/** * @Then /^(the administrator) should see that (order placed by "[^"]+") has "([^"]+)" currency$/ */ public function theAdministratorShouldSeeThatThisOrderHasBeenPlacedIn(AdminUserInterface $user, OrderInterface $order, $currency) { $this->sharedSecurityService->performActionAsAdminUser($user, function () use($order, $currency) { $this->showPage->open(['id' => $order->getId()]); Assert::same($this->showPage->getOrderCurrency(), $currency, 'The order has been placed in %s, but it was expected to be placed in %s'); }); }
/** * @Then /^(the administrator) should know about (this additional note) for (this order made by "[^"]+")$/ */ public function theCustomerServiceShouldKnowAboutThisAdditionalNotes(UserInterface $user, $note, OrderInterface $order) { $this->securityService->performActionAs($user, function () use($note, $order) { $this->showPage->open(['id' => $order->getId()]); Assert::true($this->showPage->hasNote($note), sprintf('I should see %s note, but I do not see', $note)); }); }
/** * @Then I should see :provinceName ad province in the billing address */ public function iShouldSeeAdProvinceInTheBillingAddress($provinceName) { Assert::true($this->showPage->hasBillingProvinceName($provinceName), sprintf('Cannot find shipping address with province %s', $provinceName)); }
/** * @Then its state should be :state */ public function itsStateShouldBe($state) { Assert::same($this->showPage->getOrderState(), $state, 'The order state should be %2$s, but it is %s.'); }
/** * @Then /^there should be(?:| only) (\d+) payments?$/ */ public function theOrderShouldHaveNumberOfPayments($number) { $actualNumberOfPayments = $this->showPage->getPaymentsCount(); Assert::eq($number, $actualNumberOfPayments); }