sendContentAsFile() public method

Note that this method only prepares the response for file sending. The file is not sent until Response::send is called explicitly or implicitly. The latter is done after you return from a controller action.
See also: sendFile() for an example implementation.
public sendContentAsFile ( string $content, string $attachmentName, array $options = [] )
$content string the content to be sent. The existing [[content]] will be discarded.
$attachmentName string the file name shown to the user.
$options array additional options for sending the file. The following options are supported: - `mimeType`: the MIME type of the content. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream'. - `inline`: boolean, whether the browser should open the file within the browser window. Defaults to false, meaning a download dialog will pop up.
 public function testSendContentAsFile()
     $this->response->sendContentAsFile('test', 'test.txt')->send(['mimeType' => 'text/plain']);
     $content = ob_get_clean();
     static::assertEquals('test', $content);
     static::assertEquals(200, $this->response->statusCode);
     $headers = $this->response->headers;
     static::assertEquals('application/octet-stream', $headers->get('Content-Type'));
     static::assertEquals('attachment; filename="test.txt"', $headers->get('Content-Disposition'));
     static::assertEquals(4, $headers->get('Content-Length'));