  * Interpolates a multi-dimensional array with another array recursively
  * If no source is given, you get a live interpolation where you can directly interpolate
  * variables that have just been interpolated before
  * Don't fetch the return value, the arrays are references.
  * If you want an unmutable version, rather take ArrayUtil::interpolate
  * This is mostly used for option arrays, e.g. config-files
  * We take both arrays as a reference to achieve a live-interpolation effect.
  * You can work with values you just interpolated before
  * e.g. [ 'path' => '{{rootPath}}/my/path', 'subPaths' => [ '{{path}}/sub/path' ] ]
  * If you want to keep the original array, take a copy before
  * @param array      $array        The array to interpolate (Passed by reference)
  * @param array|null $source       The source array for variables. If none given, the input array is taken
  * @param null       $defaultValue The default value for indices that couldnt be resolved
  * @param string     $delimeter    The delimeter used for multi-dimension access (Default: Dot (.))
  * @return array The interpolated array (Notice that it's just the same reference to the array you passed
 public static function interpolateMutable(array &$array, array &$source = null, $defaultValue = null, $delimeter = null)
     if (!$source) {
         $source =& $array;
     $newKeys = [];
     foreach ($array as $key => &$val) {
         if (is_string($key)) {
             $newKey = StringUtil::interpolate($key, $source, $defaultValue, $delimeter);
             if ($key !== $newKey) {
                 $newKeys[$key] = $newKey;
         if (is_array($val)) {
             self::interpolateMutable($val, $source, $defaultValue, $delimeter);
         } else {
             if (is_string($val)) {
                 $array[$key] = StringUtil::interpolate($val, $source, $defaultValue, $delimeter);
     foreach ($newKeys as $key => $newKey) {
         $array[$newKey] = $array[$key];
     return $array;
 public function init()
     $this->prependOptions(['defaultController' => 'index', 'defaultAction' => 'index', 'defaultId' => null, 'defaultFormat' => 'html', 'formats' => ['html', 'json'], 'routeOnRun' => true, 'baseUrl' => null, 'routes' => ['/:controller?/:action?/:id?.:format?' => ["@router", 'dispatchController']]]);
     $app = $this->getApp();
     $app->bind('beforeRun', function () {
         $routes = $this->getOption('routes');
         //Parse route targets
         foreach ($routes as $route => $callback) {
             if (is_array($callback) && is_string($callback[0])) {
                 $target = $callback[0];
                 if ($target[0] !== '@') {
                 $handler = $callback[1];
                 $target = substr($target, 1);
                 switch ($target) {
                     case 'router':
                         $routes[$route][0] = $this;
                         $routes[$route] = function (array $routeData) use($target, $handler) {
                             $routeData = call_user_func([$target, $handler], $routeData);
                             return $this->dispatchController($routeData);
         if (isset($this->controller)) {
              * @var \Tale\App\Feature\Controller $controller
             $controller = $this->controller;
             $controller->registerHelper('getUrl', function ($controller, $path = null, array $args = null, $preserveQuery = false) {
                 $path = $path ? $path : '';
                 if (isset($controller->request)) {
                      * @var \Tale\App\Feature\Controller\Request $req
                     $req = $controller->request;
                     $path = StringUtil::interpolate($path, ['controller' => $req->getController(), 'action' => $req->getAction(), 'args' => $req->getArgs(), 'format' => $req->getFormat()]);
                 $url = $path;
                 $baseUrl = $this->getOption('baseUrl');
                 if ($baseUrl) {
                     $url = rtrim($baseUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($path, '/');
                 $query = [];
                 if ($args) {
                     $query = $args;
                 if ($preserveQuery && isset($controller->webRequest)) {
                     $query = array_replace_recursive($controller->webRequest->getUrlArgs(), $query);
                 if (!empty($query)) {
                     $url .= '?' . http_build_query($query);
                 return $url;
             $controller->registerHelper('redirect', function ($controller, $path, array $args = null, $preserveQuery = null) {
                 return new Controller\Response\Redirect($controller->getUrl($path, $args, $preserveQuery));
         $this->_router = new AppRouter($routes);
     $app->bind('run', function () use($app) {
         if ($this->getOption('routeOnRun')) {
             if ($app->isCliApp()) {
             } else {
                 $response = $this->routeHttpServerRequest();
     $app->bind('afterRun', function () {