/** * Transforms a string (number) to an object (issue). * * @param string $value * @return \File|null */ public function reverseTransform($value) { if (!$value) { return null; } return $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass($this->entity_class)->getObjectById($value); }
private function getDutyCount(array &$tree, array &$duty_count, \Symforce\AdminBundle\Compiler\Loader\AdminLoader $loader) { foreach ($tree as $admin_name => $child) { $admin = $loader->getAdminByName($admin_name); if ($admin->workflow) { foreach ($admin->workflow['status'] as $step_name => $step) { if (!$step['duty']) { continue; } if ($step['role'] && !$this->get('security.context')->isGranted($step['role'])) { continue; } // count the status $count = $admin->getRouteWorkflowCount($step_name); if ($count < 1) { continue; } $duty_count[$admin_name][$step_name] = $count; } } if ($child) { $this->getDutyCount($child, $duty_count, $loader); } } }
/** * Transforms a string (number) to an object (issue). * * @param string $value * @return object|null */ public function reverseTransform($value) { if (empty($value)) { return null; } $this->admin_loader = $this->container->get('sf.admin.loader'); $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass($this->entity_class); return $admin->getRepository()->find($value); }
/** * Transforms an object (issue) to a string (number). * * @param object|null $value * @return string */ public function transform($value) { if (!$value) { return 0; } if (!is_object($value)) { return $value; } $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass($this->entity_class); return $admin->getId($value); }
public function setReverseData($object, $property) { if (!$this->admin_loader) { $this->admin_loader = $this->container->get('sf.admin.loader'); } $this->plain_property = $property; $this->entity_class = get_class($object); $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass($this->entity_class); $this->salt_value = $admin->getReflectionProperty($this->salt_property)->getValue($object); $this->password_value = $admin->getReflectionProperty($this->password_property)->getValue($object); $this->object_hash = spl_object_hash($object); }
protected function buildFormReferer(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder $builder, $object, $url = null) { $matcher = $this->admin->getService('router_default')->getMatcher(); $baseUrl = $request->getBaseUrl(); $referer = parse_url($request->headers->get('referer')); $referer_url = $referer['path']; if (strlen($baseUrl) > 1 && substr($referer['path'], 0, strlen($baseUrl)) == $baseUrl) { $referer_url = substr($referer['path'], strlen($baseUrl)); } if ($referer_url === $referer['path']) { $baseUrl = null; } $referer_parameters = null; try { $referer_parameters = $matcher->match($referer_url); } catch (\Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException $e) { } $parameters = $matcher->match($request->getPathInfo()); if (!$referer_parameters || $parameters['_route'] !== $referer_parameters['_route']) { $url = $referer['path'] . (isset($referer['query']) ? '?' . $referer['query'] : ''); } $builder->add('sf_admin_form_referer', 'sf_referer', array('referer_url_default' => $url, 'referer_url_route' => $parameters['_route'], 'referer_url_request' => $request, 'referer_url_matcher' => $matcher, 'referer_base_url' => $baseUrl)); $builder->add('sf_admin_form_dynamic', 'sf_dynamic', array()); if ($this->admin_loader->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug')) { $builder->add('sf_admin_form_debug', 'choice', array('label' => 'Debug', 'mapped' => false, 'expanded' => true, 'data' => 0, 'widget_type' => 'inline', 'choices' => array('1' => 'Yes', '0' => 'No'))); } }
private function tree(array &$tree, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { foreach ($tree as $admin_name => $children) { $admin = $this->loader->getAdminByName($admin_name); if ($admin->workflow) { $this->check($admin, $input, $output); } if ($children) { $this->tree($children, $input, $output); } } }
private function getActionByObject(&$action, $object) { $pos = strpos($action, ':'); if (false === $pos) { if (!$object) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("can not find web page `%s`", $action)); } if ($object instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy) { $class = get_parent_class($object); } else { $class = get_class($object); } if (!$this->loader->hasAdminClass($class)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("`%s` is not admin class", $class)); } return $this->loader->getNameByClass($class); } $admin = substr($action, 0, $pos); if (!$this->loader->hasAdminName($admin)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("`%s` is not admin", $admin)); } $action = substr($action, $pos + 1); return $admin; }
public function onUpdate(Controller $controller, Request $request, ActionCache $action, $object, \Symfony\Component\Form\Form $form) { if ($this->copy_properties) { $em = $this->getManager(); foreach ($this->copy_properties as $property_name => $config) { $prop = $this->getReflectionProperty($property_name); $value = $prop->getValue($object); // \Dev::dump($value); $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass(get_class($value)); foreach ($config as $from_property => $to_property) { $from_prod = $this->getReflectionProperty($from_property); $to_prop = $admin->getReflectionProperty($to_property); $to_prop->setValue($value, $from_prod->getValue($object)); } // \Dev::dump($value); exit; $em->persist($value); } } }
public function sf_admin_path($admin, $action, $object = null, $options = array()) { $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByName($admin); return $admin->path($action, $object, $options); }
public function setReverseData($data) { $admin = $this->admin_loader->getAdminByClass($this->admin_class); $this->reverse_data = $admin->getObjectOwner($data); }
public function addRoute(\ReflectionMethod $m, \Symforce\AdminBundle\Compiler\Annotation\Route $annot, array $as = null) { $this->err_msg = sprintf("%s->%s(@%s): ", $m->getDeclaringClass()->getName(), $m->getName(), self::ROUTE_ANNOT_CLASS); $admin_name = null; if ($annot->admin) { if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $annot->admin)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s admin `%s` invalid ", $this->err_msg, $annot->admin)); } $admin_name = $annot->admin; } else { $admin_name = $this->page_loader->getControlerOwnerName($m); } $action_name = null; if ($annot->action) { if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $annot->action)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s admin `%s` invalid ", $this->err_msg, $annot->action)); } $action_name = $annot->action; } else { $action_name = $annot->action ?: strtolower(preg_replace('/Action$/', '', $m->getName())); } if ($admin_name !== $this->admin_name) { $this->page_loader->addOtherControlerAction($admin_name, $action_name, $m); return; } $this->page_loader->addPageAction($admin_name, $action_name, $m); $controller_name = basename(str_replace('\\', '/', $m->getDeclaringClass()->getName())); if (!$annot->name) { $annot->name = $admin_name . '.' . $action_name; } if ($annot->alias) { if (!preg_match('/^(.+?)\\s*\\:\\s*(.+)$/', $annot->alias, $ms)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s alias `%s` invalid ", $this->err_msg, $annot->alias)); } $admin_alias = $ms[1]; $action_alias = $ms[2]; if (!$this->loader->hasAdminName($admin_alias)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s admin name `%s` not exists in alias `%s`", $this->err_msg, $admin_alias, $annot->alias)); } $page_generator_alias = $this->page_loader->getPageGeneratorByName($admin_alias); $page_generator_alias->addAlias($action_alias, $admin_name, $action_name, $m); } if (!$annot->template) { $annot->template = $this->admin->getBundleName() . ':' . preg_replace('/Controller$/', '', $controller_name) . ':' . $admin_name . '.' . $action_name . '.html.twig'; } $requirement_keys = array(); if (!$annot->path) { if ('index' === $action_name && !$annot->entity) { $annot->path = '/' . $this->route_path . '/'; } else { if ('view' === $action_name && null === $annot->entity) { $annot->entity = true; } if ($annot->entity) { $annot->path = '/' . $this->route_path . '/' . $action_name . '/{' . $this->eneity_id_name . '}'; $requirement_keys[$this->eneity_id_name] = true; } else { $annot->path = '/' . $this->route_path . '/' . $action_name . '/'; } } } else { $annot->path = '/' . ltrim($annot->path, '/'); if (preg_match_all('/\\{(.+?)\\}/', $annot->path, $ms)) { foreach ($ms[1] as $requirement_key) { if (isset($requirement_keys[$requirement_key])) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s : `%s` duplicate in path `%s`", $this->err_msg, $annot->path, $requirement_key)); } $requirement_keys[$requirement_key] = true; } } if (isset($requirement_keys['entity_id'])) { $annot->path = str_replace('{entity_id}', '{' . $this->eneity_id_name . '}', $annot->path); $annot->entity = true; $requirement_keys[$this->eneity_id_name] = true; unset($requirement_keys['entity_id']); } if (isset($requirement_keys[$this->eneity_id_name])) { $annot->entity = true; } } $generator = new \Symforce\AdminBundle\Compiler\Generator\PhpWriter(); $dispatcher = new \Symforce\AdminBundle\Compiler\Generator\PhpWriter(); $dispatcher_args = array(); $entity_object_name = '$' . $this->admin_name; $generator->write('function(\\Symfony\\Component\\PropertyAccess\\PropertyAccessorInterface $accessor,'); if ($annot->entity) { $generator->write(sprintf('%s %s, ', '\\' . $this->admin_class, $entity_object_name)); } else { if ($this->page_parent_entity) { $entity_object_name = '$' . $this->parent_admin->getName(); $generator->write(sprintf('%s %s, ', '\\' . $this->parent_admin->getClassName(), $entity_object_name)); } } $generator->writeln('array $options = array() ){')->indent(); $dispatcher->writeln('function(\\Symfony\\Component\\PropertyAccess\\PropertyAccessorInterface $accessor, \\' . $m->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . ' $controller, \\Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request $request){')->indent(); $dispatcher->writeln(sprintf('$controller->setPageAdmin("%s");', $this->admin_name)); $requirements = array(); $requirements_entitys = array(); $route_config = array('_controller' => $m->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . '::dispatchAction', '_sf_web_page' => $admin_name . ':' . $action_name); $path = $this->getRoutePath($requirements_entitys, $requirements, $requirement_keys, $generator, $dispatcher, $annot->entity, $annot->path); $defaults = array(); if ($annot->defaults) { $defaults = $annot->defaults; } foreach ($requirements_entitys as $requirement_key) { if (isset($requirement_keys[$requirement_key])) { unset($requirement_keys[$requirement_key]); } } if ($annot->requirements) { foreach ($annot->requirements as $requirement_key => $value) { if (isset($requirements[$requirement_key])) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s `%s` duplicate requirements:%s ", $this->err_msg, $path, $requirement_key)); } $requirements[$requirement_key] = $value; } } $add_default = function ($i, $name, $value) use(&$dispatcher_args, $generator) { $dispatcher_args[$i] = sprintf('$request->get("%s", %s)', $name, var_export($value, 1)); $generator->writeln(sprintf(' if( !isset($options["%s"]) ) $options["%s"] = %s;', $name, $name, var_export($value, 1))); }; foreach ($m->getParameters() as $i => $p) { $requirement_key = $p->getName(); if (isset($requirement_keys[$requirement_key])) { if (isset($defaults[$requirement_key])) { $add_default($i, $requirement_key, $defaults[$requirement_key]); unset($defaults[$requirement_key]); } else { if ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $add_default($i, $requirement_key, $p->getDefaultValue()); } else { $dispatcher_args[$i] = sprintf('$request->get("%s")', $p->getName()); } } unset($requirement_keys[$requirement_key]); } else { if (!$p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { // check if is request if ($p->getClass()) { $requirement_class = $p->getClass()->name; if ('Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request' === $requirement_class) { $dispatcher_args[$i] = '$request'; } else { if (isset($requirements_entitys[$requirement_class])) { $dispatcher_args[$i] = '$' . $this->loader->getNameByClass($requirement_class); } else { if ($this->loader->hasSuperAdminClass($requirement_class)) { $super_class = $this->loader->getSuperAdminClass($requirement_class); $dispatcher_args[$i] = '$controller->getAdminByClass(' . var_export($super_class, 1) . ')'; } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s parameter:(%s %s) not defined on path:%s", $this->err_msg, $requirement_class, $requirement_key, $annot->path)); } } } } else { if (isset($defaults[$requirement_key])) { $add_default($i, $requirement_key, $defaults[$requirement_key]); unset($defaults[$requirement_key]); } else { throw new \Exception(sprintf("`%s` no value", $requirement_key)); } } } else { // maybe need add to other place $dispatcher_args[$i] = var_export($p->getDefaultValue(), 1); } } } if (!empty($defaults)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s defaults:%s not defined on path:%s", $this->err_msg, json_encode($defaults), $annot->path)); } if (!empty($requirement_keys)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s path option `{%s}` not defined on path:%s", $this->err_msg, json_encode($requirement_keys), $annot->path)); } $this->action_cache[$action_name] = $annot; $route = new \Symfony\Component\Routing\Route($path, $route_config, $requirements); $this->page_loader->addPageRoute($admin_name, $action_name, $route, $m, $annot); $page_class = $this->page_loader->getCompileClass(); $writer = $page_class->getLazyWriter(); $generator->writeln('return $options;'); $dispatcher->writeln(sprintf('return $controller->%s(%s);', $m->getName(), join(', ', $dispatcher_args))); $writer->write(sprintf('$this->cache["%s:%s"]["generator"] = ', $admin_name, $action_name))->indent()->write($generator->getContent())->writeln('}')->outdent()->writeln(";"); $writer->write(sprintf('$this->cache["%s:%s"]["dispatcher"] = ', $admin_name, $action_name))->indent()->write($dispatcher->getContent())->writeln('}')->outdent()->writeln(";"); return true; }