  * Check spelling
  * @param QueryTerms[] $query_terms
 public function checkSpelling(array $query_terms)
     $registry = Registry::getInstance();
     $app_id = $registry->getConfig('BING_ID', true);
     $suggestion = new Suggestion();
     $client = Factory::getHttpClient();
     // @todo: see if we can't collapse multiple terms into a single spellcheck query
     foreach ($query_terms as $term) {
         $query = $term->phrase;
         $query = urlencode(trim($query));
         $correction = null;
         // get spell suggestion
         try {
             $url = "http://api.search.live.net/xml.aspx?Appid={$app_id}&sources=spell&query={$query}";
             $response = $client->getUrl($url);
             // process it
             $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($response);
             // echo header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo $xml->saveXML(); exit;
             $suggestion_node = $xml->getElementsByTagName('Value')->item(0);
             if ($suggestion_node != null) {
                 $correction = $suggestion_node->nodeValue;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             trigger_error('Could not process spelling suggestion: ' . $e->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
         // got one
         if ($correction != null) {
             $term->phrase = $suggestion_node->nodeValue;
     return $suggestion;
  * Parse the primo response
  * @param string $response
  * @return ResultSet
 public function parseResponse($response)
     // load it
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($response);
     // header("Content-type:text/xml"); echo $xml->saveXML(); exit;
     // check for errors
     $error = $xml->getElementsByTagName("ERROR")->item(0);
     if ($error != "") {
         throw new \Exception($error->getAttribute("MESSAGE"));
     // set-up the result set
     $result_set = new Search\ResultSet($this->config);
     // total
     $docset = $xml->getElementsByTagName("DOCSET")->item(0);
     if ($docset == null) {
         throw new \Exception("Could not determine total number of records");
     $total = $docset->getAttribute("TOTALHITS");
     $result_set->total = $total;
     // extract records
     foreach ($this->extractRecords($xml) as $xerxes_record) {
     // facets
     $facets = $this->extractFacets($xml);
     return $result_set;
 public function loadXML($doc)
     $id = null;
     $format = null;
     $score = null;
     $xml_data = "";
     foreach ($doc->str as $str) {
         // marc record
         if ((string) $str["name"] == 'fullrecord') {
             $marc = trim((string) $str);
             // marc-xml
             if (substr($marc, 0, 5) == '<?xml') {
                 $xml_data = $marc;
             } else {
                 $marc = preg_replace('/#31;/', "", $marc);
                 $marc = preg_replace('/#30;/', "", $marc);
                 $marc_file = new \File_MARC($marc, \File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
                 $marc_record = $marc_file->next();
                 $xml_data = $marc_record->toXML();
         } elseif ((string) $str["name"] == 'id') {
             $id = (string) $str;
     // format
     foreach ($doc->arr as $arr) {
         if ($arr["name"] == "format") {
             $format = (string) $arr->str;
     // score
     foreach ($doc->float as $float) {
         if ($float["name"] == "score") {
             $score = (string) $float;
     // load marc data
     $this->marc = new MarcRecord();
     // save for later
     $this->document = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($doc);
     $this->serialized = $doc->asXml();
     // process it
     // add non-marc data
     // custom mappings
     if (class_exists('Local\\Model\\Solr\\Record')) {
         $local = new \Local\Model\Solr\Record();
         $local->map($this, $this->marc);
  * Serialize to XML
  * @return array
 public function toXML()
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument('<holding />');
     foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) {
         $line = $xml->createElement('data', Parser::escapeXml($value));
         $line->setAttribute('key', $name);
     return $xml;
  * Parses a validation response from a CAS server to see if the returning CAS request is valid
  * @param string $results		xml or plain text response from cas server
  * @return bool					true if valid, false otherwise
  * @exception 					throws exception if cannot parse response or invalid version
 private function isValid()
     // values from the request
     $ticket = $this->request->getParam("ticket");
     // configuration settings
     $configCasValidate = $this->registry->getConfig("CAS_VALIDATE", true);
     $configCasValidate = rtrim($configCasValidate, '/');
     // figure out which type of response this is based on the service url
     $arrURL = explode("/", $configCasValidate);
     $service = array_pop($arrURL);
     // now get it!
     $url = $configCasValidate . "?ticket=" . $ticket . "&service=" . urlencode($this->validate_url);
     $client = Factory::getHttpClient();
     $req = $client->get($url);
     $req->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     $req->getCurlOptions()->set(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     $response = $req->send();
     $results = (string) $response->getBody();
     // validate is plain text
     if ($service == "validate") {
         $message_array = explode("\n", $results);
         if (count($message_array) >= 2) {
             if ($message_array[0] == "yes") {
                 return $message_array[1];
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Could not parse CAS validation response.");
     } elseif ($service == "serviceValidate" || $service == "proxyValidate") {
         // these are XML based
         $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($results);
         $cas_namespace = "http://www.yale.edu/tp/cas";
         $user = $xml->getElementsByTagNameNS($cas_namespace, "user")->item(0);
         $failure = $xml->getElementsByTagNameNS($cas_namespace, "authenticationFailure")->item(0);
         if ($user != null) {
             if ($user->nodeValue != "") {
                 return $user->nodeValue;
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception("CAS validation response missing username value");
         } elseif ($failure != null) {
             // see if error, rather than failed authentication
             if ($failure->getAttribute("code") == "INVALID_REQUEST") {
                 throw new \Exception("Invalid request to CAS server: " . $failure->nodeValue);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("Could not parse CAS validation response.");
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("Unsupported CAS version.");
     // if we got this far, the request was invalid
     return false;
文件: Config.php 项目: navtis/xerxes
  * Get the display name of the group
  * @param string $id	group id
  * @return steing 		display name, or id if none found
 public function getGroupDisplayName($id)
     $id = Parser::strtoupper($id);
     //case insensitive
     if (array_key_exists($id, $this->usergroups)) {
         $group = $this->usergroups[$id];
         return (string) $group->display_name;
     } else {
         return $id;
 public function hitsAction()
     $total = $this->catalog->getTotal($this->query);
     // format it
     $total = Parser::number_format($total);
     // and tell the browser too
     $this->response->setVariable('hits', $total);
     // view template
     return $this->response;
 public function toXML()
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument("<category />");
     $xml->documentElement->setAttribute("name", $this->name);
     $xml->documentElement->setAttribute("normalized", $this->normalized);
     foreach ($this->subcategories as $subcategory) {
         $import = $xml->importNode($subcategory->toXML()->documentElement, true);
     return $xml;
 public function toXML()
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument("<subcategory />");
     $xml->documentElement->setAttribute("name", $this->name);
     $xml->documentElement->setAttribute("sequence", $this->sequence);
     $xml->documentElement->setAttribute("id", $this->databases_id);
     foreach ($this->databases as $database) {
         $import = $xml->importNode($database->toXML()->documentElement, true);
     return $xml;
  * Convert to EDS individual record syntax
  * @param string $id
  * @return Url
 public function getRecordUrl($id)
     if ($id == "") {
         throw new \DomainException('No record ID supplied');
     $database = Parser::removeRight($id, "-");
     $id = Parser::removeLeft($id, "-");
     // build request
     $url = $this->server . 'retrieve?';
     $url .= 'dbid=' . $database;
     $url .= '&an=' . urlencode($id);
     $url .= '&includefacets=n';
     return new Url($url, $this->headers);
  * Add a database to the local knowledgebase
  * @param Database $objDatabase
 public function addDatabase(Database $objDatabase)
     // load our data into xml object
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($objDatabase->data);
     // these fields have boolen values in metalib
     $boolean_fields = array("proxy", "searchable", "guest_access", "subscription", "sfx_suppress", "new_resource_expiry");
     // normalize boolean values
     foreach ($xml->children() as $child) {
         $name = (string) $child->getName();
         $value = (string) $child;
         if (in_array($name, $boolean_fields)) {
             $xml->{$name} = $this->convertMetalibBool($value);
     // remove empty nodes
     $dom = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml->asXML());
     $xmlPath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     $xmlNullNodes = $xmlPath->query('//*[not(node())]');
     foreach ($xmlNullNodes as $node) {
     $objDatabase->data = $dom->saveXML();
     // add the main database entries
     $this->doSimpleInsert("xerxes_databases", $objDatabase);
     // now also extract searchable fields so we can populate the search table
     // get fields from config
     foreach ($this->searchable_fields as $search_field) {
         $search_field = trim($search_field);
         foreach ($xml->{$search_field} as $field) {
             $searchable_terms = array();
             foreach (explode(" ", (string) $field) as $term) {
                 // only numbers and letters please
                 $term = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $term);
                 $term = strtolower($term);
                 // anything over 50 chars is likley a URL or something
                 if (strlen($term) > 50) {
                 array_push($searchable_terms, $term);
             // remove duplicate terms
             $searchable_terms = array_unique($searchable_terms);
             // insert em
             $strSQL = "INSERT INTO xerxes_databases_search ( database_id, field, term ) " . "VALUES ( :metalib_id, :field, :term )";
             foreach ($searchable_terms as $unique_term) {
                 $this->insert($strSQL, array(":metalib_id" => $objDatabase->metalib_id, ":field" => $search_field, ":term" => $unique_term));
  * Convert to Ebsco individual record syntax
  * @param string $id
  * @return Url
 public function getRecordUrl($id)
     if (!strstr($id, "-")) {
         throw new \Exception("could not find record");
     // database and id come in on same value, so split 'em
     $database = Parser::removeRight($id, "-");
     $id = Parser::removeLeft($id, "-");
     // get results
     $query = "AN {$id}";
     // construct url
     $url = $this->host . '/Search?' . 'prof=' . $this->username . '&pwd=' . $this->password . '&authType=&ipprof=' . '&query=' . urlencode($query) . "&db={$database}" . '&startrec=1&numrec=1&format=detailed';
     return new Url($url);
  * Converts a string to a normalized (no-spaces, non-letters) string
  * @param string $subject	original string
  * @return string			normalized string
 public static function normalize($region)
     // this is influenced by the setlocale() call with category LC_CTYPE; see PopulateDatabases.php
     $normalized = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $region);
     $normalized = Parser::strtolower($normalized);
     $normalized = str_replace("&amp;", "", $normalized);
     $normalized = str_replace("'", "", $normalized);
     $normalized = str_replace("+", "-", $normalized);
     $normalized = str_replace(" ", "-", $normalized);
     $normalized = Parser::preg_replace('/\\W/', "-", $normalized);
     while (strstr($normalized, "--")) {
         $normalized = str_replace("--", "-", $normalized);
     return $normalized;
  * Load data from XML
 public function loadXML($xml)
     $this->document = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml);
     $this->xpath = new \DOMXPath($this->document);
     // test to see what profile the context object is using
     // set namespace accordingly
     if ($this->document->getElementsByTagNameNS("info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:book", "book")->item(0) != null) {
         $this->xpath->registerNamespace("rft", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:book");
     } elseif ($this->document->getElementsByTagNameNS("info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:dissertation", "dissertation")->item(0) != null) {
         $this->xpath->registerNamespace("rft", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:dissertation");
     } elseif ($this->document->getElementsByTagNameNS("info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd", "journal")->item(0) != null) {
         $this->xpath->registerNamespace("rft", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd");
     } else {
         $this->xpath->registerNamespace("rft", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal");
 public function hitsAction()
     // create an identifier for this search
     $id = $this->helper->getQueryID();
     // see if one exists in session already
     $total = $this->request->getSessionData($id);
     // nope
     if ($total == null) {
         // so do a search (just the hit count)
         // and cache the hit total
         $total = $this->engine->getHits($this->query);
         $this->request->setSessionData($id, (string) $total);
     // format it
     $total = Parser::number_format($total);
     // and tell the browser too
     $this->data["hits"] = $total;
     return $this->data;
 public function getRecommendations(Xerxes\Record $xerxes_record, $min_relevance = 0, $max_records = 10)
     $bx_records = array();
     // now get the open url
     $open_url = $xerxes_record->getOpenURL(null, $this->sid);
     $open_url = str_replace('genre=unknown', 'genre=article', $open_url);
     // send it to bx service
     $url = $this->url . "/recommender/openurl?token=" . $this->token . "&{$open_url}" . "&res_dat=source=global&threshold={$min_relevance}&maxRecords={$max_records}";
     try {
         $client = Factory::getHttpClient();
         $client->setOptions(array('timeout' => 4));
         $xml = $client->send()->getBody();
         if ($xml == "") {
             throw new \Exception("No response from bx service");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // just issue the exception as a warning
         trigger_error("Could not get result from bX service: " . $e->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
         return $bx_records;
     // header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo $xml; exit;
     $doc = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($doc);
     $xpath->registerNamespace("ctx", "info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:ctx");
     $records = $xpath->query("//ctx:context-object");
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $bx_record = new Record();
         array_push($bx_records, $bx_record);
     if (count($bx_records) > 0) {
         // first one is the record we want to find recommendations for
         // so skip it; any others are actual recommendations
     return $bx_records;
文件: Record.php 项目: navtis/xerxes
  * Load from MARC-XML source
  * @param string|DOMNode|DOMDocument $node
 public function loadXML($node = null)
     if ($node != null) {
         // make sure we have a DOMDocument
         $this->document = Parser::convertToDOMDocument($node);
         // extract the three data types
         $leader = $this->document->getElementsByTagName("leader");
         $control_fields = $this->document->getElementsByTagName("controlfield");
         $data_fields = $this->document->getElementsByTagName("datafield");
         // leader
         $this->leader = new Leader($leader->item(0));
         // control fields
         foreach ($control_fields as $control_field) {
             $controlfield = new ControlField($control_field);
             array_push($this->_controlfields, $controlfield);
         // data fields
         foreach ($data_fields as $data_field) {
             $datafield = new DataField($data_field);
             array_push($this->_datafields, $datafield);
  * Create a normalize category name (lowercase, just alpha and dashes) 
  * from supplied name
  * @param string $name  [optional] will otherwise use name property
 public function setNormalizedFromName($name = null)
     if ($name == null) {
         $name = $this->name;
     // convert accented character and the like to just ascii equivalent
     // this is influenced by the setlocale() call with category LC_CTYPE
     $this->normalized = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $name);
     $this->normalized = Parser::strtolower($this->normalized);
     // strip out weird characters
     $this->normalized = str_replace("&amp;", "", $this->normalized);
     $this->normalized = str_replace("'", "", $this->normalized);
     // convert these to dashes
     $this->normalized = str_replace("+", "-", $this->normalized);
     $this->normalized = str_replace(" ", "-", $this->normalized);
     // now any other non-word character to a dash
     $this->normalized = Parser::preg_replace('/\\W/', "-", $this->normalized);
     // pair multiple dashes down to one
     while (strstr($this->normalized, "--")) {
         $this->normalized = str_replace("--", "-", $this->normalized);
     return $this;
  * Return an array of the phrase with all terms AND'd, while 
  * preserving boolean operators and quoted phrases
  * @return array
 public function normalizedArray($phrase = "")
     if ($phrase == "") {
         $phrase = $this->phrase;
     $bolQuote = false;
     // flags the start and end of a quoted phrase
     $arrWords = array();
     // the query broken into a word array
     $arrFinal = array();
     // final array of words
     $strQuote = "";
     // quoted phrase
     // strip extra spaces
     while (strstr($phrase, "  ")) {
         $phrase = str_replace("  ", " ", $phrase);
     // split words into an array
     $arrWords = explode(" ", $phrase);
     // cycle thru each word in the query
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($arrWords); $x++) {
         if ($bolQuote == true) {
             // we are inside of a quoted phrase
             $strQuote .= " " . $arrWords[$x];
             if (strpos($arrWords[$x], "\"") !== false) {
                 // the end of a quoted phrase
                 $bolQuote = false;
                 if ($x + 1 < count($arrWords)) {
                     if ($arrWords[$x + 1] != "and" && $arrWords[$x + 1] != "or" && $arrWords[$x + 1] != "not") {
                         // the next word is not a boolean operator,
                         // so AND the current one
                         array_push($arrFinal, $strQuote);
                         array_push($arrFinal, "AND");
                     } else {
                         array_push($arrFinal, $strQuote);
                 } else {
                     array_push($arrFinal, $strQuote);
                 $strQuote = "";
         } elseif ($bolQuote == false && strpos($arrWords[$x], "\"") !== false) {
             // this is the start of a quoted phrase
             $strQuote .= " " . $arrWords[$x];
             $bolQuote = true;
         } elseif ($arrWords[$x] == "and" || $arrWords[$x] == "or" || $arrWords[$x] == "not") {
             // the current word is a boolean operator
             array_push($arrFinal, Parser::strtoupper($arrWords[$x]));
         } else {
             if ($x + 1 < count($arrWords)) {
                 if ($arrWords[$x + 1] != "and" && $arrWords[$x + 1] != "or" && $arrWords[$x + 1] != "not") {
                     // the next word is not a boolean operator,
                     // so AND the current one
                     array_push($arrFinal, $arrWords[$x]);
                     array_push($arrFinal, "AND");
                 } else {
                     array_push($arrFinal, $arrWords[$x]);
             } else {
                 array_push($arrFinal, $arrWords[$x]);
     // single quoted phrase
     if (count($arrFinal) == 0 && $strQuote != "") {
         array_push($arrFinal, $strQuote);
     return $arrFinal;
  * Return an individual record
  * @param string	record identifier
  * @return ResultSet
 protected function doGetRecord($id)
     $results = new Search\ResultSet($this->config);
     // get the record from the database
     $record = $this->datamap->getRecordByID($id);
     // no record found?
     if ($record == null) {
         $results->total = 0;
         return $results;
     // got one
     $results->total = 1;
     $result = $this->createSearchResult($record);
     // corrupted record, look out
     if ($result->corrupted == true) {
         $fixed = false;
         $data = $record->marc;
         // go back to the original search engine and fetch it again
         $class_name = 'Application\\Model\\' . ucfirst($result->source) . '\\Engine';
         if (class_exists($class_name)) {
             try {
                 $engine = new $class_name();
                 $new_results = $engine->getRecord($result->original_id);
                 if ($new_results->total > 0) {
                     $result = $new_results->getRecord(0);
                     $fixed = true;
             } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
                 if (strstr($data, 'Xerxes_TransRecord')) {
                     $data = '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . Parser::removeLeft($data, '<?xml version="1.0"?>');
                     $data = Parser::removeRight($data, '</xerxes_record>') . '</xerxes_record>';
                     $xerxes_record = new Xerxes\Record();
                     $record->xerxes_record = $xerxes_record;
                     // recreate the result, since we need the openurl and such
                     $result = $this->createSearchResult($record);
                     $fixed = true;
         } elseif (strstr($data, 'Xerxes_MetalibRecord')) {
             $data = '<?xml' . Parser::removeLeft($data, '<?xml');
             $data = Parser::removeRight($data, '</x_server_response>') . '</x_server_response>';
             $xerxes_record = new \Xerxes_MetalibRecord();
             $record->xerxes_record = $xerxes_record;
             // recreate the result, since we need the openurl and such
             $result = $this->createSearchResult($record);
             $fixed = true;
         if ($fixed == false) {
             throw new \Exception('Sorry, this record has been corrupted');
     // if a catalog record, fetch holdings
     if ($record->xerxes_record instanceof Solr\Record) {
         try {
             $engine = new Solr\Engine();
             $solr_results = $engine->getRecord($result->original_id);
             $holdings = $solr_results->getRecord(0)->getHoldings();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             trigger_error('saved records holdings lookup: ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
     return $results;
  * Serialize to XML
 public function toXML()
     $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement('<link />');
     if ($this->isFullText()) {
         $xml->addAttribute("type", "full");
         $xml->addAttribute("format", $this->getType());
     } else {
         $xml->addAttribute("type", $this->getType());
     $xml->display = $this->getDisplay();
     $xml->url = $this->getURL();
     return Parser::convertToDOMDocument($xml);
 public function map()
     // score
     $this->score = (string) $this->document->documentElement->getAttribute("RANK");
     // record data
     $record = $this->document->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("record")->item(0);
     // print $this->document->saveXML();
     $control = $this->getElement($record, "control");
     $display = $this->getElement($record, "display");
     $links = $this->getElement($record, "links");
     $search = $this->getElement($record, "search");
     $sort = $this->getElement($record, "sort");
     $addata = $this->getElement($record, "addata");
     $facets = $this->getElement($record, "facets");
     $sourceid = "";
     if ($control != null) {
         $sourceid = $this->getElementValue($control, "sourceid");
     if ($display != null) {
         // database name
         $this->database_name = $this->getElementValue($display, "source");
         $this->database_name = strip_tags($this->database_name);
         // journal
         $this->journal = $this->getElementValue($display, "ispartof");
         // snippet
         $this->snippet = $this->getElementValue($display, "snippet");
         $this->snippet = strip_tags($this->snippet);
         // description
         $this->abstract = $this->getElementValue($display, "description");
         $this->abstract = strip_tags($this->abstract);
         // language
         $this->language = $this->getElementValue($display, "language");
         // peer reviewed
         $peer_reviewed = $this->getElementValue($display, 'lds50');
         if ($peer_reviewed == 'peer_reviewed') {
             $this->refereed = true;
     if ($search != null) {
         // record id
         $this->record_id = $this->getElementValue($search, "recordid");
         // year
         $this->year = $this->getElementValue($search, "creationdate");
         // issn
         $issn = $this->getElementValue($search, "issn");
         $issn = preg_replace('/\\D/', "", $issn);
         array_push($this->issns, $issn);
         // authors
         $authors = $this->getElementValues($search, "creatorcontrib");
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             array_push($this->authors, new Xerxes\Record\Author($author, null, "personal"));
         // format
         $format = $this->getElementValue($search, "rsrctype");
         // create a readable display
         $format_display = self::createReadableLabel($format);
     // article data
     if ($addata != null) {
         $this->journal_title = $this->start_page = $this->getElementValue($addata, "jtitle");
         $this->volume = $this->getElementValue($addata, "volume");
         $this->issue = $this->getElementValue($addata, "issue");
         $this->start_page = $this->getElementValue($addata, "spage");
         $this->end_page = $this->getElementValue($addata, "epage");
         // primo's own ris type
         $ris_type = $this->getElementValue($addata, 'ristype');
         if ($ris_type != "") {
         // abstract
         $abstract = $this->getElementValue($addata, "abstract");
         if ($this->abstract == "") {
             $this->abstract = strip_tags($abstract);
     // subjects
     if ($facets != null) {
         $topics = $this->getElementValues($facets, "topic");
         foreach ($topics as $topic) {
             $subject_object = new Xerxes\Record\Subject();
             $subject_object->value = $topic;
             $subject_object->display = $topic;
             array_push($this->subjects, $subject_object);
     // title
     if ($sort != null) {
         $this->title = $this->getElementValue($sort, "title");
     // direct link
     $backlink = $this->getElementValue($links, "backlink");
     if ($backlink != "") {
         $backlink = Parser::removeLeft($backlink, '$$U');
         $url = Parser::removeRight($backlink, '$$E');
         $message = Parser::removeLeft($backlink, '$$E');
         $link = new Link($url);
         $this->links[] = $link;
     // Gale title clean-up, because for some reason unknown to man they put weird
     // notes and junk at the end of the title. so remove them here and add them to notes.
     if (stristr($sourceid, "gale") || stristr($sourceid, "muse")) {
         $gale_regex = '/\\(([^)]*)\\)/';
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match_all($gale_regex, $this->title, $matches) != 0) {
             $this->title = preg_replace($gale_regex, "", $this->title);
             foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                 array_push($this->notes, $match);
         if (strpos($this->abstract, 'the full-text of this article') !== false) {
             $this->abstract = Parser::removeLeft($this->abstract, 'Abstract:');
  * Extracts the MARC data from the HTML response and converts it to MARC-XML
  * @param string $marc	marc data as string
  * @return DOMDocument		marc-xml document
 protected function extractMarc($response)
     $xml = Parser::convertToDOMDocument("<record xmlns=\"http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim\" />");
     $marc = "";
     // marc data as text
     $arrTags = array();
     // array to hold each MARC tag
     if (!stristr($response, "<pre>")) {
         // didn't find a record
         return $xml;
     // parse out MARC data
     $marc = Parser::removeLeft($response, "<pre>");
     $marc = Parser::removeRight($marc, "</pre>");
     // remove break-tabs for easier parsing
     $marc = str_replace(" \n       ", " ", $marc);
     $marc = str_replace("\n       ", " ", $marc);
     $marc = trim($marc);
     // assign the marc values to the array based on Unix LF as delimiter
     $arrTags = explode("\n", $marc);
     foreach ($arrTags as $strTag) {
         // assign tag # and identifiers
         $strTagNumber = substr($strTag, 0, 3);
         $strId1 = substr($strTag, 4, 1);
         $strId2 = substr($strTag, 5, 1);
         // assign data and clean it up
         $data = substr($strTag, 7);
         // only convert all data to utf8 if told to do so,
         // but always do it to the leader, since it has mangled chars
         if ($this->convert_to_utf8 == true || $strTagNumber == "LEA") {
             if (function_exists("mb_convert_encoding")) {
                 $data = mb_convert_encoding($data, "UTF-8");
             } else {
                 $data = utf8_encode($data);
         $data = Parser::escapeXml($data);
         $data = trim($data);
         if ($strTagNumber == "LEA") {
             // leader
             $objLeader = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "leader", $data);
         } elseif ($strTagNumber == "REC") {
             // Pseudo-MARC "REC" data field to store the INNOPAC
             // bibliographic record number in subfield a.
             $objRecNum = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "datafield");
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("tag", "REC");
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("ind1", ' ');
             $objRecNum->setAttribute("ind2", ' ');
             $objRecNumSub = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "subfield", strtolower($data));
             $objRecNumSub->setAttribute("code", 'a');
         } elseif ((int) $strTagNumber <= 8) {
             // control fields
             $objControlField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "controlfield", $data);
             $objControlField->setAttribute("tag", $strTagNumber);
         } else {
             // data fields
             $objDataField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "datafield");
             $objDataField->setAttribute("tag", $strTagNumber);
             $objDataField->setAttribute("ind1", $strId1);
             $objDataField->setAttribute("ind2", $strId2);
             // if first character is not a pipe symbol, then this is the default |a subfield
             // so make that explicit for the array
             if (substr($data, 0, 1) != "|") {
                 $data = "|a " . $data;
             // split the subfield data on the pipe and add them in using the first
             // character after the delimiter as the subfield code
             $arrSubFields = explode("|", $data);
             foreach ($arrSubFields as $strSubField) {
                 if ($strSubField != "") {
                     $code = substr($strSubField, 0, 1);
                     $data = trim(substr($strSubField, 1));
                     // check for a url, in which case we need to ensure there are no spaces;
                     // which can happen on the wrap of the data in the marc display
                     if (strlen($data) > 4) {
                         if (substr($data, 0, 4) == "http") {
                             $data = str_replace(" ", "", $data);
                     $objSubField = $xml->createElementNS($this->marc_ns, "subfield", $data);
                     $objSubField->setAttribute("code", $code);
     return $xml;
  * Is the user inside the local ip range
 public function isInLocalIpRange()
     return Parser::isIpAddrInRanges($this->ip_address, $this->ip_range);
文件: Format.php 项目: navtis/xerxes
 public function extractFormat($data_fields)
     if (is_array($data_fields)) {
         $data_fields = implode(" ", $data_fields);
         // combine them into a string
     $data_fields = Parser::strtolower($data_fields);
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'dissertation')) {
         return self::Thesis;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'proceeding')) {
         return self::ConferenceProceeding;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'conference')) {
         return self::ConferencePaper;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'hearing')) {
         return self::Hearing;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'working')) {
         return self::UnpublishedWork;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'book review') || strstr($data_fields, 'review-book')) {
         return self::BookReview;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'film review') || strstr($data_fields, 'film-book')) {
         return self::Review;
     if (strstr("{$data_fields} ", 'review ')) {
         return self::Review;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'book art') || strstr($data_fields, 'book ch') || strstr($data_fields, 'chapter')) {
         return self::BookSection;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'journal')) {
         return self::Article;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'periodical') || strstr($data_fields, 'serial')) {
         return self::Article;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'book')) {
         return self::Book;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'pamphlet')) {
         return self::Pamphlet;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'essay')) {
         return self::Article;
     if (strstr($data_fields, 'article')) {
         return self::Article;
     // if we got this far, just return unknown
     return self::Unknown;
  * Append an item to the xml
  * @param DOMDocument $xml
  * @param string $id
  * @param mixed $value
 private function appendElement(&$xml, $id, $value)
     $new = $xml->createElement($id, Parser::escapeXml($value));
 public function getOriginalXML($bolString = false)
     // convert original (JSON-based) array to xml
     $this->document = Parser::convertToDOMDocument('<original />');
     Parser::addToXML($this->document, 'record', $this->original_array);
     return parent::getOriginalXML($bolString);
文件: Engine.php 项目: navtis/xerxes
  * Parse facets out of the response
  * @param DOMDocument $dom
  * @return Facets
 protected function extractFacets(\DOMDocument $dom)
     $facets = new Search\Facets();
     $xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom->documentElement);
     // for now just the database hit counts
     $databases = $xml->Statistics->Statistic;
     if (count($databases) > 1) {
         $databases_facet_name = $this->config->getConfig("DATABASES_FACET_NAME", false, "Databases");
         $group = new Search\FacetGroup("databases");
         $group->name = "databases";
         $group->public = $databases_facet_name;
         $databases_array = array();
         foreach ($databases as $database) {
             $database_id = (string) $database->Database;
             $database_hits = (int) $database->Hits;
             // nix the empty ones
             if ($database_hits == 0) {
             $databases_array[$database_id] = $database_hits;
         // get 'em in reverse order
         foreach ($databases_array as $database_id => $database_hits) {
             $facet = new Search\Facet();
             $facet->name = $this->config->getDatabaseName($database_id);
             $facet->count = Parser::number_format($database_hits);
             $facet->key = $database_id;
     return $facets;
  * Add a facet
  * @param Facet $facets
 public function addFacet(Facet $facet)
     $facet->count_display = Parser::number_format($facet->count);
     array_push($this->facets, $facet);
文件: Search.php 项目: navtis/xerxes
  * Add links to the query object limits
  * @param Query $query
 public function addQueryLinks(Query $query)
     // we have to pass in the query object here rather than take
     // the property above because adding the links doesn't seem
     // to reflect back in the main object, even though they should
     // be references, maybe because limit objects are in an array?
     // search option links
     $search = $this->registry->getConfig('search');
     if ($search instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
         $controller_map = $this->request->getControllerMap();
         foreach ($search->xpath("//option") as $option) {
             // format the number
             // is this the current tab?
             if ($controller_map->getControllerName() == (string) $option["id"] && ($this->request->getParam('source') == (string) $option["source"] || (string) $option["source"] == '')) {
                 $option->addAttribute('current', "1");
             // url
             $params = $query->extractSearchParams();
             $params['controller'] = $controller_map->getUrlAlias((string) $option["id"]);
             $params['action'] = "results";
             $params['source'] = (string) $option["source"];
             $url = $this->request->url_for($params);
             $option->addAttribute('url', $url);
             // cached search hit count?
             foreach ($this->request->getAllSessionData() as $session_id => $session_value) {
                 // does this value in the cache have the save id as our tab?
                 $id = str_replace("_" . $query->getHash(), "", $session_id);
                 if ($id == (string) $option["id"]) {
                     // yup, so add it
                     $option->addAttribute('hits', Parser::number_format($session_value));
         $this->registry->setConfig('search', $search);
     // links to remove facets
     foreach ($query->getLimits() as $limit) {
         $params = $this->currentParams();
         $params = Parser::removeFromArray($params, $limit->field, $limit->value);
         $limit->remove_url = $this->request->url_for($params);