public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); //Configure::write('App.namespace', 'TestApp'); $this->Table = TableRegistry::get('Stories'); $this->Table->addBehavior('Tools.Neighbor'); }
/** * @return void */ public function testBasicOutput() { $this->Comments->removeBehavior('String'); $data = ['title' => 'some Name', 'comment' => 'blabla', 'url' => '']; $entity = $this->Comments->newEntity($data); $res = $this->Comments->save($entity); $this->assertTrue((bool) $res); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.String', ['fields' => ['title'], 'output' => ['ucfirst']]); $res = $this->Comments->get($entity->id); $this->assertSame('Some Name', $res['title']); }
/** * JsonableBehaviorTest::testDecodeParams() * * @return void */ public function testDecodeParams() { $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Jsonable'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Jsonable', ['output' => 'array', 'fields' => ['details'], 'decodeParams' => ['assoc' => false]]); $data = ['comment' => 'blabla', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'param', 'details' => ['x' => ['y' => 'z']]]; $entity = $this->Comments->newEntity($data); $this->Comments->save($entity); // Test decode with default params $res = $this->Comments->find('all', ['conditions' => ['title' => 'param']])->first(); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->x = new stdClass(); $obj->x->y = 'z'; $expected = $obj; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res['details']); // Test decode with assoc = true $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Jsonable'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Jsonable', ['fields' => ['details'], 'decodeParams' => ['assoc' => true]]); $res = $this->Comments->find('all', ['conditions' => ['title' => 'param']])->first(); $expected = ['x' => ['y' => 'z']]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res['details']); // Test decode with assoc = true and depth = 2 $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Jsonable'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Jsonable', ['fields' => ['details'], 'decodeParams' => ['assoc' => true, 'depth' => 2]]); $res = $this->Comments->find('all', ['conditions' => ['title' => 'param']])->first(); $expected = []; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res['details']); // Test decode with assoc = true and depth = 3 $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Jsonable'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Jsonable', ['fields' => ['details'], 'decodeParams' => ['assoc' => true, 'depth' => 3]]); $res = $this->Comments->find('all', ['conditions' => ['title' => 'param']])->first(); $expected = ['x' => ['y' => 'z']]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $res['details']); }
/** * Assert that it also works with beforeSave event callback. * * @return void */ public function testSaveOnBeforeSave() { $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Bitmasked'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Bitmasked', ['mappedField' => 'statuses', 'on' => 'beforeSave']); $data = ['comment' => 'test save', 'statuses' => [BitmaskedComment::STATUS_PUBLISHED, BitmaskedComment::STATUS_APPROVED]]; $entity = $this->Comments->newEntity($data); $this->assertEmpty($entity->errors()); $res = $this->Comments->save($entity); $this->assertTrue((bool) $res); $this->assertSame(BitmaskedComment::STATUS_PUBLISHED | BitmaskedComment::STATUS_APPROVED, $res['status']); }
/** * ResetBehaviorTest::testResetWithCallbackAndFieldsAutoAdded() * * @return void */ public function testResetWithCallbackAndFieldsAutoAdded() { $this->Table->removeBehavior('Reset'); $this->Table->addBehavior('Tools.Reset', ['fields' => ['id'], 'updateFields' => ['id'], 'callback' => 'TestApp\\Model\\Table\\ResetCommentsTable::fieldsCallbackAuto']); $x = $this->Table->find('first', ['conditions' => ['id' => 6]]); $this->assertEquals('Second Comment for Second Article', $x['comment']); $result = $this->Table->resetRecords(); $this->assertTrue((bool) $result); $x = $this->Table->find('first', ['conditions' => ['id' => 6]]); $expected = 'bar'; $this->assertEquals($expected, $x['comment']); }
/** * @return void */ public function testEncodeWithNoParamsComplexContent() { $this->Comments->removeBehavior('Jsonable'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.Jsonable', ['output' => 'array', 'fields' => ['details'], 'encodeParams' => ['options' => 0]]); $data = ['comment' => 'blabla', 'url' => '', 'title' => 'param', 'details' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'nan' => NAN, 'inf' => INF]]; $entity = $this->Comments->newEntity($data); $result = $this->Comments->save($entity); $this->assertTrue((bool) $result); $res = $this->Comments->get($entity->id); $expected = []; $this->assertSame($expected, $res->details); }
public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->Comments = TableRegistry::get('StringComments'); $this->Comments->addBehavior('Tools.String', ['fields' => ['title'], 'input' => ['ucfirst']]); }
/** * @return void */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->Table = TableRegistry::get('Stories'); $this->Table->addBehavior('Tools.Neighbor'); }