/** * @test */ public function parseSetsDefaultValueOfRoutePartsRecursively() { $this->route->setUriPattern('{foo.bar}'); $this->route->setRoutePartsConfiguration(array('foo.bar' => array('handler' => 'SomeRoutePartHandler'))); $this->route->setDefaults(array('foo' => array('bar' => 'SomeDefaultValue'))); $mockRoutePartHandler = $this->getMock('TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Mvc\\Routing\\DynamicRoutePartInterface'); $mockRoutePartHandler->expects($this->once())->method('setDefaultValue')->with('SomeDefaultValue'); $this->mockObjectManager->expects($this->once())->method('get')->with('SomeRoutePartHandler')->will($this->returnValue($mockRoutePartHandler)); $this->route->parse(); }
/** * Flush all caches * * The flush command flushes all caches (including code caches) which have been * registered with FLOW3's Cache Manager. It also removes any session data. * * If fatal errors caused by a package prevent the compile time bootstrap * from running, the removal of any temporary data can be forced by specifying * the option <b>--force</b>. * * This command does not remove the precompiled data provided by frozen * packages unless the <b>--force</b> option is used. * * @param boolean $force Force flushing of any temporary data * @return void * @see typo3.flow3:cache:warmup * @see typo3.flow3:package:freeze * @see typo3.flow3:package:refreeze */ public function flushCommand($force = FALSE) { // Internal note: the $force option is evaluated early in the FLOW3 // bootstrap in order to reliably flush the temporary data before any // other code can cause fatal errors. $currentSessionImplementation = $this->objectManager->getClassNameByObjectName('TYPO3\\FLOW3\\Session\\SessionInterface'); $result = $currentSessionImplementation::destroyAll($this->bootstrap); if ($result === NULL) { $sessionDestroyMessage = ' and removed all potentially existing session data.'; } elseif ($result > 0) { $sessionDestroyMessage = sprintf(' and removed data of %s.', $result === 1 ? 'the one existing session' : 'the ' . $result . ' existing sessions'); } else { $sessionDestroyMessage = '.'; } $this->cacheManager->flushCaches(); $this->outputLine('Flushed all caches for "' . $this->bootstrap->getContext() . '" context' . $sessionDestroyMessage); if ($this->lockManager->isSiteLocked()) { $this->lockManager->unlockSite(); } $frozenPackages = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->packageManager->getActivePackages()) as $packageKey) { if ($this->packageManager->isPackageFrozen($packageKey)) { $frozenPackages[] = $packageKey; } } if ($frozenPackages !== array()) { $this->outputFormatted(PHP_EOL . 'Please note that the following package' . (count($frozenPackages) === 1 ? ' is' : 's are') . ' currently frozen: ' . PHP_EOL); $this->outputFormatted(implode(PHP_EOL, $frozenPackages) . PHP_EOL, array(), 2); $message = 'As code and configuration changes in these packages are not detected, the application may respond '; $message .= 'unexpectedly if modifications were done anyway or the remaining code relies on these changes.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'You may call <b>package:refreeze all</b> in order to refresh frozen packages or use the <b>--force</b> '; $message .= 'option of this <b>cache:flush</b> command to flush caches if FLOW3 becomes unresponsive.' . PHP_EOL; $this->outputFormatted($message, array($frozenPackages)); } $this->sendAndExit(0); }
/** * Returns a fresh or existing instance of the object specified by $objectName. * * This specialized get() method is able to do setter injection for properties * defined in the object configuration of the specified object. * * @param string $objectName The name of the object to return an instance of * @return object The object instance * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception\CannotBuildObjectException * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception\UnresolvedDependenciesException * @throws \TYPO3\FLOW3\Object\Exception\UnknownObjectException */ public function get($objectName) { if (isset($this->objects[$objectName]['i'])) { return $this->objects[$objectName]['i']; } if (isset($this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]) && count($this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getArguments()) > 0) { throw new Exception\CannotBuildObjectException('Cannot build object "' . $objectName . '" because constructor injection is not available in the compile time Object Manager. Refactor your code to use setter injection instead. Configuration source: ' . $this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getConfigurationSourceHint() . '. Build stack: ' . implode(', ', $this->objectNameBuildStack), 1297090026); } if (!isset($this->objects[$objectName])) { throw new Exception\UnknownObjectException('Cannot build object "' . $objectName . '" because it is unknown to the compile time Object Manager.', 1301477694); } if ($this->objects[$objectName]['s'] !== Configuration::SCOPE_SINGLETON) { throw new Exception\CannotBuildObjectException('Cannot build object "' . $objectName . '" because the get() method in the compile time Object Manager only supports singletons.', 1297090027); } $this->objectNameBuildStack[] = $objectName; $object = parent::get($objectName); foreach ($this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getProperties() as $propertyName => $property) { if ($property->getAutowiring() !== Configuration::AUTOWIRING_MODE_ON) { continue; } switch ($property->getType()) { case Property::PROPERTY_TYPES_STRAIGHTVALUE: $value = $property->getValue(); break; case Property::PROPERTY_TYPES_SETTING: $value = \TYPO3\FLOW3\Utility\Arrays::getValueByPath($this->allSettings, explode('.', $property->getValue())); break; case Property::PROPERTY_TYPES_OBJECT: $propertyObjectName = $property->getValue(); if (!is_string($propertyObjectName)) { throw new Exception\CannotBuildObjectException('The object definition of "' . $objectName . '::' . $propertyName . '" is too complex for the compile time Object Manager. You can only use plain object names, not factories and the like. Check configuration in ' . $this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getConfigurationSourceHint() . ' and objects which depend on ' . $objectName . '.', 1297099659); } $value = $this->get($propertyObjectName); break; default: throw new Exception\CannotBuildObjectException('Invalid property type.', 1297090029); break; } if (method_exists($object, $setterMethodName = 'inject' . ucfirst($propertyName))) { $object->{$setterMethodName}($value); } elseif (method_exists($object, $setterMethodName = 'set' . ucfirst($propertyName))) { $object->{$setterMethodName}($value); } else { throw new Exception\UnresolvedDependenciesException('Could not inject configured property "' . $propertyName . '" into "' . $objectName . '" because no injection method exists, but for compile time use this is required. Configuration source: ' . $this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getConfigurationSourceHint() . '.', 1297110953); } } $initializationLifecycleMethodName = $this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getLifecycleInitializationMethodName(); if (method_exists($object, $initializationLifecycleMethodName)) { $object->{$initializationLifecycleMethodName}(); } $shutdownLifecycleMethodName = $this->objectConfigurations[$objectName]->getLifecycleShutdownMethodName(); if (method_exists($object, $shutdownLifecycleMethodName)) { $this->shutdownObjects[$object] = $shutdownLifecycleMethodName; } array_pop($this->objectNameBuildStack); return $object; }