public function insertBookmark($payload) { $insert = new Insert($this->table); $insert->values($payload); $this->insertWith($insert); return $this->lastInsertValue; }
public function setRequest($id) { if ($id == $this->user_id) { return true; } $user = $this->getUserById($id); if (is_array($user)) { if ($user["friendship"] == -1) { //insert $insert = new Insert('fg_friends'); $newData = array('user_one' => $this->user_id, 'user_two' => $id, 'state' => '0'); $insert->values($newData); $statement = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $resultSet = $statement->execute(); } else { if (!$user["i_am_adder"] && $user["friendship"] == 0) { //update $update = new Update('fg_friends'); $newData = array('state' => '1'); $update->set($newData); $update->where(array('user_one' => $id, 'user_two' => $this->user_id)); $statement = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->prepareStatementForSqlObject($update); $resultSet = $statement->execute(); } } return true; } return false; }
public function save(\Api\Entity\Post $post) { $hydrator = $this->getHydrator(); $action = null; $postData = array('title' => $post->getTitle(), 'description' => $post->getDescription()); if ($post->getId()) { $action = new Update('posts'); $action->set($postData); $action->where(array('id = ?' => $post->getId())); } else { $postData['author_id'] = $post->getAuthorId(); $action = new Insert('posts'); $action->values($postData); } $sql = new Sql($this->getAdaptor()); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $statement->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($pk = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { $post->setId($pk); } return $this->getPost($post->getId()); } throw new \Exception('something went wrong.Please try again later'); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function save(PostInterface $postObject) { $postData = $this->hydrator->extract($postObject); unset($postData['id']); // Neither Insert nor Update needs the ID in the array if ($postObject->getId()) { // ID present, it's an Update $action = new Update('post'); $action->set($postData); $action->where(array('id = ?' => $postObject->getId())); } else { // ID NOT present, it's an Insert $action = new Insert('post'); $action->values($postData); } $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($newId = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { // When a value has been generated, set it on the object $postObject->setId($newId); } return $postObject; } throw new \Exception("Database error"); }
public function insertSession($username, $password, $session_id) { $insert = new Insert('sessions'); $adapter = $this->table_gateway->getAdapter(); $insert->columns(array('username', 'password', 'active', 'session_id'))->values(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'active' => 1, 'session_id' => $session_id)); $adapter->query($this->sql->buildSqlString($insert), $adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); return true; }
/** * Exports insert SQL. * * @param array $data * @return string */ protected function exportInsert(array $data) { $insertSql = ''; $insert = new Insert(self::TABLE_NAME); foreach ($data as $id => $value) { $insertSql .= @$insert->values(array('id' => $id, 'value' => $value))->getSqlString($this->getPlatform()) . ';' . PHP_EOL; } return $insertSql; }
public function insertPrivilege($attributes) { $attributes = $this->verifyPrivilege($attributes); $status_id = isset($attributes['status_id']) ? $attributes['status_id'] : 0; $insert = new Insert($this->getTable()); $insert->columns(array('table_name', 'permissions', 'group_id'))->values(array('table_name' => $attributes['table_name'], 'permissions' => $attributes['permissions'], 'group_id' => $attributes['group_id'], 'status_id' => $status_id)); $this->insertWith($insert); $privilegeId = $this->lastInsertValue; return $this->fetchById($privilegeId); }
public function install($config) { $dbinstall = new Dbinstall($config); $table_account = new CreateTable('account'); $table_account->addColumn(new Column\Integer('id', FALSE, NULL, array('autoincrement' => true)))->addConstraint(new Constraint\PrimaryKey('id'))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('username', 50, false))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('password', 50, false))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('email', 50, false))->addConstraint(new Constraint\UniqueKey('email'))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('openid_qq', 100, true))->addConstraint(new Constraint\UniqueKey('openid_qq'))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('openid_sina', 100, true))->addConstraint(new Constraint\UniqueKey('openid_sina'))->addColumn(new Column\Varchar('openid_wechat', 100, true))->addConstraint(new Constraint\UniqueKey('openid_wechat'))->addColumn(new Column\Integer('status', false, 0)); $dbinstall->addCreateTable($table_account); $insert_account = new Insert('account'); $insert_account->values(array('username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'status' => 1)); $dbinstall->addInsert($insert_account); $dbinstall->install(); }
/** * @param Insert $insert */ public function preInsert(Insert $insert) { $metaColumns = $this->tableGateway->getColumns(); if (count($metaColumns)) { $metaColumns = array_flip($metaColumns); $columns = array_flip($insert->getRawState('columns')); $columns = array_flip(array_intersect_key($columns, $metaColumns)); $values = $insert->getRawState('values'); $values = array_intersect_key($values, $columns); $insert->values(array_values($values)); $insert->columns(array_values($columns)); } }
public function insertPrivilege($attributes) { $attributes = $this->verifyPrivilege($attributes); // @todo: this should fallback on field default value if (!isset($attributes['status_id'])) { $attributes['status_id'] = 0; } $attributes = $this->getFillableFields($attributes); $insert = new Insert($this->getTable()); $insert->columns(array_keys($attributes))->values($attributes); $this->insertWith($insert); $privilegeId = $this->lastInsertValue; return $this->fetchById($privilegeId); }
public function saveProduct($productData) { $action = new Insert('products'); $action->values($productData); $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($newId = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { return $newId; } return true; } throw new \Exception('Database Error'); }
public function prepareStatement(AdapterInterface $adapter, StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer) { /* init */ $this->hasAutoincrement = false; /* parent prep */ $result = parent::prepareStatement($adapter, $statementContainer); /* oci8 with autoincrement */ if ($statementContainer instanceof \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Oci8\Statement && $this->autoincrement !== null) { /* get sequence */ if ($this->sequence === null) { $this->sequence = 'SEQ_' . $this->table; } /* replace ai field with sequence & move ai field binding to the end with returning */ $count = 0; $sql = preg_replace('/:' . $this->autoincrement . '\\s*/', $this->sequence . '.NEXTVAL', $statementContainer->getSql(), 1, $count) . ' RETURNING "' . $this->autoincrement . '" INTO :' . $this->autoincrement; /* anything replaced? */ if ($count > 0) { /* prep statement to prep resource */ $statementContainer->setSql($sql); $statementContainer->prepare(); /* unset ai field */ $statementContainer->getParameterContainer()->offsetUnset($this->autoincrement); /* get ai field position on values */ $position = array_search($this->autoincrement, $this->columns); $this->values[$position] = 0; $this->hasAutoincrement = true; oci_bind_by_name($statementContainer->getResource(), $this->autoincrement, $this->values[$position], -1, SQLT_INT); } } //oci8 AI return $result; }
public function save(RFollow $followObject) { $postData = $this->hydrator->extract($followObject); // Debug::dump($postData); /* * 下面这两行一定记得自己加上去 */ $postData['userID'] = $followObject->getUser()->getUserID(); // unset($postData['secname']);//等到更改成类的时候需要利用php的特性改变成员变量的类型,class变成id // unset($postData['username']);//虽然还是比较麻烦,但是只要写一个类就够了,不需要再unset这么多了。 $action = new Insert('rfollow'); $action->values($postData); $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $stmt->execute(); }
public function save(\Api\Entity\User $user) { $hydrator = $this->getHydrator(); $postData = array('display_name' => $user->getEmail(), 'password' => $user->getPassword()); $postData = array_merge($postData, array('email' => $user->getEmail(), 'username' => $user->getUsername())); $insert = new Insert('user'); $insert->values($postData); $sql = new Sql($this->getAdaptor()); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $result = $statement->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($pk = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { $user->setUserId($pk); } return $hydrator->extract($user); } throw new \Exception('something went wrong.Please try again later'); }
/** * Method to Insert a new User into the Database * * @param array $array * @return array */ public function registerUserByLoginName($array) { $array["password"] = $this->passwordService->create($array["password"], $array["timestamp"]); $values["password"] = $array["password"]; $values["loginName"] = $array["loginName"]; $values["ingameName"] = $array["ingameName"]; $values["timestamp"] = $array["timestamp"]; $action = new Insert('tbluser'); $action->values($values); $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($newID = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { return array('registerSuccess' => true); } } return array('registerSuccess' => false, 'errors' => array('errorMessage' => 'Database error')); }
public function save(Comment $comment) { $hydrator = $this->getHydrator(); $hydrator->addFilter("inputFilter", new MethodMatchFilter("getInputFilter"), FilterComposite::CONDITION_AND); $hydrator->addFilter("array_copy", new MethodMatchFilter("getArrayCopy"), FilterComposite::CONDITION_AND); $hydrator->addFilter("getAuthor", new MethodMatchFilter("getAuthor"), FilterComposite::CONDITION_AND); $postData = $hydrator->extract($comment); $insert = new Insert('comments'); $insert->values($postData); $sql = new Sql($this->getAdaptor()); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $result = $statement->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($pk = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { $comment->setId($pk); } return $this->getComment($comment->getId()); } throw new \Exception('something went wrong.Please try again later'); }
/** * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection. * This method is called before a test is executed. * * @return void */ protected function setUp() { $this->view = ViewModel::fromArray(array('name' => 'View Name', 'identifier' => 'View identifier', 'description' => 'View Description', 'content' => 'View Content')); $this->view->save(); $this->layout = LayoutModel::fromArray(array('name' => 'Layout Name', 'identifier' => 'Layout identifier', 'description' => 'Layout Description', 'content' => 'Layout Content')); $this->layout->save(); $this->user = UserModel::fromArray(array('lastname' => 'User test', 'firstname' => 'User test', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'login' => 'test', 'user_acl_role_id' => 1)); $this->user->setPassword('test'); $this->user->save(); $this->object = Model::fromArray(array('name' => 'Document Type Name', 'description' => 'Document Type description', 'icon_id' => 1, 'defaultview_id' => $this->view->getId(), 'user_id' => $this->user->getId())); $this->object->save(); $this->documentTypeChildren = Model::fromArray(array('name' => 'Document Type children Name', 'description' => 'Document Type children description', 'icon_id' => 1, 'defaultview_id' => $this->view->getId(), 'user_id' => $this->user->getId())); $this->documentTypeChildren->save(); $insert = new Insert(); $insert->into('document_type_dependency')->values(array('parent_id' => $this->object->getId(), 'children_id' => $this->documentTypeChildren->getId())); $this->object->execute($insert); $insert = new Insert(); $insert->into('document_type_view')->values(array('view_id' => $this->view->getId(), 'document_type_id' => $this->object->getId())); $this->object->execute($insert); }
public function sendMessage($payload, $recipients, $from) { $defaultValues = array('response_to' => null); $payload = array_merge($defaultValues, $payload); $insert = new Insert($this->getTable()); $insert->columns(array('from', 'subject', 'message'))->values(array('from' => $from, 'subject' => $payload['subject'], 'message' => $payload['message'], 'datetime' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'response_to' => $payload['response_to'])); $rows = $this->insertWith($insert); $messageId = $this->lastInsertValue; // Insert recipients $values = array(); foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $read = 0; if ((int) $recipient == (int) $from) { $read = 1; } $values[] = "({$messageId}, {$recipient}, {$read})"; } $valuesString = implode(',', $values); //@todo sanitize and implement ACL $sql = "INSERT INTO directus_messages_recipients (`message_id`, `recipient`, `read`) VALUES {$valuesString}"; $result = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); return $messageId; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save(PostInterface $postObject) { $postData = $this->hydrator->extract($postObject); unset($postData['id']); if ($postObject->getId()) { $action = new Update('posts'); $action->set($postData); $action->where(['id = ?' => $postObject->getId()]); } else { $action = new Insert('posts'); $action->values($postData); } $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $stmt = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($result instanceof ResultInterface) { if ($newId = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { $postObject->setId($newId); } return $postObject; } throw new \Exception("Database error."); }
public function sendMessage($payload, $recipients, $from) { $defaultValues = ['response_to' => null]; $payload = array_merge($defaultValues, $payload); $insert = new Insert($this->getTable()); $insert->columns(['from', 'subject', 'message'])->values(['from' => $from, 'subject' => $payload['subject'], 'message' => $payload['message'], 'datetime' => DateUtils::now(), 'response_to' => $payload['response_to']]); $rows = $this->insertWith($insert); $messageId = $this->lastInsertValue; // Insert recipients $values = []; foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { $read = 0; if ((int) $recipient == (int) $from) { $read = 1; } $values[] = '(' . $messageId . ', ' . $recipient . ', ' . $read . ')'; } $valuesString = implode(',', $values); //@todo sanitize and implement ACL $sql = 'INSERT INTO directus_messages_recipients (`message_id`, `recipient`, `read`) VALUES ' . $valuesString; $result = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); return $messageId; }
/** * Pass true as $name to return to last generated id. * Pass string and it will be passed to the id retriever method. * Pass false to skip retrieving the last generated id and return true. * * @throws Exception\RecordNotSavedException */ public function insert(array $columnsValuesPairs, $name = true) { $adapter = $this->sql->getAdapter(); $insert = new ZfSql\Insert($this->tableName); $insert->values($columnsValuesPairs); $sqlString = $this->sql->getSqlStringForSqlObject($insert); try { $result = $adapter->query($sqlString, $adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE); } catch (AdapterException\ExceptionInterface $e) { throw new Exception\RecordNotSavedException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } if (true === $name) { $value = $adapter->getDriver()->getLastGeneratedValue(); if ($value === '0') { return true; } else { return $value; } } elseif (is_string($name)) { return $adapter->getDriver()->getLastGeneratedValue($name); } else { return true; } }
public function preInsert(Insert $insert) { $columns = $insert->getRawState('columns'); $values = $insert->getRawState('values'); $key = array_search($this->primaryKeyField, $columns); if ($key !== false) { $this->sequenceValue = $values[$key]; return $insert; } $this->sequenceValue = $this->nextSequenceId(); if ($this->sequenceValue === null) { return $insert; } array_push($columns, $this->primaryKeyField); array_push($values, $this->sequenceValue); $insert->columns($columns); $insert->values($values); return $insert; }
/** * @param Insert $insert */ public function preInsert(Insert $insert) { $columns = $insert->getRawState('columns'); $values = $insert->getRawState('values'); $key = array_search($this->primaryKeyField, $columns); if ($key !== false) { $this->sequenceValue = $values[$key]; return $insert; } $this->sequenceValue = $this->nextSequenceId(); if ($this->sequenceValue === null) { return $insert; } $insert->values(array($this->primaryKeyField => $this->sequenceValue), Insert::VALUES_MERGE); return $insert; }
public function recordMessage($data, $userId) { if (isset($data['response_to']) && $data['response_to'] > 0) { $action = "REPLY"; } else { $action = "ADD"; } $logData = array('type' => self::TYPE_MESSAGE, 'table_name' => 'directus_messages', 'action' => $action, 'user' => $userId, 'datetime' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'parent_id' => null, 'data' => json_encode($data), 'delta' => "[]", 'identifier' => $data['subject'], 'row_id' => $data['id'], 'logged_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $insert = new Insert($this->getTable()); $insert->values($logData); $this->insertWith($insert); }
/** * @param Insert $insert * @return mixed * @throws \Directus\Acl\Exception\UnauthorizedTableAddException * @throws \Directus\Acl\Exception\UnauthorizedFieldWriteException */ protected function executeInsert(Insert $insert) { /** * ACL Enforcement */ $insertState = $insert->getRawState(); $insertTable = $this->getRawTableNameFromQueryStateTable($insertState['table']); if (!$this->acl->hasTablePrivilege($insertTable, 'add')) { $aclErrorPrefix = $this->acl->getErrorMessagePrefix(); throw new UnauthorizedTableAddException($aclErrorPrefix . "Table add access forbidden on table {$insertTable}"); } // Enforce write field blacklist (if user lacks bigedit privileges on this table) if (!$this->acl->hasTablePrivilege($insertTable, 'bigedit')) { $this->acl->enforceBlacklist($insertTable, $insertState['columns'], Acl::FIELD_WRITE_BLACKLIST); } try { return parent::executeInsert($insert); } catch (\Zend\Db\Adapter\Exception\InvalidQueryException $e) { if ('production' !== DIRECTUS_ENV) { if (strpos(strtolower($e->getMessage()), 'duplicate entry') !== FALSE) { throw new DuplicateEntryException($e->getMessage()); } throw new \RuntimeException("This query failed: " . $this->dumpSql($insert), 0, $e); } // @todo send developer warning throw $e; } }
/** * @covers Zend\Db\Sql\Insert::getSqlString * @todo Implement testGetSqlString(). */ public function testGetSqlString() { $this->insert->into('foo')->values(array('bar' => 'baz', 'boo' => new Expression('NOW()'))); $this->assertEquals('INSERT INTO "foo" ("bar", "boo") VALUES (\'baz\', NOW())', $this->insert->getSqlString()); }
/** * @todo add $columns support * * @param Insert $insert * @return mixed * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected function executeInsert(Insert $insert) { $insertState = $insert->getRawState(); if ($insertState['table'] != $this->table) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The table name of the provided Insert object must match that of the table'); } // apply preInsert features $this->featureSet->apply('preInsert', array($insert)); $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $result = $statement->execute(); $this->lastInsertValue = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getLastGeneratedValue(); // apply postInsert features $this->featureSet->apply('postInsert', array($statement, $result)); return $result->getAffectedRows(); }
/** * @todo add $columns support * * @param Insert $insert * @return int * @throws Exception\RuntimeException */ protected function executeInsert(Insert $insert) { $insertState = $insert->getRawState(); if ($insertState['table'] != $this->table) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The table name of the provided Insert object must match that of the table'); } // apply preInsert features $this->featureSet->apply(EventFeatureEventsInterface::EVENT_PRE_INSERT, [$insert]); // Most RDBMS solutions do not allow using table aliases in INSERTs // See $unaliasedTable = false; if (is_array($insertState['table'])) { $tableData = array_values($insertState['table']); $unaliasedTable = array_shift($tableData); $insert->into($unaliasedTable); } $statement = $this->sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert); $result = $statement->execute(); $this->lastInsertValue = $this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->getLastGeneratedValue(); // apply postInsert features $this->featureSet->apply(EventFeatureEventsInterface::EVENT_POST_INSERT, [$statement, $result]); // Reset original table information in Insert instance, if necessary if ($unaliasedTable) { $insert->into($insertState['table']); } return $result->getAffectedRows(); }
/** * @param Route $model * * @return Route * @throws \Exception */ public function save(Route $model) : Route { $modelData = $this->hydrator->extract($model); if ($model->getId()) { $action = new Update($this->table); $action->set($modelData); $action->where(['id = ?' => $model->getId()]); } else { $action = new Insert($this->table); $action->values($modelData); } $sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter); $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($action); $result = $statement->execute(); if (!$result instanceof ResultInterface) { throw new \Exception('Database Error'); } if ($newId = $result->getGeneratedValue()) { $model->setId($newId); } return $model; }
public function constructPreferences($user_id, $table, $preferences = null, $title = null) { if ($preferences) { $newPreferencesData = false; // @todo enforce non-empty set if (empty($preferences['columns_visible'])) { $newPreferencesData = true; $columns_visible = TableSchema::getTableColumns($table, 6); $preferences['columns_visible'] = implode(',', $columns_visible); } $preferencesDefaultsApplied = $this->applyDefaultPreferences($table, $preferences); if (count(array_diff($preferences, $preferencesDefaultsApplied))) { $newPreferencesData = true; } $preferences = $preferencesDefaultsApplied; if ($newPreferencesData) { $id = $this->addOrUpdateRecordByArray($preferences); } return $preferences; } $insert = new Insert($this->table); // User doesn't have any preferences for this table yet. Please create! $columns_visible = TableSchema::getTableColumns($table, 6); $data = array('user' => $user_id, 'columns_visible' => implode(',', $columns_visible), 'table_name' => $table, 'title' => $title); if (TableSchema::hasTableColumn($table, 'sort')) { $data['sort'] = 'sort'; } $data = $this->applyDefaultPreferences($table, $data); $insert->values($data); $this->insertWith($insert); return $data; }