public function testSimplePushRequest()
     $response = new StdClass();
     $response->code = 202;
     $response->raw_headers = array();
     $response->raw_body = "{\"push_ids\": [\"41742a47-bd36-4a0e-8ce2-866cd8f3b1b5\"]}";
     $airship = $this->getMock('Airship', array('request', 'buildUrl'));
     $push = new P\PushRequest($airship);
     $push = $push->setAudience(P\all)->setNotification(P\notification("Hello"))->setDeviceTypes(P\all)->setOptions(array());
     $response = $push->send();
 public function testSimpleAlert()
     $this->assertEquals(P\notification("Hi"), array("alert" => "Hi"));
  * Private method to send push or broadcast.
  * @param string  $alert
  * @param string  $tag
 function _send_broadcast_or_push($alert, $tag, $url = false, $disable_sound = false)
     // Strip escape slashes, otherwise double escaping would happen
     $alert = html_entity_decode(stripcslashes(strip_tags($alert)));
     // Grab an instance of PushRequest
     $response = $this->airship->push();
     // If tag is broadcast use Push\all const, otherwise set audience to tag
     $audience = $tag == 'broadcast' ? P\all : P\tag($tag);
     // Sound part of ios push
     if (!$disable_sound && isset($this->sounds["blimply_sound_{$tag}"]) && !empty($this->sounds["blimply_sound_{$tag}"])) {
         $sound = $this->sounds["blimply_sound_{$tag}"];
     } elseif (!$disable_sound) {
         $sound = 'default';
     } else {
         $sound = null;
     // Set extra payload arguments, for now it's just the url
     $extra = $url ? array('url' => $url) : null;
     // iOS and Android specific parts of payload
     $ios = P\ios($alert, '+1', $sound, false, $extra);
     $android = P\android($alert, null, null, null, $extra);
     // TODO: Windows and Blackberry payloads (HA!)
     // Payload filter (allows to workaround quirks of UA API if any and/or fine tuning of payload data)
     $payload = apply_filters('blimply_payload_override', P\notification($alert, array('ios' => $ios, 'android' => $android)));
     do_action('blimply_before_send_push', $payload);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return new WP_Error($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
     return $response;
 public function sendPushNotification(Notification $notification)
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $objectManager = $sm->get('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');
     $config = $sm->get('Config');
     if (!isset($config['urban-airship'])) {
         throw new \Exception('Urban Airship configuration is missing. Please make sure `config/autoload/urban-airship.local.php` exists in installation path.');
     } else {
         if (!isset($config['urban-airship']['api-key']) || $config['urban-airship']['api-key']) {
             throw new \Exception('Urban Airship API key is missing. Please make sure `config/autoload/urban-airship.local.php` exists in installation path and that all variables are set correctly.');
         } else {
             if (!isset($config['urban-airship']['api-secret']) || $config['urban-airship']['api-secret']) {
                 throw new \Exception('Urban Airship API secret is missing. Please make sure `config/autoload/urban-airship.local.php` exists in installation path and that all variables are set correctly.');
     UALog::setLogHandlers(array(new StreamHandler('logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'urban_airship.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log', Logger::DEBUG)));
     $airship = new Airship($config['urban-airship']['api-key'], $config['urban-airship']['api-secret']);
     try {
         $response = $airship->push()->setAudience(P\deviceToken($device->getDeviceToken()))->setNotification(P\notification($message))->setDeviceTypes(P\deviceTypes($device->getDeviceType()))->send();
         if ($response->ok) {
         } else {
     } catch (AirshipException $e) {
         $error = $this->logError($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage(), __FILE__, __LINE__, $e->getTrace());
         throw $e;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use UrbanAirship\Airship;
use UrbanAirship\UALog;
use UrbanAirship\Push as P;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
UALog::setLogHandlers(array(new StreamHandler("php://stdout", Logger::INFO)));
$airship = new Airship("key", "secret");
$response = $airship->push()->setAudience(P\all)->setNotification(P\notification("Hello from PHP"))->setDeviceTypes(P\all)->send();
 public function testSimpleScheduledPushRequest()
     $response = new StdClass();
     $response->code = 201;
     $response->raw_headers = array();
     $response->raw_body = "{\"schedule_urls\": [\"\"]}";
     $airship = $this->getMock('Airship', array('request', 'buildUrl'));
     $push = new P\PushRequest($airship);
     $push = $push->setAudience(P\all)->setNotification(P\notification("Hello"))->setDeviceTypes(P\all)->setOptions(array());
     $sched = new P\ScheduledPushRequest($airship);
     $sched = $sched->setName("A schedule")->setPush($push)->setSchedule(P\scheduledTime(time() + 15));
     $response = $sched->send();