public function onIssueGetPost(EventInterface $e) { $this->log->debug(' - store in cache'); $config = $e->getParams(); $key = 'issues-' . $config['account-name'] . '-' . $config['repo'] . '-' . implode('-', $config['issue-filters']); $this->cache->setItem($key, $config['issues']); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $e) { $app = $e->getApplication(); $sm = $app->getServiceManager(); $config = $app->getConfig(); // Set configuration options if ($phpSettings = $config['php_ini']) { foreach ($phpSettings as $key => $value) { ini_set($key, $value); } } $sharedEventManager = $sm->get('SharedEventManager'); // Hook into comments $sharedEventManager->attach('theme', '', function ($e) use($sm) { $viewRenderer = $sm->get('ViewRenderer'); return $viewRenderer->partial('socialog/comment/post', $e->getParams()); }); // Hook into comments $sharedEventManager->attach('view', 'navigation.render', function ($e) use($sm) { /* @var $pageMapper \Socialog\Mapper\PageMapper */ $pageMapper = $sm->get('socialog_page_mapper'); $result = ""; foreach ($pageMapper->findAllPages() as $page) { $result .= new Theme\Menuitem($page->getTitle(), $e->getTarget()->url('socialog-page', array('id' => $page->getId()))); } return $result; }); }
/** * Actually do the logging. * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function log(EventInterface $event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $method = '?'; $exception = isset($params['exception']) ? $params['exception'] : ''; $sql = isset($params['sql']) ? $params['sql'] : array(); $this->logger->critical(get_class($event->getTarget()) . "::{$method} - {$exception}", $sql); }
private function setKey(EventInterface $e) { $params = $e->getParams(); if (is_array($params) && array_key_exists('__RESULT__', $params)) { $this->_cache_result = $params['__RESULT__']; unset($params['__RESULT__']); } $this->_key = crc32(get_class($e->getTarget()) . '-' . json_encode($params)); }
/** * Remove the object from the Identity Map if it's there * * @param EventInterface $e * @return void */ public function removeFromCache(EventInterface $e) { $mapper = $e->getTarget(); $params = $e->getParams(); $query = $params['query']; $cacheKey = $query->getCacheKey(); if (!$cacheKey) { return; } $this->identityMap->remove($mapper->getClassName(), $cacheKey); }
/** * Send a message to Queue about indexing entry. * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function index(EventInterface $event) { try { $connection = new AMQPConnection('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest'); $channel = $connection->channel(); $channel->queue_declare('search-index', false, false, false, false); $params = $event->getParams(); $msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($params)); $channel->basic_publish($msg, '', 'search-index'); $channel->close(); $connection->close(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->warn("Queue Service when indexing entries: " . $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Callback on receive webhook * @param EventInterface $event * @return void */ public function onWebhookReceive(EventInterface $event) { /** * Retrieve the API from the target controller and inject into ourself */ $controller = $event->getTarget(); $context = $controller->getContext(); $this->setPrismicApi($context->getPrismicApi()); /** * Respond to the event */ $type = $event->getParam('type'); $this->lastPayload = $event->getParams(); if ('api-update' === $type) { $this->clearCache(); } }
/** * Send email notification of contact request * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function notify(EventInterface $event) { $contact = $event->getParams(); if (!$contact instanceof ContactEntity) { return; } $config = $this->getConfig(); $message = new Message(); $message->setFrom($config['contact']['from']); $message->setTo($config['contact']['email']); $message->setSubject("Contact Request from {$contact->getName()}"); $message->setBody("Contact request ID {$contact->getId()}\n" . "Name: {$contact->getName()}\n" . "Email: {$contact->getEmail()}\n" . "\n---------------------------------\n" . $contact->getMessage()); // try { $this->getEmailService()->send($message); // } catch (\Exception $e) { // // TODO log failure // } }
public function save(EventInterface $e) { $log = new Log(); $logTable = $this->serviceManager->get("Security\\Model\\LogTable"); $params = $e->getParams(); $authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(); $user = $authenticationService->getIdentity()->id; if (isset($params['id']) && !empty($params['id'])) { $log->setTableId($params['id']); } $log->setTable($params['table']); $log->setOperation($params['operation']); if (isset($params['data'])) { $log->setData($params['data']); } $log->setUser($user); $logTable->save($log); }
public function afterCreate(EventInterface $msg) { $data = $msg->getParams(); /* if ($data['operation'] == 'отдал') { $id = $this->boot()->get('good')->insert([ 'source_subject_id' => $data['target_subject_id'], 'target_subject_id' => $data['source_subject_id'], 'product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'count' => $data['count'], 'notes' => $data['notes'], 'add_date' => $data['add_date'], 'operation' => 'получил', 'contr_entity_id' => $data['id'], 'owner' => $data['owner'], 'confirm' => 0 ]); $this->boot()->get('good')->update($data['id'], [ 'contr_entity_id' => $id, ]); } if ($data['operation'] == 'получил') { $id = $this->boot()->get('good')->insert([ 'source_subject_id' => $data['target_subject_id'], 'target_subject_id' => $data['source_subject_id'], 'product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'count' => $data['count'], 'notes' => $data['notes'], 'add_date' => $data['add_date'], 'operation' => 'отдал', 'contr_entity_id' => $data['id'], 'owner' => $data['owner'], 'confirm' => 0 ]); $this->boot()->get('good')->update($data['id'], [ 'contr_entity_id' => $id, ]); } */ }
/** * Put Object to S3 * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function putObject(EventInterface $event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config'); $imageFileName = basename(basename($params->getPath())); $thumbFileName = basename(basename($params->getThumbPath())); $awsSdk = $this->getServiceLocator()->get(AwsSdk::class); $s3Client = $awsSdk->createS3(); // uploading image to S3 try { $s3Client->putObject(array('Bucket' => $config['s3']['bucket']['name'], 'Key' => $config['s3']['fields']['path']['key_prefix'] . '/' . $imageFileName, 'Body' => fopen($params->getPath(), 'r'), 'ACL' => $config['s3']['bucket']['acl'])); } catch (S3Exception $e) { // var_dump($e->getMessage()); } // uploading thumbnail to S3 try { $s3Client->putObject(array('Bucket' => $config['s3']['bucket']['name'], 'Key' => $config['s3']['fields']['thumbPath']['key_prefix'] . '/' . $imageFileName, 'Body' => fopen($params->getThumbPath(), 'r'), 'ACL' => $config['s3']['bucket']['acl'])); } catch (S3Exception $e) { // var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }
/** * Listen to the "user" event * * @param EventInterface $event * @return mixed */ public function doFirewall(EventInterface $event) { $serviceManager = $this->getServiceLocator(); $application = $serviceManager->get('Application'); $request = $application->getRequest(); if ($request instanceof ConsoleRequest) { return; } if ($serviceManager->get('config')['zoop']['pyro']['enable']) { $firewall = $event->getParams(); if ($firewall instanceof Firewall) { $ipAddress = $this->getIpAddress(); $this->triggerEvent(FirewallEvent::EVENT_FIREWALL_PRE_PROCESS, $firewall); try { $firewall->process($ipAddress); $this->triggerEvent(FirewallEvent::EVENT_FIREWALL_POST_PROCESS, $firewall); } catch (IpAddressDeniedException $e) { $application->getResponse()->setStatusCode(403); } } } }
/** * Thumbnail Image * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function thumbnailImage(EventInterface $event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Config'); $thumbFilePath = $config['images']['thumb_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($params->getPath()); Resize::save($params->getPath(), $thumbFilePath, 200, 200); $params->setThumbPath($thumbFilePath); }
public function onEvent(EventInterface $event) { if ($event instanceof LogEvent) { $this->logger->log($event->getPriority(), $event->getMessage(), $event->getParams()); } }
/** * emailMissingTranslation * * @param EventInterface $event * * @return void */ public function emailMissingTranslation($event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $defaultLocale = $this->getDefaultLocale(); if ($params['locale'] !== $defaultLocale) { // @todo write and implement this } }
/** * Actually do the logging. * * @param EventInterface $event * @todo this requires a major rewrite */ public function log(EventInterface $event) { $target = $event->getTarget(); $recipient = [(object) ['name' => 'Stjónvísi', 'address' => '*****@*****.**'], (object) ['name' => 'Einar Valur', 'address' => '*****@*****.**']]; $params = $event->getParams(); $method = isset($params[0]) ? $params[0] : ''; if ($target instanceof Event && isset($params['data'])) { $data = $params['data']; switch ($method) { case 'create': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Viðburður stofnaður', "<p>Viðburður <strong>{$data['subject']}</strong> stofnaður <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</a></p>"); break; case 'update': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Viðburður uppfærður', "<p>Viðburður <strong>{$data['subject']}</strong> uppfærður <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</p>"); break; case 'delete': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Viðburði eytt', "<p>Viðburði <strong>{$data['subject']}</strong> eytt</p>"); break; default: break; } } else { if ($target instanceof News && isset($params['data'])) { $data = $params['data']; switch ($method) { case 'create': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Frétt stofnuð', "<p>Frétt <strong>{$data['title']}</strong> stofnuð <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</a></p>"); break; case 'update': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Frétt uppfærð', "<p>Frétt <strong>{$data['title']}</strong> uppfærður <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</p>"); break; case 'delete': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Frétt eytt', "<p>Frétt <strong>{$data['title']}</strong> eytt</p>"); break; default: break; } } else { if ($target instanceof Company && isset($params['data'])) { $data = $params['data']; switch ($method) { case 'create': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Fyrirtæki stofnuð', "<p>Fyrirtæki <strong>{$data['name']}</strong> stofnuð <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</a></p>"); break; case 'update': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Fyrirtæki uppfært', "<p>Fyrirtæki <strong>{$data['name']}</strong> uppfært <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</p>"); break; case 'delete': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Fyrirtæki eytt', "<p>Fyrirtæki <strong>{$data['name']}</strong> eytt</p>"); break; default: break; } } elseif ($target instanceof User && isset($params['data'])) { $data = $params['data']; switch ($method) { case 'create': $this->send($recipient, '[Activity]:Notandi stofnaður', "<p>Notandi <strong>{$data['name']}</strong> stofnaður <a href=\"{$data['id']}\">{$data['id']}</a></p>"); break; default: break; } } } } }
/** * addMissingDefaultTranslation * * @param EventInterface $event * * @return void */ public function addMissingDefaultTranslation($event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $defaultLocale = $this->getDefaultLocale(); // Ignore if not translate if ($params['text_domain'] === self::DO_NOT_TRANSLATE) { return; } // Only adding if we are the default locale if ($params['locale'] !== $defaultLocale) { return; } $em = $this->getEntityManager(); try { $defaultMessage = $em->getRepository('RcmI18n\\Entity\\Message')->findOneBy(['locale' => $defaultLocale, 'defaultText' => $params['message']]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $defaultMessage = null; } if (empty($defaultMessage)) { $newMessage = new Message(); $newMessage->setLocale($defaultLocale); $newMessage->setDefaultText($params['message']); $newMessage->setText($params['message']); $em->persist($newMessage); $em->flush($newMessage); } }
/** * Set an event to use during dispatch * * By default, will re-cast to MvcEvent if another event type is provided. * * @param Event $e * @return void */ public function setEvent(Event $e) { if ($e instanceof Event && !$e instanceof MvcEvent) { $eventParams = $e->getParams(); $e = new MvcEvent(); $e->setParams($eventParams); unset($eventParams); } $this->event = $e; }
/** * @param \Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e * @return void */ protected function initMail(EventInterface $e) { $config = $e->getApplication()->getConfig(); if ($config['mail']['activate'] === false) { return; } /* @var \Secretary\Service\Mail $mailService */ $mailService = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('mail-service'); /* @var \Zend\EventManager\SharedEventManager $sharedEvents */ $sharedEvents = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager()->getSharedManager(); $identifier = array('Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\AbstractActionController', 'Secretary\\Service\\Base'); $sharedEvents->attach($identifier, 'sendMail', function ($e) use($mailService) { $target = $e->getTarget(); $mailOptions = $e->getParams(); $mailService->send($mailOptions, $target); }); $sharedEvents->attach('Zend\\Mvc\\Application', 'dispatch.error', function ($e) use($mailService) { $exception = $e->getParam('exception'); if (empty($exception)) { return; } $mailService->send(array('exception' => $exception), 'error'); }); }
/** * Removes an object from the cache * * @param EventInterface $e * @return void */ public function removeFromCache(EventInterface $e) { $mapper = $e->getTarget(); $params = $e->getParams(); $object = $params['object']; // build a query object for this id $primaryKey = $mapper->getAdapterOption('primaryKey'); if ($primaryKey && is_scalar($primaryKey)) { $query = $mapper->getAdapter()->buildQuery(); $query->setId($object->{$primaryKey}); } else { return; } $cacheKey = $query->getCacheKey(); if (!$cacheKey) { return; } if ($cacheKey) { $this->cache->removeItem($cacheKey); } }
/** * @param EventInterface $event */ public function setEvent(EventInterface $event) { if (!$event instanceof MvcEvent) { $this->event = new MvcEvent(null, null, $event->getParams()); return; } $this->event = $event; }
/** * Actually do the logging. * * @param EventInterface $event */ public function log(EventInterface $event) { $params = $event->getParams(); $method = isset($params[0]) ? $params[0] : ''; $this->logger->debug(get_class($event->getTarget()) . "::{$method} - {$event->getName()}"); }