  * Constructor.
  * @param Tx_Solr_Query $query Solr query
 public function __construct(Tx_Solr_Query $query)
     $this->solrConfiguration = Tx_Solr_Util::getSolrConfiguration();
     $this->contentObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\ContentObject\\ContentObjectRenderer');
     $this->query = $query;
     $targetPageUid = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($this->solrConfiguration['search.']['targetPage'], $this->solrConfiguration['search.']['targetPage.']);
     $this->linkTargetPageId = $targetPageUid;
     if (empty($this->linkTargetPageId)) {
         $this->linkTargetPageId = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id;
文件: Date.php 项目: hnadler/ext-solr
  * Converts a given unix timestamp to a human readable date
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return string
 public function execute(array $arguments = array())
     $content = '';
     if (count($arguments) > 1) {
         $this->dateFormat['date'] = $arguments[1];
     if (is_numeric($arguments[0])) {
         $content = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($arguments[0], $this->dateFormat);
     return $content;
  * Converts a given unix timestamp to a human readable date
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return	string
 public function execute(array $arguments = array())
     $content = '';
     if (count($arguments) > 1) {
         $this->dateFormat = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_solr.']['general.']['dateFormat.'];
         $this->dateFormat['date'] = $arguments[1];
     if (is_numeric($arguments[0])) {
         $content = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($arguments[0], $this->dateFormat);
     return $content;
  * Recursively looks for stdWrap and executes it
  * @param array $conf Current section of configuration to work on
  * @param int $level Current level being processed (currently just for tracking; no limit enforced)
  * @return array Current section of configuration after stdWrap applied
 protected function applyStdWrapRecursive(array $conf, $level = 0)
     foreach ($conf as $key => $confNextLevel) {
         if (strpos($key, '.') !== FALSE) {
             $key = substr($key, 0, -1);
             // descend into all non-stdWrap-subelements first
             foreach ($confNextLevel as $subKey => $subConfNextLevel) {
                 if (is_array($subConfNextLevel) && strpos($subKey, '.') !== FALSE && $subKey !== 'stdWrap.') {
                     $conf[$key . '.'] = $this->applyStdWrapRecursive($confNextLevel, $level + 1);
             // now for stdWrap
             foreach ($confNextLevel as $subKey => $subConfNextLevel) {
                 if (is_array($subConfNextLevel) && $subKey === 'stdWrap.') {
                     $conf[$key] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf[$key], $conf[$key . '.']['stdWrap.']);
                     unset($conf[$key . '.']['stdWrap.']);
                     if (empty($conf[$key . '.'])) {
                         unset($conf[$key . '.']);
     return $conf;
  * Renders the application defined cObject FORM
  * which overrides the TYPO3 default cObject FORM
  * Convert FORM to COA_INT - COA_INT.10 = FORM_INT
  * If FORM_INT is also dedected by the ContentObjectRenderer, and now
  * the Extbaseplugin "Form" is initalized. At this time the
  * controller "Frontend" action "execute" do the rest.
  * @param string $typoScriptObjectName Name of the object
  * @param array $typoScript TS configuration for this cObject
  * @param string $typoScriptKey A string label used for the internal debugging tracking.
  * @param ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject reference
  * @return string HTML output
 public function cObjGetSingleExt($typoScriptObjectName, array $typoScript, $typoScriptKey, ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject)
     $content = '';
     if ($typoScriptObjectName === 'FORM' && !empty($typoScript['useDefaultContentObject']) && ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('compatibility6')) {
         $content = $contentObject->getContentObject($typoScriptObjectName)->render($typoScript);
     } elseif ($typoScriptObjectName === 'FORM') {
         $mergedTypoScript = null;
         if ($contentObject->data['CType'] === 'mailform') {
             $bodytext = $contentObject->data['bodytext'];
             /** @var $typoScriptParser TypoScriptParser */
             $typoScriptParser = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TypoScriptParser::class);
             $mergedTypoScript = (array) $typoScriptParser->setup;
             ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($mergedTypoScript, $typoScript);
             // Disables content elements since TypoScript is handled that could contain insecure settings:
             $mergedTypoScript[Configuration::DISABLE_CONTENT_ELEMENT_RENDERING] = true;
         $newTypoScript = array('10' => 'FORM_INT', '10.' => is_array($mergedTypoScript) ? $mergedTypoScript : $typoScript);
         $content = $contentObject->cObjGetSingle('COA_INT', $newTypoScript);
         // Only apply stdWrap to TypoScript that was NOT created by the wizard:
         if (isset($typoScript['stdWrap.'])) {
             $content = $contentObject->stdWrap($content, $typoScript['stdWrap.']);
     } elseif ($typoScriptObjectName === 'FORM_INT') {
         $extbase = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap::class);
         $content = $extbase->run('', array('pluginName' => 'Form', 'extensionName' => 'Form', 'vendorName' => 'TYPO3\\CMS', 'controller' => 'Frontend', 'action' => 'show', 'settings' => array('typoscript' => $typoScript), 'persistence' => array(), 'view' => array()));
     return $content;
  * Merge all TypoScript for the typoLink from the global and local defined settings.
  * @param  array $linkConfigurationArray Global defined TypoScript cofiguration for the linkHandler
  * @param  array $typoLinkConfigurationArray Local typolink TypoScript configuration for current link
  * @param  string $recordTableName The name of database table
  * @access protected
  * @return array
 protected function mergeTypoScript(array $linkConfigurationArray, array $typoLinkConfigurationArray, $recordTableName)
     // pre-compile the "additionalParams"
     $linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams'] = $this->localContentObject->stdWrap($linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams'], $linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams.']);
     unset($linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams.']);
     if (version_compare(TYPO3_version, '6.2.0', '<')) {
         $mergeLinkConfigurationArray = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::explodeUrl2Array($linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams']);
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($mergeLinkConfigurationArray, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::explodeUrl2Array($typoLinkConfigurationArray['additionalParams']));
     } else {
         $mergeLinkConfigurationArray = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::array_merge_recursive_overrule(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::explodeUrl2Array($linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.']['additionalParams']), \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::explodeUrl2Array($typoLinkConfigurationArray['additionalParams']));
     // merge recursive the "additionalParams" from "$typoScriptConfiguration" with the "$typoLinkConfigurationArray"
     if (array_key_exists('additionalParams', $typoLinkConfigurationArray)) {
         $typoLinkConfigurationArray['additionalParams'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::implodeArrayForUrl('', $mergeLinkConfigurationArray);
      * @internal Merge the linkhandler configuration from $typoScriptConfiguration with the current $typoLinkConfiguration.
     if (is_array($typoLinkConfigurationArray) && !empty($typoLinkConfigurationArray)) {
         if (array_key_exists('parameter.', $typoLinkConfigurationArray)) {
         $linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.'] = array_merge($linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.'], $typoLinkConfigurationArray);
     return $linkConfigurationArray[$recordTableName . '.'];
  * Adds an edit icon to the content string. The edit icon links to EditDocumentController with proper parameters for editing the table/fields of the context.
  * This implements TYPO3 context sensitive editing facilities. Only backend users will have access (if properly configured as well).
  * @param string $content The content to which the edit icons should be appended
  * @param string $params The parameters defining which table and fields to edit. Syntax is [tablename]:[fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... OR [fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... (basically "[tablename]:" is optional, default table is the one of the "current record" used in the function). The fieldlist is sent as "&columnsOnly=" parameter to EditDocumentController
  * @param array $conf TypoScript properties for configuring the edit icons.
  * @param string $currentRecord The "table:uid" of the record being shown. If empty string then $this->currentRecord is used. For new records (set by $conf['newRecordFromTable']) it's auto-generated to "[tablename]:NEW
  * @param array $dataArr Alternative data array to use. Default is $this->data
  * @param string $addUrlParamStr Additional URL parameters for the link pointing to EditDocumentController
  * @param string $table
  * @param int $editUid
  * @param string $fieldList
  * @return string The input content string, possibly with edit icons added (not necessarily in the end but just after the last string of normal content.
 public function editIcons($content, $params, array $conf = array(), $currentRecord = '', array $dataArr = array(), $addUrlParamStr = '', $table, $editUid, $fieldList)
     // Special content is about to be shown, so the cache must be disabled.
     $this->frontendController->set_no_cache('Display frontend edit icons', TRUE);
     $iconTitle = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['iconTitle'], $conf['iconTitle.']);
     $optionsArray = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($iconTitle, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', FALSE), 'class' => 'frontEndEditIcons', 'style' => $conf['styleAttribute'] ? htmlspecialchars($conf['styleAttribute']) : '');
     $iconImg = $conf['iconImg'] ? $conf['iconImg'] : IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-open', $optionsArray);
     $nV = GeneralUtility::_GP('ADMCMD_view') ? 1 : 0;
     $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', array('edit[' . $table . '][' . $editUid . ']' => 'edit', 'columnsOnly' => $fieldList, 'noView' => $nV)) . $addUrlParamStr;
     $icon = $this->editPanelLinkWrap_doWrap($iconImg, $url);
     if ($conf['beforeLastTag'] < 0) {
         $content = $icon . $content;
     } elseif ($conf['beforeLastTag'] > 0) {
         $cBuf = rtrim($content);
         $secureCount = 30;
         while ($secureCount && substr($cBuf, -1) == '>' && substr($cBuf, -4) != '</a>') {
             $cBuf = rtrim(preg_replace('/<[^<]*>$/', '', $cBuf));
         $content = strlen($cBuf) && $secureCount ? substr($content, 0, strlen($cBuf)) . $icon . substr($content, strlen($cBuf)) : ($content = $icon . $content);
     } else {
         $content .= $icon;
     return $content;
	 * @test
	public function recursiveStdWrapIsOnlyCalledOnce() {
		$stdWrapConfiguration = array(
			'append' => 'TEXT',
			'append.' => array(
				'data' => 'register:Counter'
			'stdWrap.' => array(
				'append' => 'LOAD_REGISTER',
				'append.' => array(
					'Counter.' => array(
						'prioriCalc' => 'intval',
						'cObject' => 'TEXT',
						'cObject.' => array(
							'data' => 'register:Counter',
							'wrap' => '|+1',
			$this->subject->stdWrap('Counter:', $stdWrapConfiguration)
  * Adds an edit icon to the content string. The edit icon links to alt_doc.php with proper parameters for editing the table/fields of the context.
  * This implements TYPO3 context sensitive editing facilities. Only backend users will have access (if properly configured as well).
  * @param string $content The content to which the edit icons should be appended
  * @param string $params The parameters defining which table and fields to edit. Syntax is [tablename]:[fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... OR [fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... (basically "[tablename]:" is optional, default table is the one of the "current record" used in the function). The fieldlist is sent as "&columnsOnly=" parameter to alt_doc.php
  * @param array $conf TypoScript properties for configuring the edit icons.
  * @param string $currentRecord The "table:uid" of the record being shown. If empty string then $this->currentRecord is used. For new records (set by $conf['newRecordFromTable']) it's auto-generated to "[tablename]:NEW
  * @param array $dataArr Alternative data array to use. Default is $this->data
  * @param string $addUrlParamStr Additional URL parameters for the link pointing to alt_doc.php
  * @param string $table
  * @param integer $editUid
  * @param string $fieldList
  * @return string The input content string, possibly with edit icons added (not necessarily in the end but just after the last string of normal content.
 public function editIcons($content, $params, array $conf = array(), $currentRecord = '', array $dataArr = array(), $addUrlParamStr = '', $table, $editUid, $fieldList)
     // Special content is about to be shown, so the cache must be disabled.
     $style = $conf['styleAttribute'] ? ' style="' . htmlspecialchars($conf['styleAttribute']) . '"' : '';
     $iconTitle = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['iconTitle'], $conf['iconTitle.']);
     $iconImg = $conf['iconImg'] ? $conf['iconImg'] : '<img  ' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::skinImg(TYPO3_mainDir, 'gfx/edit_fe.gif', 'width="11" height="12" border="0" align="top" ') . ' title="' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::deHSCentities(htmlspecialchars($iconTitle)) . '"' . $style . ' class="frontEndEditIcons" alt="" />';
     $nV = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP('ADMCMD_view') ? 1 : 0;
     $adminURL = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') . TYPO3_mainDir;
     $icon = $this->editPanelLinkWrap_doWrap($iconImg, $adminURL . 'alt_doc.php?edit[' . $table . '][' . $editUid . ']=edit&columnsOnly=' . rawurlencode($fieldList) . '&noView=' . $nV . $addUrlParamStr, $currentRecord);
     if ($conf['beforeLastTag'] < 0) {
         $content = $icon . $content;
     } elseif ($conf['beforeLastTag'] > 0) {
         $cBuf = rtrim($content);
         $securCount = 30;
         while ($securCount && substr($cBuf, -1) == '>' && substr($cBuf, -4) != '</a>') {
             $cBuf = rtrim(preg_replace('/<[^<]*>$/', '', $cBuf));
         $content = strlen($cBuf) && $securCount ? substr($content, 0, strlen($cBuf)) . $icon . substr($content, strlen($cBuf)) : ($content = $icon . $content);
     } else {
         $content .= $icon;
     return $content;
  * Constructor.
  * @param Query $query Solr query
 public function __construct(Query $query)
     $this->solrConfiguration = Util::getSolrConfiguration();
     $this->contentObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\ContentObject\\ContentObjectRenderer');
     $this->query = $query;
     $targetPageUid = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($this->solrConfiguration->getSearchTargetPage(), $this->solrConfiguration->getSearchTargetPageConfiguration());
     $this->linkTargetPageId = $targetPageUid;
  * Returns an array of banned UIDs (from excludeUidList)
  * @return array Array of banned UIDs
  * @internal
 public function getBannedUids()
     $excludeUidList = isset($this->conf['excludeUidList.']) ? $this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['excludeUidList'], $this->conf['excludeUidList.']) : $this->conf['excludeUidList'];
     if (!trim($excludeUidList)) {
         return [];
     $banUidList = str_replace('current', $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->page['uid'], $excludeUidList);
     return GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $banUidList);
  * Returns an array of banned UIDs (from excludeUidList)
  * @return array Array of banned UIDs
  * @access private
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function getBannedUids()
     $excludeUidList = isset($this->conf['excludeUidList.']) ? $this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['excludeUidList'], $this->conf['excludeUidList.']) : $this->conf['excludeUidList'];
     if (!trim($excludeUidList)) {
         return array();
     $banUidList = str_replace('current', $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'], $excludeUidList);
     return GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $banUidList);
  * Renders a content element header, observing the layout type giving different header formattings
  * @param	string		$str The header string
  * @param	integer		$type The layout type of the header (in the content element)
  * @return	string		Content
 public function renderHeader($str, $type = 0)
     if ($str) {
         $hConf = $this->conf['header.'];
         $defaultType = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($hConf['defaultType'], 1, 5);
         $type = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($type, 0, 6);
         if (!$type) {
             $type = $defaultType;
         if ($type != 6) {
             // not hidden
             $tConf = $hConf[$type . '.'];
             if ($tConf['removeSplitChar']) {
                 $str = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($tConf['removeSplitChar'], '/') . '/', '', $str);
             $lines = array();
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['preBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             $lines = $this->pad($lines, $tConf['preLineChar'], $tConf['preLineLen']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['preLineBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             if ($this->cObj->data['date']) {
                 $lines[] = $this->getString($hConf['datePrefix']) . date($hConf['date'] ? $hConf['date'] : 'd-m-Y', $this->cObj->data['date']);
             $prefix = '';
             $str = $this->getString($tConf['prefix']) . $str;
             if ($tConf['autonumber']) {
                 $str = $this->cObj->parentRecordNumber . $str;
             if ($this->cObj->data['header_position'] == 'right') {
                 $prefix = str_pad(' ', $this->charWidth - strlen($str));
             if ($this->cObj->data['header_position'] == 'center') {
                 $prefix = str_pad(' ', floor(($this->charWidth - strlen($str)) / 2));
             $lines[] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($prefix . $str, $tConf['stdWrap.']);
             if ($this->cObj->data['header_link']) {
                 $lines[] = $this->getString($hConf['linkPrefix']) . $this->getLink($this->cObj->data['header_link']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['postLineBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             $lines = $this->pad($lines, $tConf['postLineChar'], $tConf['postLineLen']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['postBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             return implode(LF, $lines);
     return "";
  * Build reCAPTCHA Frontend HTML-Code
  * @return string reCAPTCHA HTML-Code
 public function getReCaptcha()
     if (!$this->developMode || $this->enforceCaptcha) {
         $captcha = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($this->configuration['public_key'], $this->configuration['public_key.']);
     } else {
         $captcha = '<div class="recaptcha-development-mode">
             Development mode active. Do not expect the captcha to appear
     return $captcha;
  * Rendering the "data-htmlarea-clickenlarge" custom attribute, called from TypoScript
  * @param 	string		Content input. Not used, ignore.
  * @param 	array		TypoScript configuration
  * @return 	string		HTML output.
  * @access private
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function render_clickenlarge($content, $conf)
     $clickenlarge = isset($this->cObj->parameters['data-htmlarea-clickenlarge']) ? $this->cObj->parameters['data-htmlarea-clickenlarge'] : 0;
     if (!$clickenlarge) {
         // Backward compatibility
         $clickenlarge = isset($this->cObj->parameters['clickenlarge']) ? $this->cObj->parameters['clickenlarge'] : 0;
     $fileFactory = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory::getInstance();
     $fileTable = $this->cObj->parameters['data-htmlarea-file-table'];
     $fileUid = $this->cObj->parameters['data-htmlarea-file-uid'];
     if ($fileUid) {
         $fileObject = $fileFactory->getFileObject($fileUid);
         $filePath = $fileObject->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE);
         $file = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\PathUtility::stripPathSitePrefix($filePath);
     } else {
         // Pre-FAL backward compatibility
         $path = $this->cObj->parameters['src'];
         $magicFolder = $fileFactory->getFolderObjectFromCombinedIdentifier($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['RTE_imageStorageDir']);
         if ($magicFolder instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folder) {
             $magicFolderPath = $magicFolder->getPublicUrl();
             $pathPre = $magicFolderPath . 'RTEmagicC_';
             if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($path, $pathPre)) {
                 // Find original file:
                 $pI = pathinfo(substr($path, strlen($pathPre)));
                 $filename = substr($pI['basename'], 0, -strlen('.' . $pI['extension']));
                 $file = $magicFolderPath . 'RTEmagicP_' . $filename;
             } else {
                 $file = $this->cObj->parameters['src'];
     // Unset clickenlarge custom attribute
     // Backward compatibility
     $content = '<img ' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::implodeAttributes($this->cObj->parameters, TRUE, TRUE) . ' />';
     if ($clickenlarge && is_array($conf['imageLinkWrap.'])) {
         $theImage = $file ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName($file) : '';
         if ($theImage) {
             $this->cObj->parameters['origFile'] = $theImage;
             if ($this->cObj->parameters['title']) {
                 $conf['imageLinkWrap.']['title'] = $this->cObj->parameters['title'];
             if ($this->cObj->parameters['alt']) {
                 $conf['imageLinkWrap.']['alt'] = $this->cObj->parameters['alt'];
             $content = $this->cObj->imageLinkWrap($content, $theImage, $conf['imageLinkWrap.']);
             $content = $this->cObj->stdWrap($content, $conf['stdWrap.']);
     return $content;
  * Parsing the bodytext field content, removing typical entities and <br /> tags.
  * @param    string $str     : Field content from "bodytext" or other text field
  * @param    string $altConf : Altername conf name (especially when bodyext field in other table then tt_content)
  * @return    string        Processed content
 function parseBody($str, $altConf = 'bodytext')
     if ($this->configuration[$altConf . '.']['doubleLF']) {
         $str = preg_replace("/\n/", "\n\n", $str);
     // Regular parsing:
     $str = preg_replace('/<br\\s*\\/?>/i', chr(10), $str);
     $str = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($str, $this->configuration[$altConf . '.']['stdWrap.']);
     // Then all a-tags:
     $aConf = array();
     $aConf['parseFunc.']['tags.']['a'] = 'USER';
     // check direct mail usage @todo
     $aConf['parseFunc.']['tags.']['a.']['userFunc'] = 'FRUIT\\Ink\\PlainRenderer->atag_to_http';
     $aConf['parseFunc.']['tags.']['a.']['siteUrl'] = 'http://www.google.de';
     $str = $this->contentObject->stdWrap($str, $aConf);
     $str = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', htmlspecialchars_decode($str));
     if ($this->configuration[$altConf . '.']['header']) {
         $str = $this->configuration[$altConf . '.']['header'] . LF . $str;
     return chr(10) . $str;
  * Renders the image and puts Information to the picture
  * @param array $image
  * @return mixed
 protected function formatBigPicture($image)
     $lconf['image.']['params'] = '';
     $lconf['image.']['file.']['treatIdAsReference'] = 1;
     $lconf['image.']['file'] = $image['reference']['uid'];
     $lconf['image.']['altText'] = "";
     $lconf['image.']['file.']['height'] = 228;
     $lconf['image.']['file.']['width'] = 1000;
     $theImgCode = $this->local_cObj->cObjGetSingle('IMAGE', $lconf["image."]);
     $image = $this->local_cObj->stdWrap($theImgCode, $this->conf['image.']);
     return $image;
  * Displays a form for editing or creating a single forum.
  * @access private
  * @return String HTML content
 function editAction()
     $forumUid = $this->v['newForum'] ? -1 : intval($this->v['editForum']);
     if ($this->v['forum']['save']) {
         $result = $this->saveEditAction();
         if ($result['success'] === TRUE) {
             $this->redirectToAction(array('flashmessage' => base64_encode(sprintf($this->l('edit-success'), $this->v['forum']['name']))));
         } else {
             $errors = $result['errors'];
     } elseif ($this->v['forum']['cancel']) {
     } else {
         $errors = array();
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templates.']['edit']);
     # Select the forum to be edited. The "hidden" flag is not queried on purpose!
     if ($forumUid > 0) {
         $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('uid, forum_name AS name, forum_desc AS description, parentID AS parent', 'tx_mmforum_forums', 'uid=' . $forumUid . ' AND deleted=0 ' . $this->p->getStoragePIDQuery());
         if ($this->databaseHandle->sql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
             return $this->p->errorMessage($this->p->conf, $this->l('error-forumnotfound'));
         $forumArray = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
     } else {
         $forumArray = array();
     if (is_array($this->v['forum'])) {
         $forumArray = array_merge($forumArray, $this->v['forum']);
     if (!$forumArray['name']) {
         $forumArray['name'] = $this->l('new-dummytitle');
     if (!$this->checkActionAllowance($forumArray['parent'] == 0 ? 'category' : 'forum', $forumUid == -1 ? 'create' : 'edit')) {
         return $this->displayNoAccessError();
     $forumMarkers = array('###FORUM_NAME###' => $this->validator->specialChars($forumArray['name']), '###FORUM_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->validator->specialChars($forumArray['description']), '###FORUM_PARENT_OPTIONS###' => $this->getForumSelectOptionList($forumArray['parent']), '###FORUM_HIDDEN_CHECKED###' => $forumArray['hidden'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '', '###FORUM_UID###' => $forumUid, '###FORM_ACTION###' => $this->p->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id));
     foreach (array('name', 'description', 'parent') as $field) {
         if ($errors[$field]) {
             $messages = array();
             foreach ($errors[$field] as $error) {
                 $messages[] = vsprintf($this->l('error-' . $field . '-' . $error['type']), $error['args']);
             $forumMarkers['###ERRORS_' . strtoupper($field) . '###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap(implode(' ', $messages), $this->conf['format.']['errorMessage.']);
         } else {
             $forumMarkers['###ERRORS_' . strtoupper($field) . '###'] = '';
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $forumMarkers);
     $template = preg_replace_callback('/###L:([A-Z_-]+)###/i', array($this, 'replaceLL'), $template);
     return $template;
  * @return void
 public function prepareConfiguration()
     // Filter configuration
     foreach ($this->processorConfiguration as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $this->allowedConfigurationKeys)) {
             $this->menuConfig[$key] = $value;
     // Process special value
     if (isset($this->menuConfig['special.']['value.'])) {
         $this->menuConfig['special.']['value'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->menuConfig['special.']['value'], $this->menuConfig['special.']['value.']);
     return $this->menuConfig;
  * Prepare Configuration
 public function prepareConfiguration()
     $this->menuConfig += $this->processorConfiguration;
     // Filter configuration
     foreach ($this->menuConfig as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $this->removeConfigurationKeysForHmenu)) {
     // Process special value
     if (isset($this->menuConfig['special.']['value.'])) {
         $this->menuConfig['special.']['value'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->menuConfig['special.']['value'], $this->menuConfig['special.']['value.']);
  * Userfunc called per TS to create categories check boxes
  * @param string $content
  * @param array $conf TS conf
  * @return string
 public function makeCheckboxes($content, $conf)
     $content = '';
     $databaseConnection = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
     $pid = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['pid'], $conf['pid.']);
     if ($address_uid = GeneralUtility::_GP('rU')) {
         $res = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_dmail_ttaddress_category_mm', 'uid_local=' . intval($address_uid));
         $subscribed_to = [];
         while ($row = $databaseConnection->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $subscribed_to[] = $row['uid_foreign'];
         $subscribed_to_list = implode(',', $subscribed_to);
     $res = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'sys_dmail_category', 'l18n_parent=0 AND pid=' . intval($pid) . $this->cObj->enableFields('sys_dmail_category'));
     $i = 1;
     while ($row = $databaseConnection->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $checked = GeneralUtility::inList($subscribed_to_list, $row['uid']);
         if ($theRow = $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->sys_page->getRecordOverlay('sys_dmail_category', $row, $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController()->sys_language_uid, $conf['hideNonTranslatedCategories'] ? 'hideNonTranslated' : '')) {
             $content .= '<label for="option-' . $i . '">' . htmlspecialchars($theRow['category']) . '</label><input id="option-' . $i . '" type="checkbox" ' . ($checked ? 'checked' : '') . ' name="FE[tt_address][module_sys_dmail_category][' . $row['uid'] . ']" value="1" /><div class="clearall"></div>';
     return $content;
  * Renders the application defined cObject FORM
  * which overrides the TYPO3 default cObject FORM
  * If FORM is dedected by the ContentObjectRenderer,
  * the Extbase plugin "Form" is initialized. At this time, the
  * controller "Frontend" action "execute" does the rest.
  * @param string $typoScriptObjectName Name of the object
  * @param array $typoScript TS configuration for this cObject
  * @param string $typoScriptKey A string label used for the internal debugging tracking.
  * @param ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject reference
  * @return string HTML output
 public function cObjGetSingleExt($typoScriptObjectName, array $typoScript, $typoScriptKey, ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject)
     $content = '';
     // render the FORM CE from TYPO3 < 4.6
     if ($typoScriptObjectName === 'FORM' && !empty($typoScript['useDefaultContentObject']) && ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('compatibility6')) {
         $content = $contentObject->getContentObject($typoScriptObjectName)->render($typoScript);
     } elseif ($typoScriptObjectName === 'FORM') {
         $mergedTypoScript = null;
         // If the FORM configuration comes from the database
         // all TypoScript interpretation will be disabled for security.
         if ($contentObject->data['CType'] === 'mailform') {
             // If the FORM configuration comes from the database
             // and a predefined form is selected than the TypoScript
             // interpretation is allowed.
             $renderPredefinedForm = false;
             if (isset($contentObject->data['tx_form_predefinedform']) && !empty($contentObject->data['tx_form_predefinedform'])) {
                 $predefinedFormIdentifier = $contentObject->data['tx_form_predefinedform'];
                 if (isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_form.']['predefinedForms.'][$predefinedFormIdentifier . '.'])) {
                     $renderPredefinedForm = true;
                 } else {
                     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No FORM configuration for identifier "' . $predefinedFormIdentifier . '" available.', 1457097250);
             if ($renderPredefinedForm) {
                 $mergedTypoScript = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_form.']['predefinedForms.'][$predefinedFormIdentifier . '.'];
                 ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($mergedTypoScript, $typoScript);
             } else {
                 $bodytext = $contentObject->data['bodytext'];
                 /** @var $typoScriptParser TypoScriptParser */
                 $typoScriptParser = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TypoScriptParser::class);
                 $mergedTypoScript = (array) $typoScriptParser->setup;
                 ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($mergedTypoScript, $typoScript);
                 // Disables TypoScript interpretation since TypoScript is handled that could contain insecure settings:
                 $mergedTypoScript[Configuration::DISABLE_CONTENT_ELEMENT_RENDERING] = true;
         $newTypoScript = is_array($mergedTypoScript) ? $mergedTypoScript : $typoScript;
         $extbase = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Bootstrap::class);
         $content = $extbase->run('', array('pluginName' => 'Form', 'extensionName' => 'Form', 'vendorName' => 'TYPO3\\CMS', 'controller' => 'Frontend', 'action' => 'show', 'settings' => array('typoscript' => $newTypoScript), 'persistence' => array(), 'view' => array()));
         // Only apply stdWrap to TypoScript that was NOT created by the wizard:
         if (isset($typoScript['stdWrap.'])) {
             $content = $contentObject->stdWrap($content, $typoScript['stdWrap.']);
     return $content;
  * Highlights the searchword
  * @param $content
  * @param array $searchWords
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception
 protected function highlight($content, array $searchWords)
     $rawSearchPattern = '/%s/i';
     $replacePatternStdWrapConfiguration = $this->settingsService->getByPath('highlightTag');
     if (empty($replacePatternStdWrapConfiguration) === TRUE) {
         throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception('The TypoScript setting "highlightTag" is not set or empty in your configuration.', 1438950217);
     $rawReplacePattern = $this->contentObject->stdWrap('%s', $replacePatternStdWrapConfiguration);
     foreach ($searchWords as $searchWord) {
         $found = stripos($content, $searchWord);
         if ($found !== FALSE) {
             $searchWord = substr($content, $found, strlen($searchWord));
             $searchPattern = sprintf($rawSearchPattern, $searchWord);
             $content = preg_replace($searchPattern, sprintf($rawReplacePattern, $searchWord), $content);
     return $content;
  * renders the columns of the grid container and returns the actual content
  * @param array $setup : The adjusted setup of the grid container
  * @return array $content: The raw HTML output of the grid container before stdWrap functions will be applied to it
 public function renderColumnsIntoParentGrid($setup = array())
     $content = '';
     if (!empty($this->cObj->data['tx_gridelements_view_columns'])) {
         foreach ($this->cObj->data['tx_gridelements_view_columns'] as $column => $columnContent) {
             // if there are any columns available, we have to determine the corresponding TS setup
             // and if there is none we are going to use the default setup
             $tempSetup = isset($setup['columns.'][$column . '.']) ? $setup['columns.'][$column . '.'] : $setup['columns.']['default.'];
             // now we just have to unset the renderObj
             // before applying the rest of the keys via the usual stdWrap operations
             // we render each column into the column key to provide them prerendered for usage  with your own templating
             $this->cObj->data['tx_gridelements_view_column_' . $column] = !empty($tempSetup) ? $this->cObj->stdWrap($columnContent, $tempSetup) : $columnContent;
             $content .= $this->cObj->data['tx_gridelements_view_column_' . $column];
     return $content;
  * Renders the author and date columns of the tt_news record
  * @param	string	$row: The tt_news record
  * @param	int		$type:
  * @return	string	Content
 public function renderAuthor($row, $type = 0)
     if ($row['author']) {
         $hConf = $this->renderPlainText->conf['tt_news_author.'];
         $str = $this->renderPlainText->getString($hConf['prefix']) . $row['author'] . $this->renderPlainText->getString($hConf['emailPrefix']) . '<' . $row['author_email'] . '>';
         $defaultType = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($hConf['defaultType'], 1, 5);
         $type = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($type, 0, 6);
         if (!$type) {
             $type = $defaultType;
         if ($type != 6) {
             // not hidden
             $tConf = $hConf[$type . '.'];
             $lines = array();
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['preBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             $lines = $this->renderPlainText->pad($lines, $tConf['preLineChar'], $tConf['preLineLen']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['preLineBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             if ($row['datetime']) {
                 $lConf = $this->conf['displaySingle.'];
                 $lines[] = $this->renderPlainText->getString($hConf['datePrefix']) . $this->cObj->stdWrap($row['datetime'], $lConf['date_stdWrap.']) . ' ' . $this->cObj->stdWrap($row['datetime'], $lConf['time_stdWrap.']);
             $lines[] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($str, $tConf['stdWrap.']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['postLineBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             $lines = $this->renderPlainText->pad($lines, $tConf['postLineChar'], $tConf['postLineLen']);
             $blanks = DirectMailUtility::intInRangeWrapper($tConf['postBlanks'], 0, 1000);
             if ($blanks) {
                 $lines[] = str_pad('', $blanks - 1, LF);
             return implode(LF, $lines);
     return "";
  * Outputs information about a specific user for the post listing.
  * @param  int    $uid          The UID of the user whose information are to be displayed
  * @param  array  $conf         The configuration vars of the plugin
  * @param  bool   $threadauthor TRUE, if the user is the author of the thread displayed. In
  *                              this case, a special string telling that this user is the author
  *                              of the thread is displayed.
  * @return string               The user information
 function ident_user($uid, $conf, $threadauthor = FALSE)
     $userData = !is_array($uid) ? tx_mmforum_tools::get_userdata($uid) : $uid;
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['list_post']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###USERINFO###');
     if ($template) {
         $avatar = $this->getUserAvatar($userData);
         $marker = array('###LLL_DELETED###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-deleted'), '###USERNAME###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData[$this->getUserNameField()], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['username_stdWrap.']), '###USERREALNAME###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData['name'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['realname_stdWrap.']), '###USERRANKS###' => $this->get_userranking($uid, $conf), '###TOPICCREATOR###' => $uid == $threadauthor ? $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->pi_getLL('topic-topicauthor'), $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['creator_stdWrap.']) : '', '###AVATAR###' => $avatar, '###LLL_REGSINCE###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-regSince'), '###LLL_POSTCOUNT###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-posts'), '###REGSINCE###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData['crdate'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['crdate_stdWrap.']), '###POSTCOUNT###' => intval($userData['tx_mmforum_posts']), '###USER_RATING###' => $this->isUserRating() ? $this->getRatingDisplay('fe_users', $userData['uid']) : '');
         if ($userData === false) {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###USERINFO_REGULAR###', '');
         } else {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###USERINFO_DELETED###', '');
         // Include hooks
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['userInformation_marker'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['userInformation_marker'] as $_classRef) {
                 $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
                 $marker = $_procObj->userInformation_marker($marker, $userData, $this);
         $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     } else {
         if ($userData === false) {
             return '<strong>' . $this->pi_getLL('user.deleted') . '</strong>';
         $content = '<strong>' . $userData[$this->getUserNameField()] . '</strong><br />';
         if ($this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_realName'] && $userData['name']) {
             $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($userData['name'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_realName_wrap']);
         $userranking = $this->get_userranking($uid, $conf) . '<br />';
         if ($uid == $threadauthor) {
             $userranking .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('topic.topicauthor'), $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_topicauthor_wrap']);
         $content .= $userranking;
         if ($userData['tx_mmforum_avatar']) {
             $content .= $this->tools->res_img($conf['path_avatar'] . $userData['tx_mmforum_avatar'], $conf['avatar_height'], $conf['avatar_width']);
         $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('user.regSince') . ': ' . date('d.m.Y', $userData['crdate']) . '<br />' . $this->pi_getLL('user.posts') . ': ' . $userData['tx_mmforum_posts'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_content_wrap']);
     return $content;
  * Executes the SOLR_MULTIVALUE content object.
  * Turns a list of values into an array that can then be used to fill
  * multivalued fields in a Solr document. The array is returned in
  * serialized form as content objects are expected to return strings.
  * @param string $name content object name 'SOLR_MULTIVALUE'
  * @param array $configuration for the content object, expects keys 'separator' and 'field'
  * @param string $TyposcriptKey not used
  * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject parent cObj
  * @return string serialized array representation of the given list
 public function cObjGetSingleExt($name, array $configuration, $TyposcriptKey, $contentObject)
     $data = '';
     if (isset($configuration['value'])) {
         $data = $configuration['value'];
     if (!empty($configuration)) {
         $data = $contentObject->stdWrap($data, $configuration);
     if (!array_key_exists('separator', $configuration)) {
         $configuration['separator'] = ',';
     $removeEmptyValues = true;
     if (isset($configuration['removeEmptyValues']) && $configuration['removeEmptyValues'] == 0) {
         $removeEmptyValues = false;
     $listAsArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode($configuration['separator'], $data, $removeEmptyValues);
     if (!empty($configuration['removeDuplicateValues'])) {
         $listAsArray = array_unique($listAsArray);
     return serialize($listAsArray);
  * Display a poll.
  * This function displays a poll. Depending on whether the user that is
  * currently logged in is allowed to vote on this poll (this will be the
  * case if the user has not already voted in this poll and if the poll is
  * not yet expired), the user will see a set of radio buttons allowing him/her
  * to choose an answering possibility, or the poll results.
  * @return  string The poll content
  * @version 2007-05-22
 function objDisplay()
     if ($this->piVars['poll']['vote'] == '1') {
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['polls']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_DISPLAY###');
     $vote = $this->getMayVote();
     if (!$vote) {
         $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_SUBMIT###', '');
         $row_template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_2###');
     } else {
         $row_template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_1###');
     $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_mmforum_polls_answers', 'poll_id=' . intval($this->data['uid']) . ' AND deleted=0');
     $i = 1;
     $aContent = '';
     while ($arr = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $pAnswers = $arr['votes'] > 0 ? round($arr['votes'] / $this->data['votes'] * 100) : 0;
         if ($this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.'][$i]) {
             $color = $this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.'][$i];
         } else {
             $color = $this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.']['default'];
         $aMarker = array('###ANSWER_UID###' => $arr['uid'], '###ANSWER_TEXT###' => $this->p->escape($arr['answer']), '###ANSWER_COUNT###' => sprintf($this->p->pi_getLL('poll.replies'), $arr['votes'], $this->data['votes'], $pAnswers . '%'), '###ANSWER_ANSWERS###' => '<div style="width: ' . $pAnswers . '%; height:10px; background-color: ' . $color . ';">&nbsp;</div>', '###ENABLE###' => '');
         $aContent .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($row_template, $aMarker);
     $actionParams[$this->p->prefixId] = array('tid' => $this->p->piVars['tid'], 'fid' => $this->p->piVars['fid'], 'action' => 'list_post');
     $actionLink = $this->p->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id, '', $actionParams);
     $marker = array('###LABEL_POLL###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.title'), '###LABEL_VOTE###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.vote'), '###LABEL_QUESTION###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.question'), '###QUESTION###' => $this->p->escape($this->data['question']), '###EXPIRES###' => $this->data['endtime'] ? $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.expires') . ' ' . date('d. m. Y, H:i', $this->data['endtime']) : '', '###ACTION###' => $this->p->escapeURL($actionLink), '###ICON###' => $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['polls.']['poll_icon'], $this->conf['polls.']['poll_icon.']));
     $marker['###EXPIRES###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($marker['###EXPIRES###'], $this->conf['polls.']['expired_stdWrap.']);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_1###', $aContent);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_2###', '');
     return $template;
  * Adds an edit icon to the content string. The edit icon links to EditDocumentController with proper parameters for editing the table/fields of the context.
  * This implements TYPO3 context sensitive editing facilities. Only backend users will have access (if properly configured as well).
  * @param string $content The content to which the edit icons should be appended
  * @param string $params The parameters defining which table and fields to edit. Syntax is [tablename]:[fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... OR [fieldname],[fieldname],[fieldname],... (basically "[tablename]:" is optional, default table is the one of the "current record" used in the function). The fieldlist is sent as "&columnsOnly=" parameter to EditDocumentController
  * @param array $conf TypoScript properties for configuring the edit icons.
  * @param string $currentRecord The "table:uid" of the record being shown. If empty string then $this->currentRecord is used. For new records (set by $conf['newRecordFromTable']) it's auto-generated to "[tablename]:NEW
  * @param array $dataArr Alternative data array to use. Default is $this->data
  * @param string $addUrlParamStr Additional URL parameters for the link pointing to EditDocumentController
  * @param string $table
  * @param int $editUid
  * @param string $fieldList
  * @return string The input content string, possibly with edit icons added (not necessarily in the end but just after the last string of normal content.
 public function editIcons($content, $params, array $conf = [], $currentRecord = '', array $dataArr = [], $addUrlParamStr = '', $table, $editUid, $fieldList)
     // Special content is about to be shown, so the cache must be disabled.
     $this->frontendController->set_no_cache('Display frontend edit icons', true);
     $iconTitle = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['iconTitle'], $conf['iconTitle.']);
     $iconImg = '<span title="' . htmlspecialchars($iconTitle, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false) . '" class="frontEndEditIcons" style="' . ($conf['styleAttribute'] ? htmlspecialchars($conf['styleAttribute']) : '') . '">' . $this->iconFactory->getIcon('actions-document-open', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</span>';
     $nV = GeneralUtility::_GP('ADMCMD_view') ? 1 : 0;
     $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', ['edit[' . $table . '][' . $editUid . ']' => 'edit', 'columnsOnly' => $fieldList, 'noView' => $nV, 'feEdit' => 1]) . $addUrlParamStr;
     $icon = $this->editPanelLinkWrap_doWrap($iconImg, $url, 'content-link');
     if ($conf['beforeLastTag'] < 0) {
         $content = $icon . $content;
     } elseif ($conf['beforeLastTag'] > 0) {
         $cBuf = rtrim($content);
         $secureCount = 30;
         while ($secureCount && substr($cBuf, -1) == '>' && substr($cBuf, -4) != '</a>') {
             $cBuf = rtrim(preg_replace('/<[^<]*>$/', '', $cBuf));
         $content = strlen($cBuf) && $secureCount ? substr($content, 0, strlen($cBuf)) . $icon . substr($content, strlen($cBuf)) : ($content = $icon . $content);
     } else {
         $content .= $icon;
     return $content;
  * Renders the actual image
  * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject
  * @param $file
  * @param array $fileConfiguration
  * @return array
 public function getImgResource(\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $contentObject, $file, array $fileConfiguration)
     if ($fileConfiguration['import.']) {
         $ifile = $contentObject->stdWrap('', $fileConfiguration['import.']);
         if ($ifile) {
             $file = $fileConfiguration['import'] . $ifile;
     if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($file)) {
         $file = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\ResourceFactory')->getFileObject($file);
     if ($file instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileInterface) {
         $theImage = $file->getForLocalProcessing(FALSE);
     } else {
         // clean ../ sections of the path and resolve to proper string.
         // This is necessary for the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FrontendContentAdapterService to work.
         $file = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::resolveBackPath($file);
         $theImage = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->getFileName($file);
         if (!$theImage) {
             return array();
     $fileConfiguration = $this->processFileConfiguration($fileConfiguration, $contentObject);
     $maskArray = $fileConfiguration['m.'];
     $maskImages = array();
     // Must render mask images and include in hash-calculating - else we
     // cannot be sure the filename is unique for the setup!
     if (is_array($maskArray)) {
         $maskImages['m_mask'] = $this->getImgResource($contentObject, $maskArray['mask'], $maskArray['mask.']);
         $maskImages['m_bgImg'] = $this->getImgResource($contentObject, $maskArray['bgImg'], $maskArray['bgImg.']);
         $maskImages['m_bottomImg'] = $this->getImgResource($contentObject, $maskArray['bottomImg'], $maskArray['bottomImg.']);
         $maskImages['m_bottomImg_mask'] = $this->getImgResource($contentObject, $maskArray['bottomImg_mask'], $maskArray['bottomImg_mask.']);
     // TODO use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileInterface here
     if ($file instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference) {
         $hash = $file->getOriginalFile()->calculateChecksum();
     } else {
         $hash = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::shortMD5($theImage . serialize($fileConfiguration) . serialize($maskImages));
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash])) {
         return $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash];
     /** @var $gifCreator tslib_gifbuilder */
     $gifCreator = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('tslib_gifbuilder');
     if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['meaningfulTempFilePrefix']) {
         $filename = basename($theImage);
         // Remove extension
         $filename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));
         $tempFilePrefixLength = intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['meaningfulTempFilePrefix']);
         if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['UTF8filesystem']) {
             /** @var $t3libCsInstance \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Charset\CharsetConverter */
             $t3libCsInstance = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Charset\\CharsetConverter');
             $filenamePrefix = $t3libCsInstance->substr('utf-8', $filename, 0, $tempFilePrefixLength);
         } else {
             // Strip everything non-ascii
             $filename = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/', '', trim($filename));
             $filenamePrefix = substr($filename, 0, $tempFilePrefixLength);
         $gifCreator->filenamePrefix = $filenamePrefix . '_';
     if ($fileConfiguration['sample']) {
         $gifCreator->scalecmd = '-sample';
         $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Sample option: Images are scaled with -sample.');
     if ($fileConfiguration['alternativeTempPath'] && \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::inList($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['allowedTempPaths'], $fileConfiguration['alternativeTempPath'])) {
         $gifCreator->tempPath = $fileConfiguration['alternativeTempPath'];
         $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('Set alternativeTempPath: ' . $fileConfiguration['alternativeTempPath']);
     if (!trim($fileConfiguration['ext'])) {
         $fileConfiguration['ext'] = 'web';
     $options = array();
     if ($fileConfiguration['maxW']) {
         $options['maxW'] = $fileConfiguration['maxW'];
     if ($fileConfiguration['maxH']) {
         $options['maxH'] = $fileConfiguration['maxH'];
     if ($fileConfiguration['minW']) {
         $options['minW'] = $fileConfiguration['minW'];
     if ($fileConfiguration['minH']) {
         $options['minH'] = $fileConfiguration['minH'];
     if ($fileConfiguration['noScale']) {
         $options['noScale'] = $fileConfiguration['noScale'];
     $fileInformation = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::split_fileref($theImage);
     $imgExt = strtolower($fileInformation['fileext']) == $gifCreator->gifExtension ? $gifCreator->gifExtension : 'jpg';
     // If no mask  is used or ImageMagick is disabled, processing is quite simple
     if (!is_array($maskArray) || !$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im']) {
         $fileConfiguration['params'] = $this->modifyImageMagickStripProfileParameters($fileConfiguration['params'], $fileConfiguration);
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash] = $gifCreator->imageMagickConvert($theImage, $fileConfiguration['ext'], $fileConfiguration['width'], $fileConfiguration['height'], $fileConfiguration['params'], $fileConfiguration['frame'], $options);
         if (($fileConfiguration['reduceColors'] || $imgExt === 'png' && !$gifCreator->png_truecolor) && is_file($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash][3])) {
             $reduced = $gifCreator->IMreduceColors($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash][3], \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($fileConfiguration['reduceColors'], 256, $gifCreator->truecolorColors, 256));
             if (is_file($reduced)) {
                 rename($reduced, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash][3]);
     } else {
         // Filename:
         $fileDestination = $gifCreator->tempPath . $hash . '.' . $imgExt;
         // Generate!
         if (!file_exists($fileDestination)) {
             $this->processMask($maskImages, $gifCreator, $theImage, $fileConfiguration, $options, $fileDestination);
         // Finish off
         if (($fileConfiguration['reduceColors'] || $imgExt === 'png' && !$gifCreator->png_truecolor) && is_file($fileDestination)) {
             $reduced = $gifCreator->IMreduceColors($fileDestination, \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($fileConfiguration['reduceColors'], 256, $gifCreator->truecolorColors, 256));
             if (is_file($reduced)) {
                 rename($reduced, $fileDestination);
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash] = $gifCreator->getImageDimensions($fileDestination);
     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash]['origFile'] = $theImage;
     // This is needed by tslib_gifbuilder, in order for the setup-array to create a unique filename hash.
     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash]['origFile_mtime'] = @filemtime($theImage);
     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash]['fileCacheHash'] = $hash;
     if ($file instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileInterface && \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::isAbsPath($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash][3])) {
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash][3] = $file->getPublicUrl();
     $imageResource = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->fileCache[$hash];
     return $imageResource;