public function testAddFieldMethodChaining() { $document = new Document(); $this->assertTrue($document->addField(Document\Field::Text('title', 'Title')) instanceof Document); $document = new Document(); $document->addField(Document\Field::Text('title', 'Title'))->addField(Document\Field::Text('annotation', 'Annotation'))->addField(Document\Field::Text('body', 'Document body, document body, document body...')); }
/** * Export an object recursivly, using associated metadata * * @param ClassMetadata $metadata * @param stdClass $object * @return array object */ protected function exportObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, $object) { $document = new Document(); $idGetter = 'get' . self::camelize($metadata->getIndex()->getIdProperty()); $document->addField(Field::unIndexed('_id', $object->$idGetter())); foreach ($metadata->getFields() as $property => $field) { $getter = 'get' . self::camelize($property); $value = $object->$getter(); if ($value && 'date' === $field->getType()) { $value = $value->format($field->getFormat()); } $type = $field->getType(); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($value); $isStored = $field->getStore() === 'yes'; $isIndexed = $field->getIndex() != "no"; $isTokenized = $field->getIndex() == "analyzed"; $field = new Field($field->getIndexName(), $value, $encoding, $isStored, $isIndexed, $isTokenized); $document->addField($field); $doc[$property] = $value; } $document->addField(Field::unIndexed('_doc', json_encode($doc))); return $document; }
private function buildNews(SearchIndexInterface $index) { $repository = $this->get(''); foreach ($repository->findAll() as $news) { $doc = new Document(); $doc->addField(Field::unStored('title', $news->getTitolo())); $doc->addField(Field::unStored('username', $news->getUsername())); $doc->addField(Field::unStored('content', $news->getNotizia())); $doc->addField(Field::unIndexed('dbId', $news->getIdNotizia())); $doc->addField(Field::unIndexed('type', 'news')); $index->addDocument($doc); } }
/** * @group ZF-9680 */ public function testIsDeletedWithoutExplicitCommit() { $index = Lucene\Lucene::create(__DIR__ . '/_index/_files'); $document = new Document(); $document->addField(Document\Field::Keyword('_id', 'myId')); $document->addField(Document\Field::Keyword('bla', 'blubb')); $index->addDocument($document); $this->assertFalse($index->isDeleted(0)); }
/** * Adds a document to this segment. * * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\Document $document * @throws LuceneException\UnsupportedMethodCallException */ public function addDocument(Document $document) { $storedFields = array(); $docNorms = array(); $similarity = AbstractSimilarity::getDefault(); foreach ($document->getFieldNames() as $fieldName) { $field = $document->getField($fieldName); if ($field->storeTermVector) { /** * @todo term vector storing support */ throw new LuceneException\UnsupportedMethodCallException('Store term vector functionality is not supported yet.'); } if ($field->isIndexed) { if ($field->isTokenized) { $analyzer = Analyzer\Analyzer::getDefault(); $analyzer->setInput($field->value, $field->encoding); $position = 0; $tokenCounter = 0; while (($token = $analyzer->nextToken()) !== null) { $tokenCounter++; $term = new Index\Term($token->getTermText(), $field->name); $termKey = $term->key(); if (!isset($this->_termDictionary[$termKey])) { // New term $this->_termDictionary[$termKey] = $term; $this->_termDocs[$termKey] = array(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } else { if (!isset($this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount])) { // Existing term, but new term entry $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } } $position += $token->getPositionIncrement(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount][] = $position; } if ($tokenCounter == 0) { // Field contains empty value. Treat it as non-indexed and non-tokenized $field = clone $field; $field->isIndexed = $field->isTokenized = false; } else { $docNorms[$field->name] = chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($field->name, $tokenCounter) * $document->boost * $field->boost)); } } else { if (($fieldUtf8Value = $field->getUtf8Value()) == '') { // Field contains empty value. Treat it as non-indexed and non-tokenized $field = clone $field; $field->isIndexed = $field->isTokenized = false; } else { $term = new Index\Term($fieldUtf8Value, $field->name); $termKey = $term->key(); if (!isset($this->_termDictionary[$termKey])) { // New term $this->_termDictionary[$termKey] = $term; $this->_termDocs[$termKey] = array(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } else { if (!isset($this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount])) { // Existing term, but new term entry $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } } $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount][] = 0; // position $docNorms[$field->name] = chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($field->name, 1) * $document->boost * $field->boost)); } } } if ($field->isStored) { $storedFields[] = $field; } $this->addField($field); } foreach ($this->_fields as $fieldName => $field) { if (!$field->isIndexed) { continue; } if (!isset($this->_norms[$fieldName])) { $this->_norms[$fieldName] = str_repeat(chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($fieldName, 0))), $this->_docCount); } if (isset($docNorms[$fieldName])) { $this->_norms[$fieldName] .= $docNorms[$fieldName]; } else { $this->_norms[$fieldName] .= chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($fieldName, 0))); } } $this->addStoredFields($storedFields); }
/** * Returns a Zend_Search_Lucene_Document object for the document * number $id in this index. * * @param integer|\Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\QueryHit $id * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Document * @throws \Zend\Search\Lucene\OutOfRangeException is thrown if $id is out of the range */ public function getDocument($id) { if ($id instanceof Search\QueryHit) { /* @var $id Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\QueryHit */ $id = $id->id; } if ($id >= $this->_docCount) { throw new OutOfRangeException('Document id is out of the range.'); } $segmentStartId = 0; foreach ($this->_segmentInfos as $segmentInfo) { if ($segmentStartId + $segmentInfo->count() > $id) { break; } $segmentStartId += $segmentInfo->count(); } $fdxFile = $segmentInfo->openCompoundFile('.fdx'); $fdxFile->seek(($id-$segmentStartId)*8, SEEK_CUR); $fieldValuesPosition = $fdxFile->readLong(); $fdtFile = $segmentInfo->openCompoundFile('.fdt'); $fdtFile->seek($fieldValuesPosition, SEEK_CUR); $fieldCount = $fdtFile->readVInt(); $doc = new Document(); for ($count = 0; $count < $fieldCount; $count++) { $fieldNum = $fdtFile->readVInt(); $bits = $fdtFile->readByte(); $fieldInfo = $segmentInfo->getField($fieldNum); if (!($bits & 2)) { // Text data $field = new Document\Field($fieldInfo->name, $fdtFile->readString(), 'UTF-8', true, $fieldInfo->isIndexed, $bits & 1 ); } else { // Binary data $field = new Document\Field($fieldInfo->name, $fdtFile->readBinary(), '', true, $fieldInfo->isIndexed, $bits & 1, true ); } $doc->addField($field); } return $doc; }