  * Configures the module.
 public function configure()
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     foreach (['source', 'namespace', 'templates', 'output_dir', 'verbose'] as $key) {
         $this->container->setParameter('docs.' . $key, $config->get($key));
     $this->container->setParameter('docs.source', $config->get('source'));
  * Configures the module.
 public function configure()
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $this->container->setParameter('blog.data_file', $config->get('data_file'));
     $this->container->setParameter('blog.articles_dir', $config->get('articles_dir'));
     $this->container->setParameter('blog.template', $config->get('template'));
     $this->container->setParameter('blog.target_dir', $config->get('target_dir'));
 public function configure()
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     // copy some params from config to container
     $this->container->setParameter('form.simple_handler.http_code_key', $config->get('ajax.json.http_code_key'));
     $this->container->setParameter('filestorage.simple.parent_dir', $config->get('filestorage.simple.web') ? '%web_dir%' : '%root_dir%');
     $this->container->setParameter('filestorage.simple.dir', $config->get('filestorage.simple.dir'));
     // conditional configurations
     if ($config->get('router.use_request')) {
     if ($config->get('ajax.enable')) {
     if ($config->get('databridge.enable')) {
     if ($config->get('mailer.enable')) {
  * This method is called on the module during configuration phase so you can register any services,
  * listeners etc here.
  * It should not contain any logic, just wiring things together.
  * If the module contains any routes they should be registered here.
 public function configure()
  * Configures a module in context of the given application.
  * @param  AbstractModule      $module      Module to be configured.
  * @param  AbstractApplication $application Application for which this module should be configured.
  * @param  string              $env         [optional] Environment in which the application is running. Default: `dev`.
  * @param  boolean             $debug       [optional] Debug mode status for the application. Default: `true`.
 public function configureModule(AbstractModule $module, AbstractApplication $application, $env = 'dev', $debug = true)
     $container = $application->getContainer();
     $config = $application->getConfig();
     // define config for the module
     $container->register('config.' . $module->getName(), array('extends' => 'config_module.abstract'));
     // add method calls to load appropriate config files to the definition
     $configDefinition = $container->getDefinition('config.' . $module->getName());
     $configDir = rtrim($module->getConfigDir(), DS);
     $configFiles = array_merge(FilesystemUtils::glob($configDir . '/config.{yml,yaml,php}', GLOB_BRACE), FilesystemUtils::glob($configDir . '/config.' . $env . '.{yml,yaml,php}', GLOB_BRACE));
     foreach ($configFiles as $file) {
         $configDefinition->addMethodCall('loadFromFile', array($file));
     // add method call to apply the config from the application config
     $configDefinition->addMethodCall('apply', array($config->getNamespace($module->getName())));
     // let it configure itself