public function indexAction() { $entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'); $dql = "SELECT a, u, l, c FROM Cms\\Entity\\Article a LEFT JOIN u LEFT JOIN a.language l LEFT JOIN a.categories c WHERE a.parent IS NULL"; $query = $entityManager->createQuery($dql); $query->setMaxResults(30); $articles = $query->getResult(); $tags = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Cms\\Entity\\Tag')->findAll(); $list = new ItemList(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (count($tag->getArticles()) > 0) { $list[] = new Item(array('title' => $tag->getTagName(), 'weight' => count($tag->getArticles()), 'params' => array('id' => $tag->getTagId()))); } } $list->spreadWeightValues(array(55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100)); $resultSet = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('Cms\\Entity\\Category')->findAll(); return new ViewModel(array('categories' => $resultSet, 'list' => $list)); return new ViewModel(array('articles' => $articles)); }
public function testSpreadWeightValuesWithEmptyValuesArray() { $list = new Tag\ItemList(); $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Tag\\Exception\\InvalidArgumentException', 'Value list may not be empty'); $list->spreadWeightValues(array()); }
public function testSpreadWeightValuesWithEmptyValuesArray() { $list = new Tag\ItemList(); try { $list->spreadWeightValues(array()); $this->fail('An expected Zend_Tag_Exception was not raised'); } catch (Tag\Exception $e) { $this->assertEquals($e->getMessage(), 'Value list may not be empty'); } }
/** * Defined by Zend_Tag_Cloud_Decorator_Tag * * @param \Zend\Tag\ItemList $tags * @return array */ public function render(\Zend\Tag\ItemList $tags) { if (null === ($weightValues = $this->getClassList())) { $weightValues = range($this->getMinFontSize(), $this->getMaxFontSize()); } $tags->spreadWeightValues($weightValues); $result = array(); $enc = $this->getEncoding(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (null === ($classList = $this->getClassList())) { $attribute = sprintf('style="font-size: %d%s;"', $tag->getParam('weightValue'), $this->getFontSizeUnit()); } else { $attribute = sprintf('class="%s"', htmlspecialchars($tag->getParam('weightValue'), ENT_COMPAT, $enc)); } $tagHTML = sprintf('<a href="%s" %s>%s</a>', htmlSpecialChars($tag->getParam('url'), ENT_COMPAT, $enc), $attribute, $tag->getTitle()); foreach ($this->getHTMLTags() as $key => $data) { if (is_array($data)) { $htmlTag = $key; $attributes = ''; foreach ($data as $param => $value) { $attributes .= ' ' . $param . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, $enc) . '"'; } } else { $htmlTag = $data; $attributes = ''; } $tagHTML = sprintf('<%1$s%3$s>%2$s</%1$s>', $htmlTag, $tagHTML, $attributes); } $result[] = $tagHTML; } return $result; }