  * Compare Containers
  * Returns string-presentation of both containers next to each other
  * @param \PHP\Manipulator\TokenContainer $expected
  * @param \PHP\Manipulator\TokenContainer $secod
 public static function compareContainers(TokenContainer $expectedContainer, TokenContainer $actualContainer, $strict)
     $expectedIterator = new \ArrayIterator($expectedContainer->toArray());
     $actualIterator = new \ArrayIterator($actualContainer->toArray());
     $values = array();
     $longest = 0;
     while ($actualIterator->valid() || $expectedIterator->valid()) {
         $expected = '';
         $actual = '';
         $missmatch = true;
         if ($expectedIterator->valid()) {
             $expected = (string) self::dumpToken($expectedIterator->current(), false);
         if ($actualIterator->valid()) {
             $actual = (string) self::dumpToken($actualIterator->current(), false);
         if ($actualIterator->valid() && $expectedIterator->valid()) {
             $constraint = new TokensMatchConstraint($expectedIterator->current(), $strict);
             $missmatch = !$constraint->evaluate($actualIterator->current(), '', true);
         $values[] = array('actual' => $actual, 'expected' => $expected, 'missmatch' => $missmatch);
         if (strlen($actual) > $longest) {
             $longest = strlen($actual);
         if (strlen($expected) > $longest) {
             $longest = strlen($expected);
     $comparision = '    ';
     $comparision .= str_pad('Tokens: ' . count($expectedContainer), $longest + 2, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
     $comparision .= ' | ';
     $comparision .= str_pad('Tokens: ' . count($actualContainer), $longest + 2, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
     $comparision .= PHP_EOL;
     $comparision .= PHP_EOL;
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($values as $val) {
         if (true === $val['missmatch']) {
             $comparision .= '####### NEXT IS DIFFERENT ## ' . PHP_EOL;
         $comparision .= str_pad($i . ') ', 4, ' ');
         $comparision .= str_pad($val['expected'], $longest + 2, ' ');
         $comparision .= ' | ';
         $comparision .= str_pad($val['actual'], $longest + 2, ' ');
         $comparision .= PHP_EOL;
     $comparision = rtrim($comparision);
     return $comparision;
  * @covers \Tests\Constraint\TokensMatch::failureDescription
 public function testFailAndFailureDescriptionWithDifferentLinenumbers()
     $expected = new Token('blub', null, '5');
     $other = new Token('blub', null, '4');
     $tokenMatch = new TokensMatch($expected, true);
     $message = PHP_EOL . \PHPUnit_Util_Diff::diff((string) $expected, (string) $other);
     $message = 'Failed asserting that Tokens are different: [linenumber]' . $message . '.';
     try {
         $this->fail('no exception thrown');
     } catch (\PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException $e) {
         $this->assertEquals($message, $e->getMessage());