 *   @file control/edit-config.php
 *   @brief change the config file
 *   @description User Interface to change config file
 *   @author dgonzalez
 *   @date Jan 2013
 *   @todo
use SubjectsPlus\Control\Config;
//variables required in header and add header
$subcat = "admin";
$page_title = "Configuration Editing";
$use_jquery = array("ui_styles");
include "includes/header.php";
//new instance of config class
$lobjConfig = new Config();
//declare variable that stores configuration path
$lstrConfigFilePath = 'includes/config.php';
//set config file path
//echo out error message if the configuration file is not writable
if (!is_writable($lstrConfigFilePath)) {
    echo _("Sorry, but I can't write to the <code>config.php</code> file. Please change permissions.");
} else {
    /* this is a declaration of an array that contains all the options in the
     *  configuration that will be presented to the user in the HTML form to be
 *   @file control/setup-config.php
 *   @brief create the config file
 *   @description This file will help a user walk through basic options, and
 * 	 write the config file
 *   @author dgonzalez
 *   @date Jan 2013
 *   @todo
use SubjectsPlus\Control\Config;
include "includes/functions.php";
include "includes/autoloader.php";
//create an instance of the sp_config class
$lobjConfig = new Config();
//declare variable that stores configuration path
$lstrConfigFilePath = 'includes/config.php';
$lstrConfigBaseFilePath = 'includes/config-default.php';
//begin HTML document
$AssetURL = getAssetURL();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
       <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
       <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "<?php 
print $AssetURL;
    echo _('There appears to already be an installation of SubjectsPlus. To reinstall please clear old database tables first.');
			<p><a href="login.php"><?php 
    echo _('Log In');
} else {
    //options for configurations
    $lobjConfigOptions = array("omit_user_columns" => array(_("Columns To OMIT On User Form"), _("Tick the fields you would like to OMIT on the user form."), "array", "right", "ticks", array(_('title'), _('department'), _('position_number'), _('classification'), _('priority'), _('supervisor'), _('tel'), _('fax'), _('intercom'), _('room_number'), _('user_type'), _('personal_information'), _('emergency_contact')), _("The 'User Form' controls who may access SubjectsPlus and what permissions they have.  Some fields are necessary for SubjectsPlus to work; these may be safely turned off if you don't want to capture or display this information.")), "require_user_columns" => array(_("Columns To Require On User Form"), _("Tick the fields you would like to make required on the user form"), "array", "right", "ticks", array(_('title'), _('position_number'), _('classification'), _('priority'), _('tel'), _('fax'), _('intercom'), _('room_number'), _('address'), _('city'), _('state'), _('zip'), _('home_phone'), _('cell_phone'), _('lat_long'), _('emergency_contact')), _("These fields may be required, i.e., the form cannot be submitted until they are completed.")), "guide_types" => array(_("Guide Types"), _("These are the different ways you may organize your guides."), "array", "right", "large", "", _("You may add new types at any time.  If you change an existing type, you will need to update all items in subjects table by hand/SQL query.")), "all_ctags" => array(_("Record Tags"), _("These are the tags that a given record location can have associated with it."), "array", "right", "textarea", "", _("Record tags are a way of slicing and dicing the total set of records.  If you add a new tag, you will need to add new code to deal with items with this tag.  Adding a tag by itself will do nothing except make that tag show up in some places.")), "all_vtags" => array(_("Video Tags"), _("These are the tags that a given video can have associated with it. These are used for the videos module."), "array", "right", "large", "", ""), "all_tbtags" => array(_("Talkback"), _("These are the tags associated with TalkBack entries. The default is to email all talkbacks to administrator email. Edit only if you want to change that or add a branch."), "aarray", "right", "large", "", _("e.g. To make a main branch sending to admin email and branch1 branch sent to specified email -> 'main=,branch1=example@branch1.edu'")), "use_disciplines" => array(_("Use SerSol Provided Disciplines"), _("Include Serials Solutions disciplines integration."), "boolean", "right", "small", "", _("If you wish to include your SP guides in Serials Solutions' results--i.e., you have Summon--you need to use their disciplines.")), "BaseURL" => array(_("Base URL of your SubjectsPlus Installation"), _("e.g. 'http://www.yoursite.edu/library/sp/.' Make sure to include the trailing slash! <strong>If changed, you will need to log back in.</strong>"), "string", "left", "large", "", ""), "resource_name" => array(_("Name of this Resource"), _("e.g. SubjectsPlus, Research Guides"), "string", "left-bottom", "medium", "", ""), "institution_name" => array(_("Institution Name"), _("Name of your college/university/institution"), "string", "left-bottom", "medium", "", ""), "administrator" => array(_("Name of Library Administrator"), _("Name for SubjectsPlus administrator"), "string", "left-bottom", "medium", "", _("This will appear in the footer of SP pages.")), "administrator_email" => array(_("Library Administrator Email Address"), _("Email address for SubjectsPlus administrator"), "string", "left-bottom", "medium", "", _("This will appear in footer, and also be used as default email for TalkBack submissions.")), "email_key" => array(_("Email Key"), _("Ending of campus email addresses, including @ sign"), "string", "left-bottom", "medium", "", _("This allows for simpler login.")), "tel_prefix" => array(_("Telephone Prefix"), _("Prefix to prepend to telephone number for staff. Usually area code."), "string", "left-bottom", "small", "", _("Allows you to put short (non-prefixed) version of phone number on pages where space is limited.")), "hname" => array(_("MySQL Hostname"), _("This is the ip or url to your MySQL database."), "string", "left", "medium", "", _("host help?")), "uname" => array(_("MySQL Username"), _("This is the username to your MySQL database."), "string", "left", "medium", "", ""), "pword" => array(_("MySQL Password"), _("This is the password for your MySQL user."), "string", "left", "medium", "", ""), "db_port" => array(_("MySQL Port"), _("This is the port your MySQL server uses. (Default: 3306)"), "string", "left", "medium", "", ""), "dbName_SPlus" => array(_("MySQL SubjectsPlus Database"), _("Name of the SubjectsPlus database"), "string", "left", "", _("database help?")), "upload_whitelist" => array(_("List of accepted uploads' file extentions"), _("This option contains the comma-separated list of accepted file extensions for file uploads via CKEditor."), "array", "right", "large", "", _("If a file isn't in this list, it should not be uploaded.  File uploads only occur via the admin backend, using CKEditor, but this is to stop a user from doing something, uh, foolish.")), "proxyURL" => array(_("Proxy URL"), _("String which should be prepended if you use a proxy server"), "string", "right", "large", "", _("In the Records tab of SP, if you flag an item as 'restricted,' the proxy string will be prepended.")), "CKBasePath" => array(_("Base Path for CKEditor"), _("Path to CKEditor files appended to base URL"), "string", "left", "medium", "", _("CKEditor is used to generate the WYSIWYG data entry boxes.  It is bundled with SubjectsPlus under the sp/ root folder.  If you move CKEditor to another location, you will need to change this path.")));
    //new instance of config amd set path and options
    $lobjConfig = new Config();
    //depending on step, display content
    switch ($lintStep) {
        case 0:
            //first setup config with site configurations
        case 1:
            //on POST and second step, write configuration and install
            if (isset($_POST['submit_setup_site_config'])) {
                if (!$lobjConfig->writeConfigFile()) {
                    //error message
                    $lobjConfig->displayMessage(_("Something went wrong and could not save configurations."));
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "<?php 
print $AssetPath;
        <title>Error Page</title>

include "autoloader.php";
include "functions.php";
//create new config instance
$lobjConfig = new Config();
//display only if error variable exists
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
    //based on error passed
    switch ($_GET['error']) {
        //no configurations file
        case 'nofile':
            $lstrTitle = _("Configuration File Missing!");
            $lstrMessage = _("The SubjectsPlus Configurations file does not exist. Before we continue we need to setup a connection to your database.") . "<br /><a href=\"../setup-config.php?steps\">" . _("Let's make it!") . "</a>";
            $lobjConfig->displayErrorPage($lstrTitle, $lstrMessage, FALSE);
            //no bse file to make config file
        //no bse file to make config file
        case 'nobasefile':
            $lstrTitle = _("Configuration File Error!");
            $lstrMessage = _("Sorry, I need a config-default.php file to work from. Please re-upload this file from your SubjectsPlus installation.");