/** * Validates bounds of the nested tree structure. It will perform checks on * the `lft`, `rgt` and `parent_id` columns. Mainly that they're not null, * rights greater than lefts, and that they're within the bounds of the parent. * * @return boolean */ protected function validateBounds() { $connection = $this->node->getConnection(); $grammar = $connection->getQueryGrammar(); $tableName = $this->node->getTable(); $primaryKeyName = $this->node->getKeyName(); $parentColumn = $this->node->getQualifiedParentColumnName(); $lftCol = $grammar->wrap($this->node->getLeftColumnName()); $rgtCol = $grammar->wrap($this->node->getRightColumnName()); $qualifiedLftCol = $grammar->wrap($this->node->getQualifiedLeftColumnName()); $qualifiedRgtCol = $grammar->wrap($this->node->getQualifiedRightColumnName()); $qualifiedParentCol = $grammar->wrap($this->node->getQualifiedParentColumnName()); $whereStm = "({$qualifiedLftCol} IS NULL OR\n {$qualifiedRgtCol} IS NULL OR\n {$qualifiedLftCol} >= {$qualifiedRgtCol} OR\n ({$qualifiedParentCol} IS NOT NULL AND\n ({$qualifiedLftCol} <= parent.{$lftCol} OR\n {$qualifiedRgtCol} >= parent.{$rgtCol})))"; $query = $this->node->newQuery()->join($connection->raw($grammar->wrapTable($tableName) . ' AS parent'), $parentColumn, '=', $connection->raw('parent.' . $grammar->wrap($primaryKeyName)), 'left outer')->whereRaw($whereStm); return $query->count() == 0; }
/** * Get the fully qualified value for the specified column. * * @return string */ protected function qualify($column) { return $this->node->getTable() . '.' . $column; }