  * <p><b>\Yaf\Route_Interface::route()</b> is the only method that a custom route should implement.</p><br/>
  * <p>if this method return TRUE, then the route process will be end. otherwise,\Yaf\Router will call next route in the route stack to route request.</p><br/>
  * <p>This method would set the route result to the parameter request, by calling \Yaf\Request_Abstract::setControllerName(), \Yaf\Request_Abstract::setActionName() and \Yaf\Request_Abstract::setModuleName().</p><br/>
  * <p>This method should also call \Yaf\Request_Abstract::setRouted() to make the request routed at last.</p>
  * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/yaf-route-interface.route.php
  * @param \Yaf\Request_Abstract $request
  * @desc 默认module和controller均写死为Index了
  * @return bool
 public function route($request)
     $uris = explode('/', str_replace('-', '', $request->getRequestUri()));
     if (!empty($uris[1])) {
     } else {
     $params = array();
     $param_pairs = array_chunk(array_slice($uris, 2), 2);
     foreach ($param_pairs as $param) {
         $params[$param[0]] = empty($param[1]) ? '' : $param[1];
     $method = $request->getParam('_method');
     if (!empty($method)) {
     //如果不return true 会继续执行static 路由规则
     return true;