protected function doRun() { $id = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argThreemaId); $from = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argFrom); $secret = $this->getArgument(self::argSecret); Common::required($id, $from, $secret); //define connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings($from, $secret); //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $this->publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->fetchPublicKey($id); if ($result->isSuccess()) { Common::l(Common::convertPublicKey($result->getPublicKey())); } else { Common::e($result->getErrorMessage()); } }
protected function doRun() { $from = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argFrom); $secret = $this->getArgument(self::argSecret); Common::required($from, $secret); //define connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings($from, $secret); //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $this->publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->credits(); Common::required($result); if ($result->isSuccess()) { Common::l("remaining credits: " . $result->getCredits()); } else { Common::e($result->getErrorMessage()); } }
protected function doRun() { $phoneNo = $this->getArgument(self::argPhoneNo); $from = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argFrom); $secret = $this->getArgument(self::argSecret); Common::required($phoneNo, $from, $secret); //define connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings($from, $secret); //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $this->publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->keyLookupByPhoneNumber($phoneNo); Common::required($result); if ($result->isSuccess()) { Common::l($result->getId()); } else { Common::e($result->getErrorMessage()); } }
protected function doRun() { $to = $this->getArgument(self::argThreemaId); $from = $this->getArgument(self::argFrom); $secret = $this->getArgument(self::argSecret); Common::required($to, $from, $secret); $message = $this->readStdIn(); if (strlen($message) === 0) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('please define a message'); } $settings = new ConnectionSettings($from, $secret); $connector = new Connection($settings, $this->publicKeyStore); $receiver = new Receiver($to, Receiver::TYPE_ID); $result = $connector->sendSimple($receiver, $message); if ($result->isSuccess()) { Common::l('Message ID: ' . $result->getMessageId()); } else { Common::l('Error: ' . $result->getErrorMessage()); } }
/** * @param ThreemaMessage $message * @param string $blobId blob id as hex * @param \Closure|null $downloadMessage * @return null|\Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\DownloadFileResult * @throws Exception */ private final function downloadFile(ThreemaMessage $message, $blobId, \Closure $downloadMessage = null) { if (null === $downloadMessage || true === $downloadMessage->__invoke($message, $blobId)) { //make a download $result = $this->connection->downloadFile($blobId); if (null === $result || false === $result->isSuccess()) { throw new Exception('could not download the file with blob id ' . $blobId); } return $result; } return null; }
protected function doRun() { $threemaId = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argThreemaId); $from = $this->getArgumentThreemaId(self::argFrom); $secret = $this->getArgument(self::argSecret); Common::required($threemaId, $from, $secret); if (strlen($threemaId) != 8) { throw new Exception('invalid threema id'); } //define connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings($from, $secret); //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $this->publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->keyCapability($threemaId); Common::required($result); if ($result->isSuccess()) { Common::l(implode("\n", $result->getCapabilities())); } else { Common::e($result->getErrorMessage()); } }
<?php use Threema\MsgApi\Connection; use Threema\MsgApi\ConnectionSettings; use Threema\MsgApi\Receiver; //include_project require_once 'bootstrap.php'; //define your connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings('*YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID', 'YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID_SECRET'); //public key store file //best practice: create a publickeystore //$publicKeyStore = new Threema\MsgApi\PublicKeyStores\PhpFile('keystore.php'); $publicKeyStore = null; //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $publicKeyStore); //create a receiver $receiver = new Receiver('ECHOECHO', Receiver::TYPE_ID); $result = $connector->sendSimple($receiver, "This is a Test Message"); if ($result->isSuccess()) { echo 'Message ID: ' . $result->getMessageId() . "\n"; } else { echo 'Error: ' . $result->getErrorMessage() . "\n"; }
<?php use Threema\MsgApi\Connection; use Threema\MsgApi\ConnectionSettings; //include_project require_once 'bootstrap.php'; //define your connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings('*YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID', 'YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID_SECRET'); //public key store file //best practice: create a publickeystore //$publicKeyStore = new Threema\MsgApi\PublicKeyStores\PhpFile('keystore.php'); $publicKeyStore = null; //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->keyLookupByPhoneNumber('123456789'); if ($result->isSuccess()) { echo 'Threema ID found: ' . $result->getId() . "\n"; } else { echo 'Error: ' . $result->getErrorMessage() . "\n"; }
<?php use Threema\MsgApi\Connection; use Threema\MsgApi\ConnectionSettings; //include_project require_once 'bootstrap.php'; //define your connection settings $settings = new ConnectionSettings('*YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID', 'YOUR_GATEWAY_THREEMA_ID_SECRET'); //public key store file //best practice: create a publickeystore //Threema\MsgApi\PublicKeyStores\PhpFile::create('keystore.php'); //new keystore //$publicKeyStore = new Threema\MsgApi\PublicKeyStores\PhpFile('keystore.php'); //reuse keystore $publicKeyStore = null; //create a connection $connector = new Connection($settings, $publicKeyStore); $result = $connector->fetchPublicKey('ECHOECHO'); if ($result->isSuccess()) { echo 'public key ' . $result->getPublicKey() . "\n"; } else { echo 'error ' . $result->getErrorMessage() . "\n"; }