  * Inject Table defined by type to PizzaService when triggered
  * @param EventInterface
 public function onTableSet(EventInterface $e)
     $type = $e->getParam('type', 'rentals');
     $tableName = StaticFilter::execute($type, 'wordunderscoretocamelcase');
     $service = $this->serviceLocator->get('Rentals\\Service\\Rentals');
     $form = $this->serviceLocator->get('Rentals\\Table\\' . $tableName);
     $service->setTable($form, $type);
 public function cityAction()
     $id = StaticFilter::execute($this->params()->fromRoute('id'), ToInt::class);
     $city = $this->worldService->getCityById($id);
     if (!$city) {
         throw new \Exception('No City found with ID ' . $id);
     $country = $this->worldService->getCountryByCode($city->getCountryCode());
     return new ViewModel(['city' => $city, 'country' => $country]);
  * Manage database schema
 public function schemaManagerAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // Set up logger. Log level is already validated by route.
     $priority = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($request->getParam('loglevel', 'info'), 'Library\\LogLevel');
     $writer = new \Zend\Log\Writer\Stream('php://stderr');
     $writer->addFilter('priority', array('priority' => $priority));
     $writer->setFormatter('simple', array('format' => '%priorityName%: %message%'));
  * Test filter() method
 public function testFilter()
     // 2 common example characters
     $enDashBad = "–";
     $enDashGood = "–";
     $tmBad = "™";
     $tmGood = "™";
     // Test 1 character twice to check repeated replacements
     $input = $enDashBad . $tmBad . $enDashBad;
     $expected = $enDashGood . $tmGood . $enDashGood;
     $this->assertEquals($expected, \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($input, 'Library\\FixEncodingErrors'));
 public function exchangeArray(array $array)
     foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
         $method = 'set' . StaticFilter::execute($key, 'wordunderscoretocamelcase');
         if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {
  * Generate an array copy from property values
 public function getArrayCopy()
     $data = [];
     foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $key => $value) {
         $getMethod = 'get' . ucfirst($key);
         $arrayKey = StaticFilter::execute($key, 'WordCamelCaseToUnderscore');
         $arrayKey = StaticFilter::execute($arrayKey, 'StringToLower');
         if (method_exists($this, $getMethod)) {
             $data[$arrayKey] = $this->{$getMethod}();
     return $data;
     * Create a new DB-Connected REST service
     * @param  DbConnectedRestServiceEntity $entity
     * @return DbConnectedRestServiceEntity
    public function createService(DbConnectedRestServiceEntity $entity)
        $restModel         = $this->restModel;
        $resourceName      = StaticFilter::execute($entity->tableName, 'WordUnderscoreToCamelCase');
        $resourceClass     = sprintf(
        $controllerService = $restModel->createControllerServiceName($resourceName);
        $entityClass       = $restModel->createEntityClass($resourceName, 'entity-db-connected');
        $collectionClass   = $restModel->createCollectionClass($resourceName);
        $routeName         = $restModel->createRoute(
        $mediaType         = $restModel->createMediaType();

            'collection_class'        => $collectionClass,
            'controller_service_name' => $controllerService,
            'entity_class'            => $entityClass,
            'module'                  => $restModel->module,
            'resource_class'          => $resourceClass,
            'route_name'              => $routeName,
            'accept_whitelist'        => array(
            'content_type_whitelist'  => array(

        $restModel->createRestConfig($entity, $controllerService, $resourceClass, $routeName);
        $restModel->createContentNegotiationConfig($entity, $controllerService);
        $restModel->createHalConfig($entity, $entityClass, $collectionClass, $routeName);


        return $entity;
 public function filter($value)
     /** cach 01 */
     //        $filterChain = new \Zend\Filter\FilterChain();
     //        $filterChain
     //                ->attach(new \Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum(true))
     //                ->attach(new \Zend\Filter\StringTrim())
     //                ->attach(new \Zend\Filter\PregReplace(array(
     //                    'pattern' => '#\s+#',
     //                    'replacement' => ' '
     //                )))
     //                ->attach(new \ZendVN\Filter\RemoveCircumflex())
     //                ->attach(new \Zend\Filter\StringToLower())
     //                ->attach(new \Zend\Filter\Word\SeparatorToDash())
     //                ;
     //                return $filterChain->filter($value);
     $output = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($value, 'alnum');
     return $output;
 public function index23Action()
     echo "<h3 style='color:red;font-weight:bold'>" . __METHOD__ . "</h3>";
     $input = "www.zend.vn/             Khóa học            lập trình Zend Framework \$#%#\$%@ cung CẤP kiến thức căn bản và chuyên sâu về Zend Framework";
     $arr = explode(".vn/", $input);
     $output = $arr[0] . ".vn/" . StaticFilter::execute($arr[1], "CreateLinkFriendly") . ".html";
     echo "<h2>Input: {$input}</h2><br>";
     echo "<h2>Output :{$output}</h2>";
     return false;
 public function index34Action()
     $input = 'http://www.zend.vn/Khóa học lập trình Zend Framework !@#$%^&*()_+ cung cấp những kiển thức căn bản và chuyên sâu về Zend Framework';
     // http://www.zend.vn/khoa-hoc-lap-trinh-zend-framework-cng-cap-nhung-kien-thuc-can-ban-va-chuyen-sau-ve-zend-framework.html
     $newArr = explode('.vn/', $input);
     $output = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($newArr[1], 'CreateURL');
     echo "<h3>" . $input . "</h3>";
     echo "<h3>" . $newArr[0] . 'vn/' . $output . "</h3>";
     return false;
  * Ensures that if we specify a validator class basename that doesn't
  * exist in the namespace, get() throws an exception.
  * Refactored to conform with ZF-2724.
  * @group  ZF-2724
 public function testStaticFactoryClassNotFound()
     $this->setExpectedException('\\Zend\\Filter\\Exception', 'not found');
     StaticFilter::execute('1234', 'UnknownFilter');
  * Validator callback for subkeys input
  * @internal
  * @param string $value
  * @param array $context
  * @return bool TRUE if 'name' is empty or 'name' and 'subkeys' are not empty
 public function validateEmptySubkeys($value, $context)
     $name = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($context['name'], 'StringTrim');
     if ($name != '' and $value == '') {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
    } else {
        $headers[$column] = $allHeaders[$column];
$filter = $this->filter;
$count = count($this->clients);
if ($filter) {
    $search = $this->search;
    if ($this->isCustomSearch) {
        // Display the number of results and links to edit the filter or add it
        // to a group.
        if ($search instanceof \DateTime) {
            $search = $search->format('Y-m-d');
        $params = array('filter' => $filter, 'search' => $search, 'operator' => $this->operator, 'invert' => $this->invert);
        $header = sprintf($this->translate('%d matches'), $count) . "<br>\n" . $this->htmlTag('a', $this->translate('Edit filter'), array('href' => $this->consoleUrl('client', 'search', $params)), true) . "\n&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\n" . $this->htmlTag('a', $this->translate('Save to group'), array('href' => $this->consoleUrl('group', 'add', $params)), true);
    } else {
        // For fixed filters, print a nicer description.
        if ($filter == 'Software') {
            $search = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($search, 'Library\\FixEncodingErrors');
        $header = $this->filterDescription($filter, $search, $count);
} else {
    $header = sprintf($this->translate('Number of clients: %d'), $count);
print $this->htmlTag('p', $header, array('class' => 'textcenter'));
print $this->table($this->clients, $headers, array('order' => $this->order, 'direction' => $this->direction), $renderCallbacks, $columnClasses);
  * Filter underscore to camel case
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 public function filterUnderscoreToCamelCase($text)
     $text = StaticFilter::execute($text, 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase');
     return $text;
  * Filter camel case to underscore
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 protected function filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($text)
     $text = StaticFilter::execute($text, 'Word\\CamelCaseToUnderscore');
     $text = StaticFilter::execute($text, 'StringToLower');
     return $text;
  * @param $module
  * @param $version
  * @param $tableName
  * @return bool
 protected function moduleHasService($module, $version, $tableName)
     $resourceName = StaticFilter::execute($tableName, 'WordUnderscoreToCamelCase');
     $resourceClass = sprintf('%s\\V%s\\Rest\\%s\\%sResource', $module, $version, $resourceName, $resourceName);
     return $this->getServiceLocator()->has($resourceClass);
  * @requires PHP 7.0
 public function testFilterInvalidInput()
     $this->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException', 'Input does not appear to be a zlib stream');
     \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute('not a zlib stream', 'Protocol\\InventoryDecode');
  * Add indexAction() method for DeleteController
  * @param $repositoryClass
  * @param $formClass
 protected function addDeleteControllerAction($repositoryClass, $formClass)
     // prepare some params
     $formParam = lcfirst($formClass);
     $underscoredParam = strtolower(StaticFilter::execute(str_replace('Entity', '', $this->entityClass), 'WordCamelCaseToUnderscore'));
     $dashedParam = strtolower(StaticFilter::execute($this->paramModule, 'WordCamelCaseToDash'));
     $dashedModule = strtolower(StaticFilter::execute($this->paramModule, 'WordCamelCaseToUnderscore'));
     $noFoundMessage = $dashedModule . '_message_' . $underscoredParam . '_not_found';
     $deleteMessage = $dashedModule . '_message_' . $underscoredParam . '_deleting_possible';
     $successMessage = $dashedModule . '_message_' . $underscoredParam . '_deleting_success';
     $failedMessage = $dashedModule . '_message_' . $underscoredParam . '_deleting_failed';
     // prepare entity params
     $entityParam = lcfirst($this->entityClass);
     $body = ['$id = $this->params()->fromRoute(\'id\');', '', 'if (!$id) {', '    $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage(\'' . $noFoundMessage . '\');', '    ', '    return $this->redirect()->toRoute(\'' . $dashedParam . '\');', '}', '', '$' . $entityParam . ' = $this->' . lcfirst($repositoryClass) . '->getEntityById($id);', '', 'if (!$' . $entityParam . ') {', '    $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage(\'' . $noFoundMessage . '\');', '    ', '    return $this->redirect()->toRoute(\'' . $dashedParam . '\');', '}', '', '$' . $formParam . ' = $this->' . $formParam . ';', '', 'if ($this->params()->fromPost(\'delete_' . $underscoredParam . '\')) {', '    if ($this->' . lcfirst($repositoryClass) . '->removeEntity($' . $entityParam . ')) {', '        $this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage(\'' . $successMessage . '\');', '        ', '        return $this->redirect()->toRoute(\'' . $dashedParam . '\');', '    } else {', '        $this->flashMessenger()->addErrorMessage(\'' . $failedMessage . '\');', '    }', '} else {', '    $this->flashMessenger()->addInfoMessage(\'' . $deleteMessage . '\');', '}', '', '$viewModel = new ViewModel(', '    [', '        \'' . $entityParam . '\' => $' . $entityParam . ',', '        \'' . $formParam . '\' => $' . $formParam . ',', '    ]', ');', '', 'return $viewModel;'];
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     $indexAction = new MethodGenerator('indexAction');
     $indexAction->setDocBlock(new DocBlockGenerator('Index action for DeleteController', null, [new ReturnTag(['ViewModel'])]));
 public function testInvalidArgument()
     $this->setExpectedException('PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice', 'Undefined index: error');
     \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute('error', 'Library\\LogLevel');
  * @return array
 protected function fetchPrimaryColumns()
     /** @var ConstraintObject $primaryKey */
     $primaryKey = $this->tableData['primaryKey'];
     $columns = $primaryKey->getColumns();
     foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
         $columns[$key] = lcfirst(StaticFilter::execute($column, 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase'));
     return $columns;
  * Convert localized string representations to integer, float or date values
  * Subclasses can support localized input formats by calling this method
  * from a filter.
  * Non-string values get trimmed and converted to integer, float or
  * \DateTime, depending on $type. Invalid values are returned as string. The
  * input filter should validate filtered data by checking the datatype via
  * validateType().
  * @param string $value Localized input string
  * @param string $type Data type (integer, float, date). Any other value will be ignored.
  * @return mixed Normalized value or input string
 public function normalize($value, $type)
     // Integers and floats are validated first to prevent successful parsing
     // of strings containing invalid characters with the invalid part simply
     // cut off.
     switch ($type) {
         case 'integer':
             $value = trim($value);
             if (\Zend\Validator\StaticValidator::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Validator\\IsInt')) {
                 $value = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Filter\\NumberParse', array('type' => \NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32));
         case 'float':
             $value = trim($value);
             if (\Zend\Validator\StaticValidator::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Validator\\IsFloat')) {
                 $value = \Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($value, 'Zend\\I18n\\Filter\\NumberParse', array('type' => \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE));
         case 'date':
             $value = trim($value);
             $validator = new \Zend\I18n\Validator\DateTime();
             if ($validator->isValid($value)) {
                 // Some systems accept invalid date separators, like '/'
                 // with a de_DE locale which should accept only '.'.
                 // An extra comparision of the locale-specific pattern and
                 // the input string is necessary.
                 // This also enforces 4-digit years to avoid any confusion
                 // with 2-digit year input.
                 $pattern = preg_quote($validator->getPattern(), '#');
                 // Get the year part out of the way first.
                 $pattern = preg_replace('/y+/', '§', $pattern);
                 // Remaining letters are placeholders for digits.
                 $pattern = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]+/', '\\d+', $pattern);
                 // Set the year pattern.
                 $pattern = str_replace('§', '\\d{4}', $pattern);
                 if (preg_match("#^{$pattern}\$#", $value)) {
                     $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter(\Locale::getDefault(), \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, \IntlDateFormatter::NONE, 'UTC');
                     $value = \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', $formatter->parse($value));
     return $value;
  * Generate the create service method
  * @param string $className
  * @param string $moduleName
 protected function addCreateServiceMethod($className, $moduleName)
     $managerName = 'inputFilterManager';
     // set action body
     $body = [];
     $body[] = '$serviceLocator = $' . $managerName . '->getServiceLocator();';
     $body[] = '';
     /** @var ConstraintObject $foreignKey */
     foreach ($this->foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
         $storageName = StaticFilter::execute($foreignKey->getReferencedTableName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase') . 'Storage';
         $storageService = $moduleName . '\\' . $this->config['namespaceStorage'] . '\\' . StaticFilter::execute($foreignKey->getReferencedTableName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase');
         $storageParam = lcfirst(StaticFilter::execute($foreignKey->getReferencedTableName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase')) . 'Storage';
         $body[] = '/** @var ' . $storageName . ' $' . $storageParam . ' */';
         $body[] = '$' . $storageParam . ' = $serviceLocator->get(\'' . $storageService . '\');';
         $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$instance = new ' . $className . '();';
     /** @var ConstraintObject $foreignKey */
     foreach ($this->foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
         $storageParam = lcfirst(StaticFilter::execute($foreignKey->getReferencedTableName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase')) . 'Storage';
         $setterOption = 'set' . StaticFilter::execute($foreignKey->getReferencedTableName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase') . 'Options';
         $body[] = '$instance->' . $setterOption . '(array_keys($' . $storageParam . '->getOptions()));';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = 'return $instance;';
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     // create method
     $method = new MethodGenerator();
     $method->setParameters([new ParameterGenerator($managerName, 'ServiceLocatorInterface')]);
     // check for api docs
     if ($this->config['flagAddDocBlocks']) {
         $method->setDocBlock(new DocBlockGenerator('Create service', null, [new ParamTag($managerName, ['ServiceLocatorInterface', 'ServiceLocatorAwareInterface']), new ReturnTag([$className])]));
     // add method
  * Ensures that if we specify a validator class basename that doesn't
  * exist in the namespace, get() throws an exception.
  * Refactored to conform with ZF-2724.
  * @group  ZF-2724
 public function testStaticFactoryClassNotFound()
     $this->setExpectedException('Zend\\Loader\\Exception', 'locate class');
     StaticFilter::execute('1234', 'UnknownFilter');

 * Display confirmation form for software blacklisting
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Holger Schletz <*****@*****.**>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
print $this->formYesNo(sprintf($this->translate('Software \'%s\' will be no longer be displayed. Continue?'), $this->escapeHtml(\Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($this->name, 'Library\\FixEncodingErrors'))));
  * Filter dash to camel case
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 public function filterDashToCamelCase($text)
     $text = StaticFilter::execute($text, 'Word\\DashToCamelCase');
     return $text;

 * Display confirmation form for software whitelisting
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Holger Schletz <*****@*****.**>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
print $this->formYesNo(sprintf($this->translate('Software \'%s\' will be marked as known and accepted. Continue?'), $this->escapeHtml(\Zend\Filter\StaticFilter::execute($this->name, 'Library\\FixEncodingErrors'))));
  * Save a blog
  * @param array $data input data
  * @param integer $id id of blog entry
  * @return BlogEntityInterface
 public function save(array $data, $id = null)
     // check mode
     $mode = is_null($id) ? 'create' : 'update';
     // get blog entity
     if ($mode == 'create') {
         $blog = new BlogEntity();
     } else {
         $blog = $this->fetchSingleById($id);
     // get form and set data
     $form = $this->getForm($mode);
     // check for invalid data
     if (!$form->isValid()) {
         $this->setMessage('Bitte Eingaben überprüfen!');
         return false;
     // get valid blog entity object
     // set values
     if ($mode == 'create') {
         $blog->setCdate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $blog->setUrl(StaticFilter::execute($blog->getTitle(), 'StringToUrl'));
     // get insert data
     $saveData = $blog->getArrayCopy();
     // save blog
     try {
         if ($mode == 'create') {
             // get last insert value
             $id = $this->getTable()->getLastInsertValue();
         } else {
             $this->getTable()->update($saveData, array('id' => $id));
     } catch (InvalidQueryException $e) {
         $this->setMessage('Blogbeitrag wurde nicht gespeichert!');
         return false;
     // reload blog
     $blog = $this->fetchSingleById($id);
     // set success message
     $this->setMessage('Blogbeitrag wurde gespeichert!');
     // return blog
     return $blog;
  * @return array
 protected function fetchTableColumns()
     $foreignKeys = [];
     /** @var ConstraintObject $tableConstraint */
     foreach ($this->tableData['foreignKeys'] as $tableConstraint) {
         $foreignKeys[$tableConstraint->getColumns()[0]] = $tableConstraint->getReferencedTableName();
     $columns = [];
     /** @var $tableColumn ColumnObject */
     foreach ($this->tableData['columns'] as $tableColumn) {
         if (isset($foreignKeys[$tableColumn->getName()])) {
             $type = ucfirst($foreignKeys[$tableColumn->getName()]) . 'Entity';
         } else {
             switch ($tableColumn->getDataType()) {
                 case 'varchar':
                 case 'char':
                 case 'tinytext':
                 case 'text':
                 case 'mediumtext':
                 case 'longtext':
                 case 'enum':
                 case 'set':
                 case 'datetime':
                 case 'timestamp':
                     $type = 'string';
                 case 'decimal':
                 case 'float':
                 case 'double':
                 case 'real':
                     $type = 'float';
                     $type = 'integer';
         $name = lcfirst(StaticFilter::execute($tableColumn->getName(), 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase'));
         $columns[$name] = $type;
     return $columns;
 public function testUsesDifferentConfigurationOnEachRequest()
     $first = StaticFilter::execute('foo', 'callback', array('callback' => function ($value) {
         return 'FOO';
     $second = StaticFilter::execute('foo', 'callback', array('callback' => function ($value) {
         return 'BAR';
     $this->assertNotSame($first, $second);
     $this->assertEquals('FOO', $first);
     $this->assertEquals('BAR', $second);
  * Filter camel case to underscore
  * @param string $text
  * @return string
 protected function filterUnderscoreToCamelCase($text)
     $text = StaticFilter::execute($text, 'Word\\UnderscoreToCamelCase');
     $text = ucfirst($text);
     return $text;