
if (!isset($argv[1])) {
    die("You have to call this program with the peer you want to see current messages\n");
include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliWrapper;
use TelegramCliWrapper\TelegramCliHelper;
use TelegramCliWrapper\Models\Dialog;
$th = TelegramCliHelper::getInstance();
$t = new TelegramCliWrapper($th->getSocket(), $th->isDebug());
$peer = trim($argv[1]);
$n = isset($argv[2]) ? intval($argv[2]) : 5;
print "The last {$n} messages with '{$peer}' are " . PHP_EOL . Dialog::getTitles() . PHP_EOL;
$history = $t->getHistory($peer, $n);
foreach ($history as $historyItem) {
    print $historyItem . PHP_EOL;
  * return the list of dialogs of the peer passed
  * recover messages mark it as read
  * @param string $peer
  * @return Dialog[]
 public function getHistory($peer, $numMsgs)
     $history = $this->history($peer, $numMsgs);
     return Dialog::fromArray($history);