protected function convertRawTuple(Interpreter\Interpreter $interpreter, $tuple)
     try {
         $result = false;
         // convert raw reading to converted value
         if (!isset($interpreter->push_ts)) {
             // skip first conversion result
         } elseif ($tuple[0] > $interpreter->push_ts) {
             // AccumulatorInterpreter special handling- suppress duplicate counter values
             if ($interpreter instanceof Interpreter\AccumulatorInterpreter) {
                 if (isset($interpreter->push_raw_value) && $interpreter->push_raw_value == $tuple[1]) {
                     return false;
             $result = $interpreter->convertRawTuple($tuple);
         // indicate that tuple conversion has already happened once
         $interpreter->push_ts = $tuple[0];
         $interpreter->push_raw_value = $tuple[1];
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // make sure EntityManager is re-initialized on error
         return false;
     return $result;
 protected function getPayload(Interpreter $interpreter, $tuple)
     try {
         $result = false;
         // prevent div by zero
         if (!isset($interpreter->calculated_ts) || $tuple[0] > $interpreter->calculated_ts) {
             $result = $interpreter->convertRawTuple($tuple);
         // 1st calculated value is invalid due to interpreter logic
         if (!isset($interpreter->calculated_ts)) {
             $result = false;
         $interpreter->calculated_ts = $tuple[0];
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // make sure EntityManager is re-initialized on error
         return false;
     return $result;
 public function processData($callback)
     $this->rows = parent::getData();
     $tuples = array();
     $last = $this->getFrom();
     foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
         $delta = $row[0] - $last;
         $tuple = $callback(array((double) $row[0], (double) $row[1] / $row[2], (int) $row[2]));
         if (is_null($this->max) || $tuple[1] > $this->max[1]) {
             $this->max = $tuple;
         if (is_null($this->min) || $tuple[1] < $this->min[1]) {
             $this->min = $tuple;
         $this->consumption += $tuple[1] * $delta;
         $tuples[] = $tuple;
         $last = $row[0];
     return $tuples;
  * Delete tuples from single or multiple channels
  * @todo deduplicate Model\Channel code
  * @param string|array uuid
 public function delete($uuids)
     $from = null;
     $to = null;
     // parse interval
     if (null !== ($from = $this->getParameters()->get('from'))) {
         $from = Interpreter::parseDateTimeString($from);
         if (null !== ($to = $this->getParameters()->get('to'))) {
             $to = Interpreter::parseDateTimeString($to);
             if ($from > $to) {
                 throw new \Exception('From is larger than to');
     } elseif ($from = $this->getParameters()->get('ts')) {
         $to = $from;
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Missing timestamp (ts, from, to)');
     $rows = 0;
     foreach (self::makeArray($uuids) as $uuid) {
         $channel = EntityController::factory($this->em, $uuid, true);
         $rows += $channel->clearData($this->em->getConnection(), $from, $to);
     return array('rows' => $rows);
  * Add single or multiple tuples
  * @todo replace by pluggable api parser
  * @param Model\Channel $channel
 public function add($channel)
     try {
         /* to parse new submission protocol */
         $rawPost = $this->request->getContent();
         // file_get_contents('php://input')
         $json = Util\JSON::decode($rawPost);
         if (isset($json['data'])) {
             throw new \Exception('Can only add data for a single channel at a time');
             /* backed out b111cfa2 */
         // convert nested ArrayObject to plain array with flattened tuples
         $data = array_reduce($json->getArrayCopy(), function ($carry, $tuple) {
             return array_merge($carry, $tuple);
         }, array());
     } catch (Util\JSONException $e) {
         /* fallback to old method */
         $timestamp = $this->request->parameters->get('ts');
         $value = $this->request->parameters->get('value');
         if (is_null($timestamp)) {
             $timestamp = (double) round(microtime(TRUE) * 1000);
         } else {
             $timestamp = Interpreter::parseDateTimeString($timestamp);
         if (is_null($value)) {
             $value = 1;
         // same structure as JSON request result
         $data = array($timestamp, $value);
     $sql = 'INSERT ' . (in_array(self::OPT_SKIP_DUPLICATES, $this->options) ? 'IGNORE ' : '') . 'INTO data (channel_id, timestamp, value) ' . 'VALUES ' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($data) >> 1, '(' . $channel->getId() . ',?,?)'));
     $rows = $this->em->getConnection()->executeUpdate($sql, $data);
     return array('rows' => $rows);
  * Render Interpreter output
  * See comments regarding StreamedResponse at renderDeferred()
 protected function renderInterpreter(Interpreter\Interpreter $interpreter)
     $this->content .= '{"tuples":[';
     // start with iterating through PDO result set to populate interpreter header data
     foreach ($interpreter as $key => $tuple) {
         // render buffered content- likely no exception after loop iteration has started
         if ($key) {
             echo ',';
         echo '[' . $tuple[0] . ',' . View::formatNumber($tuple[1]) . ',' . $tuple[2] . ']';
     // render buffered content if not rendered inside foreach loop due to Interpreter empty
     $from = 0 + $interpreter->getFrom();
     $to = 0 + $interpreter->getTo();
     $min = $interpreter->getMin();
     $max = $interpreter->getMax();
     $average = $interpreter->getAverage();
     $consumption = $interpreter->getConsumption();
     $header = array();
     $header['uuid'] = $interpreter->getEntity()->getUuid();
     if (isset($from)) {
         $header['from'] = $from;
     if (isset($to)) {
         $header['to'] = $to;
     if (isset($min)) {
         $header['min'] = $min;
     if (isset($max)) {
         $header['max'] = $max;
     if (isset($average)) {
         $header['average'] = View::formatNumber($average);
     if (isset($consumption)) {
         $header['consumption'] = View::formatNumber($consumption);
     $header['rows'] = $interpreter->getRowCount();
     echo '],' . substr(json_encode($header), 1, -1) . '}';
  * Add data to output queue
  * @param Interpreter\InterpreterInterface $interpreter
  * @param boolean $children
  * @todo  Aggregate first is assumed- this deviates from json view behaviour
 protected function addData(Interpreter\Interpreter $interpreter)
     $this->response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; ' . 'filename="' . strtolower($interpreter->getEntity()->getProperty('title')) . '.csv" ');
     echo PHP_EOL;
     // UUID delimiter
     echo '# uuid:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $interpreter->getEntity()->getUuid() . PHP_EOL;
     echo '# title:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $interpreter->getEntity()->getProperty('title') . PHP_EOL;
     if ($interpreter instanceof Interpreter\AggregatorInterpreter) {
         // min/ max etc are not populated if $children->processData hasn't been called
     $data = array();
     // iterate through PDO resultset
     foreach ($interpreter as $tuple) {
         $data[] = $tuple;
     $min = $interpreter->getMin();
     $max = $interpreter->getMax();
     $average = $interpreter->getAverage();
     $consumption = $interpreter->getConsumption();
     $from = $this->formatTimestamp($interpreter->getFrom());
     $to = $this->formatTimestamp($interpreter->getTo());
     if (isset($from)) {
         echo '# from:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $from . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($to)) {
         echo '# to:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $to . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($min)) {
         echo '# min:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $this->formatTimestamp($min[0]) . CSV::DELIMITER . ' => ' . CSV::DELIMITER . View::formatNumber($min[1]) . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($max)) {
         echo '# max:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $this->formatTimestamp($max[0]) . CSV::DELIMITER . ' => ' . CSV::DELIMITER . View::formatNumber($max[1]) . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($average)) {
         echo '# average:' . CSV::DELIMITER . View::formatNumber($average) . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($consumption)) {
         echo '# consumption:' . CSV::DELIMITER . View::formatNumber($consumption) . PHP_EOL;
     echo '# rows:' . CSV::DELIMITER . $interpreter->getRowCount() . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($data)) {
         // Aggregators don't return data
         foreach ($data as $tuple) {
             echo $this->formatTimestamp($tuple[0]) . CSV::DELIMITER . View::formatNumber($tuple[1]) . CSV::DELIMITER . $tuple[2] . PHP_EOL;
  * Add data to output queue
  * @param Interpreter\InterpreterInterface $interpreter
  * @param boolean $children
  * @todo  Aggregate first is assumed- this deviates from json view behaviour
 protected function addData(Interpreter\Interpreter $interpreter)
     // echo "uuid:' . $interpreter->getEntity()->getUuid() . PHP_EOL;
     // echo "title:' . $interpreter->getEntity()->getProperty('title') . PHP_EOL;
     if ($interpreter instanceof Interpreter\AggregatorInterpreter) {
         // min/ max etc are not populated if $children->processData hasn't been called
     $data = array();
     // iterate through PDO resultset
     foreach ($interpreter as $tuple) {
         $data[] = $tuple;
     // get unit
     $unit = $interpreter->getEntity()->getDefinition();
     $unit = isset($unit->unit) ? $unit->unit : '';
     if (sizeof($data) == 0 || $this->request->query->has('tuples') && $this->request->query->get('tuples') == 1) {
         $val = $interpreter->getConsumption();
         $unit .= 'h';
     } else {
         $val = $data[sizeof($data) - 1];
     $val = is_array($val) ? $val[1] : $val;
     echo $val . ' ' . $unit;
  * Core data aggregation
  * @param  int 	  $channel_id  id of channel to perform aggregation on
  * @param  string $interpreter interpreter class name
  * @param  string $mode        aggregation mode (full, delta)
  * @param  string $level       aggregation level (day...)
  * @param  int 	  $period      delta days to aggregate
  * @return int    number of rows
 protected function aggregateChannel($channel_id, $interpreter, $mode, $level, $period)
     $format = self::getAggregationDateFormat($level);
     $type = self::getAggregationLevelTypeValue($level);
     $weighed_avg = $interpreter == 'Volkszaehler\\Interpreter\\SensorInterpreter';
     $sqlParameters = array($type);
     $sql = 'REPLACE INTO aggregate (channel_id, type, timestamp, value, count) ';
     if ($weighed_avg) {
         // get interpreter's aggregation function
         $aggregationFunction = $interpreter::groupExprSQL('agg.value');
         // SQL query similar to MySQLOptimizer group mode
         $sql .= 'SELECT channel_id, ? AS type, ' . 'MAX(agg.timestamp) AS timestamp, ' . 'COALESCE( ' . 'SUM(agg.val_by_time) / (MAX(agg.timestamp) - MIN(agg.prev_timestamp)), ' . $aggregationFunction . ') AS value, ' . 'COUNT(agg.value) AS count ' . 'FROM ( ' . 'SELECT channel_id, timestamp, value, ' . 'value * (timestamp - @prev_timestamp) AS val_by_time, ' . 'GREATEST(0, IF(@prev_timestamp = NULL, NULL, @prev_timestamp)) AS prev_timestamp, ' . '@prev_timestamp := timestamp ' . 'FROM data ' . 'CROSS JOIN (SELECT @prev_timestamp := NULL) AS vars ' . 'WHERE ';
     } else {
         // get interpreter's aggregation function
         $aggregationFunction = $interpreter::groupExprSQL('value');
         $sql .= 'SELECT channel_id, ? AS type, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, ' . $aggregationFunction . ' AS value, COUNT(timestamp) AS count ' . 'FROM data WHERE ';
     // selected channel only
     if ($channel_id) {
         $sqlParameters[] = $channel_id;
         $sql .= 'channel_id = ? ';
     // since last aggregation only
     if ($mode == 'delta') {
         if ($channel_id) {
             // selected channel
             $sqlTimestamp = 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(' . 'FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp) / 1000, ' . $format . '), ' . 'INTERVAL 1 ' . $level . ')) * 1000 ' . 'FROM aggregate ' . 'WHERE type = ? AND channel_id = ?';
             if ($ts = $this->conn->fetchColumn($sqlTimestamp, array($type, $channel_id), 0)) {
                 $sqlParameters[] = $ts;
                 $sql .= 'AND timestamp >= ? ';
         } else {
             // all channels
             $sqlParameters[] = $type;
             $sql .= 'AND timestamp >= IFNULL((' . 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_ADD(' . 'FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(timestamp) / 1000, ' . $format . '), ' . 'INTERVAL 1 ' . $level . ')) * 1000 ' . 'FROM aggregate ' . 'WHERE type = ? AND aggregate.channel_id = data.channel_id ' . '), 0) ';
     // selected number of periods only
     if ($period) {
         $sql .= 'AND timestamp >= (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), ' . $format . '), INTERVAL ? ' . $level . ')) * 1000) ';
         $sqlParameters[] = $period;
     // up to before current period
     $sql .= 'AND timestamp < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), ' . $format . ')) * 1000 ';
     if ($weighed_avg) {
         // close inner table
         $sql .= 'ORDER BY timestamp ' . ') AS agg ';
     $sql .= 'GROUP BY channel_id, ' . Interpreter\Interpreter::buildGroupBySQL($level);
     if (Util\Debug::isActivated()) {
         echo Util\Debug::getParametrizedQuery($sql, $sqlParameters) . "\n";
     $rows = $this->conn->executeUpdate($sql, $sqlParameters);
     return $rows;
  * Raw pulse to power conversion
  * @param $callback a callback called each iteration for output
  * @return array with timestamp, values, and pulse count
 public function processData($callback)
     $tuples = array();
     $this->rows = parent::getData();
     $this->resolution = $this->channel->getProperty('resolution');
     $this->pulseCount = 0;
     $last = $this->getFrom();
     foreach ($this->rows as $row) {
         $delta = $row[0] - $last;
         $tuple = $callback(array((double) $last, (double) ($row[1] * 3600000000.0) / ($this->resolution * $delta), (int) $row[2]));
         if (is_null($this->max) || $tuple[1] > $this->max[1]) {
             $this->max = $tuple;
         if (is_null($this->min) || $tuple[1] < $this->min[1]) {
             $this->min = $tuple;
         $this->pulseCount += $row[1];
         $tuples[] = $tuple;
         $last = $row[0];
     return $tuples;
  * Add data to output queue
  * @param Interpreter\InterpreterInterface $interpreter
 protected function addData(Interpreter\Interpreter $interpreter)
     $this->response->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; ' . 'filename="' . strtolower($interpreter->getEntity()->getProperty('title')) . '.csv" ' . 'creation-date="' . date(DATE_RFC2822, $interpreter->getTo() / 1000) . '"');
     $tuples = $interpreter->processData(function ($tuple) {
         return array($tuple[0], View::formatNumber($tuple[1]), $tuple[2]);
     $min = $interpreter->getMin();
     $max = $interpreter->getMax();
     $average = $interpreter->getAverage();
     $consumption = $interpreter->getConsumption();
     $from = $interpreter->getFrom();
     $to = $interpreter->getTo();
     echo '# uuid: ' . $interpreter->getEntity()->getUuid() . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($from)) {
         echo '# from: ' . $from . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($to)) {
         echo '# to: ' . $to . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($min)) {
         echo '# min: ' . $min[0] . ' => ' . $min[1] . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($max)) {
         echo '# max: ' . $max[0] . ' => ' . $max[1] . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($average)) {
         echo '# average: ' . View::formatNumber($average) . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($consumption)) {
         echo '# consumption: ' . View::formatNumber($consumption) . PHP_EOL;
     echo '# rows: ' . $interpreter->getRowCount() . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($tuples as $tuple) {
         echo implode(CSV::DELIMITER, $tuple) . PHP_EOL;