public function Format($row, $fieldname, $value) { $files = $this->_context->getUploadFileNames(); if ($files[$fieldname] != "") { $fileProcessor = new UploadFilenameProcessor($this->_saveAs); $fileProcessor->setFilenameLocation(ForceFilenameLocation::DefinePath, FileUtil::GetTempDir()); // Save the files in a temporary directory $result = $this->_context->processUpload($fileProcessor, false, $fieldname); // Get a way to rename the files $fileinfo = pathinfo($result[0]); if ($this->_saveAs != "*") { $path_parts = pathinfo($this->_saveAs); } else { $path_parts = pathinfo($result[0]); } $newName = $this->_path . FileUtil::Slash() . $path_parts['filename'] . "." . $fileinfo["extension"]; // Put the image in the right place if (strpos(".jpg.gif.jpeg.png", "." . $fileinfo["extension"]) === false) { rename($result[0], $newName); } else { if ($this->_width > 0 || $this->_height > 0) { $image = new ImageUtil($result[0]); $image->resizeAspectRatio($this->_width, $this->_height, 255, 255, 255)->save($newName); } else { rename($result[0], $newName); } } return $newName; } else { return $row->getField($fieldname); } }