public function run() { cecho("\n\n"); cecho("Data validation test: " . $this->description . "...\n\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); // First, get the list of all the possible custom datatypes and their possible base datatype $customDatatypes = $this->getCustomDatatypes(); // Check for universal restriction on Datatype Properties $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from named <' . $ontology . '> '; } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?restriction ?class ?onProperty ?dataRange ' . $from . ' where { ?s a ?class. graph ?g { ?class <> ?restriction . ?restriction a <> ; <> ?onProperty ; <> ?dataRange . ?onProperty a <> . } }')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { cecho("Here is the list of all the OWL universal restrictions defined for the classes currently used in the target datasets applied on datatype properties:\n\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); $universals = array(); foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $class = $result['class']['value']; $dataRange = $result['dataRange']['value']; $onProperty = $result['onProperty']['value']; cecho(' -> Record of type "' . $class . '" has an universal restriction when using datatype property "' . $onProperty . '" with value type "' . $dataRange . '"' . "\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); if (!isset($universals[$class])) { $universals[$class] = array(); } $universals[$class][] = array('onProperty' => $onProperty, 'dataRange' => $dataRange); } cecho("\n\n"); foreach ($universals as $class => $univs) { foreach ($univs as $universal) { $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from <' . $ontology . '> '; } $datatypeFilter = ''; // Here, if rdfs:Literal is used, we have to filter for xsd:string also since it is the default // used by Virtuoso... if (!empty($universal['dataRange'])) { if ($universal['dataRange'] == '') { $datatypeFilter = 'filter((str(datatype(?value)) != \'\' && str(datatype(?value)) != \'\') && ?onProperty in (<' . $universal['onProperty'] . '>))'; } else { if (!empty($customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']])) { if ($customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] === '') { $datatypeFilter = 'filter((str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] . '\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'\') && ?onProperty in (<' . $universal['onProperty'] . '>))'; } else { $datatypeFilter = 'filter((str(datatype(?value)) != \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\' && str(datatype(?value)) != \'' . $customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] . '\') && ?onProperty in (<' . $universal['onProperty'] . '>))'; } } else { $datatypeFilter = 'filter((str(datatype(?value)) != \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\') && ?onProperty in (<' . $universal['onProperty'] . '>))'; } } } // With this query, we make sure that if we have a universal restriction for that property and class // that all the values uses the specified datatype. Otherwise, we return the ones that doesn't. $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select ?s ' . $from . ' where { ?s a <' . $class . '> . ?s ?onProperty ?value . ' . $datatypeFilter . ' } ')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $subject = $result['s']['value']; cecho(' -> record: ' . $subject . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); cecho(' -> property: ' . $universal['onProperty'] . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-100', 'type' => 'error', 'invalidRecordURI' => $subject, 'invalidPropertyURI' => $universal['onProperty'], 'dataRange' => $universal['dataRange']); } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the number of properties per record from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); // Error: can't get the number of properties used per record $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-51', 'type' => 'warning'); } // Now let's make sure that there is at least one triple where the value belongs // to the defined datatype $values = array(); if (!empty($universal['dataRange'])) { if ($universal['dataRange'] == '') { $datatypeFilter = 'filter(str(datatype(?value)) = \'\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'\')'; } else { if (!empty($customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']])) { if ($customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] === '') { $datatypeFilter = 'filter(str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] . '\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'\')'; } else { $datatypeFilter = 'filter(str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\' || str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $customDatatypes[$universal['dataRange']] . '\' )'; } } else { $datatypeFilter = 'filter(str(datatype(?value)) = \'' . $universal['dataRange'] . '\')'; } } } $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?value ?s ' . $from . ' where { ?s a <' . $class . '> ; <' . $universal['onProperty'] . '> ?value. ' . $datatypeFilter . ' }')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); $values = array(); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $value = $result['value']['value']; $s = ''; if (isset($result['s'])) { $s = $result['s']['value']; } $values[] = array('value' => $value, 'type' => $universal['dataRange'], 'affectedRecord' => $s); } } // For each value/type(s), we do validate that the range is valid // We just need to get one triple where the value comply with the defined datatype // to have this check validated foreach ($values as $value) { // First, check if we have a type defined for the value. If not, then we infer it is rdfs:Literal if (empty($value['type'])) { $value['type'] = array(''); } // If then match, then we make sure that the value is valid according to the // internal Check datatype validation tests $datatypeValidationError = FALSE; switch ($value['type']) { case "": if (!$this->validateAnySimpleType($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateBase64Binary($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateBoolean($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateByte($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDateTimeStampISO8601($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDateTimeISO8601($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDecimal($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDouble($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateFloat($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateHexBinary($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateInt($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateLanguage($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateLong($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateName($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNCName($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNegativeInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNMTOKEN($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNonNegativeInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNonPositiveInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNormalizedString($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validatePlainLiteral($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validatePositiveInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateShort($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateString($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateToken($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedByte($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedInt($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedLong($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedShort($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateXMLLiteral($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateAnyURI($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; default: // Custom type, try to validate it according to the // description of that custom datatype within the // ontology if (!$this->validateCustomDatatype($value['type'], $value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; } if ($datatypeValidationError === TRUE) { cecho(' -> Couldn\'t validate that this value: "' . $value['value'] . '" belong to the datatype "' . $universal['dataRange'] . '"' . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); cecho(' -> Affected record: "' . $value['affectedRecord'] . '"' . "\n", 'YELLOW'); // If it doesn't match, then we report an error directly $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-102', 'type' => 'error', 'datatypeProperty' => $universal['onProperty'], 'expectedDatatype' => $universal['dataRange'], 'invalidValue' => $value['value'], 'affectedRecord' => $value['affectedRecord']); } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of values for the {$datatypePropety} property\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-54', 'type' => 'warning'); } } } if (count($this->errors) <= 0) { cecho("\n\n All records respects the universal restrictions cardinality specified in the ontologies...\n\n\n", 'LIGHT_GREEN'); } } else { cecho("No classes have any universal restriction cardinality defined in any ontologies. Move on to the next check...\n\n\n", 'LIGHT_GREEN'); } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of universal restriction from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); // Error: can't get the list of retrictions $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-50', 'type' => 'warning'); } // Check for universal restriction on Object Properties $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from named <' . $ontology . '> '; } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?restriction ?class ?onProperty ?classExpression ' . $from . ' where { ?s a ?class. graph ?g { ?class <> ?restriction . ?restriction a <> ; <> ?onProperty ; <> ?classExpression . ?onProperty a <> . } }')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { cecho("Here is the list of all the OWL universal restrictions defined for the classes currently used in the target datasets applied on object properties:\n\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); $universals = array(); foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $class = $result['class']['value']; $onProperty = $result['onProperty']['value']; $classExpression = $result['classExpression']['value']; cecho(' -> Record of type "' . $class . '" have an universal restriction when using object property "' . $onProperty . '"' . "\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); if (!isset($universals[$class])) { $universals[$class] = array(); } $universals[$class][] = array('onProperty' => $onProperty, 'classExpression' => $classExpression); } cecho("\n\n"); foreach ($universals as $class => $univs) { foreach ($univs as $universal) { $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from <' . $ontology . '> '; } $classExpressionFilter = ''; if (!empty($universal['classExpression']) && $universal['classExpression'] != '') { $subClasses = array($universal['classExpression']); // Get all the classes that belong to the class expression defined in this restriction $getSubClassesFunction = new GetSubClassesFunction(); $getSubClassesFunction->getClassesUris()->allSubClasses()->uri($universal['classExpression']); $ontologyRead = new OntologyReadQuery($this->network); $ontologyRead->ontology($this->getClassOntology($universal['classExpression']))->getSubClasses($getSubClassesFunction)->enableReasoner()->mime('resultset')->send(); if ($ontologyRead->isSuccessful()) { $resultset = $ontologyRead->getResultset()->getResultset(); $subClasses = array_merge($subClasses, array_keys($resultset['unspecified'])); if (!empty($subClasses)) { $filter = ''; foreach ($subClasses as $subClass) { $filter .= ' str(?value_type) = "' . $subClass . '" ||'; } $classExpressionFilter .= " filter(" . trim(trim($filter, '||')) . ") \n"; } } else { cecho("We couldn't get sub-classes of class expression from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); // Error: can't get the subclasses of a target ontology $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-53', 'type' => 'warning'); } } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select ?s ' . $from . ' where { ?s a <' . $class . '> . ?s <' . $universal['onProperty'] . '> ?value . filter not exists { ?value a ?value_type . ' . $classExpressionFilter . ' } } ')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $subject = $result['s']['value']; cecho(' -> record: ' . $subject . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); cecho(' -> property: ' . $universal['onProperty'] . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-101', 'type' => 'error', 'invalidRecordURI' => $subject, 'invalidPropertyURI' => $universal['onProperty'], 'classExpression' => $universal['classExpression']); } } } else { cecho("We couldn't check if the universal restriction was respected from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-53', 'type' => 'warning'); } } if (count($this->errors) <= 0) { cecho("\n\n All records respects the universal restrictions specified in the ontologies...\n\n\n", 'LIGHT_GREEN'); } } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the number of object properties used per record from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); // Error: can't get the number of object properties used per record $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OWL-RESTRICTION-ONLY-52', 'type' => 'warning'); } }
public function run() { cecho("\n\n"); cecho("Data validation test: " . $this->description . "...\n\n", 'LIGHT_BLUE'); $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from named <' . $dataset . '> '; } foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from <' . $ontology . '> '; } // Get the list of all the datatype properties used within the datasets $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?p ?range ' . $from . ' where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o . filter(!isIRI(?o)) } optional { ?p <> ?range . } }')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { $datatypeProperties = array(); $thereAreEmptyRanges = FALSE; foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $datatypeProperty = $result['p']['value']; $datatypeProperties[$datatypeProperty] = ''; if (isset($result['range'])) { $datatypeProperties[$datatypeProperty] = $result['range']['value']; } else { $thereAreEmptyRanges = TRUE; } } // Display warnings if ($thereAreEmptyRanges) { cecho("The following datatype properties are used to describe records, but their datatype range is not specified in the ontologies. No further checks are performed against these datatype properties, but you may want to define it further and re-run this check:\n", 'YELLOW'); foreach ($datatypeProperties as $datatypeProperty => $range) { if (empty($range)) { cecho(' -> object property: ' . $datatypeProperty . "\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'DATATYPE-PROPERTIES-DATATYPE-50', 'type' => 'warning', 'datatypeProperty' => $datatypeProperty); } } } // Now, for each datatype properties that have a datatype range defined, // we: // // (a) List all values used for a given property // (b) For each of these values, make sure they comply with what is defined in the ontology as // the range of the property // (c) Then make sure that the value is valid according to the validators defined in this Check foreach ($datatypeProperties as $datatypeProperty => $range) { // If the range is empty, don't validate anything further // We consider the values of time rdfs:Literal if (!empty($range) && $range != '') { $values = array(); $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?value datatype(?value) as ?value_type ?s ' . $from . ' where { ?s <' . $datatypeProperty . '> ?value. filter(!isIRI(?value)) }')->send(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); $values = array(); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $value = $result['value']['value']; $type = ''; if (isset($result['value_type'])) { $type = $result['value_type']['value']; } $s = ''; if (isset($result['s'])) { $s = $result['s']['value']; } $values[] = array('value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'affectedRecord' => $s); } } // For each value/type(s), we do validate that the range is valid foreach ($values as $value) { // First, check if we have a type defined for the value. If not, then we infer it is rdfs:Literal if (empty($value['type'])) { $value['type'] = array(''); } // Then, check if the $range and the $value['type'] directly match // Note: Here we check if xsd:string is defined, if it is, then we ignore. // This is required since if no datatype is specified in the RDF document // Virtuoso is considering it to be a xsd:string if ($range != $value['type'] && $value['type'] != '') { // Here we need to take a few exceptions into account. // Virtuoso does internally change a few defined datatype into xsd:int (or others) when equivalent. // We have to mute such "false positive" errors if (!($range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '' || $range == '' && $value['type'] == '')) { cecho(' -> Datatype property "' . $datatypeProperty . '" doesn\'t match datatype range "' . $range . '" for value \'' . $value['value'] . '\' with defined type \'' . $value['type'] . '\' ' . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); // If it doesn't match, then we report an error directly $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'DATATYPE-PROPERTIES-DATATYPE-100', 'type' => 'error', 'datatypeProperty' => $datatypeProperty, 'expectedDatatype' => $range, 'valueDatatype' => $value['type'], 'value' => $value['value'], 'affectedRecord' => $value['affectedRecord']); continue; } } // If then match, then we make sure that the value is valid according to the // internal Check datatype validation tests $datatypeValidationError = FALSE; switch ($range) { case "": if (!$this->validateAnySimpleType($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateBase64Binary($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateBoolean($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateByte($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDateTimeStampISO8601($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDateTimeISO8601($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDecimal($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateDouble($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateFloat($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateHexBinary($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateInt($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateLanguage($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateLong($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateName($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNCName($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNegativeInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNMTOKEN($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNonNegativeInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNonPositiveInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateNormalizedString($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validatePlainLiteral($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validatePositiveInteger($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateShort($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateString($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateToken($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedByte($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedInt($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedLong($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateUnsignedShort($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateXMLLiteral($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; case "": if (!$this->validateAnyURI($value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; default: // Custom type, try to validate it according to the // description of that custom datatype within the // ontology if (!$this->validateCustomDatatype($value['type'], $value['value'])) { $datatypeValidationError = TRUE; } break; } if ($datatypeValidationError) { cecho(' -> Datatype property "' . $datatypeProperty . '" does match datatype range "' . $range . '" for value \'' . $value['value'] . '\' but an invalid value as been specified ' . "\n", 'LIGHT_RED'); // If it doesn't match, then we report an error directly $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'DATATYPE-PROPERTIES-DATATYPE-101', 'type' => 'error', 'datatypeProperty' => $datatypeProperty, 'expectedDatatype' => $range, 'valueDatatype' => $value['type'], 'invalidValue' => $value['value'], 'affectedRecord' => $value['affectedRecord']); } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of values for the {$datatypePropety} property\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'DATATYPE-PROPERTIES-DATATYPE-52', 'type' => 'warning'); } } } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of datatype properties from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'DATATYPE-PROPERTIES-DATATYPE-51', 'type' => 'warning'); } }
protected function getCustomDatatypes() { $sparql = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkUsingOntologies as $ontology) { $from .= 'from <' . $ontology . '> '; } $sparql->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select ?customDatatype ?baseDatatype ' . $from . ' where { ?customDatatype a <> ; <> ?baseDatatype . }')->send(); $customDatatypes = array(); if ($sparql->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparql->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $customDatatype = $result['customDatatype']['value']; $baseDatatype = $result['baseDatatype']['value']; $customDatatypes[$customDatatype] = $baseDatatype; } } } else { // Error } return $customDatatypes; }
private function getAffectedRecords($uri) { $affectedRecords = array(); $sparqlAffectedRecords = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from named <' . $dataset . '> '; } $sparqlAffectedRecords->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?s ?g ' . $from . ' where { graph ?g { ?s ?p <' . $uri . '> . } }')->send(); if ($sparqlAffectedRecords->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparqlAffectedRecords->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $s = $result['s']['value']; $g = $result['g']['value']; if (!isset($affectedRecords[$g])) { $affectedRecords[$g] = array(); } $affectedRecords[$g][] = $s; } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of affected records from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'URI-EXISTENCE-51', 'type' => 'warning'); } return $affectedRecords; }
private function getAffectedRecords($objectProperty, $value) { $affectedRecords = array(); $sparqlAffectedRecords = new SparqlQuery($this->network); $from = ''; foreach ($this->checkOnDatasets as $dataset) { $from .= 'from <' . $dataset . '> '; } $sparqlAffectedRecords->mime("application/sparql-results+json")->query('select distinct ?s ' . $from . ' where { ?s <' . $objectProperty . '> <' . $value . '>. }')->send(); if ($sparqlAffectedRecords->isSuccessful()) { $results = json_decode($sparqlAffectedRecords->getResultset(), TRUE); if (isset($results['results']['bindings']) && count($results['results']['bindings']) > 0) { foreach ($results['results']['bindings'] as $result) { $s = $result['s']['value']; $affectedRecords[] = $s; } } } else { cecho("We couldn't get the list of affected records from the structWSF instance\n", 'YELLOW'); $this->errors[] = array('id' => 'OBJECT-PROPERTIES-RANGE-55', 'type' => 'warning'); } return $affectedRecords; }