private function generatePin() { $startDate = $this->getDateTime($this->showtime->show_date, $this->showtime->show_time); $this->pin = new Pin($this->pinId(), $startDate, $this->getPinLayout($startDate)); $this->pin->setDuration((int) $this->showtime->movie->runtime); $this->setPinNotifications(); $this->setPinReminder(); $this->setPinActions(); }
/** * @param Talk $talk * @param bool $sendReminder */ private function pushTalk(Talk $talk, $sendReminder) { $timezone = new \DateTimeZone(config('app.timezone')); // Generic Layout $title = $talk->title; $layout = new Pin\Layout\Calendar($title); $layout->setBody($talk->speaker ? $talk->speaker->name : 'n/a'); if ($talk->track) { $location = $talk->track == 9 ? 'Unconf' : 'Track ' . $talk->track; $layout->setLocationName($location); } // Put it all together $pin = new Pin('talk-' . $talk->id, new \DateTime($talk->starts_at->subHour()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $timezone), $layout); //new \DateTime('2015-10-02 22:45:00', $timezone), $layout); // add duration if ($talk->starts_at && $talk->ends_at) { $duration = $talk->ends_at->diffInMinutes($talk->starts_at); $pin->setDuration($duration); } // Reminders if ($sendReminder) { $reminders = [new Pin\Reminder\Generic(new \DateTime($talk->starts_at->subHour()->subMinutes(5)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $timezone), 'Upcoming ' . ($talk->is_talk ? 'talks' : $talk->title), Pin\Icon::TIMELINE_CALENDAR)]; $pin->setReminders($reminders); } $pusher = new Pusher(); if (config('app.debug')) { $pusher->deleteShared(config('pebble.api_key'), $pin); } $pusher->pushShared(config('pebble.api_key'), ['all'], $pin); \Log::debug('Pushed pebble talk: ' . $title . ', reminder: ' . ($sendReminder ? 'yes' : 'no')); }
public function test_complete_example() { // Generic Layout $layout = new Pin\Layout\Generic('Client Meeting', Pin\Icon::TIMELINE_CALENDAR); $layout->setBody('Meeting in Kepler at 4:00pm. Topic: discuss pizza toppings for party.'); // Create Notification $createNotification = new Pin\Notification\Generic('New Item', Pin\Icon::NOTIFICATION_FLAG); $createNotification->setBody('A new appointment has been added to your calendar at 4pm.'); // Update Notification $updateNotification = new Pin\Notification\Generic('Reminder', Pin\Icon::NOTIFICATION_FLAG); $updateNotification->setTime(new DateTime('2015-03-19T16:00:00Z'))->setBody('The meeting has been rescheduled to 4pm.'); // Reminders $reminders = [new Pin\Reminder\Generic(new DateTime('2015-03-19T14:45:00Z'), 'Meeting in 15 minutes', Pin\Icon::TIMELINE_CALENDAR), new Pin\Reminder\Generic(new DateTime('2015-03-19T14:55:00Z'), 'Meeting in 5 minutes', Pin\Icon::TIMELINE_CALENDAR)]; // Actions $actions = [new Pin\Action\OpenWatchApp('View Schedule', 15), new Pin\Action\OpenWatchApp('Show Directions', 22)]; // Put it all together $pin = new Pin('meeting-453923', new DateTime('2015-03-19T15:00:00Z'), $layout); $pin->setDuration(60)->setCreateNotification($createNotification)->setUpdateNotification($updateNotification)->setReminders($reminders)->setActions($actions); $expected = <<<JSON { "id": "meeting-453923", "time": "2015-03-19T15:00:00+00:00", "duration": 60, "createNotification": { "layout": { "type": "genericNotification", "title": "New Item", "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG", "body": "A new appointment has been added to your calendar at 4pm." } }, "updateNotification": { "time": "2015-03-19T16:00:00+00:00", "layout": { "type": "genericNotification", "tinyIcon": "system://images/NOTIFICATION_FLAG", "title": "Reminder", "body": "The meeting has been rescheduled to 4pm." } }, "layout": { "title": "Client Meeting", "type": "genericPin", "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR", "body": "Meeting in Kepler at 4:00pm. Topic: discuss pizza toppings for party." }, "reminders": [ { "time": "2015-03-19T14:45:00+00:00", "layout": { "type": "genericReminder", "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR", "title": "Meeting in 15 minutes" } }, { "time": "2015-03-19T14:55:00+00:00", "layout": { "type": "genericReminder", "tinyIcon": "system://images/TIMELINE_CALENDAR", "title": "Meeting in 5 minutes" } } ], "actions": [ { "title": "View Schedule", "type": "openWatchApp", "launchCode": 15 }, { "title": "Show Directions", "type": "openWatchApp", "launchCode": 22 } ] } JSON; $expected = json_decode($expected, true); $this->assertEquals($expected, $pin->generate()); }