  * Login a admin user and logout again
  * @param Kasper $I
 public function tryToTest(Kasper $I)
     $I->wantTo('login with admin');
     // user is redirected to 'about modules' after login, and must see the 'admin tools' section
     $I->see('Admin tools');
  * Login as a non-admin user, check visible modules and logout again
  * @param Kasper $I
 public function loginAsEditor(Kasper $I)
     // user is redirected to 'about modules' after login, but must not see the 'admin tools' section
     $I->cantSee('Admin tools', '#typo3-menu');
     $topBarItemSelector = Topbar::$containerSelector . ' ' . Topbar::$dropdownToggleSelector . ' *';
     // can see bookmarks
     $I->seeElement($topBarItemSelector, ['title' => 'Bookmarks']);
     // cant see clear cache
     $I->cantSeeElement($topBarItemSelector, ['title' => 'Clear cache']);
  * Call backend login page and verify login button changes color on mouse over,
  * verifies page is available and CSS is properly loaded.
  * @param Kasper $I
 public function tryToTest(Kasper $I)
     $I->wantTo('check login functions');
     $I->waitForElement('#t3-username', 10);
     $I->wantTo('mouse over css change login button');
     // Make sure mouse is not over submit button from a previous test
     $bs = $I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
         return $webdriver->findElement(\WebDriverBy::cssSelector('#t3-login-submit'))->getCSSValue('box-shadow');
     $bsmo = $I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
         return $webdriver->findElement(\WebDriverBy::cssSelector('#t3-login-submit'))->getCSSValue('box-shadow');
     $I->assertFalse($bs === $bsmo);
  * Call backend login page and submit invalid login data.
  * Verifies login is not accepted and an error message is rendered.
  * @param Kasper $I
 public function tryToTest(Kasper $I)
     $I->wantTo('check login functions');
     $I->wantTo('check empty credentials');
     $required = $I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
         return $webdriver->findElement(\WebDriverBy::cssSelector('#t3-username'))->getAttribute('required');
     $I->assertEquals('true', $required, '#t3-username');
     $required = $I->executeInSelenium(function (\Facebook\WebDriver\Remote\RemoteWebDriver $webdriver) {
         return $webdriver->findElement(\WebDriverBy::cssSelector('#t3-password'))->getAttribute('required');
     $I->assertEquals('true', $required, '#t3-password');
     $I->wantTo('use bad credentials');
     $I->fillField('#t3-username', 'testify');
     $I->fillField('#t3-password', '123456');
     $I->click('#t3-login-submit-section > button');
     $I->waitForText('Verifying Login Data');
     $I->see('Your login attempt did not succeed');