/** * Adds a service * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * * @return string */ private function addService($id, $definition) { $code = " {$id}:\n"; if ($definition->getClass()) { $code .= sprintf(" class: %s\n", $definition->getClass()); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $code .= " public: false\n"; } $tagsCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $att = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $att[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $this->dumper->dump($key), $this->dumper->dump($value)); } $att = $att ? ', ' . implode(' ', $att) : ''; $tagsCode .= sprintf(" - { name: %s%s }\n", $this->dumper->dump($name), $att); } } if ($tagsCode) { $code .= " tags:\n" . $tagsCode; } if ($definition->getFile()) { $code .= sprintf(" file: %s\n", $definition->getFile()); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $code .= sprintf(" synthetic: true\n"); } if ($definition->isSynchronized()) { $code .= sprintf(" synchronized: true\n"); } if ($definition->getFactoryClass()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_class: %s\n", $definition->getFactoryClass()); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $code .= sprintf(" lazy: true\n"); } if ($definition->getFactoryMethod()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_method: %s\n", $definition->getFactoryMethod()); } if ($definition->getFactoryService()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_service: %s\n", $definition->getFactoryService()); } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $code .= sprintf(" arguments: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getArguments()), 0)); } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $code .= sprintf(" properties: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getProperties()), 0)); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $code .= sprintf(" calls:\n%s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getMethodCalls()), 1, 12)); } if (ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { $code .= sprintf(" scope: %s\n", $scope); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { if (is_array($callable)) { if ($callable[0] instanceof Reference) { $callable = array($this->getServiceCall((string) $callable[0], $callable[0]), $callable[1]); } else { $callable = array($callable[0], $callable[1]); } } $code .= sprintf(" configurator: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($callable, 0)); } return $code; }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * * @return string */ private function addService($id, $definition) { $code = " {$id}:\n"; if ($class = $definition->getClass()) { if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) { $class = substr($class, 1); } $code .= sprintf(" class: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($class)); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $code .= " public: false\n"; } $tagsCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $att = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $att[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $this->dumper->dump($key), $this->dumper->dump($value)); } $att = $att ? ', ' . implode(', ', $att) : ''; $tagsCode .= sprintf(" - { name: %s%s }\n", $this->dumper->dump($name), $att); } } if ($tagsCode) { $code .= " tags:\n" . $tagsCode; } if ($definition->getFile()) { $code .= sprintf(" file: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($definition->getFile())); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $code .= sprintf(" synthetic: true\n"); } if ($definition->isSynchronized(false)) { $code .= sprintf(" synchronized: true\n"); } if ($definition->isDeprecated()) { $code .= sprintf(" deprecated: %s\n", $definition->getDeprecationMessage('%service_id%')); } if ($definition->isAutowired()) { $code .= " autowire: true\n"; } $autowiringTypesCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getAutowiringTypes() as $autowiringType) { $autowiringTypesCode .= sprintf(" - %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($autowiringType)); } if ($autowiringTypesCode) { $code .= sprintf(" autowiring_types:\n%s", $autowiringTypesCode); } if ($definition->getFactoryClass(false)) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_class: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($definition->getFactoryClass(false))); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $code .= sprintf(" lazy: true\n"); } if ($definition->getFactoryMethod(false)) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_method: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($definition->getFactoryMethod(false))); } if ($definition->getFactoryService(false)) { $code .= sprintf(" factory_service: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($definition->getFactoryService(false))); } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $code .= sprintf(" arguments: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getArguments()), 0)); } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $code .= sprintf(" properties: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getProperties()), 0)); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $code .= sprintf(" calls:\n%s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getMethodCalls()), 1, 12)); } if (!$definition->isShared()) { $code .= " shared: false\n"; } if (ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== ($scope = $definition->getScope(false))) { $code .= sprintf(" scope: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($scope)); } if (null !== ($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) { list($decorated, $renamedId, $priority) = $decorated; $code .= sprintf(" decorates: %s\n", $decorated); if (null !== $renamedId) { $code .= sprintf(" decoration_inner_name: %s\n", $renamedId); } if (0 !== $priority) { $code .= sprintf(" decoration_priority: %s\n", $priority); } } if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $code .= sprintf(" configurator: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } return $code; }
private function getInlineDefinitions(Definition $def) { $defs = new \SplObjectStorage(); $this->getDefinitionsFromArray($def->getArguments(), $defs); $this->getDefinitionsFromArray($def->getMethodCalls(), $defs); $this->getDefinitionsFromArray($def->getProperties(), $defs); return $defs; }
public function testSetProperty() { $def = new Definition('stdClass'); $this->assertEquals(array(), $def->getProperties()); $this->assertSame($def, $def->setProperty('foo', 'bar')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $def->getProperties()); }
private function processDefinition(Definition $definition) { $this->processReferences($definition->getArguments()); $this->processReferences($definition->getMethodCalls()); $this->processReferences($definition->getProperties()); }
/** * Creates a service for a service definition. * * @param Definition $definition A service definition instance * @param string $id The service identifier * * @return object The service described by the service definition * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When configure callable is not callable */ private function createService(Definition $definition, $id) { if (null !== $definition->getFile()) { require_once $this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getFile()); } $arguments = $this->resolveServices($this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getArguments())); if (null !== $definition->getFactoryMethod()) { if (null !== $definition->getFactoryClass()) { $factory = $this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getFactoryClass()); } elseif (null !== $definition->getFactoryService()) { $factory = $this->get($this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getFactoryService())); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot create service from factory method without a factory service or factory class.'); } $service = call_user_func_array(array($factory, $definition->getFactoryMethod()), $arguments); } else { $r = new \ReflectionClass($this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getClass())); $service = null === $r->getConstructor() ? $r->newInstance() : $r->newInstanceArgs($arguments); } if (self::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { if (self::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== $scope && !isset($this->scopedServices[$scope])) { throw new \RuntimeException('You tried to create a service of an inactive scope.'); } $this->services[$lowerId = strtolower($id)] = $service; if (self::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== $scope) { $this->scopedServices[$scope][$lowerId] = $service; } } foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) { $services = self::getServiceConditionals($call[1]); $ok = true; foreach ($services as $s) { if (!$this->has($s)) { $ok = false; break; } } if ($ok) { call_user_func_array(array($service, $call[0]), $this->resolveServices($this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($call[1]))); } } $properties = $this->resolveServices($this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($definition->getProperties())); foreach ($properties as $name => $value) { $service->{$name} = $value; } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { if (is_array($callable) && is_object($callable[0]) && $callable[0] instanceof Reference) { $callable[0] = $this->get((string) $callable[0]); } elseif (is_array($callable)) { $callable[0] = $this->getParameterBag()->resolveValue($callable[0]); } if (!is_callable($callable)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configure callable for class "%s" is not a callable.', get_class($service))); } call_user_func($callable, $service); } return $service; }
/** * Gets a service definition as PHP array. * * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition $definition * The definition to process. * * @return array * The service definition as PHP array. */ protected function getServiceDefinition($definition) { $service = array(); if ($definition->getClass()) { $service['class'] = $definition->getClass(); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $service['public'] = FALSE; } /* $tagsCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $att = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $att[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $this->dumper->dump($key), $this->dumper->dump($value)); } $att = $att ? ', '.implode(', ', $att) : ''; $tagsCode .= sprintf(" - { name: %s%s }\n", $this->dumper->dump($name), $att); } } if ($tagsCode) { $code .= " tags:\n".$tagsCode; } */ if ($definition->getFile()) { $service['file'] = $definition->getFile(); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $service['synthetic'] = TRUE; } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $service['lazy'] = TRUE; } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $service['arguments'] = $this->dumpValue($definition->getArguments()); } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $service['properties'] = $this->dumpValue($definition->getProperties()); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $service['calls'] = $this->dumpValue($definition->getMethodCalls()); } if (($scope = $definition->getScope()) !== ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER) { $service['scope'] = $scope; } if (($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService()) !== NULL) { $service['decorates'] = $decorated; } if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $service['factory'] = $this->dumpCallable($callable); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $service['configurator'] = $this->dumpCallable($callable); } return $service; }
/** * Creates a service for a service definition. * * @param Definition $definition A service definition instance * @param string $id The service identifier * * @return object The service described by the service definition * * @throws RuntimeException When the scope is inactive * @throws RuntimeException When the factory definition is incomplete * @throws RuntimeException When the service is a synthetic service * @throws InvalidArgumentException When configure callable is not callable */ private function createService(Definition $definition, $id) { if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('You have requested a synthetic service ("%s"). The DIC does not know how to construct this service.', $id)); } $parameterBag = $this->getParameterBag(); if (null !== $definition->getFile()) { require_once $parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getFile()); } $arguments = $this->resolveServices($parameterBag->unescapeValue($parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getArguments()))); if (null !== $definition->getFactoryMethod()) { if (null !== $definition->getFactoryClass()) { $factory = $parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getFactoryClass()); } elseif (null !== $definition->getFactoryService()) { $factory = $this->get($parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getFactoryService())); } else { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot create service "%s" from factory method without a factory service or factory class.', $id)); } $service = call_user_func_array(array($factory, $definition->getFactoryMethod()), $arguments); } else { $r = new \ReflectionClass($parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getClass())); $service = null === $r->getConstructor() ? $r->newInstance() : $r->newInstanceArgs($arguments); } if (self::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { if (self::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== $scope && !isset($this->scopedServices[$scope])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('You tried to create the "%s" service of an inactive scope.', $id)); } $this->services[$lowerId = strtolower($id)] = $service; if (self::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== $scope) { $this->scopedServices[$scope][$lowerId] = $service; } } foreach ($definition->getMethodCalls() as $call) { $this->callMethod($service, $call); } $properties = $this->resolveServices($parameterBag->resolveValue($definition->getProperties())); foreach ($properties as $name => $value) { $service->{$name} = $value; } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { if (is_array($callable)) { $callable[0] = $callable[0] instanceof Reference ? $this->get((string) $callable[0]) : $parameterBag->resolveValue($callable[0]); } if (!is_callable($callable)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The configure callable for class "%s" is not a callable.', get_class($service))); } call_user_func($callable, $service); } return $service; }
private function addServiceProperties($id, Definition $definition, $variableName = 'instance') { $code = ''; foreach ($definition->getProperties() as $name => $value) { $code .= sprintf(" \$%s->%s = %s;\n", $variableName, $name, $this->dumpValue($value)); } return $code; }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param Definition $definition * @param string $id * @param \DOMElement $parent */ private function addService($definition, $id, \DOMElement $parent) { $service = $this->document->createElement('service'); if (null !== $id) { $service->setAttribute('id', $id); } if ($class = $definition->getClass()) { if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) { $class = substr($class, 1); } $service->setAttribute('class', $class); } if ($definition->getFactoryMethod(false)) { $service->setAttribute('factory-method', $definition->getFactoryMethod(false)); } if ($definition->getFactoryClass(false)) { $service->setAttribute('factory-class', $definition->getFactoryClass(false)); } if ($definition->getFactoryService(false)) { $service->setAttribute('factory-service', $definition->getFactoryService(false)); } if (ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { $service->setAttribute('scope', $scope); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $service->setAttribute('public', 'false'); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $service->setAttribute('synthetic', 'true'); } if ($definition->isSynchronized(false)) { $service->setAttribute('synchronized', 'true'); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $service->setAttribute('lazy', 'true'); } if (null !== ($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) { list($decorated, $renamedId) = $decorated; $service->setAttribute('decorates', $decorated); if (null !== $renamedId) { $service->setAttribute('decoration-inner-name', $renamedId); } } foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $tag = $this->document->createElement('tag'); $tag->setAttribute('name', $name); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $tag->setAttribute($key, $value); } $service->appendChild($tag); } } if ($definition->getFile()) { $file = $this->document->createElement('file'); $file->appendChild($this->document->createTextNode($definition->getFile())); $service->appendChild($file); } if ($parameters = $definition->getArguments()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'argument', $service); } if ($parameters = $definition->getProperties()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'property', $service, 'name'); } $this->addMethodCalls($definition->getMethodCalls(), $service); if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $factory = $this->document->createElement('factory'); if (is_array($callable) && $callable[0] instanceof Definition) { $this->addService($callable[0], null, $factory); $factory->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } elseif (is_array($callable)) { $factory->setAttribute($callable[0] instanceof Reference ? 'service' : 'class', $callable[0]); $factory->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } else { $factory->setAttribute('function', $callable); } $service->appendChild($factory); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $configurator = $this->document->createElement('configurator'); if (is_array($callable) && $callable[0] instanceof Definition) { $this->addService($callable[0], null, $configurator); $configurator->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } elseif (is_array($callable)) { $configurator->setAttribute($callable[0] instanceof Reference ? 'service' : 'class', $callable[0]); $configurator->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } else { $configurator->setAttribute('function', $callable); } $service->appendChild($configurator); } $parent->appendChild($service); }
/** * Get the properties for this definition. * * @return array An array or properties, which may be empty. * * @api * @since 4.0.0 */ public function getProperties() { return $this->_underlyingSymfonyDefinition->getProperties(); }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * * @return string */ private function addService($id, $definition) { $code = " {$id}:\n"; if ($definition->getClass()) { $code .= sprintf(" class: %s\n", $definition->getClass()); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $code .= " public: false\n"; } $tagsCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $att = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $att[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $this->dumper->dump($key), $this->dumper->dump($value)); } $att = $att ? ', ' . implode(', ', $att) : ''; $tagsCode .= sprintf(" - { name: %s%s }\n", $this->dumper->dump($name), $att); } } if ($tagsCode) { $code .= " tags:\n" . $tagsCode; } if ($definition->getFile()) { $code .= sprintf(" file: %s\n", $definition->getFile()); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $code .= sprintf(" synthetic: true\n"); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $code .= sprintf(" lazy: true\n"); } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $code .= sprintf(" arguments: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getArguments()), 0)); } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $code .= sprintf(" properties: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getProperties()), 0)); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $code .= sprintf(" calls:\n%s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getMethodCalls()), 1, 12)); } if (ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { $code .= sprintf(" scope: %s\n", $scope); } if (null !== ($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) { list($decorated, $renamedId) = $decorated; $code .= sprintf(" decorates: %s\n", $decorated); if (null !== $renamedId) { $code .= sprintf(" decoration_inner_name: %s\n", $renamedId); } } if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $code .= sprintf(" configurator: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } return $code; }
/** * @param string $className * @param ReflectionClass $reflectionClass * @param Definition $definition * @param string $fastAnnotationChecksRegex * @param string[] $preferredServices * @param ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag */ private function autowireClass($className, ReflectionClass $reflectionClass, Definition $definition, $fastAnnotationChecksRegex, $preferredServices, ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag) { // constructor - autowire always if ($reflectionClass->getConstructor()) { $definition->setArguments($this->autowireMethod($className, $reflectionClass->getConstructor(), $definition->getArguments(), $preferredServices)); } if ($fastAnnotationChecksRegex === null || $reflectionClass->getDocComment() && preg_match($fastAnnotationChecksRegex, $reflectionClass->getDocComment())) { // method calls @Autowired foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $reflectionMethod) { if ($reflectionMethod->getName() === "__construct") { continue; } if ($definition->hasMethodCall($reflectionMethod->getName())) { continue; } if (strpos($reflectionMethod->getDocComment(), "@Autowired") === false) { continue; } /** @var Autowired $annotation */ $annotation = $this->annotationReader->getMethodAnnotation($reflectionMethod, "Skrz\\Bundle\\AutowiringBundle\\Annotation\\Autowired"); if ($annotation === null) { continue; } if ($annotation->name !== null) { throw new AutowiringException(sprintf("@Autowired parameter can be used only on properties. %s::%s(...)", $className, $reflectionMethod->getName())); } $definition->addMethodCall($reflectionMethod->getName(), $this->autowireMethod($className, $reflectionMethod, [], $preferredServices)); } // properties @Autowired, @Value $manualProperties = $definition->getProperties(); foreach ($reflectionClass->getProperties() as $reflectionProperty) { if (isset($manualProperties[$reflectionProperty->getName()])) { continue; } if (strpos($reflectionProperty->getDocComment(), "@Autowired") === false && strpos($reflectionProperty->getDocComment(), "@Value") === false) { continue; } $annotations = $this->annotationReader->getPropertyAnnotations($reflectionProperty); $autowiredAnnotation = false; $valueAnnotation = false; $incorrectUsage = false; foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation instanceof Autowired) { if ($valueAnnotation) { $incorrectUsage = true; break; } $autowiredAnnotation = true; try { if ($annotation->name !== null) { $definition->setProperty($reflectionProperty->getName(), new Reference($annotation->name)); } else { $definition->setProperty($reflectionProperty->getName(), $this->getValue($reflectionProperty->getDeclaringClass(), $reflectionProperty->getDocComment(), null, null, false, null, $preferredServices)); } } catch (AutowiringException $exception) { throw new AutowiringException(sprintf("%s (Property %s::\$%s)", $exception->getMessage(), $className, $reflectionProperty->getName()), $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } elseif ($annotation instanceof Value) { if ($autowiredAnnotation) { $incorrectUsage = true; break; } try { $definition->setProperty($reflectionProperty->getName(), $parameterBag->resolveValue($annotation->value)); } catch (RuntimeException $exception) { throw new AutowiringException(sprintf("%s (Property %s::\$%s)", $exception->getMessage(), $className, $reflectionProperty->getName()), $exception->getCode(), $exception); } } } if ($incorrectUsage) { throw new AutowiringException(sprintf("Property can have either @Autowired, or @Value annotation, not both. (Property %s::\$%s)", $className, $reflectionProperty->getName())); } } } }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param Definition $definition * @param string $id * @param \DOMElement $parent */ private function addService($definition, $id, \DOMElement $parent) { $service = $this->document->createElement('service'); if (null !== $id) { $service->setAttribute('id', $id); } if ($class = $definition->getClass()) { if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) { $class = substr($class, 1); } $service->setAttribute('class', $class); } if (!$definition->isShared()) { $service->setAttribute('shared', 'false'); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $service->setAttribute('public', 'false'); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $service->setAttribute('synthetic', 'true'); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $service->setAttribute('lazy', 'true'); } if (null !== ($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService())) { list($decorated, $renamedId, $priority) = $decorated; $service->setAttribute('decorates', $decorated); if (null !== $renamedId) { $service->setAttribute('decoration-inner-name', $renamedId); } if (0 !== $priority) { $service->setAttribute('decoration-priority', $priority); } } foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $tag = $this->document->createElement('tag'); $tag->setAttribute('name', $name); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $tag->setAttribute($key, $value); } $service->appendChild($tag); } } if ($definition->getFile()) { $file = $this->document->createElement('file'); $file->appendChild($this->document->createTextNode($definition->getFile())); $service->appendChild($file); } if ($parameters = $definition->getArguments()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'argument', $service); } if ($parameters = $definition->getProperties()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'property', $service, 'name'); } $this->addMethodCalls($definition->getMethodCalls(), $service); if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $factory = $this->document->createElement('factory'); if (is_array($callable) && $callable[0] instanceof Definition) { $this->addService($callable[0], null, $factory); $factory->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } elseif (is_array($callable)) { $factory->setAttribute($callable[0] instanceof Reference ? 'service' : 'class', $callable[0]); $factory->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } else { $factory->setAttribute('function', $callable); } $service->appendChild($factory); } if ($definition->isDeprecated()) { $deprecated = $this->document->createElement('deprecated'); $deprecated->appendChild($this->document->createTextNode($definition->getDeprecationMessage('%service_id%'))); $service->appendChild($deprecated); } if ($definition->isAutowired()) { $service->setAttribute('autowire', 'true'); } foreach ($definition->getAutowiringTypes() as $autowiringTypeValue) { $autowiringType = $this->document->createElement('autowiring-type'); $autowiringType->appendChild($this->document->createTextNode($autowiringTypeValue)); $service->appendChild($autowiringType); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $configurator = $this->document->createElement('configurator'); if (is_array($callable) && $callable[0] instanceof Definition) { $this->addService($callable[0], null, $configurator); $configurator->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } elseif (is_array($callable)) { $configurator->setAttribute($callable[0] instanceof Reference ? 'service' : 'class', $callable[0]); $configurator->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } else { $configurator->setAttribute('function', $callable); } $service->appendChild($configurator); } $parent->appendChild($service); }
/** * Gets a service definition as PHP array. * * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition $definition * The definition to process. * * @return array * The service definition as PHP array. * * @throws \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * Thrown when the definition is marked as decorated, or with an explicit * scope different from SCOPE_CONTAINER and SCOPE_PROTOTYPE. */ protected function getServiceDefinition(Definition $definition) { $service = array(); if ($definition->getClass()) { $service['class'] = $definition->getClass(); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $service['public'] = FALSE; } if ($definition->getFile()) { $service['file'] = $definition->getFile(); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $service['synthetic'] = TRUE; } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $service['lazy'] = TRUE; } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $arguments = $definition->getArguments(); $service['arguments'] = $this->dumpCollection($arguments); $service['arguments_count'] = count($arguments); } else { $service['arguments_count'] = 0; } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $service['properties'] = $this->dumpCollection($definition->getProperties()); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $service['calls'] = $this->dumpMethodCalls($definition->getMethodCalls()); } if (($scope = $definition->getScope()) !== ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER) { if ($scope === ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) { // Scope prototype has been replaced with 'shared' => FALSE. // This is a Symfony 2.8 forward compatibility fix. // Reference: https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/2.8/UPGRADE-2.8.md#dependencyinjection $service['shared'] = FALSE; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The 'scope' definition is deprecated in Symfony 3.0 and not supported by Drupal 8."); } } // By default services are shared, so just provide the flag, when needed. if ($definition->isShared() === FALSE) { $service['shared'] = $definition->isShared(); } if (($decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService()) !== NULL) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The 'decorated' definition is not supported by the Drupal 8 run-time container. The Container Builder should have resolved that during the DecoratorServicePass compiler pass."); } if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $service['factory'] = $this->dumpCallable($callable); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $service['configurator'] = $this->dumpCallable($callable); } return $service; }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param Definition $definition * @param string $id * @param \DOMElement $parent */ private function addService($definition, $id, \DOMElement $parent) { $service = $this->document->createElement('service'); if (null !== $id) { $service->setAttribute('id', $id); } if ($definition->getClass()) { $service->setAttribute('class', $definition->getClass()); } if ($definition->getFactoryMethod()) { $service->setAttribute('factory-method', $definition->getFactoryMethod()); } if ($definition->getFactoryService()) { $service->setAttribute('factory-service', $definition->getFactoryService()); } if (ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER !== ($scope = $definition->getScope())) { $service->setAttribute('scope', $scope); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $service->setAttribute('public', 'false'); } foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $tag = $this->document->createElement('tag'); $tag->setAttribute('name', $name); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $tag->setAttribute($key, $value); } $service->appendChild($tag); } } if ($definition->getFile()) { $file = $this->document->createElement('file'); $file->appendChild($this->document->createTextNode($definition->getFile())); $service->appendChild($file); } if ($parameters = $definition->getArguments()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'argument', $service); } if ($parameters = $definition->getProperties()) { $this->convertParameters($parameters, 'property', $service, 'name'); } $this->addMethodCalls($definition->getMethodCalls(), $service); if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $configurator = $this->document->createElement('configurator'); if (is_array($callable)) { $configurator->setAttribute($callable[0] instanceof Reference ? 'service' : 'class', $callable[0]); $configurator->setAttribute('method', $callable[1]); } else { $configurator->setAttribute('function', $callable); } $service->appendChild($configurator); } $parent->appendChild($service); }
/** * Adds a service. * * @param string $id * @param Definition $definition * * @return string */ private function addService($id, $definition) { $code = " $id:\n"; if ($class = $definition->getClass()) { if ('\\' === substr($class, 0, 1)) { $class = substr($class, 1); } $code .= sprintf(" class: %s\n", $class); } if (!$definition->isPublic()) { $code .= " public: false\n"; } $tagsCode = ''; foreach ($definition->getTags() as $name => $tags) { foreach ($tags as $attributes) { $att = array(); foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { $att[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $this->dumper->dump($key), $this->dumper->dump($value)); } $att = $att ? ', '.implode(', ', $att) : ''; $tagsCode .= sprintf(" - { name: %s%s }\n", $this->dumper->dump($name), $att); } } if ($tagsCode) { $code .= " tags:\n".$tagsCode; } if ($definition->getFile()) { $code .= sprintf(" file: %s\n", $definition->getFile()); } if ($definition->isSynthetic()) { $code .= sprintf(" synthetic: true\n"); } if ($definition->isLazy()) { $code .= sprintf(" lazy: true\n"); } if ($definition->getArguments()) { $code .= sprintf(" arguments: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getArguments()), 0)); } if ($definition->getProperties()) { $code .= sprintf(" properties: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getProperties()), 0)); } if ($definition->getMethodCalls()) { $code .= sprintf(" calls:\n%s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpValue($definition->getMethodCalls()), 1, 12)); } if (!$definition->isShared()) { $code .= " shared: false\n"; } if (null !== $decorated = $definition->getDecoratedService()) { list($decorated, $renamedId, $priority) = $decorated; $code .= sprintf(" decorates: %s\n", $decorated); if (null !== $renamedId) { $code .= sprintf(" decoration_inner_name: %s\n", $renamedId); } if (0 !== $priority) { $code .= sprintf(" decoration_priority: %s\n", $priority); } } if ($callable = $definition->getFactory()) { $code .= sprintf(" factory: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } if ($callable = $definition->getConfigurator()) { $code .= sprintf(" configurator: %s\n", $this->dumper->dump($this->dumpCallable($callable), 0)); } return $code; }