public function createPresentationFromArrayResult($presentationXmlFiles)
     $haveFilledInGeneralInfo = false;
     $convert = new ConvertHelper();
     $newPresentation = new PresentationModel();
     foreach ($presentationXmlFiles as $xmlFile) {
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlFile['path']);
         if ($xml->getName() == "presentation") {
             if ($haveFilledInGeneralInfo == false) {
                 $newPresentation->setTitle((string) $xml->title);
                 $newPresentation->setDescription((string) $xml->description);
                 $newPresentation->setCreated((string) $xml->utcDate);
                 $newPresentation->setDeleted((int) 0);
                 $newPresentation->setRecordedBy((string) $xml->recordedBy->displayName);
                 $newPresentation->setUsername((string) $xml->presenter->userName);
                 $newPresentation->setHits((int) 0);
                 // Format varies depending on Relay version (\\\\kastra.binsys... or \\\\samba ... or https://screencast...)
                 // Convert the path/url to the absolute path on the fileserver
                 $dUrl = $convert->convertExternalToLocalPath((string) $xml->destinationUrl);
                 // Convert absolute path to relative path (which is stored in the document in the presentation collection)
                 $org = explode('@', $xml->presenter->userName);
                 if (isset($org[1])) {
                 $haveFilledInGeneralInfo = true;
             $newFile = new PresentationFilesModel();
             $newFile->setEncodingPreset((string) $xml->serverInfo->encodingPreset);
             $fileOutputSize = 0;
             $destinationPath = "";
             foreach ($xml->outputFiles->fileList as $fileList) {
                 foreach ($fileList as $file) {
                     $fileOutputSize = $file['size'];
                     // $destinationPath .= $file['destinationPath'];
                     $destinationPath = $file['destinationPath'];
                     $res = (string) $file['resolution'];
                     $resSplit = explode("x", $res);
                     if (!isset($resSplit[0]) || !isset($resSplit[1])) {
                         $presentation_id = $newPresentation->getpresentationId();
                         $presentation_path = $newPresentation->getPath();
                         $this->LogError("Did not find attribute resolution in presentation with id {$presentation_id} and path {$presentation_path}");
                     $newFile->setX((int) $resSplit[0]);
                     $newFile->setY((int) $resSplit[1]);
                     $resArr = array(PresentationSchema::X => $newFile->getX(), PresentationSchema::Y => $newFile->getY());
             $size = $convert->bytesToMegabytes($fileOutputSize);
             $newPresentation->setSize($this->math->add($newPresentation->getSize(), $size));
             /* At this point, destinationPath is to an xml file for some mp3 or mp4 file
              * To make it easy to check if a file exists and calculate hits later,
              * is the destinationPath converted to a local path on the computer
              * this script is running on and xml is swapped with mp3 or mp4.
             $convertedPath = $convert->convertExternalToLocalPath($destinationPath);
             $strippedPath = $convert->getFilePathWithoutMediaPath($convertedPath);
         } else {
             $this->LogError("Tried to create a presentation but one of the xml documents root element did not\n                match, therefore presentation will not be created. Rootelement was: " . $xml->getName());
             return NULL;
     return $newPresentation;
 private function findAndInsertNewVideos()
     $this->find = new PresentationFind(new RelaySQLConnection());
     $convertedPath = new ConvertHelper();
     $objectCreator = new PresentationCreate();
     $presentationsNotFound = 0;
     // Last presentation entry in Relay SQL DB
     $largestPresentationIdFromSource = $this->findLargestPresentationIdFromSource();
     // If Relay SQL returned no data
     if ($largestPresentationIdFromSource === false) {
         $this->LogError("Could not retrieve largest presentationId from database");
     // Inexact number, but will do ok as an indication of how many presentations will be checked.
     $this->LogInfo("Checking " . ($largestPresentationIdFromSource - $this->currentPresentationId) . " new presentations");
     // Scan Relay SQL for each and every new presentation since last run
     // Updated by Simon@01.11.2016: This loop never used to include the last presentation ID in the table...
     while ($largestPresentationIdFromSource >= $this->currentPresentationId) {
         //while($largestPresentationIdFromSource != $this->currentPresentationId) {
         // All XML file entries for a single presentation (filePresentation_presId, fileId, filePath, createdOn)
         // Typically returns 4 rows; one per XML-file
         $query = $this->find->findXMLsForPresentationWithId($this->currentPresentationId);
         // Will hold the paths to XML metadata files pertaining to a SINGLE presentation (typically 4 paths, one per encoding format)
         $arrayWithPathToXMLFilesForPresentation = array();
         // If we got a hit on our queried presentation ID from Relay SQL
         if ($this->presentationIdContainsPresentation($query)) {
             // Counter
             $this->numberFound = $this->numberFound + 1;
             // Unused?
             $presentationIdFromResult = NULL;
             // Loop all XML files (typically 4) for a single presentation
             while ($presentation = mssql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                 // Convert FROM filePath in XML (can be kastra, screencast, samba, whatever) TO exact path to XML file
                 // on current system (e.g. /.../.../.../relaymedia/ansatt/
                 $path = $convertedPath->convertExternalToLocalPath($presentation['filePath']);
                 // If an XML file is not found, break out and assume presentation is deleted
                 if ($this->presentationDoesNotExistOnDisk($path)) {
                     $this->LogError("Presentation path " . $path . ' not found on disk.');
                 } else {
                     // Add path to this XML-file to array)
                     $arr = array('path' => $path, 'id' => $presentation['filePresentation_presId']);
                     array_push($arrayWithPathToXMLFilesForPresentation, $arr);
             // If we have the path to one or more XML files for this presentation,
             // pass them on to the presentation creator for processing
             if (count($arrayWithPathToXMLFilesForPresentation) > 0) {
                 // PresentationCreate will use XML metadata to create a presentation JSON object that can be
                 // entered into the collection
                 $newPresentation = $objectCreator->createPresentationFromArrayResult($arrayWithPathToXMLFilesForPresentation);
                 // As long as the XML files we sent to the creator are OK, we won't have any problems here.
                 if (!is_null($newPresentation)) {
         } else {
             $presentationsNotFound = $presentationsNotFound + 1;
         // Go to next presentationID and start new loop.
         $this->currentPresentationId = $this->currentPresentationId + 1;