namespace Application; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; /** * Sets the public directory */ Workbench::register('^set:public ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)$', function ($argv) { rename(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public'), Workbench::$directory . '/' . $argv[1]); Workbench::set('public', $argv[1]); Workbench::save(); }, 'set:public'); /** * Sets the workbench application */ Workbench::register('^set:application ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $namespace = Workbench::namespace($name); if (is_dir(Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name) && isset(Workbench::get('applications')[$name])) { Workbench::set('application', $name); Workbench::save(); // rename namespaces in commmand files and so on $commands = array_diff(scandir(Workbench::$directory . '/CLI/Commands'), ['.', '..']); foreach ($commands as $command) { Workbench::filespace(Workbench::$directory . '/CLI/Commands/' . $command, 'Application', $namespace); } Workbench::filespace(Workbench::$directory . '/workbench', 'Application', $namespace); } else { die('The application \'' . $name . '\' does not exist'); } }, 'set:application');
Workbench::register('^new ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+) (.+?) (.+?)$', function ($argv) { // get application name $name = $argv[1]; // get domain and path restrictions $domain = $argv[2] === 'any' ? '*' : $argv[2]; $path = $argv[3] === 'any' ? '*' : $argv[3]; // check for existance if (is_dir($name) || isset(Workbench::get('applications')[$name])) { die('This application already exists'); } // get xtend latest release $latest_release = file_get_contents(''); // get zip file $zip = file_get_contents('' . $latest_release . '.zip'); file_put_contents(Workbench::$directory . '/', $zip); // extract zip $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $zip->open(Workbench::$directory . '/'); $zip->extractTo(Workbench::$directory); // move application folder rename(Workbench::$directory . '/xTend-' . $latest_release . '/dist/Application', Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name); // remove directory (new Objects\DirectoryHandler\Directory(Workbench::$directory . '/xTend-' . $latest_release))->remove(); // remove zip file and directory unlink(Workbench::$directory . '/'); // add application to Workbench configuration Workbench::new($name, $domain, $path); // get namespace from name $namespace = Workbench::namespace($name); // add to index.php file_put_contents(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public') . '/index.php', ' namespace ' . $namespace . ' { global $matched_application; if(__NAMESPACE__==$matched_application) { Core\\App::start(__DIR__); Core\\FileHandler::system(\'Config.App.App.php\')->include(); Core\\App::run(); } }', FILE_APPEND); // replace old namespaces (default Application) foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name)) as $file) { // skip if not file / if not PHP file if (!is_file($file) || substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) !== '.php') { continue; } Workbench::filespace($file, 'Application', $namespace); } }, 'new');
$controller = Core\App::models()->file($name . '.php'); $controller->write('<?php namespace ' . Workbench::namespace(Workbench::get('application')) . '; class ' . $class_name . ' extends Blueprints\\Model { protected static $_table = \'' . str_replace('.', '_', $name) . '\'; protected static $_id_column = \'id\'; }'); }, 'new:model'); /** * Creates a new model which doesn't inherit the blueprint */ Workbench::register('^new:model ([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+) empty$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $class_name = $name; $dot_pos = strrpos($name, '.'); // get and create containing directory + get classname if ($dot_pos !== false) { $dir = Core\App::models()->directory(substr($name, 0, $dot_pos)); if (!$dir->exists()) { $dir->create(); } $class_name = substr($name, $dot_pos + 1); } // create controller file $controller = Core\App::models()->file($name . '.php'); $controller->write('<?php namespace ' . Workbench::namespace(Workbench::get('application')) . '; class ' . $class_name . ' { }'); });
<?php namespace Application; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; Workbench::register('^remove ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)$', function ($argv) { // do checks $name = $argv[1]; if (!is_dir(Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name) || !isset(Workbench::get('applications')[$name])) { die('The application does not exist'); } if ($name == Workbench::get('application')) { die('You can\'t remove the currently selected application'); } // remove app dir (new Objects\DirectoryHandler\Directory(Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name))->remove(); // remove from configuration Workbench::remove($name); //remove from index.php $contents = file_get_contents(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public') . '/index.php'); $contents = preg_replace('/namespace ' . Workbench::namespace($name) . ' \\{.+?\\}.+?\\}/s', '', $contents); file_put_contents(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public') . '/index.php', trim($contents)); }, 'remove');
} else { die("Configuration key not found"); } }); /** * Sets a configuration value */ Workbench::register('^config ([a-zA-Z]+) (.*)$', function ($argv) { $key = $argv[1]; $value = $argv[2]; $conf = Core\App::config()->file('App.configuration.json'); $configuration = json_decode($conf->read(), true); if (isset($configuration[$key])) { if ($value === 'true' || $value === 'false') { $value = boolval($value); } elseif (is_numeric($value)) { $value = intval($value); } $configuration[$key] = $value; $conf->write(json_encode($configuration)); // if environment changes , update db.yml if ($key == 'environment') { $db_file = Core\App::config()->file('ORM.db.yml'); $db = Spyc::YAMLLoad((string) $db_file); $db['environments']['default_database'] = $value; $db_file->write(Spyc::YAMLDump($db, 4, false, true)); } } else { die("Configuration key not found"); } });
<?php namespace Application; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; /** * Sets the wow flavor */ Workbench::register('wow:flavor (HTML|AT_SIGN|COMBINED)', function ($argv) { $file = Core\App::config()->file('Wow.Flavor.php'); $file->write('<?php /** * Sets the current Wow flavor * and initializes the Wow engine */ namespace ' . Workbench::namespace(Workbench::get('application')) . '; use ' . Workbench::namespace(Workbench::get('application')) . '\\Core\\Wow; Wow::flavor(Wow::' . $argv[1] . '); Wow::start();'); }, 'wow:flavor');
class ' . $class_name . ' { }'); }); /** * Creates a new controller which inherits the RespondController */ Workbench::register('^new:controller ([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+) json$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $class_name = $name; $dot_pos = strrpos($name, '.'); // get and create containing directory + get classname if ($dot_pos !== false) { $dir = Core\App::controllers()->directory(substr($name, 0, $dot_pos)); if (!$dir->exists()) { $dir->create(); } $class_name = substr($name, $dot_pos + 1); } // create controller file $controller = Core\App::controllers()->file($name . '.php'); $controller->write('<?php namespace ' . Workbench::namespace(Workbench::get('application')) . '; class ' . $class_name . ' extends Blueprints\\RespondController { //The RespondController adds a protected method called respond //which you can use to return JSON data with a success parameter (boolean) //a status parameter with a code, hex code, status name and status message //and a data parameter which you can use to pass extra data //all info about the RespondController can be found in the documentation }'); });
}, 'packagist:autoremove_recursive'); /** * Autoremoves a certain package of a certain version (recursive) */ Workbench::register('^packagist:autoremove ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+) (.+) recursive$', function ($argv) { $package_name = $argv[1]; if (Core\PackagistHandler::autoremove($package_name, $argv[2], true)) { return "Autoremoved {$package_name}"; } return "Couldn't autoremove {$package_name}"; }); /** * Autoremoves a certain package */ Workbench::register('^packagist:autoremove ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)$', function ($argv) { $package_name = $argv[1]; if (Core\PackagistHandler::autoremove($package_name)) { return "Autoremoved {$package_name}"; } return "Couldn't autoremove {$package_name}"; }, 'packagist:autoremove'); /** * Autoremoves a certain package of a certain version */ Workbench::register('^packagist:autoremove ([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+)\\/([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\_]+) (.+)$', function ($argv) { $package_name = $argv[1]; if (Core\PackagistHandler::autoremove($package_name, $argv[2])) { return "Autoremoved {$package_name}"; } return "Couldn't autoremove {$package_name}"; });
Workbench::register('^new:layout ([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+)$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $dot_pos = strrpos($name, '.'); if ($dot_pos !== false) { $dir = Core\App::layouts()->directory(substr($name, 0, $dot_pos)); if (!$dir->exists()) { $dir->create(); } } $layout = Core\App::layouts()->file($name . '.wow.php', 2); if (Core\Wow::flavor() == Core\Wow::AT_SIGN) { $layout->write('<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> @section:head </head> <body> @section:body </body> </html>'); } else { $layout->write('<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <section name="head" /> </head> <body> <section name="body" /> </body> </html>'); } }, 'new:layout');
<?php namespace Application; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; Workbench::register('^init$', function ($argv) { $configuration_file = Core\App::config()->file('Sessions.sessions.json'); $configuration = json_decode($configuration_file->read(), true); // set values $configuration['sessionName'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); $configuration['initiatedKey'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); $configuration['userAgentKey'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); $configuration['salt'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); $configuration['userSessionsKey'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); $configuration['userCookiesKey'] = sha1(random_bytes(8)); // write configuration $configuration_file->write(json_encode($configuration)); }, 'init'); Workbench::register('^init show$', function ($argv) { $configuration_file = Core\App::config()->file('Sessions.sessions.json'); $configuration = json_decode($configuration_file->read(), true); echo "\n"; foreach ($configuration as $key => $value) { echo str_pad($key, 30) . $value . "\n"; } echo "\n"; }, 'init show');
<?php namespace Application; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; /** * Shows the application routes * (those not under restrict) */ Workbench::register('^routes$', function ($argv) { $routes = Core\Router::all(); foreach ($routes as $route) { echo '/' . str_pad($route->handle(), 28) . $route . PHP_EOL; } }, 'routes');
use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; /** * Adds an existing app to the project * * @param $argv array */ Workbench::register('^add ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+) (.+?) (.+?)$', function ($argv) { // get application name $name = $argv[1]; // get domain and path restrictions $domain = $argv[2] === 'any' ? '*' : $argv[2]; $path = $argv[3] === 'any' ? '*' : $argv[3]; // check for existance if (!is_dir($name)) { die('Application folder not found'); } // get namespace from name $namespace = Workbench::namespace($name); // add to index.php file_put_contents(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public') . '/index.php', ' namespace ' . $namespace . ' { global $matched_application; if(__NAMESPACE__==$matched_application) { Core\\App::start(__DIR__); Core\\FileHandler::system(\'Config.App.App.php\')->include(); Core\\App::run(); } }', FILE_APPEND); // add application to config Workbench::new($name, $domain, $path); });
namespace Application; use RecursiveIteratorIterator; use RecursiveDirectoryIterator; use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; Workbench::register('^rename ([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_]+)$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $namespace = Workbench::namespace($name); // do check if (isset(Workbench::get('applications')[$name])) { die('Application name already used'); } // rename rename(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('application'), Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name); // replace old namespaces (default Application) foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(Workbench::$directory . '/' . $name)) as $file) { // skip if not file / if not PHP file if (!is_file($file) || substr($file, strrpos($file, '.')) !== '.php') { continue; } Workbench::filespace($file, 'Application', $namespace); } // replace in index.php Workbench::filespace(Workbench::$directory . '/' . Workbench::get('public') . '/index.php', 'Application', $namespace); // rename application in configuration $restrictions = Workbench::get('applications')[Workbench::get('application')]; unset(Workbench::$configuration['applications'][Workbench::get('application')]); Workbench::$configuration['applications'][$name] = $restrictions; // set application Workbench::$commands['set:application']->execute($argv); }, 'rename');
<compile value="change+version" />'); } }, 'new:view'); /** * Creates a new view which extends a layout */ Workbench::register('^new:view ([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+)$', function ($argv) { $name = $argv[1]; $dot_pos = strrpos($name, '.'); // get and check layout $layout = $argv[2]; if (!Core\App::layouts()->file($layout . '.wow.php', 2)->exists()) { die('Layout does not exist'); } if ($dot_pos !== false) { $dir = Core\App::views()->directory(substr($name, 0, $dot_pos)); if (!$dir->exists()) { $dir->create(); } } $view = Core\App::views()->file($name . '.wow.php', 2); if (Core\Wow::flavor() == Core\Wow::AT_SIGN) { $view->write('@version:1 @layout:' . $layout . ' @compile:change+version'); } else { $view->write('<version value="1" /> <layout value="' . $layout . '" /> <compile value="change+version" />'); } });
/** * Executes phinx command * * @param $argv array */ Workbench::register('^phinx', function ($argv) { if (count($argv) > 1) { $config_param = false; foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (substr($arg, 0, 16) == '--configuration=' || $arg == '-c' || $arg == '--configuration') { $config_param = true; break; } } if ($config_param === false) { $argv[] = '-c'; $argv[] = '' . Core\App::config()->file('ORM.db.yml'); } } // create directory and exclude file $directory = Core\App::config()->directory('ORM.db'); if (!$directory->exists()) { $directory->create(); } $exclude_file = Core\App::config()->file('ORM.db..exclude', 1); if (!$exclude_file->exists()) { $exclude_file->write(""); } $_SERVER['argv'] = $argv; require __DIR__ . '/../Phinx/robmorgan-phinx/bin/phinx'; });
use xTend\Workbench\Workbench; /** * Contains help command */ Workbench::register('^help$', function ($argv) { // contains help information $help = ['init' => 'Initializes xTend application with secure keys', 'init show' => 'Shows xTend session configuration', 'routes' => 'Displays the routes of the currently selected application (only those NOT under a restrict)', 'set:public [Name]' => 'Moves the public directory', 'set:application [Name]' => 'Sets the current workbench application', 'new [AppName] [Domain or any] [Path or any]' => 'Creates a new application in the current project by certain domain or path restrictions', 'add [AppName] [Domain or any] [Path or any]' => 'Adds an existing application to the project', 'remove [AppName]' => 'Removes an application', 'rename [AppName]' => 'Renames your application', 'new:controller [ControllerName]' => 'Creates a new default controller', 'new:controller [ControllerName] empty' => 'Creates a new empty controller', 'new:controller [ControllerName] json' => 'Creates a new respond contoller', 'new:model [ModelName]' => 'Creates a new default ORM \'connected\' model', 'new:model [ModelName] empty' => 'Creates a new empty model', 'new:layout [LayoutName]' => 'Creates a new basic layout', 'config' => 'Shows the current application\'s configuration', 'config [Name]' => 'Gets a certain configuration variable from the application\'s configuration', 'config [Name] [Value]' => 'Sets a configuration variable of the current application', 'wow:flavor [HTML,AT_SIGN,COMBINED]' => 'Sets the current WOW flavor', 'packagist:install' => 'Installs packages from packagist.json file', 'packagist:install [Vendor/Package]' => 'Installs a packagist package', 'packagist:update [Vendor/Package]' => 'Updates a packagist package', 'packagist:install [Vendor/Package] [Version]' => 'Installs a packagist package of a specific version', 'packagist:remove [Vendor/Package]' => 'Removes a packagist package', 'packagist:autoremove [Vendor/Package]' => 'Removes the dependencies of a certain package', 'packagist:autoremove [Vendor/Package] [Version]' => 'Removes the dependencies of a certain package of a certain version', 'packagist:autoremove [Vendor/Package] recursive' => 'Removes the dependencies, and the dependencies of the dependencies', 'packagist:autoremove [Vendor/Package] [Version] recursive' => 'Removes the dependencies of a certain package and the dependencies of the dependencies', 'phinx' => 'Show the integrated phinx command line help', 'phinx [Command] ...' => 'Execute phinx command\'s right form the workbench', 'help' => 'Shows information about the workbench\'s commands']; // checks for a command similarity match $command_match = []; $match_percent = 0; foreach (Workbench::$commands as $name => $command) { similar_text(Workbench::$command, $name, $match_percent); if ($match_percent > 50 && $match_percent < 100) { $command_match[] = $name; } } // if similarity found or not if (count($command_match) > 0) { echo "\nDid you mean one of these: \n"; foreach ($command_match as $command) { echo $command . "\n"; } } else { echo "xTend CLI\n"; foreach ($help as $cm => $info) { echo "{$cm}\n {$info}\n\n"; } } echo "\n"; }, 'help');