public function field($model, $attribute, $options = []) { if (!isset($options['labelOptions']['label'])) { $options['labelOptions']['label'] = Html::encode($model->getAttributeLabel($attribute)) . ':'; } return parent::field($model, $attribute, $options); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function field($model, $attribute, $options = []) { if (!array_key_exists('class', $options)) { $type = null; if (array_key_exists('type', $options)) { $type = $options['type']; unset($options['type']); } else { // schema if ($model instanceof ActiveRecord) { $columnSchema = $model::getTableSchema()->getColumn($attribute); if ($columnSchema) { $type = $columnSchema->type; if (in_array($columnSchema->type, [Schema::TYPE_PK, Schema::TYPE_BIGPK, Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT, Schema::TYPE_INTEGER, Schema::TYPE_BIGINT])) { if ($columnSchema->size == 1 && $columnSchema->unsigned) { $type = Schema::TYPE_BOOLEAN; } else { $options = array_merge($options, ['size' => $columnSchema->size, 'unsigned' => $columnSchema->unsigned]); } } elseif ($columnSchema->type == Schema::TYPE_STRING) { $options['size'] = $columnSchema->size; } elseif (in_array($columnSchema->type, [Schema::TYPE_DECIMAL, Schema::TYPE_MONEY])) { $options = array_merge($options, ['size' => $columnSchema->size, 'scale' => $columnSchema->scale, 'unsigned' => $columnSchema->unsigned]); } } } // rules foreach ($model->rules() as $rule) { if (is_array($rule[0]) && in_array($attribute, $rule[0]) || $rule[0] == $attribute) { if (in_array($rule[1], ['email', 'url'])) { $type = $rule[1]; } elseif ($rule[1] == 'string') { if (is_null($type)) { $type = $rule[1]; } if (array_key_exists('max', $rule)) { $options['size'] = $rule['max']; } if (array_key_exists('length', $rule)) { if (is_array($rule['length'])) { if (count($rule['length']) == 2) { $options['size'] = $rule['length'][1]; } } else { $options['size'] = $rule['length']; } } } } } } if (!is_null($type)) { $options['class'] = 'yii\\mozayka\\form\\fields\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'Field'; } } return parent::field($model, $attribute, $options); }
/** * Scan directory with templates and show them in dropdown list * * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * * @return string */ public function layoutSelector($form) { $items = []; $pathToTemplates = Yii::getAlias('@app/templates/'); Yii::$app->assetManager->publish($pathToTemplates); $assetUrl = Yii::$app->assetManager->getPublishedUrl($pathToTemplates); $layoutFolders = scandir($pathToTemplates); foreach ($layoutFolders as $layoutFolder) { if (!in_array($layoutFolder, ['.', '..']) && is_dir($pathToTemplates . $layoutFolder)) { $items[$layoutFolder] = Html::img($assetUrl . '/' . $layoutFolder . '/backend_image.png'); } } return $form->field($this, 'layout')->radioList($items); }
public function field($model, $attribute, $options = []) { $fields = []; $isMultilingualOption = isset($options['multilingual']) && $options['multilingual']; $isMultilingualAttribute = method_exists($model, 'isMultilingual') && $model->isMultilingual() && $model->hasLangAttribute($attribute); if ($isMultilingualOption || $isMultilingualAttribute) { $languages = array_keys(Yii::$app->yee->languages); foreach ($languages as $language) { $fields[] = parent::field($model, $attribute, array_merge($options, ['language' => $language])); } } else { return parent::field($model, $attribute, $options); } return new MultilingualFieldContainer(['fields' => $fields]); }
/** * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @return string */ public function formFields($form) { $itemPropClass = Kiwi::getItemPropClass(); $html = ''; foreach ($this->itemProps as $key => $itemProp) { $options = $itemProp->toArray(); foreach ($options as $field => $value) { $options['data-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field)] = $value; unset($options[$field]); } /** @var \yii\bootstrap\ActiveField $field */ $field = $form->field($this, $key, ['options' => $options, 'inputOptions' => $options]); if (in_array($itemProp->type, [$itemPropClass::ITEM_PROP_TYPE_SELECT, $itemPropClass::ITEM_PROP_TYPE_CHECKBOX])) { $items = []; foreach ($itemProp->propValues as $propValue) { $items[$propValue->prop_value_id] = $propValue->name; } $itemOptions = array_merge($options, ['container' => false, 'labelOptions' => ['class' => 'radio-inline']]); $field = $itemProp->type == $itemPropClass::ITEM_PROP_TYPE_SELECT ? $field->inline()->radioList($items, ['itemOptions' => $itemOptions]) : $field->inline()->checkboxList($items, ['itemOptions' => $itemOptions]); } $html .= $field->render(); } return $html; }
/** * Generate field of form with require construction. * * @param Model $model The data model. * @param string $attribute Attribute name. * @param array $options The additional configurations for the field object. * @return ActiveField */ public function field($model, $attribute = 'value', $options = []) { $field = parent::field($model, "[{$model->id}]{$attribute}", $options); $field = call_user_func_array([$field, Module::typeList($model->type)], $model->options); return $field; }
/** * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @param string $name * * @return \yii\bootstrap\ActiveField */ public function field($form, $name) { $fieldObject = $form->field($this, $name); $fieldArray = $this->findField($name); $label = ArrayHelper::getValue($fieldArray, self::POS_RUS_NAME, ''); if ($label != '') { $fieldObject->label($label); } $hint = ArrayHelper::getValue($fieldArray, self::POS_HINT, ''); if ($hint != '') { $fieldObject->hint($hint); } $widget = ArrayHelper::getValue($fieldArray, 'widget', ''); if ($widget != '') { $fieldObject->widget($widget[0], ArrayHelper::getValue($widget, 1, [])); } return $fieldObject; }
/** * get the config * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @param array $options * @return string */ public function renderForm($form, $options = []) { $config = $this->getSystemConfig(); $tabItems = []; foreach ($config as $tabKey => $tab) { $groupItems = []; foreach ($tab['groups'] as $groupKey => $group) { $groupContent = ''; foreach ($group['fields'] as $fieldKey => $field) { $inlineRadioListTemplate = "<label class = \"control-label col-sm-1\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n{hint}\n{error}</div>"; $inlineCheckboxListTemplate = "<label class = \"control-label col-sm-1\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n{hint}\n{error}</div>"; $options['template'] = "<label class = \"control-label col-sm-1\">" . $field['label'] . "</label>\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n<div style=\"width:60%\">{hint}\n</div>{error}</div>"; $fieldOptions = array_merge($options, ['options' => ['class' => 'form-group'], 'inputOptions' => ['name' => 'setting_code[' . $field['setting_code'] . ']']]); /** @var \yii\bootstrap\ActiveField $activeField */ $fieldClass = Yii::createObject(SettingFields::className()); $fieldModel = $fieldClass::findOne(['setting_code' => $field['setting_code']]); if ($field['inputType'] == 3) { $fieldModel->chosen_value = json_decode($fieldModel->chosen_value, true); } $activeField = $form->field($fieldModel, 'chosen_value', $fieldOptions); switch ($field['inputType']) { case 3: $activeField->inline()->checkboxList($field['value'], ['name' => 'setting_code[' . $field['setting_code'] . ']', 'template' => $inlineCheckboxListTemplate]); break; case 2: $activeField->inline()->radioList($field['value'], ['name' => 'setting_code[' . $field['setting_code'] . ']', 'template' => $inlineRadioListTemplate]); break; case 1: $activeField->textInput(); break; // case 'select': // $activeField->dropDownList($dataList); // break; // case 'textarea': // $activeField->textarea(); // break; // case 'password': // $activeField->passwordInput(); // break; } if (isset($field['hint'])) { $activeField->hint($field['hint']); } $groupContent .= $activeField->render(); } $groupItems[$group['label']] = ['label' => $group['label'], 'content' => $groupContent]; } $tabContent = Collapse::widget(['items' => $groupItems]); $tabItems[] = ['label' => $tab['label'], 'content' => $tabContent]; } $js = <<<JS var modelName = 'SettingModel' \$(document).on('change', 'select, input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]', function() { var name = \$(this).attr('name') var dataKey = name.substring(modelName.length + 1, name.length - 1); var dataValue = \$(this).val(); if (\$('[data-depend-key='+dataKey+']').length) { \$('[data-depend-key='+dataKey+']').hide(); } if (\$('[data-depend-key='+dataKey+'][data-depend-value='+dataValue+']').length) { \$('[data-depend-key='+dataKey+'][data-depend-value='+dataValue+']').show(); } }); \$('[data-depend-key]').each(function() { var input = \$(this); var valueInput = \$('[name="'+modelName+'[''depend-key')+']"]'); if (valueInput.val() =='depend-key')) {; } else { input.hide(); } }); JS; Yii::$app->view->registerJs($js); return Tabs::widget(['items' => $tabItems]); }
/** * @inheritdoc * @return \bright\theme\yii2\aceadmin\ActiveField */ public function field($model, $attribute, $options = []) { return parent::field($model, $attribute, $options); }
/** * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @param array $options * @return string */ public function formFields($form, $options = []) { if (!$options) { $template = "{label}\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n{hint}\n{error}</div>"; $labelOptions = ['class' => 'control-label col-sm-1']; $options = ['template' => $template, 'labelOptions' => $labelOptions]; } $html = ''; $html .= $form->field($this, 'username', $options); $html .= $form->field($this, 'email', $options); $html .= $form->field($this, 'password', $options)->passwordInput(); $html .= $form->field($this, 'roles', $options)->inline()->checkboxList($this->getAttributeData('roles')); return $html; }
/** * get the config * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @param array $options * @return array */ public function formFields($form, $options = []) { if (!$options) { $template = "{label}\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n{hint}\n{error}</div>"; $labelOptions = ['class' => 'control-label col-sm-1']; $options = ['template' => $template, 'labelOptions' => $labelOptions]; } $groups = []; foreach ($this->_permissions as $moduleKey => $attributes) { $label = $this->_permissionsFromFile[$moduleKey]['label']; $content = ''; foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $dataValue) { $content .= $form->field($this, $attribute, $options)->inline()->checkboxList($this->getAttributeData($attribute)); } $groups[$moduleKey] = ['label' => $label, 'content' => $content]; } return $groups; }
/** * get the config * @param \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm $form * @param array $options * @return string */ public function formFields($form, $options = []) { if (!$options) { $template = "{label}\n<div class=\"col-sm-11\">{input}\n{hint}\n{error}</div>"; $labelOptions = ['class' => 'control-label col-sm-1']; $options = ['template' => $template, 'labelOptions' => $labelOptions]; } /** @var \core\setting\Module $settingModule */ $settingModule = \Yii::$app->getModule('core_setting'); $config = $settingModule->getConfigFromFile(); $tabItems = []; foreach ($config as $tabKey => $tab) { $groupItems = []; foreach ($tab['groups'] as $groupKey => $group) { $groupContent = ''; foreach ($group['fields'] as $fieldKey => $field) { $key = implode($this->keySeparator, [$tabKey, $groupKey, $fieldKey]); /** @var \yii\bootstrap\ActiveField $activeField */ $activeField = $form->field($this, $key, $options); $data = []; if (isset($field['data'])) { if (is_array($field['data'])) { $data = $field['data']; } else { list($class, $func) = explode('/', $field['data']); $getClass = 'get' . ucfirst($class); $data = Kiwi::$getClass()->{$func}(); } } switch ($field['type']) { case 'select': $activeField->dropDownList($data); break; case 'checkbox': $activeField->inline()->checkboxList($data); break; case 'radio': $activeField->inline()->radioList($data); break; case 'textarea': $activeField->textarea(); break; } if (isset($field['hint'])) { $activeField->hint($field['hint']); } $groupContent .= $activeField->render(); } $groupItems[$group['label']] = ['label' => $group['label'], 'content' => $groupContent]; } $tabContent = Collapse::widget(['items' => $groupItems]); $tabItems[] = ['label' => $tab['label'], 'content' => $tabContent]; } return Tabs::widget(['items' => $tabItems]); }