  * Imports the given temporary file into the storage and creates the new resource object.
  * @param string $temporaryPathAndFilename Path and filename leading to the temporary file
  * @param string $collectionName Name of the collection to import into
  * @return Resource The imported resource
 protected function importTemporaryFile($temporaryPathAndFilename, $collectionName)
     $sha1Hash = sha1_file($temporaryPathAndFilename);
     $md5Hash = md5_file($temporaryPathAndFilename);
     $resource = new Resource();
     $objectName = $this->keyPrefix . $sha1Hash;
     $options = array('Bucket' => $this->bucketName, 'Body' => fopen($temporaryPathAndFilename, 'rb'), 'ContentLength' => $resource->getFileSize(), 'ContentType' => $resource->getMediaType(), 'Key' => $objectName);
     if (!$this->s3Client->doesObjectExist($this->bucketName, $this->keyPrefix . $sha1Hash)) {
         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Successfully imported resource as object "%s" into bucket "%s" with MD5 hash "%s"', $objectName, $this->bucketName, $resource->getMd5() ?: 'unknown'), LOG_INFO);
     } else {
         $this->systemLogger->log(sprintf('Did not import resource as object "%s" into bucket "%s" because that object already existed.', $objectName, $this->bucketName), LOG_INFO);
     return $resource;
  * Imports the given temporary file into the storage and creates the new resource object.
  * Note: the temporary file is (re-)moved by this method.
  * @param string $temporaryPathAndFileName
  * @param string $collectionName
  * @return PersistentResource
  * @throws StorageException
 protected function importTemporaryFile($temporaryPathAndFileName, $collectionName)
     $sha1Hash = sha1_file($temporaryPathAndFileName);
     $targetPathAndFilename = $this->getStoragePathAndFilenameByHash($sha1Hash);
     if (!is_file($targetPathAndFilename)) {
         $this->moveTemporaryFileToFinalDestination($temporaryPathAndFileName, $targetPathAndFilename);
     } else {
     $resource = new PersistentResource();
     return $resource;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function setFileSize($fileSize)
     $this->__initializer__ && $this->__initializer__->__invoke($this, 'setFileSize', array($fileSize));
     return parent::setFileSize($fileSize);
  * Imports the given temporary file into the storage and creates the new resource object.
  * @param string $temporaryFile
  * @param string $collectionName
  * @return Resource
  * @throws Exception
 protected function importTemporaryFile($temporaryFile, $collectionName)
     $sha1Hash = sha1_file($temporaryFile);
     $finalTargetPathAndFilename = $this->getStoragePathAndFilenameByHash($sha1Hash);
     if (!file_exists(dirname($finalTargetPathAndFilename))) {
     if (rename($temporaryFile, $finalTargetPathAndFilename) === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('The temporary file of the file import could not be moved to the final target "%s".', $finalTargetPathAndFilename), 1381156103);
     $resource = new Resource();
     return $resource;
  * Imports a resource (file) as specified in the given upload info array as a
  * persistent resource.
  * On a successful import this method returns a Resource object representing
  * the newly imported persistent resource.
  * @param array $uploadInfo An array detailing the resource to import (expected keys: name, tmp_name)
  * @param string $collectionName Name of the collection this uploaded resource should be part of
  * @return string A resource object representing the imported resource
  * @throws Exception
  * @api
 public function importUploadedResource(array $uploadInfo, $collectionName)
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->systemLogger->log('storage ' . $this->name . ': importUploadedResource');
     $pathInfo = pathinfo($uploadInfo['name']);
     $originalFilename = $pathInfo['basename'];
     $sourcePathAndFilename = $uploadInfo['tmp_name'];
     if (!file_exists($sourcePathAndFilename)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('The temporary file "%s" of the file upload does not exist (anymore).', $sourcePathAndFilename), 1375267007);
     $newSourcePathAndFilename = $this->environment->getPathToTemporaryDirectory() . 'Sbruggmann_FlowKeyCDN_' . uniqid() . '.tmp';
     if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePathAndFilename, $newSourcePathAndFilename) === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('The uploaded file "%s" could not be moved to the temporary location "%s".', $sourcePathAndFilename, $newSourcePathAndFilename), 1375267045);
     $sha1Hash = sha1_file($newSourcePathAndFilename);
     $md5Hash = md5_file($newSourcePathAndFilename);
     $resource = new Resource();
     $this->uploadFile($newSourcePathAndFilename, $originalFilename);
     return $resource;