public function onWorkerStop() { $params = func_get_args(); $worker_id = $params[1]; Debug::debug("WorkerStop[{$worker_id}]|pid=" . posix_getpid() . ".\n"); }
public function main() { //--------------------------------------------------- echo "Debug test:\n"; Debug::log("debug log\n"); Debug::info("debug info\n"); Debug::debug("debug debug\n"); Debug::error("debug error\n"); Debug::error('debug error', 'aa', 'bb', 'cc'); //pdo.php ping() 就是在执行sql的时候,失败的话,检查一下状态码。进行重连 //--------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\nDB option:\n"; $user = $this->testModel->getAll(); echo "get userMode one record.\n"; print_r($user[0]); //--------------------------------------------------- //fd opt echo "\n\nfd and connection option:\n"; $uid = 10000; $uinfo = $this->connection->get($uid); if ($uinfo) { echo "already exist user.\n"; print_r($uinfo); } else { echo "new add user.\n"; $this->connection->add($uid, $this->fd); $this->connection->addFd($this->fd, $uid); print_r($this->connection->get($uid)); } common\connection::sendOne($this->fd, 1, 'test send me'); echo "send me sucess.\n"; common\connection::sendToChannel(1, 'test send all'); echo "send all sucess.\n"; //加入到room1 $this->connection->addChannel($uid, 'ROOM1'); common\connection::sendToChannel(1, 'test send ROOM1', 'ROOM1'); echo "send all room1.\n"; //--------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\ncache option:\n"; $userinfo = array('id' => $uid, 'name' => 'ansen', 'sex' => 2); $this->cache->set('c_uid_' . $uid, json_encode($userinfo)); echo "cache set userinfo sucess.\n"; echo "get cache userinfo.\n"; print_r(json_decode($this->cache->get('c_uid_' . $uid), true)); //--------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\nrank option:\n"; $this->rankCache->addRank($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u1', $score = 1000, $length = 5); $this->rankCache->addRank($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u2', $score = 2000, $length = 5); $this->rankCache->addRank($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u3', $score = 500, $length = 5); $this->rankCache->addRank($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u4', $score = 100, $length = 5); $this->rankCache->addRank($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u5', $score = 6000, $length = 5); echo "add rank u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 over.\n"; echo "get rank1:\n"; $list1 = $this->rankCache->getRank($rankType = 'global', $start = 0, $limit = 100, $score = true, $desc = 0); print_r($list1); echo "get rank by score:\n"; $list2 = $this->rankCache->getRankByScore($rankType = 'global', $start = 200, $end = 2000, $scores = true, $offset = 0, $count = 0); print_r($list2); echo "get rank by key(global_u3): 第"; //排名第几 echo $this->rankCache->getRankByKey($rankType = 'global', $key = 'global_u3', $desc = 0) . "位\n\n\n"; //--------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\ncd option:\n"; $this->cdModel->addCd(10000, 'ansen'); $this->cdModel->updCd(10000, 'ansen', array('cdCount' => 1, 'cdTimeStamp' => 234234)); $cd = $this->cdModel->getCd(10000, 'ansen'); print_r($cd); echo "get user keep login days:"; echo $this->cdModel->getKeepLoginDays(10000); echo " days\n"; //--------------------------------------------------- // echo "\n\nreids store struct option:\n"; // $username = '******'; // $password = '******'; // // $userid = $this->cache->increment("global:nextUserId"); // $this->cache->set("username:$username:id", $userid); // $this->cache->set("uid:$userid:username", $username); // $this->cache->set("uid:$userid:password", $password); // //设置此用户密钥 // $authcookie = md5(time()); // $this->cache->set("uid:$userid:auth", md5(time())); // $this->cache->set("auth:$authcookie", $userid); return 'finish action.'; }
public static function run() { //get reward $reward = self::getReward(); Debug::debug("get reward:\n"); print_r($reward); //get next run time $reward['nextRunTime'] = self::setGameNextRunTime($reward['animationTime']); if (in_array($reward['name'], self::$gameTypes)) { if ($reward['name'] == 'dsy') { $reward['position'] = array(15, 19, 7); common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameDSY(); } if ($reward['name'] == 'dhc') { $map = ZConfig::get('map'); $point = rand(0, 23); //22 $val1 = $point; $val2 = isset($map[$val1 + 1]) ? $val1 + 1 : 0; $val3 = isset($map[$val2 + 1]) ? $val2 + 1 : 0; $val4 = isset($map[$val3 + 1]) ? $val3 + 1 : 0; $val5 = isset($map[$val4 + 1]) ? $val4 + 1 : 0; $val6 = isset($map[$val5 + 1]) ? $val5 + 1 : 0; common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameDHC($val1, $val2, $val3, $val4, $val5, $val6); } if ($reward['name'] == 'xhc') { $map = ZConfig::get('map'); $point = rand(0, 23); $val1 = isset($map[$point - 1]) ? $point - 1 : 23; $val2 = $point; $val3 = isset($map[$point + 1]) ? $point + 1 : 0; common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameXHC($val1, $val2, $val3); } if ($reward['name'] == 'dmg') { $randval1 = rand(0, 3); $randval2 = rand(4, 7); $randval3 = rand(8, 11); $randval4 = rand(12, 15); $randval5 = rand(16, 19); $randval6 = rand(20, 23); $reward['position'] = array($randval1, $randval2, $randval3, $randval4, $randval5, $randval6); common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameDMG($randval1, $randval2, $randval3, $randval4, $randval5, $randval6); } if ($reward['name'] == 'mtx') { $randval1 = rand(0, 6); $randval2 = rand(7, 15); $randval3 = rand(16, 23); $reward['position'] = array($randval1, $randval2, $randval3); common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameMTX($randval1, $randval2, $randval3); } if ($reward['name'] == 'xsy') { $reward['position'] = array(1, 6, 12); common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameXSY(); } if ($reward['name'] == 'xsx') { //set reward position $reward['position'] = array(4, 10, 16, 22); common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameXSX(); } if ($reward['name'] == 'null') { common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); self::gameNULL(); } } else { //default //send reward to all common\connection::sendToChannel(self::$CMDsendReward, $reward); //结算 self::getScoreTypeDefault($reward); //纪录当前的position 最多10 盘 self::setPostionList($reward['position']); } //结算packet $Packet = self::getCurrentRoundInOutPacket(); self::setInpacket($Packet); }