  * Attempt to log a user into the application with password and
  * identity field(s), usually email or username.
  * @param array $input Array containing at least 'username' or 'email' and 'password'.
  *                               Optionally the 'remember' boolean.
  * @param bool $mustBeConfirmed If true, the user must have confirmed his email account in order to log-in.
  * @return bool Success.
  * @static 
 public static function logAttempt($input, $mustBeConfirmed = true)
     return \Zizaco\Confide\Confide::logAttempt($input, $mustBeConfirmed);
  * Attempt to log a user into the application with
  * password and identity field(s), usually email or username.
  * @param array $credentials
  * @param bool $confirmed_only
  * @param mixed $identity_columns
  * @return boolean Success
  * @static 
 public static function logAttempt($credentials, $confirmed_only = false, $identity_columns = array())
     return \Zizaco\Confide\Confide::logAttempt($credentials, $confirmed_only, $identity_columns);