $askaid) { $this->answer->update_answer("{$rate}={$rate}+1", "id='{$askaid}'"); makecookie($cookiename, $askaid, 3600); } $row = $this->answer->get_one("id='{$askaid}'", "goodrate, badrate"); $goodrate = $row['goodrate']; $badrate = $row['badrate']; if ($goodrate + $badrate > 0) { $goodrateper = ceil($goodrate * 100 / ($badrate + $goodrate)); $badrateper = 100 - $goodrateper; } else { $goodrateper = $badrateper = 0; } $total = $goodrate + $badrate; $aid = $askaid; AjaxHead(); $poststr = "<dl>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<dt><strong>您觉得最佳答案好不好? </strong></dt>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<dd> <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"rate('mark',{$askaid},'good')\"><img src=\"static/images/mark_g.gif\" width=\"14\" height=\"16\" />好</a> <span>{$goodrateper}% ({$goodrate})</span> </dd>\r\n <dd> <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"rate('mark',{$askaid},'bad')\"><img src=\"static/images/mark_b.gif\" width=\"14\" height=\"16\" />不好</a> <span>{$badrateper}% ({$badrate})</span></dd>\r\n <dt>(目前有 {$total} 个人评价)</dt>\r\n\t\t\t\t </dl>"; echo $poststr; }
/** * caijixia for dedecms * @version $Id: cjx.class.php 112 2013-05-28 01:22:57Z qinjinpeng $ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011,caijixia for dedecms, * @license This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * @param NULL * @return NULL */ function ac_gettask() { AjaxHead(); $typeid = $this->gv('typeid'); $rs = cjxdb('kwkeyword')->where("typeid={$typeid}")->Fields('`type`,`keyword`')->select(); $keyword = $rss = $dx = $dxs = ''; require_once DEDEINC . "/dedetag.class.php"; $dtp = new DedeTagParse(); foreach ($rs as $r) { if ($r['type'] == 0) { $keyword .= empty($keyword) ? $r['keyword'] : "\r\n" . $r['keyword']; } else { if ($r['type'] == 1) { $rss .= empty($rss) ? $r['keyword'] : "\r\n" . $r['keyword']; } else { if ($r['type'] == 2) { $dx .= empty($dx) ? $r['keyword'] : "``" . $r['keyword']; $dtp->LoadString($r['keyword']); $dxt = $dtp->GetTagByName('list') ? $dtp->GetTagByName('list')->GetInnerText() : ''; $dxs .= "<span><a href='javascript:void(0);' style='float:right' onclick='delpage(this);'>删除</a><a href='javascript:void(0);' style='float:right' onclick='editpage(this);'>编辑 </a>" . $dxt . "</span>"; } else { } } } } $note = cjxdb('co_note')->Fields('nid,notename')->where('channelid=1')->select(); foreach ($note as $k => $v) { $ck = cjxdb('kwkeyword')->where("`keyword`={$v['nid']} AND `type`=3")->find(); if ($ck) { if ($ck['typeid'] == $typeid) { $note[$k]['btype'] = true; } else { $note[$k]['btype'] = $ck['typeid']; } } $note[$k]['channelname'] = '普通文章'; } $this->assign('typeid', $typeid); $this->assign('keyword', $keyword); $this->assign('rss', $rss); $this->assign('dx', $dx); $this->assign('dxs', $dxs); $this->assign('notelist', $note); $this->display(); }