function covertops()
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from covertops as c,covertopsmissions as cm where c.time=1 and");
    if (!$sth) {
        echo "Dtaabaser failure!";
    while ($covertops = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) {
        $success = false;
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select sum(c.value) from covertopsupgrades as c,constructions as b,planets as p where and b.prod_id=c.prod_id and p.uid=" . $covertops["uid"]);
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Dast FDS!";
        $f_co_upgrades = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select count(id) from planets where uid=" . $covertops["uid"]);
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Datasbe failure!";
        $f_planets = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        $f_rate = $f_co_upgrades[0] / $f_planets[0];
        //      echo("Friendly Rate: ".$f_rate."\n");
        if ($covertops["targettype"] == "I") {
            $imperium = $covertops["target"];
        } else {
            $sth1 = mysql_query("select uid from planets where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
            if (!$sth1) {
                echo "Datasbe failuer!";
            $uid = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
            $imperium = $uid["uid"];
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select sum(population)/10000 from planets where uid=" . $imperium);
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Datasber faileur!";
        $spies = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select sum(count) from covertops where uid=" . $imperium);
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Database failuer!";
        $used_spies = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        if ($used_spies[0] == NULL) {
            $rate = 100;
        } else {
            $rate = ($spies[0] - $used_spies[0]) / $spies[0] * 100;
        //      echo("Grundrate: $rate\n");
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select sum(c.value) from covertopsupgrades as c,constructions as b,planets as p where and b.prod_id=c.prod_id and p.uid={$imperium}");
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Dtasabr failuer!";
        $co_upgrades = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select count(id) from planets where uid={$imperium}");
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "Datasbe failure!";
        $planets = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
        $rate = $rate + $co_upgrades[0] / $planets[0];
        //      echo("Rate mit Upgrades: $rate\n");
        if ($rate <= 0) {
            $success = true;
        } else {
            mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
            $random = mt_rand(0, $rate - $f_rate);
            //  echo("Berechnung: Rate->$rate Frindly Rate->$f_rate Zufall->$random Chance->".$covertops["chance"]."\n");
            if ($random <= $covertops["chance"]) {
                $success = true;
        //      if ($success)
        //  echo("Success!\n");
        // DEBUG!
        //      $success=true;
        if ($success) {
            switch ($covertops["missiontype"]) {
                case "S":
                    define("MAX_STEAL", 25);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select f.prod_id,f.fid,f.count,p.typ,, f.reload from fleet as f,production as p left join fleet_info as fi on fi.fid=f.fid where fi.uid={$imperium} and fi.mission=0 and fi.tpid=0 and fi.tsid=0 and!=0 and f.prod_id=p.prod_id order by rand() limit 1");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsbe faileur!";
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) > 0) {
                        $fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                        $sth2 = mysql_query("select,p.sid from planets as p,users as u where and" . $covertops["uid"]);
                        if (!$sth2) {
                            echo "Dtabaser faileur!";
                        $home = mysql_fetch_array($sth2);
                        switch ($fleet["typ"]) {
                            case "L":
                                $multiplikator = 1;
                            case "M":
                                $multiplikator = 5;
                            case "H":
                                $multiplikator = 10;
                        if ($multiplikator * $fleet["count"] > MAX_STEAL) {
                            $fleet["count"] = floor(MAX_STEAL / $multiplikator);
                        $new_fleet = new fleet();
                        $new_fleet->add_ships_arr(array($fleet["prod_id"] => array($fleet["count"], $fleet["reload"])));
                        $new_fleet->uid = $covertops["uid"];
                        $new_fleet->pid = $home["id"];
                        $new_fleet->sid = $home["sid"];
                        $sth2 = mysql_query("update fleet set count=count-" . $fleet["count"] . " where fid=" . $fleet["fid"] . " and prod_id=" . $fleet["prod_id"]);
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "You have stolen " . $fleet["count"] . " " . $fleet["name"], "s");
                        ticker($imperium, $fleet["count"] . " " . $fleet["name"] . " vanished from your radar!", "s");
                    } else {
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies didn't find any ships. The target imperium doesn't have any!", "s");
                case "B":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select b.prod_id,,, as pname from planets as pl,production as p,constructions as b where b.prod_id=p.prod_id and and pl.uid={$imperium} order by rand()");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Database failoer!";
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) > 0) {
                        $building = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                        $sth1 = mysql_query("delete from constructions where prod_id=" . $building["prod_id"] . " and pid=" . $building["pid"]);
                        if (!$sth1) {
                            echo "DDFatabf failur!";
                        if ($building["name"] == "Unnamed") {
                            $building["name"] = get_planetname("pid");
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies destroyed the " . $building["pname"] . " on planet " . $building["name"] . "!", "s");
                        ticker($imperium, "The " . $building["pname"] . " on planet " . $building["name"] . " was destroyed misteriously!", "s");
                case "F":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select f.prod_id,f.fid from fleet as f,fleet_info as fi where fi.uid={$imperium} and fi.fid=f.fid");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsbe faileur!";
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) > 0) {
                        if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) == 1) {
                            $random = 0;
                        } else {
                            mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                            $random = mt_rand(0, mysql_num_rows($sth1) - 1);
                        for ($i = 0; $i <= $random; $i++) {
                            $fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                        $sth2 = mysql_query("delete from fleet where fid=" . $fleet["fid"] . " and prod_id=" . $fleet["prod_id"]);
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "You spies destroyed some ships!", "s");
                        ticker($imperium, "Enemy spies destroyed some of your ships!", "s");
                    } else {
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies didn't find any ships. The target imperium doesn't have any!", "s");
                case "N":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select * from ticker where uid={$imperium}");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Database failure!";
                    while ($ticker = mysql_fetch_array($sth1)) {
                        if ($end = strrpos($ticker["text"], "*")) {
                            $text = substr($ticker["text"], $end + 1);
                        } else {
                            $text = $ticker["text"];
                        $mail = $mail . "\n" . $text;
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) == 0) {
                        $mail = "This Imperium doesn't have any news at the moment!";
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id=" . $imperium);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsabe failure!";
                    $imp_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    mail_to_uid($covertops["uid"], "News of " . $imp_name["imperium"], $mail);
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies have successfully hacked a news network. Check Mails.", "s");
                case "M":
                    $mail = "";
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select fi.*,f.prod_id,f.count,f.reload,,s.x,s.y  from fleet as f,production as p,systems as s left join fleet_info as fi on fi.fid=f.fid and fi.uid={$imperium} where p.prod_id=f.prod_id and order by fid");
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) == 0) {
                        $mail = "Target imperium doesn't have any fleets";
                    } else {
                        while ($part_fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth1)) {
                            if ($part_fleet["fid"] != $fid_old) {
                                $fid_old = $part_fleet["fid"];
                            $fleet[$counter][] = $part_fleet;
                        $counter = 1;
                        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($fleet); $i++) {
                            $mail = $mail . "Fleet " . $counter++ . "<br>";
                            $mail = $mail . "<table>";
                            $head_array = "";
                            $text_arr = "";
                            $prod_arr = "";
                            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($fleet[$i]); $j++) {
                                $head_array[$j] = $fleet[$i][$j]["name"];
                                $text_arr[$j] = $fleet[$i][$j]["count"];
                            switch ($fleet[$i][0]["mission"]) {
                                case "0":
                                    $mission_text["a"] = "Defending";
                                    $mission_text["b"] = "defend";
                                case "1":
                                    $mission_text["a"] = "Attacking";
                                    $mission_text["b"] = "attack";
                                case "4":
                                    $mission_text["a"] = "";
                                    $mission_text["b"] = "colonize";
                            if ($fleet[$i][0]["pid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
                                $planetname = get_planetname($fleet[$i][0]["pid"]);
                                $mission = $mission_text["a"] . " planet " . $planetname;
                            if ($fleet[$i][0]["pid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
                                $systemname = get_systemname($fleet[$i][0]["sid"]);
                                $mission = $mission_text["a"] . " system " . $systemname;
                            if ($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
                                $systemname = get_systemname($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"]);
                                $mission = "On its way to " . $mission_text["b"] . " system " . $systemname;
                            if ($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] != 0) {
                                $planetname = get_planetname($fleet[$i][0]["tpid"]);
                                $mission = "On its way to " . $mission_text["b"] . " planet " . $planetname;
                            $text_arr[] = $mission;
                            $head_array[] = "Mission";
                            $mail = $mail . "<tr>";
                            while (list($key, $dummy) = each($head_array)) {
                                $mail = $mail . "<th>{$dummy}</th>";
                            $mail = $mail . "</tr>";
                            $mail = $mail . "<tr>";
                            while (list($key, $dummy) = each($text_arr)) {
                                echo $key . " - " . $dummy . "\n";
                                $mail = $mail . "<td>{$dummy}</td>";
                            $mail = $mail . "</tr>";
                            $mail = $mail . "</table>";
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id=" . $imperium);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsabe failure!";
                    $imp_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    mail_to_uid($covertops["uid"], "Military overview of " . $imp_name["imperium"], $mail);
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies have successfully hacked a military network. Check Mails.", "s");
                case "I":
                    $mail = "";
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select,cm.descr,cm.targettype from covertops as c,covertopsmissions as cm where uid={$imperium} and");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Databasdf faileru!";
                    while ($missions = mysql_fetch_array($sth1)) {
                        if ($missions["targettype"] == "I") {
                            $sth2 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id=" . $missions["target"]);
                            if (!$sth2) {
                                echo "Datasbae failuer!";
                            $imp_tname = mysql_fetch_array($sth2);
                            $target = "Imperium " . $imp_tname["imperium"];
                        } else {
                            $planetname = get_planetname($missions["target"]);
                            $target = "Planet " . $planetname;
                        $mail = $mail . "\n" . $missions["descr"] . " Target :" . $target;
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id=" . $imperium);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsabe failure!";
                    $imp_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    mail_to_uid($covertops["uid"], "CovertOps overview of " . $imp_name["imperium"], $mail);
                case "C":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select population from planets where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datasb faileur!";
                    $pop = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    if ($pop["population"] > 10000000) {
                        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                        $killed = mt_rand(5000000, 8000000);
                    } else {
                        mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                        $killed = round($pop["population"] * (mt_rand(30, 80) / 100));
                    $planetname = get_planetname($covertops["target"]);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("update planets set population=population-{$killed} where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "udFH failuewr!";
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies launched a nuclear assault on Planet " . $planetname . " {$killed} were killed!", "s");
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select uid from planets where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Database dfasi!";
                    $uid_target = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    ticker($uid_target["uid"], "Enemy spies launched a deadly nuclear attack agaonst Planet " . $planetname . " {$killed} were killed!", "s");
                case "V":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select population from planets where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datasb faileur!";
                    $pop = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
                    $killed = round($pop["population"] * (mt_rand(30, 80) / 100));
                    $planetname = get_planetname($covertops["target"]);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("update planets set population=population-{$killed} where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "udFH failuewr!";
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies deployed a deadly virus on Planet " . $planetname . " {$killed} were killed!", "s");
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select uid from planets where id=" . $covertops["target"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Database dfasi!";
                    $uid_target = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    ticker($uid_target["uid"], "Enemy spies deployed a deadly virus on Planet " . $planetname . " {$killed} were killed!", "s");
                case "A":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id={$imperium}");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Databsae faileru!";
                    $imp_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select id,name,value from admirals where uid={$imperium} order by rand()");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Dtzasa faielru!";
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) == 0) {
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies didn't find an admiral of Imperium " . $imp_name["imperium"] . "!", "s");
                        return 0;
                    $admiral = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("delete from admirals where id=" . $admiral["id"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Dzasakhbd faileur!";
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies killed Admiral " . $admiral["name"] . " of Imperium " . $imp_name["imperium"] . "!", "s");
                    ticker($imperium, "Admiral " . $admiral["name"] . " was assasinated!", "w");
                case "T":
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select imperium from users where id={$imperium}");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Databsae faileru!";
                    $imp_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select sid from tradestations where uid={$imperium}");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Dtasgha faij!";
                    if (mysql_num_rows($sth1) == 0) {
                        ticker($covertops["uid"], $imp_name["imperium"] . " doesn't have a tradestation. Mission aborted.", "w");
                    list($stationid) = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("update tradestations set fail_chance=fail_chance+(rand()*10+1) where sid={$stationid}");
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Datsbae fauO!";
                    ticker($covertops["uid"], "Your spies have successfully sabotaged " . $imp_name["imperium"] . "'s tradestation", "w");
        } else {
            mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000000);
            $random = mt_rand(0, 100);
            if ($random <= 50) {
                if ($random <= 20) {
                    $sth1 = mysql_query("select name,imperium from users where id=" . $covertops["uid"]);
                    if (!$sth1) {
                        echo "Dtas afa!";
                    $att_name = mysql_fetch_array($sth1);
                    ticker($imperium, "Your spies intercepted some enemy spies. Their leader is " . $att_name["name"] . " (" . $att_name["imperium"] . ")!", "s");
                } else {
                    ticker($imperium, "Your spies intercepted some enemy spies!", "s");
    $sth = mysql_query("delete from covertops where time<=1");
    if (!$sth) {
        echo "Dtabas faislru!";
    $sth = mysql_query("update covertops set time=time-'1'");
    if (!$sth) {
        echo "Dtasbwer failure!";
function combat_report($pid, $sid)
    global $combat;
        echo "Erstelle Kampfbericht...";
    $combat_smarty = new Smarty();
    global $__base_inc_dir;
    $combat_smarty->template_dir = $__base_inc_dir . "battle/templates/";
    $combat_smarty->compile_dir = $__base_inc_dir . "battle/templates_c";
    $combat_smarty->config_dir = $__base_inc_dir . "battle/configs/";
    $combat_smarty->cache_dir = $__base_inc_dir . "battle/cache/";
    $puid = get_uid_by_pid($pid);
    if ($pid) {
        if ($puid) {
            $puname = get_name_by_uid($puid);
        } else {
            $puname = "no owner";
        if ($pid == -1) {
            $combat_smarty->assign("location", "SimOrbit");
        } else {
            $combat_smarty->assign("location", get_planetname($pid) . " ({$puname})");
    } else {
        $combat_smarty->assign("location", get_systemname($sid));
    $invader_id = combat_get_conqueror($pid);
    if (!$invader_id) {
        $combat_smarty->assign("invasion", "");
    } else {
        if ($invader_id < 0 && $invader_id > -100) {
            $combat_smarty->assign("invasion", "Planet1 has been invaded by Side2");
        } elseif ($invader_id == -100) {
            $combat_smarty->assign("invasion", "Planetary combat, production was delayed.");
        } else {
            $combat_smarty->assign("invasion", get_planetname($pid) . " has been invaded by " . get_name_by_uid($invader_id));
    // Admiraele berichten
    $query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT SUM(c1.challenge) AS xp_earned, c2.admiral_id AS admiral_id, c2.uid \nAS uid FROM combat c1 INNER JOIN combat c2 ON ( WHERE c2.admiral_id <> 0 \nGROUP BY c2.admiral_id") or die("Admiral-XP: " . $GLOBALS["db"]->error);
    while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
        if (!is_array($results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"])) {
            $aidx = 0;
        } else {
            $aidx = sizeof($results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"]);
        $results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"][$aidx]["name"] = dlookup("name", "admirals", "id=" . $result["admiral_id"]);
        if (is_null(dlookup("killed_by", "combat", "admiral_carried=" . $result["admiral_id"]))) {
            $results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"][$aidx]["xp"] = dlookup("value", "admirals", "id=" . $result["admiral_id"]);
            $results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"][$aidx]["newxp"] = dlookup("value", "admirals", "id=" . $result["admiral_id"]) + $result["xp_earned"];
            $results[$result["uid"]]["admirals"][$aidx]["lvlup"] = calculate_admiral_level(dlookup("value", "admirals", "id=" . $result["admiral_id"]) + $result["xp_earned"]) != calculate_admiral_level(dlookup("value", "admirals", "id=" . $result["admiral_id"]));
    $users_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT DISTINCT uid, aid FROM combat") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
    if (!$users_query) {
        return false;
    while ($users_result = $users_query->fetch_assoc()) {
        // Feinde
        $results_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT alliance2 FROM diplomacy dp WHERE status=0 AND \nalliance1=" . $users_result["aid"]) or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        if (!$results_query) {
            return false;
        while (list($results[$users_result["uid"]]["enemies"][]) = $results_query->fetch_row()) {
        // Schiffe gesamt
        $namefield = "CONCAT(, ' ', IF(c.position='L','[unloaded]',\nIF(c.position='T','[on transport]',IF(c.position='U','[landed]',IF(IFNULL(c.killed_special,'')='E',\n'[disabled]',IF(IFNULL(c.killed_special,'')='R', '[captured]', ''))))))";
        $results_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT {$namefield} AS name, \nSUM(c.count_max) AS count FROM combat c INNER JOIN production p \nUSING (prod_id) WHERE uid=" . $users_result["uid"] . " GROUP BY, c.position, c.killed_special") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        if (!$results_query) {
            return false;
        while ($unit = $results_query->fetch_assoc()) {
            $results[$users_result["uid"]]["ships"][$unit["name"]] = $unit["count"];
        // Schiffe zerstört
        $results_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT {$namefield} AS name, SUM(c.count_max-c.count) AS count,\nIFNULL(c.killed_special,'') AS killed_special FROM combat c INNER JOIN production p \nUSING (prod_id) WHERE uid=" . $users_result["uid"] . " GROUP BY, c.position, c.killed_special") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        if (!$results_query) {
            return false;
        while ($unit = $results_query->fetch_assoc()) {
            if ($unit["killed_special"] != "E" && $unit["killed_special"] != "R") {
                $results[$users_result["uid"]]["destroyed_ships"][$unit["name"]] = $unit["count"];
        // Schiffe lebendig
        $results_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT {$namefield} AS name, SUM(c.count) AS count,\nIFNULL(c.killed_special,'') AS killed_special FROM combat c INNER JOIN production p \nUSING (prod_id) WHERE c.killed_by IS NULL AND uid=" . $users_result["uid"] . " GROUP BY, c.position, \nc.killed_special") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        if (!$results_query) {
            return false;
        while ($unit = $results_query->fetch_assoc()) {
            if ($unit["killed_special"] != "E" && $unit["killed_special"] != "R") {
                $results[$users_result["uid"]]["remaining_ships"][$unit["name"]] = $unit["count"];
    // Planetare Schilde berichten
    $query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT 'Planetary shields' AS name, SUM(c.shield) AS shieldsum, \nSUM(c.shield_max) AS maxsum FROM combat c INNER JOIN production p USING (prod_id) WHERE c.special \nLIKE 'H%'") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
    while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
        if ($result["maxsum"] > 0) {
            $results[$puid]["ships"][$result["name"]] = $result["maxsum"];
            $results[$puid]["destroyed_ships"][$result["name"]] = $result["maxsum"] - $result["shieldsum"];
            $results[$puid]["remaining_ships"][$result["name"]] = $result["shieldsum"];
    $combat_smarty->assign("results", $results);
    $users_query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM combat") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
    if (!$users_query) {
        return false;
    while ($users_result = $users_query->fetch_assoc()) {
        if ($users_result["uid"] < 0) {
            $users[$users_result["uid"]] = "BattleSim Side " . $users_result["uid"] * -1;
        } else {
            $users[$users_result["uid"]] = get_name_by_uid($users_result["uid"]);
    $combat_smarty->assign("users", $users);
    $report = ob_get_contents();
    // Report abspeichern
    if (BATTLE_DESTROY && $combat["shots_fired"] > 0) {
        $week = dlookup("week", "timeinfo");
        $sth = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("INSERT INTO battlereports SET pid={$pid}, sid={$sid}, \nreport='" . addslashes($report) . "', week={$week}") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        $report_id = $GLOBALS["db"]->insert_id;
        $query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT DISTINCT uid FROM combat") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        while (list($id) = $query->fetch_row()) {
            $sth = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("INSERT INTO battlereports_user (uid, rid) VALUES ({$id}, {$report_id})") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        $query = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("SELECT DISTINCT aid FROM combat") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        while (list($id) = $query->fetch_row()) {
            $sth = $GLOBALS["db"]->query("INSERT INTO battlereports_alliance (aid, rid) VALUES ({$id}, {$report_id})") or die($GLOBALS["db"]->error);
        echo "OK! (" . round(read_timer(1), 4) . "s)" . COMBAT_NEWLINE . COMBAT_NEWLINE;
    if (!BATTLE_DESTROY) {
        echo "{$report}" . COMBAT_NEWLINE . COMBAT_NEWLINE;
 function get_name()
     $location = get_systemname($this->sid);
     if ($this->pid) {
         $location .= " (Orbit of " . get_planetname($this->pid) . ")";
     return $location;
function get_fleet_items($id, $sql_foreign_key)
    global $uid;
    global $map_info;
    $sth = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fleet_info WHERE " . $sql_foreign_key . "=" . $id . " order by uid");
    if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) {
        return false;
    $i = 0;
    $ships = array();
    while ($fleets = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth)) {
        $ships[$i] = array();
        $its_fleet = new fleet($fleets["fid"]);
        $its_fid = $fleets["fid"];
        // get fleets userdata
        // ALLIANZ
        $sth2 = mysql_query("select, u.imperium, as alliance_name, a.color, a.symbol, a.milminister from users u left outer join alliance a on where" . $fleets["uid"]);
        if (!$sth2 || !mysql_num_rows($sth2)) {
            return 0;
        $fleets_user_info = mysql_fetch_array($sth2);
        if ($fleets_user_info["alliance_name"]) {
            $return_array[$i]["allianceName"] = htmlspecialchars($fleets_user_info["alliance_name"]);
            $return_array[$i]["allianceColor"] = $fleets_user_info["color"];
            if ($fleets_user_info["symbol"]) {
                $return_array[$i]["allianceSymbol"] = $fleets_user_info["symbol"];
            } else {
                $return_array[$i]["allianceSymbol"] = 0;
        } else {
            $return_array[$i]["allianceName"] = 0;
            $return_array[$i]["allianceColor"] = 0;
            $return_array[$i]["allianceSymbol"] = 0;
        // all items same data
        $return_array[$i]["picture"] = get_fleet_pic($its_fid);
        $return_array[$i]["topic"] = htmlspecialchars($fleets["name"]);
        $return_array[$i]["description"] = htmlspecialchars($fleets["name"]);
        $return_array[$i]["oid"] = $fleets["fid"];
        $return_array[$i]["sid"] = $fleets["sid"];
        $return_array[$i]["pid"] = $fleets["pid"];
        $return_array[$i]["tsid"] = $fleets["tsid"];
        $return_array[$i]["tpid"] = $fleets["tpid"];
        $return_array[$i]["relationClass"] = get_uids_relation($uid, $fleets["uid"], 1);
        $return_array[$i]["footer"] = false;
        $is_commanded_by_mod = $its_fleet->milminister == 1 && $fleets_user_info["milminister"] == $uid;
        if ($uid == $its_fleet->uid || $is_commanded_by_mod) {
            $its_mission = get_mission_by_mission_id($fleets["mission"]);
            $its_target = get_fleets_target($its_fid);
            // full fleet item, own or borrowed units
            $return_array[$i]["itemType"] = "FULL_FLEET_ITEM";
            $return_array[$i]["type"] = "fleet";
            // sounds
            // okay, suboptimal weil gleiche funkiion schon bei get_fleet_pic aufgerufen wird :S, bin jetzt aba faul
            $strongest_ship = get_strongest_ship_by_fid($its_fid);
            // ggf noch sounds von admirälen einfügen
            $sound_array = get_sound_by_prod_id($strongest_ship);
            $return_array[$i]["soundReport"] = $sound_array["report"];
            $return_array[$i]["soundConfirm"] = $sound_array["confirm"];
            // Target
            if ($its_target["planet"]["tid"] || $its_target["system"]["tid"]) {
                // ETA berechnen
                $return_array[$i]["eta"] = get_true_ETA_by_fid($its_fid);
                if ($its_target["planet"]["tid"]) {
                    $return_array[$i]["target"] = get_planetname($its_target["planet"]["tid"]);
                } else {
                    $return_array[$i]["target"] = get_systemname($its_target["system"]["tid"]);
            // Mission
            $return_array[$i]["missionSymbol"] = $its_mission[2];
            $return_array[$i]["missionName"] = $its_mission[0];
            $return_array[$i]["mission"] = $fleets["mission"];
            // Tactics
            $return_array[$i]["tactic"] = $fleets["tactic"];
            $return_array[$i]["tacticSymbol"] = 0;
            $return_array[$i]["tacticName"] = get_tactic_by_tacticflag($fleets["tactic"]);
            // Reloading?
            $return_array[$i]["reloadSymbol"] = get_reload($its_fid);
            // Infantry aboard?
            $return_array[$i]["infantrySymbol"] = get_infantrycount_by_fid($its_fid);
            // Minister of Defence
            $return_array[$i]["modSymbol"] = $fleets["milminister"];
            // FLEET CONTROL
            //manage fleet
            if (!$is_commanded_by_mod) {
                $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= "<SR_FLEET_CONTROL type=\"SR_SIMPLE_ACTION\" face=\"control_button_manage_fleet.svgz\" controlName=\"manage fleet\" description=\"manage fleet\"/>";
            $planet_uid = get_uid_by_pid($its_fleet->pid);
            // transfer infantry
            if ($its_fleet->get_total_transporter_capacity() > 0 && ($planet_uid == $its_fleet->uid || is_allied($planet_uid, $its_fleet->uid)) || has_infantry_on_planet($its_fleet->pid, $its_fleet->uid)) {
                $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= "<SR_FLEET_CONTROL type=\"SR_SIMPLE_ACTION\" face=\"control_button_inf_transfer.svgz\" controlName=\"transfer infantry\" description=\"transfer infantry\"/>";
        } else {
            // bäh, mir fällt kein anständiges query ein
            $light = 0;
            $medium = 0;
            $heavy = 0;
            $sth3 = mysql_query("select sum(count), typ as shipcount from fleet join production using(prod_id) where fid='" . $its_fid . "' group by typ");
            if (!$sth3 || !mysql_num_rows($sth3)) {
                return 0;
            while (list($shipcount, $typ) = mysql_fetch_row($sth3)) {
                switch ($typ) {
                    case "L":
                        $light = $shipcount;
                    case "M":
                        $medium = $shipcount;
                    case "H":
                        $heavy = $shipcount;
            $return_array[$i]["footer"] = $heavy . " " . $medium . " " . $light;
            $return_array[$i]["type"] = "fleet";
            $return_array[$i]["text1"] = htmlspecialchars($fleets_user_info["name"]);
            $return_array[$i]["text2"] = htmlspecialchars($fleets_user_info["imperium"]);
            if ($return_array[$i]["relationClass"] == "colorAllied") {
                $return_array[$i]["itemType"] = "ADVANCED_FLEET_ITEM";
                $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= "<SR_FLEET_CONTROL type=\"SR_SIMPLE_ACTION\" face=\"control_button_examine_fleet.svgz\" controlName=\"examine fleet\" description=\"view fleet details\"/>";
            } else {
                $return_array[$i]["itemType"] = "FLEET_ITEM";
                // fleet control buttons, keine Attribute sondern childs, nur nach den Attributen im $return_array auflisten!
                // special actions
                $special_actions = get_special_fleet_actions($its_fid, "fleet");
                if (is_array($special_actions)) {
                    for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($special_actions); $j++) {
                        $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= "<SR_FLEET_CONTROL type=\"SR_SPECIAL_ACTION\" face=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["picture"] . "\" controlName=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["name"] . "\" description=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["description"] . "\" controlId=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["action_id"] . "\"";
                        $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= " metal=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["metal"] . "\" energy=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["energy"] . "\" mopgas=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["mopgas"] . "\" erkunum=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["erkunum"] . "\" gortium=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["gortium"] . "\" susebloom=\"" . $special_actions[$j]["susebloom"] . "\"/>";
                // fleet control EXAMINE FLEET falls die flotte sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zu dem user und seinen alliierten befindet
                if (fleet_is_examinable($its_fid, $its_fleet->sid) == "true") {
                    $return_array[$i]["fleet_control"] .= "<SR_FLEET_CONTROL type=\"SR_SIMPLE_ACTION\" face=\"control_button_examine_fleet.svgz\" controlName=\"examine fleet\" description=\"view fleet details\"/>";
                    if (has_noscan_ships_and_constructions($its_fid)) {
                        $return_array[$i]["picture"] = "animationRauschen";
                        $return_array[$i]["footer"] = "0 0 0";
                } else {
                    // wenn in scanrange, aber nicht wirklih sichbar, picture zu p_unknown.jpg ändern
                    $return_array[$i]["picture"] = PIC_ROOT . "p_unknown.png";
                    if (has_noscan_ships_and_constructions($its_fid)) {
                        $return_array[$i]["footer"] = "0 0 0";
        if ($uid == $its_fleet->uid || $map_info->is_allied($its_fleet->uid) || fleet_is_examinable($its_fid)) {
            // mop: alle schiffsnamen
            $prod_ids = array_keys($its_fleet->ships);
            $sth2 = mysql_query("select prod_id,name,typ from production where prod_id in (" . implode(",", $prod_ids) . ")");
            while (list($prod_id, $name, $typ) = mysql_fetch_row($sth2)) {
                $ship_data = $its_fleet->ships[$prod_id];
                $ship_data[] = $name;
                $ship_data[] = $typ;
                $ships[$i][$prod_id] = $ship_data;
                // mop: enthält dann array aus count und reload
    return array($return_array, $ships);
function move_fleet($mission)
    global $uid;
    $fid = $_GET["fid"];
    $targetId = $_GET["targetId"];
    $targetType = $_GET["targetType"];
    // planet || system
    $fleet = new fleet($fid);
    // validation
    if ($uid != $fleet->uid) {
        if ($fleet->milminister == 1) {
            $sth = mysql_query("select a.milminister from users u left join alliance a on u.alliance = where = " . $uid);
            if (!$sth) {
                show_svg_message("ERR::GET MoD");
                return false;
            list($its_mod) = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
            if ($its_mod != $uid) {
                show_svg_message("You can not command that fleet");
                return false;
        } else {
            show_svg_message("You can not command that fleet");
            return false;
    if ($targetType == "system") {
        $destination_system = $targetId;
        $destination_planet = 0;
        $destination_name = get_systemname($targetId);
    } else {
        $sth = mysql_query("select sid, name, uid from planets where id = '{$targetId}'");
        if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) {
            return 0;
        $dest_data = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
        $destination_system = $dest_data[0];
        $destination_name = $dest_data[1];
        $destination_planet = $targetId;
        $destination_planet_uid = $dest_data[2];
    $max_warp = get_max_warp($uid);
    $route = move_to($fleet->sid, $destination_system, $max_warp);
    if (is_array($route)) {
        $fleet_mode = "defensive";
        // gucken ob der zielplanet ein feindlicher ist
        if ($destination_planet != 0 && $destination_planet_uid != 0) {
            if (get_uids_relation($uid, $destination_planet_uid) == "enemy") {
                $fleet_mode = "aggressive";
        set_mission($fid, $mission, $destination_system, $destination_planet);
        $its_mission = get_mission_by_mission_id($mission, $fleet_mode);
        set_route($route, $fid);
        $true_eta = get_true_ETA_by_fid($fid);
        $request .= "<SR_REQUEST oid=\"" . $fid . "\" type=\"FLEET_ROUTE\">";
        $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_INFO eta=\"" . $true_eta . "\" targetName=\"" . $destination_name . "\" sid=\"" . $fleet->sid . "\" mission=\"" . $mission . "\" missionName=\"" . $its_mission[0] . "\" missionSymbol=\"" . $its_mission[2] . "\" />";
        // general info
        if ($fleet->sid == $destination_system) {
            if ($destination_planet == 0 || $fleet->pid == 0) {
                if ($destination_planet == 0) {
                    $target_planet = $fleet->pid;
                    $target_system = $destination_system;
                } else {
                    $target_planet = $destination_planet;
                    $target_system = $fleet->sid;
                $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_SYSTEM_TO_PLANET jumpNumber=\"0\" pid=\"" . $target_planet . "\" sid=\"" . $target_system . "\"/>";
            } else {
                $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_PLANET_TO_PLANET jumpNumber=\"0\" pid1=\"" . $fleet->pid . "\" pid2=\"" . $destination_planet . "\" sid=\"" . $fleet->sid . "\"/>";
        } else {
            // wenn die flotte nicht schon überm stern hängt, muss sie erst dahin fliegen um das system zu verlassen
            $a = 0;
            if ($fleet->pid != 0) {
                $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_SYSTEM_TO_PLANET jumpNumber=\"" . $a++ . "\" pid=\"" . $fleet->pid . "\" sid=\"" . $fleet->sid . "\"/>";
            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($route); $i++) {
                $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_SYSTEM jumpNumber=\"" . ($i + $a) . "\" sid=\"" . $route[$i] . "\"/>";
            // wenn die flotte nicht zum einem anderen stern fliegt, sondern zu einem planeten, kommt noch ein inter-planetärer flug hinzu
            if ($destination_planet != 0) {
                $request .= "<SR_ROUTE_SYSTEM_TO_PLANET jumpNumber=\"" . ++$i . "\" pid=\"" . $destination_planet . "\" sid=\"" . $destination_system . "\"/>";
        $request .= "</SR_REQUEST>";
        echo $request;
        return true;
    } else {
        show_svg_message("Sir! Our fleet '" . get_fleet_name($_GET["fid"]) . "' can't carry out your command. The targets destination has an insuperable gap that exceeds our warp technolgy of " . $max_warp . " parsec.");
        return false;
function show_info()
    global $uid;
    global $pid;
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from planets p,popgain g where{$pid} and p.uid={$uid} and");
    if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
        show_error("Jailhouse rock!");
        return 0;
    center_headline("Information Screen");
    $planet = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth);
    table_border_start("center", "", "#302859", "#100666", "#D2CCF9");
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo " <td rowspan=\"14\">\n";
    echo "   <img src=\"arts/" . $planet["type"] . ".jpg\">\n";
    echo " <td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
    table_head_text(array("Information"), "2");
    table_text_design("Owner", "", "center", "1", "head");
    $sth = mysql_query("select,ifnull(,'none') as aname from users u left join alliance a on where" . $planet["uid"]);
    if (!$sth || mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    $owner = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth);
    table_text_design($owner["name"], "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("System", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design(get_systemname($planet["sid"]), "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("Alliance", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($owner["aname"], "", "center", "1", "text");
    if ($planet["gain"] > 0) {
        $gain = "<span style=\"color: lime\">+" . $planet["gain"] * 100 . "%</span>";
    } else {
        $gain = "+/-0%";
    table_text_design("Population", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design(get_poplevel_by_pop($planet["population"]) . " " . $gain . " (" . $planet["max_poplevel"] . ")", "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("Planettype", "", "center", "1", "head");
    switch ($planet["type"]) {
        case "O":
            $type = "Origin Class";
        case "M":
            $type = "Mars Class";
        case "A":
            $type = "Ancient Class";
        case "D":
            $type = "Desert Class";
        case "E":
            $type = "Eden Class";
        case "G":
            $type = "Gas Giant Class";
        case "H":
            $type = "Heavy Grav Class";
        case "I":
            $type = "Ice Class";
        case "R":
            $type = "Rock Class";
        case "T":
            $type = "Toxic Class";
    define("planet_raw_metal", "8.5");
    define("planet_raw_energy", "8.5");
    define("planet_raw_mopgas", "8.5");
    define("planet_raw_erkunum", "8.5");
    define("planet_raw_gortium", "8.5");
    define("planet_raw_susebloom", "8.5");
    define("planet_no_upgrade_factor", "1");
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from planets where id={$pid}");
    $population_factor = log10($planet["population"] / 1000) + 3;
    $sth = mysql_query("select * from final_prod_factors where pid=" . $pid);
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("ERR::GET PROD_FACTORS");
        return false;
    if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 1) {
        $factors = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth);
    } else {
        $factors = false;
    $metal_plus = round($factors["metal"] * ($planet["metal"] / 100) * (planet_raw_metal * $population_factor));
    $energy_plus = round($factors["energy"] * ($planet["energy"] / 100) * planet_raw_energy * $population_factor);
    $mopgas_plus = round($factors["mopgas"] * ($planet["mopgas"] / 100) * planet_raw_mopgas * $population_factor);
    $erkunum_plus = round($factors["erkunum"] * ($planet["erkunum"] / 100) * planet_raw_erkunum * $population_factor);
    $gortium_plus = round($factors["gortium"] * ($planet["gortium"] / 100) * planet_raw_gortium * $population_factor);
    $susebloom_plus = round($factors["susebloom"] * ($planet["susebloom"] / 100) * planet_raw_susebloom * $population_factor);
    table_text_design($type, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("Production factor", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($planet["production_factor"] * 100 . "%", "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/metal.gif' title='Metal' alt='Metal'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($metal_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/energy.gif' title='Energy' alt='Energy'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($energy_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/mopgas.gif' title='Mopgas' alt='Mopgas'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($mopgas_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/erkunum.gif' title='Erkunum' alt='Erkunum'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($erkunum_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/gortium.gif' title='Gortium' alt='Gortium'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($gortium_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    table_text_design("<img src='arts/susebloom.gif' title='Susebloom' alt='Susebloom'>", "", "center", "1", "head");
    table_text_design($susebloom_plus, "", "center", "1", "text");
    echo "<br><br>\n";
    echo "<center>\n";
    //  echo("<a href=\"planet.php?pid=".$planet["id"]."\" target=\"anzeige_frame\">fleet orders</a>\n");
    echo "</center>\n";
    echo "<br>\n";
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT ps.*, p.pic, p.description, FROM planetary_shields ps \nINNER JOIN production p USING (prod_id) WHERE pid={$pid}") or die(mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
        table_start("center", "500");
        table_head_text(array("Shield generators installed on {$planet['name']}"), "5");
        table_text_design("&nbsp;", "50px", "", "", "head");
        table_text_design("Building", "300", "", "", "head");
        table_text_design("Max", "50", "center", "", "head");
        table_text_design("Power", "50", "center", "", "head");
        table_text_design("Load", "50", "center", "", "head");
        while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            table_text_open("text", "center");
            table_text_design("<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?act=print_building_info&prod_id=" . $result["prod_id"] . "'><img src='arts/" . $result["pic"] . "' alt='" . $result["description"] . "' border='0' width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" /></a>", "50px", "", "", "text", "2");
            table_text_design($result["name"], "300", "", "", "text", "2");
            table_text_design($result["max_value"], "50", "", "", "text", "2");
            table_text_design($result["value"], "50", "", "", "text", "2");
            table_text_design($result["regeneration"] + $result["regeneration_bonus"], "50", "", "", "text", "2");
    echo "<br>\n";
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_head_text(array("Units stationed on " . $planet["name"]), "5");
    table_text(array("&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;"), "center", "100", "", "text");
    table_text_design("Infantry", "200", "center", "2", "head");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "100", "", "", "head");
    table_text_design("Fleet", "200", "center", "2", "head");
    $sth = mysql_query("select sum(count) from infantery as i,production as p where" . $pid . " and i.prod_id=p.prod_id\n      and p.typ='I'");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    $inf = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
    if ($inf[0] == "") {
        $inf[0] = "No troops";
    table_text_open("text", "center");
    table_text_design("Infantry", "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design($inf[0], "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "100", "", "", "none");
    table_text_design("Europa Class", "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "L", $pid), "", "", "", "text");
    $sth = mysql_query("select sum(count) from infantery as i,production as p where" . $pid . " and i.prod_id=p.prod_id and p.typ='T'");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure!");
        return 0;
    $inf = mysql_fetch_row($sth);
    if ($inf[0] == "") {
        $inf[0] = "No Vehicles";
    table_text_open("text", "center");
    table_text_design("Vehicles", "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design($inf[0], "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "100", "", "", "none");
    table_text_design("Zeus Class", "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "M", $pid), "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_open("text", "center");
    table_text_design("&nbsp;", "100", "", "", "none");
    table_text_design("Olymp Class", "", "", "", "text");
    table_text_design(get_fcount_by_type($uid, "H", $pid), "", "", "", "text");
function get_fleets_target($fid)
    $sth = mysql_query("select tpid, tsid, pid, sid from fleet_info where fid={$fid}");
    if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) {
        return false;
    $target_id = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
    $fleet_target["planet"]["tid"] = $target_id["tpid"];
    $fleet_target["system"]["tid"] = $target_id["tsid"];
    $fleet_target["planet"]["id"] = $target_id["pid"];
    $fleet_target["system"]["id"] = $target_id["sid"];
    if ($target_id["tpid"]) {
        $fleet_target["planet"]["name"] = get_planetname($target_id[0]);
    if ($target_id["tsid"]) {
        $fleet_target["system"]["name"] = get_systemname($target_id[0]);
    return $fleet_target;
Beispiel #8
function show_available_fleets()
    global $uid;
    global $pid;
    global $bewohnbar;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    table_start("center", "500");
    table_text(array("<a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?act=show_fleets&pid=" . $pid . "&bewohnbar=" . $bewohnbar . "\">Show your own fleets</a>", "<a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?act=show_available_fleets&pid=" . $pid . "&bewohnbar=" . $bewohnbar . "\">Show fleets assigned to you</a>"));
    $sth = mysql_query("select a.milminister,,u.alliance from alliance as a, users as u where a.milminister='{$uid}' and u.alliance =");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_message("Database Failure 1");
        return 0;
    if ($sth == 0) {
        show_message("Not working! Fool >:o");
        return 0;
    $sth = mysql_query("select f.*,p.typ,p.special from fleet as f,production as p where f.milminister='{$uid}' and p.prod_id=f.prod_id order by f.fid");
    if (!$sth) {
        show_error("Database failure! 2");
        return 0;
    if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) {
        center_headline("No allied fleets under your command");
        return 0;
    table_start("center", "80%");
    table_head_text(array("Allied Fleets under your command"), "9");
    table_text(array("&nbsp;"), "", "", "9", "text");
    table_text(array("Fleet number", "Light Ships", "Medium Ships", "Heavy Ships", "Current Mission", "New Mission", "Behaviour", "ETA", "&nbsp;"), "center", "", "", "head");
    while ($part_fleet = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) {
        if ($part_fleet["fid"] != $fid_old) {
            $fid_old = $part_fleet["fid"];
        $fleet[$counter][] = $part_fleet;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($fleet); $i++) {
        $light = "";
        $medium = "";
        $heavy = "";
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($fleet[$i]); $j++) {
            if ($fleet[$i][$j]["typ"] == "L") {
                $light += $fleet[$i][$j]["count"];
            if ($fleet[$i][$j]["typ"] == "M") {
                $medium += $fleet[$i][$j]["count"];
            if ($fleet[$i][$j]["typ"] == "H") {
                $heavy += $fleet[$i][$j]["count"];
            if ($fleet[$i][$j]["special"] == "O") {
                $fleet[$i][0]["orbital_colony"] = "O";
        switch ($fleet[$i][0]["mission"]) {
            case "0":
                $mission_text["a"] = "Defending";
                $mission_text["b"] = "defend";
            case "1":
                $mission_text["a"] = "Attacking";
                $mission_text["b"] = "attack";
            case "4":
                $mission_text["a"] = "Colonizing";
                $mission_text["b"] = "colonize";
            case "5":
                $mission_text["a"] = "Invading";
                $mission_text["b"] = "invade";
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["pid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
            $planetname = get_planetname($fleet[$i][0]["pid"]);
            $mission = $mission_text["a"] . " planet " . $planetname;
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["pid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] == 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
            $systemname = get_systemname($fleet[$i][0]["sid"]);
            $mission = $mission_text["a"] . " system " . $systemname;
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] == 0) {
            $systemname = get_systemname($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"]);
            $mission = "On its way to " . $mission_text["b"] . " system " . $systemname;
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["tsid"] != 0 and $fleet[$i][0]["tpid"] != 0) {
            $planetname = get_planetname($fleet[$i][0]["tpid"]);
            $mission = "On its way to " . $mission_text["b"] . " planet " . $planetname;
        $sth = mysql_query("select x,y,id from systems where id=" . $fleet[$i][0]["sid"]);
        $system = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
        $sth = mysql_query("select s.x,s.y, from systems as s,planets as p where and{$pid}");
        $targetsystem = mysql_fetch_array($sth);
        if ($targetsystem["id"] == $system["id"]) {
            $eta = "Already here!";
        } else {
            $sth1 = mysql_query("select max(w.range) from warp as w,research as r where w.tid=r.t_id and r.uid=" . $uid);
            $range = mysql_fetch_row($sth1);
            if ($range[0] == NULL) {
                global $no_warp_tech;
                $range[0] = $no_warp_tech;
            $eta = eta_to_planet($system["x"], $system["y"], $targetsystem["x"], $targetsystem["y"], $range[0], $old);
            if (!$eta) {
                $eta = "No route to system";
            } else {
                $eta = $eta[0];
        $sth = mysql_query("select uid from planets where id={$pid} and uid!=0 and uid!={$uid}");
        if (mysql_num_rows($sth) != 0) {
            $invade = "<option value=\"5\"> Invade Planet";
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["pid"] == $pid) {
            $sth = mysql_query("select f.fid from inf_transporters as i,fleet as f where i.prod_id=f.prod_id and f.fid=" . $fleet[$i][0]["fid"]);
            if (mysql_num_rows($sth) != 0) {
                $transport = "<option value=\"9\"> Transfer Infantery";
        $new_mission = "<select name=\"newmission\">\n";
        $new_mission = $new_mission . "<option value=\"0\">Defend this planet<option value=\"1\">Attack this planet" . $transport . $invade . "</select>";
        $behaviour = "<select name=\"behaviour\">\n";
        if ($fleet[$i][0]["behaviour"] == 0) {
            $behaviour = $behaviour . "<option selected value=\"0\">Evasive";
            $behaviour = $behaviour . "<option value=\"1\">Aggressive";
        } else {
            $behaviour = $behaviour . "<option value=\"0\">Evasive";
            $behaviour = $behaviour . "<option selected value=\"1\">Aggressive";
        $behaviour = $behaviour . "</select>";
        if ($light == "") {
            $light = "0";
        if ($medium == "") {
            $medium = "0";
        if ($heavy == "") {
            $heavy = "0";
        echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
        table_text(array(($k += 1) . "<input type=hidden name=\"fid\" value=\"" . $fleet[$i][0]["fid"] . "\"", $light, $medium, $heavy, $mission, $new_mission, $behaviour, $eta, "<input type=hidden name=\"act\" value=\"newmission\"><input type=hidden name=\"pid\" value=\"" . $pid . "\"><input type=submit value=\"Execute\""), "center", "", "", "text");
        echo "</form>";
Beispiel #9
function transfer()
    global $uid;
    global $fleet;
    global $PHP_SELF;
    global $HTTP_REFFERRER;
    if (!is_array($fleet)) {
        show_error("You have to select a fleet and some ships in order to transfer!");
        return 0;
    $i = 0;
    while (list($key, $value) = each($fleet)) {
        if ($value == "Y") {
            $fleets[$i] = new fleet($key);
            if (!$fleets[$i]->uid == $uid) {
                show_error("Hello! I'm your friend...Why are you trying such nasty things?");
                return 0;
            if (!$pid) {
                $pid = $fleets[$i]->pid;
                $sid = $fleets[$i]->sid;
            } else {
                if ($fleets[$i]->pid != $pid || $fleets[$i]->sid != $sid) {
                    show_error("You may only select fleets which are at the same planet and system!");
                    return 0;
    $new_fleet = new fleet();
    echo "<form action=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "\" method=post>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fleets); $i++) {
        $temp_var = "fleet_" . $fleets[$i]->fid;
        global ${$temp_var};
        foreach ((array) ${$temp_var} as $key => $value) {
            // Überprüfen ob die werte ok sind (key=>prod_id, value=>count)
            if ($fleets[$i]->ships[$key] && $fleets[$i]->ships[$key][0] >= $value && (int) $value > 0) {
                // Das wird nachher ausgelesen um die flotten auch um den wert zu reduzieren
                $fleets[$i]->ships[$key][0] -= $value;
                $aff_fleets[] = $fleets[$i]->fid;
                $new_fleet->add_ships_arr(array($key => array($value, $fleets[$i]->ships[$key][1])));
            } elseif ($value == 0) {
            } else {
                show_error("You entered a wrong shipcount for fleet " . $fleets[$i]->name . "!");
                return 0;
            form_hidden("fleet_" . $fleets[$i]->fid . "[" . $key . "]", $value);
    $fids = get_fids_by_pid($pid, $uid, $sid);
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fleets); $i++) {
        // mop: was für nen toller hack
        if (in_array($fleets[$i]->fid, $fids)) {
            // mop: umdrehen, damit wir das unsetten können ohne das array komplett durchsuchen zu müssen
            $fids_tmp = array_flip($fids);
            // mop: und wieder zurück
            $fids = array_flip($fids_tmp);
        form_hidden("fid[" . $i . "]", $fleets[$i]->fid);
    // mop: wenn fertig fidsarray neubauen
    $fids = array_values($fids);
    // mop: jetzt die ausgewählten flotten abwählen
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fids); $i++) {
        $trans_fleets[$i] = new fleet($fids[$i]);
    if (sizeof($trans_fleets) == 0) {
        center_headline("You have no fleets you could transfer these ships to:)");
    } else {
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($trans_fleets); $i++) {
            $head_array = "";
            $text_arr = "";
            $prod_arr = "";
            table_start("center", "80%");
            table_head_text(array("Fleet " . $trans_fleets[$i]->name), "20");
            $head_array[0] = "&nbsp;";
            $prod_arr[0] = "";
            $text_arr[0] = "<input type=radio name=\"fleet\" value=\"" . $trans_fleets[$i]->fid . "\">";
            while (list($prod_id, $ship_arr) = each($trans_fleets[$i]->ships)) {
                $head_array[] = get_name_by_prod_id($prod_id);
                $text_arr[] = $ship_arr[0];
            $mission = $trans_fleets[$i]->get_mission();
            list($type, $location) = $trans_fleets[$i]->get_location();
            if ($type == 0) {
                $mission_text = $mission[0] . " ";
            } else {
                $mission_text = "On its way to " . $mission[1] . " ";
            list($location_id, $location_type) = $location;
            if ($location_type == 0) {
                $mission_text .= "planet " . get_planetname($trans_fleets[$i]->pid);
                $location_text = "Planet " . get_planetname($trans_fleets[$i]->pid) . "(" . get_systemname($trans_fleets[$i]->sid) . ")";
            } else {
                $mission_text .= "system " . get_system_coords($trans_fleets[$i]->sid);
                $location_text = "System " . get_systemname($trans_fleets[$i]->sid);
            table_text(array("&nbsp;"), "", "", "20", "head");
            table_text_design("Mission:", "50", "", "", "smallhead");
            table_text_design($mission_text, "", "", "19", "text");
            table_text($head_array, "", "", "", "smallhead");
            table_text($text_arr, "", "", "", "text");
            echo "<br><br>\n";
        form_hidden("act", "transferab");
        echo "<center>\n";
        echo "<input type=submit value=\"Transfer\">";
        echo "</center>\n";
        echo "</form>";