public function renderSingle() { global $CFG; $module = $this->module; echo '<div style="float:right; padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: text-top;"><ul class="pager">' . "\n"; $disabled = $this->position == 1 ? ' disabled' : ''; if ($this->position == 1) { echo '<li class="previous disabled"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">← Previous</a></li>' . "\n"; } else { $prev = 'index=' . ($this->position - 1); if (isset($this->lessons->modules[$this->position - 2]->anchor)) { $prev = 'anchor=' . $this->lessons->modules[$this->position - 2]->anchor; } echo '<li class="previous"><a href="lessons.php?' . $prev . '">← Previous</a></li>' . "\n"; } echo '<li><a href="lessons.php">All (' . $this->position . ' / ' . count($this->lessons->modules) . ')</a></li>'; if ($this->position >= count($this->lessons->modules)) { echo '<li class="next disabled"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">→ Next</a></li>' . "\n"; } else { $next = 'index=' . ($this->position + 1); if (isset($this->lessons->modules[$this->position]->anchor)) { $next = 'anchor=' . $this->lessons->modules[$this->position]->anchor; } echo '<li class="next"><a href="lessons.php?' . $next . '">→ Next</a></li>' . "\n"; } echo "</ul></div>\n"; echo '<h1>' . $module->title . "</h1>\n"; if (isset($module->videos)) { $videos = $module->videos; echo '<ul class="bxslider">' . "\n"; foreach ($videos as $video) { echo '<li><iframe src="' . $video->youtube . '" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen ' . ' alt="' . htmlentities($video->title) . '"></iframe>' . "\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } if (isset($module->description)) { echo '<p>' . $module->description . "</p>\n"; } echo "<ul>\n"; if (isset($module->slides)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->slides . '" target="_blank">Slides</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->chapters)) { echo '<li>Chapters: ' . $module->chapters . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->assignment)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->assignment . '" target="_blank">Assignment Specification</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->solution)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->solution . '" target="_blank">Assignment Solution</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->references)) { if (count($module->references) > 0) { echo "<li>References:<ul>\n"; foreach ($module->references as $reference) { echo '<li><a href="' . $reference->href . '" target="_blank">' . $reference->title . "</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul></li>\n"; } else { echo '<li>Reference: <a href="' . $module->references->href . '" target="_blank">' . $module->references->title . "</a></li>\n"; } } if (isset($module->lti) && isset($_SESSION['secret'])) { $ltis = $module->lti; if (count($ltis) > 1) { echo "<li>Tools:<ul> <!-- start of ltis -->\n"; } $count = 0; foreach ($ltis as $lti) { $key = isset($_SESSION['oauth_consumer_key']) ? $_SESSION['oauth_consumer_key'] : false; $secret = isset($_SESSION['secret']) ? $_SESSION['secret'] : false; if (isset($lti->resource_link_id)) { $resource_link_id = $lti->resource_link_id; } else { $resource_link_id = 'resource:'; if ($this->anchor != null) { $resource_link_id .= $this->anchor . ':'; } if ($this->position != null) { $resource_link_id .= $this->position . ':'; } if ($count > 0) { $resource_link_id .= '_' . $count; } $resource_link_id .= md5($CFG->context_title); } $count++; $resource_link_title = isset($lti->title) ? $lti->title : $module->title; $parms = array('lti_message_type' => 'basic-lti-launch-request', 'resource_link_id' => $resource_link_id, 'resource_link_title' => $resource_link_title, 'tool_consumer_info_product_family_code' => 'tsugi', 'tool_consumer_info_version' => '1.1', 'context_id' => $_SESSION['context_key'], 'context_label' => $CFG->context_title, 'context_title' => $CFG->context_title, 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_key'], 'lis_person_name_full' => $_SESSION['displayname'], 'lis_person_contact_email_primary' => $_SESSION['email'], 'roles' => 'Learner'); if (isset($_SESSION['avatar'])) { $parms['user_image'] = $_SESSION['avatar']; } if (isset($lti->custom)) { foreach ($lti->custom as $custom) { if (isset($custom->value)) { $parms['custom_' . $custom->key] = $custom->value; } if (isset($custom->json)) { $parms['custom_' . $custom->key] = json_encode($custom->json); } } } $return_url = $CFG->getCurrentUrl(); if ($this->anchor) { $return_url .= '?anchor=' . urlencode($this->anchor); } elseif ($this->position) { $return_url .= '?index=' . urlencode($this->position); } $parms['launch_presentation_return_url'] = $return_url; if (isset($_SESSION['tsugi_top_nav'])) { $parms['ext_tsugi_top_nav'] = $_SESSION['tsugi_top_nav']; } $form_id = "tsugi_form_id_" . bin2Hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(4)); $parms['ext_lti_form_id'] = $form_id; $endpoint = $lti->launch; $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Finish Launch", $CFG->product_instance_guid, $CFG->servicename); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, false, '_pause'); $title = isset($lti->title) ? $lti->title : "Autograder"; echo '<li><a href="#" onclick="document.' . $form_id . '.submit();return false">' . htmlentities($title) . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo "<!-- Start of content -->\n"; print $content; echo "<!-- End of content -->\n"; } if (count($ltis) > 1) { echo "</li></ul><!-- end of ltis -->\n"; } } if (!isset($module->discuss)) { $module->discuss = true; } if (!isset($module->anchor)) { $module->anchor = $this->position; } // For now do not add disqus to each page. if (false && isset($CFG->disqushost) && isset($_SESSION['id']) && $module->discuss) { ?> <hr/> <div id="disqus_thread" style="margin-top: 30px;"></div> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: */ var disqus_config = function () { = '<?php echo $CFG->disqushost; ?> '; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable = '<?php echo $module->anchor; ?> '; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable }; (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); </script> <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript> <?php } }
/** * getLaunchContent - Get the launch data for am LTI ContentItem launch */ public static function getLaunchContent($endpoint, $debug = false) { $info = LTIX::getKeySecretForLaunch($endpoint); if ($info === false) { return '<p style="color:red">Unable to load key/secret for ' . htmlentities($endpoint) . "</p>\n"; } $key = $info['key']; $secret = $info['secret']; $parms = LTIX::getLaunchData(); $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Button"); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, false); return $content; }
echo "<br/>\n"; } echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; $parms = $lmsdata; // Cleanup parms before we sign foreach ($parms as $k => $val) { if (strlen(trim($parms[$k])) < 1) { unset($parms[$k]); } } // Add oauth_callback to be compliant with the 1.0A spec $parms["oauth_callback"] = "about:blank"; if ($outcomes) { $parms["lis_outcome_service_url"] = $outcomes; } $parms['launch_presentation_css_url'] = $cssurl; if (isset($_POST['launch']) || isset($_POST['debug'])) { // Switch to direct launches instead of going through lti.php $endpoint = str_replace("lti.php", $_POST['custom_assn'], $endpoint); $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Finish Launch", $tool_consumer_instance_guid, $tool_consumer_instance_description); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, isset($_POST['debug']), "width=\"100%\" height=\"900\" scrolling=\"auto\" frameborder=\"1\" transparency"); echo "<hr>\n"; print $content; } ?> </div> </div> <!-- /container --> <?php $OUTPUT->footer();
/** * signParameters - Look up the key and secret and call the underlying code in LTI */ public static function signParameters($oldparms, $endpoint, $method, $submit_text = false, $org_id = false, $org_desc = false) { $oauth_consumer_key = self::sessionGet('key_key'); $oauth_consumer_secret = self::sessionGet('secret'); return LTI::signParameters($oldparms, $endpoint, $method, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $submit_text, $org_id, $org_desc); }